Legalizing drugs = More Democrats...Careful what you wish for.

I disagree...legalizing a substance makes it more accessible and usage normalized.
Taxpayers will throw money at it either way. On the front end to fight traffickers and dealers or on the back end for treatment, care, unemployment rate, welfare dependency and criminality.

Here in Mexifornia wetback cartels are buying properties in residential neighborhoods and converting homes into grow houses. It’s happening all’s the American way, mitigate one problem and create another. Cartels aren’t trafficking weed across the border, now they’re growing it in the house nextdoor to you.
We’ve created another reason for only the worst wetbacks to invade.

Look, it’s really no secret, if tomorrow it became legal to drive intoxicated we would have more intoxicated drivers on the roadways. If there were no speed limits more people would speed. We are encouraging a larger number of drug users. That’s just the way shit works and there’s no way to spin it.
How would those "wetback cartels" be purchasing properties and turning them into grow operations, without the defacto price supports that the "war" on (some) drugs provide?....Why are you supporting the very laws that make this possible?

Do you have any idea at all how markets in general, and black markets in particular, work?

Look bud, I’ve found there is no point in debating this issue with users. NO frequent user wants weed illegal...that’s a no-brainer. They’ll dismiss their ability to reason to justify their habit.
So now polls are meaningful?

No...for some clowns they represent fact.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.

Actually, the countries which have legalized drugs have FEWER drug users. There are no pushers encouraging people to start using, so the numbers go DOWN, not up. And since those addicted don't have to pay pusher prices and can get heroin for cheap, crimes like robbery, break and enters, and other means of getting enough money to support their habits, also goes DOWN.

Once people are able to be productive and support themselves, it becomes easier for them to get off the drugs and just be productive members of society.

Do these countries you speak of have 50-100 million thirdworld wetbacks and tons of taxpayer dependent Negroes?

Yours doesn't either, but it does have a faction of liars and fear mongers who keep pretending it does. Despite systemic racism and attempts to marginalize and displace them in many jurisdictions, only 22% of black people are poor, which means that 78% of black people are thriving productive members of society.

An even smaller percentage of Hispanics are poor - 20%, which means that 80% of Hispanics are not a drain on the public purse at all. Yes, only 9% of white Americans, but they make up 70% of the population.

So your numbers are just wrong. You assume that all non-whites are poor. It's almost impossible to believe that you live in the United States because if you ever left your house you would know you're lying. Go back under the rock you crawled out from under. We're tired of you Russian bots pushing your bullshit racist lies.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?
loser is someone who thinks only democrats do drugs...

Nah, I’m just sane enough to know that those who come from good families, don’t have daddy issues, understand consequences, are accountable and ambitious tend to be Republican minded...Mexicrats on the other hand...well, you can connect the dots. I’ll venture a guess the number of Liberals doing drugs far exceeds the number of conservatives doing drugs...would you debate that?
yea i would....

so were is the numbers showing how many republicans use drugs as compared to democrats?...this chart is just about pot....and this chart shows that just about half of the republicans are for it being you know what that number was 15 years ago compared to now?...
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.

Actually, the countries which have legalized drugs have FEWER drug users. There are no pushers encouraging people to start using, so the numbers go DOWN, not up. And since those addicted don't have to pay pusher prices and can get heroin for cheap, crimes like robbery, break and enters, and other means of getting enough money to support their habits, also goes DOWN.

Once people are able to be productive and support themselves, it becomes easier for them to get off the drugs and just be productive members of society.

Do these countries you speak of have 50-100 million thirdworld wetbacks and tons of taxpayer dependent Negroes?

Yours doesn't either, but it does have a faction of liars and fear mongers who keep pretending it does. Despite systemic racism and attempts to marginalize and displace them in many jurisdictions, only 22% of black people are poor, which means that 78% of black people are thriving productive members of society.

An even smaller percentage of Hispanics are poor - 20%, which means that 80% of Hispanics are not a drain on the public purse at all. Yes, only 9% of white Americans, but they make up 70% of the population.

So your numbers are just wrong. You assume that all non-whites are poor. It's almost impossible to believe that you live in the United States because if you ever left your house you would know you're lying. Go back under the rock you crawled out from under. We're tired of you Russian bots pushing your bullshit racist lies.
Argue with those harvesting the data there crazy cat lady.
Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

No...for some clowns they represent fact.
Well, at least you're owning up to being a clown...We got that going for us, which is nice.

No no...lowlife, lifestyle stoners like you are the filth and clown I speak of.
I'm not a stoner, just someone who understands that foolish gubmint programs always -yes always- end up causing more problems than they pretend to solve...The "war" on (some) drugs is no different....I also recognize recycled moonbat arguments when I see them...."But this time, we can make foolhardy central planner programs work!"

Irrational and myopic schmucks like you are exactly why I left the GOP over two decades ago.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?
loser is someone who thinks only democrats do drugs...

