Legally armed citizens urged to act as deterrents against mass shootings, terrorism


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Even in the face of a terrorist massacre, a true massacre the Senate can't come together. Harry Reid should be put in the nursing home he so deserves. What a thing for a Senator to say.

Armed citizenry seen as mass-shooting, terrorism deterrent

While Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, decried Republicans for being “complicit” in recent mass shootings, several law enforcement authorities said Thursday that there is a case to be made that licensed gun owners may act as deterrents to mass shooters.
Well everyone knows that. An old man with a cane saved a cop who was struggling with an attacker who had got his gun.

The old man put a gun to the meth head and said get off the cop. He didn't so the meth head had his head blown off

He's right. Time for us to arm ourselves and stop this shit before more than ONE person gets killed. And ONE is too many.
Not sure how it will work out with Obama's kumbya foreign policy and blame the white guy domestic policy.
Why worry about the ands ifs and buts? If someone is shooting a shitload of people and you are armed....shoot back. If I did that and wound up least I went out not cowering and at the mercy of some schmuck. And hopefully saved a few while doing it.
Why worry about the ands ifs and buts? If someone is shooting a shitload of people and you are armed....shoot back. If I did that and wound up least I went out not cowering and at the mercy of some schmuck. And hopefully saved a few while doing it.

I think in a ideal world what you are saying is true. But what if there is a jihadist that someone thinks is going to do harm and the person opens up and kills people other then the jihadist? That would always be my fear. That said I do run scenarios through my head about what I would want to do in such situations. I pray to God Almighty that I never find out what i really will do.
These gun free zones are a joke just like drug free zones.. It is like a carnival shooting gallery, killing them off one by one.
Legally armed citizens are doing the shooting and terrorism.
"Armed citizenry seen as mass-shooting, terrorism deterrent"

That's reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted – completely devoid of fact, evidence, or merit.

The Second Amendment acknowledges the right of citizens to carry firearms for lawful self-defense, not act in the capacity of 'law enforcement.'

Not only would such a 'policy' fail to 'deter' mass shootings, but it would result in even more innocent people being killed.
Why worry about the ands ifs and buts? If someone is shooting a shitload of people and you are armed....shoot back. If I did that and wound up least I went out not cowering and at the mercy of some schmuck. And hopefully saved a few while doing it.

I think in a ideal world what you are saying is true. But what if there is a jihadist that someone thinks is going to do harm and the person opens up and kills people other then the jihadist? That would always be my fear. That said I do run scenarios through my head about what I would want to do in such situations. I pray to God Almighty that I never find out what i really will do.
Too much thinking. Act on what is around you.
For example...YOU were in paris at a nightclub you saved years to do. So you fly over there, are having a good time, and some assholes up on the balconey start shooting people. The ones on your left drop dead. The ones on your right are hiding under a table but wounded. You are armed. In fact...quite a few folks are armed. Don't you automatically aim UP at the ones with rifles shooting those around you?
Worry about who you may have accidentally shot while saving hundreds of others, AFTER the assholes are dead or fleeing the scene, says I.
Anyone claiming to be a jihadist IS going to harm others. That is what jihad is!
Why worry about the ands ifs and buts? If someone is shooting a shitload of people and you are armed....shoot back. If I did that and wound up least I went out not cowering and at the mercy of some schmuck. And hopefully saved a few while doing it.

I think in a ideal world what you are saying is true. But what if there is a jihadist that someone thinks is going to do harm and the person opens up and kills people other then the jihadist? That would always be my fear. That said I do run scenarios through my head about what I would want to do in such situations. I pray to God Almighty that I never find out what i really will do.
Too much thinking. Act on what is around you.
For example...YOU were in paris at a nightclub you saved years to do. So you fly over there, are having a good time, and some assholes up on the balconey start shooting people. The ones on your left drop dead. The ones on your right are hiding under a table but wounded. You are armed. In fact...quite a few folks are armed. Don't you automatically aim UP at the ones with rifles shooting those around you?
Worry about who you may have accidentally shot while saving hundreds of others, AFTER the assholes are dead or fleeing the scene, says I.
Anyone claiming to be a jihadist IS going to harm others. That is what jihad is!

Of course in the scenario you lay out it is better to shoot then not. In mine no one has shot but YOU. Don't you think there may be law suits if you start killing folks? I am thinking there would need to be some law that protects a person if they acted in good faith.
Legally armed citizens urged to act as deterrents against mass shootings, terrorism

Too bad we law-abiding citizens aren't allowed to bring our guns into schools, offices, govt buildings, stadiums, theaters etc.

That's where most of these shootings occur, you know.

How typical of a liberal government.

They forbid us to carry our weapons where the mass shooters go, and then say, "Now defend yourself against those mass shooters."

Boy, am I glad I elected THOSE officials.

They not only fail to protect my rights. They also forbid me to protect my own life, liberty, etc.

Liberals call this "good government".
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He's right. Time for us to arm ourselves and stop this shit before more than ONE person gets killed. And ONE is too many.

I agree and its a good thing loads of Americans are armed and not afraid to shoot.

I think those terrorists bastards will be in for a surprise when they attack and the people they attack pull out guns and shoot back.

Easy to kill unarmed civilians like they did in Paris. Not so easy when your prey shoots the fuck back.
"Armed citizenry seen as mass-shooting, terrorism deterrent"

That's reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted – completely devoid of fact, evidence, or merit.

The Second Amendment acknowledges the right of citizens to carry firearms for lawful self-defense, not act in the capacity of 'law enforcement.'

Not only would such a 'policy' fail to 'deter' mass shootings, but it would result in even more innocent people being killed.

God your an idiot. Just the kind of idiot terrorists love.
More Americans have guns than ever before.

And we are having more mass killings than ever before.

If you gun nutters who think you are John Wayne abd Rambo rolled into one, would get out of your hidy hole, maybe you could stop one of these shooters.

Please don.t tell me you follow those Gun Free zone signs? Why you think they call it Conceled Carry?
Legally armed citizens urged to act as deterrents against mass shootings, terrorism

Too bad we law-abiding citizens aren't allowed to bring our guns into schools, offices, govt buildings, stadiums, theaters etc.

That's where most of these shootings occur, you know.

How typical of a liberal government.

They forbid us to carry our weapons where the mass shooters go, and then say, "Now defend yourself against those mass shooters."

Boy, am I glad I elected THOSE officials.

They not only fail to protect my rights. They also forbid me to protect my own life, liberty, etc.

Liberals call this "good government".

I am all for gun control. Gun control in the form of, if you own one you damn well better control it. If you want to carry everywhere, fine, then control the gun so a bad guy doesn't get it. Which, if someone knows you have a gun is pert near impossible. Where I work we have guards that carry ARs and they are by themselves a lot. How hard would it be for a would be assailant to take their gun? If there were a real threat I would think these guys would be very paranoid. I guess what they really do by walking around is keeping the honest people more honest.
"Armed citizenry seen as mass-shooting, terrorism deterrent"

That's reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted – completely devoid of fact, evidence, or merit.

The Second Amendment acknowledges the right of citizens to carry firearms for lawful self-defense, not act in the capacity of 'law enforcement.'

Not only would such a 'policy' fail to 'deter' mass shootings, but it would result in even more innocent people being killed.

Citizens do not give up their ability to either arrest criminals or prevent crime to the police. The only difference between a police officer and another citizen is they have the ability to arrest others without worry of prosecution if they arrest a person wrongly (as long as they follow proper procedure).

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