Nah, I’m just sane enough to know that those who come from good families, don’t have daddy issues, understand consequences, are accountable and ambitious tend to be Republican minded...Mexicrats on the other hand...well, you can connect the dots. I’ll venture a guess the number of Liberals doing drugs far exceeds the number of conservatives doing drugs...would you debate that?
yea i would....

so were is the numbers showing how many republicans use drugs as compared to democrats?...this chart is just about pot....and this chart shows that just about half of the republicans are for it being you know what that number was 15 years ago compared to now?...

You might have to use all 22 of your iQ points and connect the dots bud.
We vote on our own

No...for some clowns they represent fact.
Well, at least you're owning up to being a clown...We got that going for us, which is nice.

No no...lowlife, lifestyle stoners like you are the filth and clown I speak of.
I'm not a stoner, just someone who understands that foolish gubmint programs always -yes always- end up causing more problems than they pretend to solve...The "war" on (some) drugs is no different....I also recognize recycled moonbat arguments when I see them...."But this time, we can make foolhardy central planner programs work!"

Irrational and myopic schmucks like you are exactly why I left the GOP over two decades ago.

I call are a stoner.
Like I said...the data is there, but you lowlifes won’t pay attention to need your weed. I totally get it.
Trust me, if I were owned by a habit I would be right there with you weak minded pussies.
Legal drugs = More drug users = More taxpayer dependent degenerates = More Democrats.
So, I take it that the only thing preventing you from taking drugs are the laws against them, huh?
loser is someone who thinks only democrats do drugs...

He said he did weed himself.

Let's be honest, it's mostly democrats.
is it? many good old republicans will admit in public they smoke pot?...i at one time got high with a very conservative pretty religious guy who told us please dont let his family get any idea of him doing this,........they just might disown him,but he enjoyed taking a hit or many conservatives like him are out there? lets put doing many wealthy conservatives do cocaine or speed or other drugs out there? you think they will tell you they do?...

"We have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods, which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."



but no sendingthe hypocrite oxyboy to prison....

Limbaugh Deal Avoids Drug Prosecution, Defense Says


Cool story found a needle in a haystack. I’m sure you changed everybody’s mind.
You must be the dumbest person on this message board. You're the village idiot of the board. Just like you got embarrassed and caught telling provable lies on your "talking points" thread, you are again wrong here. This is too easy ALL REPUBLICANS:

1. Trey Radel claims to be the first US member of Congress to ever be busted for cocaine possession. That sounds plausible, though it’s impossible to fact-check. What’s certain is that Radel, elected in 2012, was a media-savvy rising star in the Republican Party

2. Republican congressman's son arrested on meth and gun charges

3. Republican New York State assemblyman, Steven Katz, proved to be a hypocrite of the worst kind when he was arrested for possession of marijuana, despite his staunch anti-drug stand. In March 2013, he received a ticket and probation, but no jail time.

4. Dustin Grubbs, Mayor of Poulan Georgia- This Republican was arrested for drug possession in September 2012. After being pulled over for a routine traffic stop because his utility trailer had no tag, police found a plastic bag containing 57 pills, including Vicodin and Oxycontin. A gun was also found in the truck, which led to an additional charge of possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime.

5. Denny Sparks, Mayor of Olive Hill Kentucky - Sparks was arrested in November 2012 for allegedly selling pot to a police informant—in the parking lot of an elementary school, no less. The arrest came after an interdepartmental task force had investigated Sparks’ activities over several weeks. He was charged with felony trafficking in marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school.

There's plenty more of them as well.
loser is someone who thinks only democrats do drugs...

Nah, I’m just sane enough to know that those who come from good families, don’t have daddy issues, understand consequences, are accountable and ambitious tend to be Republican minded...Mexicrats on the other hand...well, you can connect the dots. I’ll venture a guess the number of Liberals doing drugs far exceeds the number of conservatives doing drugs...would you debate that?
yea i would....

so were is the numbers showing how many republicans use drugs as compared to democrats?...this chart is just about pot....and this chart shows that just about half of the republicans are for it being you know what that number was 15 years ago compared to now?...

You might have to use all 22 of your iQ points and connect the dots bud.
We vote on our own
really? no debating this with you then....that graph told you everything you need to know?..i answered your question,so were is this debate you talked about?...
I call are a stoner.
Like I said...the data is there, but you lowlifes won’t pay attention to need your weed. I totally get it.
Trust me, if I were owned by a habit I would be right there with you weak minded pussies.
So you've run out of intellectual ammo, huh?

View attachment 230803

“Irrational and myopic schmucks like you are exactly why I left the GOP over two decades ago.” left the GOP because you hate expectations, accountability, meeting a firm moral standard, a level of normalcy and conformity. Like Windparadox you fucked your life up, became a piece of shit on some level and you feel don’t feel that you can fit in. I get it. Seen it a million times before.

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