Lesbians Look to Boot Boy Scouts From Own Facilities

Oh of course... just WALTZ AROUND KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF *CHIRSTIANS*, because they DARE say something NEGATIVE about you liberals BELOVED HOMOS.

At least us "Christians" can rest assured that we share the same opinion of the vast majority of people on earth about the PERVERTED, DISGUSTING, DANGEROUS lifestyle you people love so much known as HOMOSEXUALITY.

Who in their right mind defends immorality? Who defends perversion? Who defends unnatural sexual acts? Who defends the work of the DEVIL? Liberals.

The site did clear up who the antichrists are...anyone that doesn't follow Christ, including anyone that isn't a fundamentalist. Funny thing is that these people bear false witness so I have become convinced that the most un-Christ-like people of all are the ones that call themselves Christians.


The site did clear up who the antichrists are...anyone that doesn't follow Christ, including anyone that isn't a fundamentalist. Funny thing is that these people bear false witness so I have become convinced that the most un-Christ-like people of all are the ones that call themselves Christians.


you're easily led.
Will a boy be expelled from the Boy Scouts if he comes out of the closet?

depends on the troop. we had a kid tell us he was gay. we all shrugged and kept our mouths shut. he became an eagle and is still involved. another troop might handle it differently, but we all felt it was nobody's business.

Glad to hear that. I know some of the troops in my area were embarrassed by the whole BSA case and were trying to show everyone that they were inclusive of everyone.
What do you call Christian sodomites?

And btw, you never answered, what is an antichrist?
I really did not feel a need to answer stupid questions.

You have already been given the legal definition of what a sodomite is. Evidently you like the definition from the Bible.
Pronunciation; kä·dashe'

1) male temple prostitute

5 references, sodomite, 1 unclean

Anti is against so it is pretty obvious that an antichrist is one who is against Christ is it not?
Oh of course... just WALTZ AROUND KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF *CHIRSTIANS*, because they DARE say something NEGATIVE about you liberals BELOVED HOMOS.

At least us "Christians" can rest assured that we share the same opinion of the vast majority of people on earth about the PERVERTED, DISGUSTING, DANGEROUS lifestyle you people love so much known as HOMOSEXUALITY.

Who in their right mind defends immorality? Who defends perversion? Who defends unnatural sexual acts? Who defends the work of the DEVIL? Liberals.

You can say whatever the fuck you want to say about fags.. on your own private property.

deal with it. Or, take your fucking ass to Saudi Arabia where you will have an open ear when suggesting what to do with gay populations. Your opinion of immoratily means two things: Jack and shit.

the devil. Didn't your kind die off in the 80s after Geraldo became a bit more interested in ratings than reality?
It appears that harassing people is fine if the sodomites do it to the Christians.

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Sodomites Attack Donors to Yes-on-Marriage Amendment
Issue Date: March/April 2009

As America continues to legalize sin, those committed to evil become more bold in attacking people standing for righteousness.

This was demonstrated recently by the sodomite thugs who attacked donors to the Yes-on-Proposition-8 campaign in California. The measure passed on November 4, 2008 placing an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage in California as “between a man and a woman.”

A fluke in the campaign finance laws allowed the names, places of employment and other personal information of those donors to be posted on the internet. Homosexual activists proceeded to locate them and harass them, their family, coworkers and even picket their places of work.

A Google map was posted on the internet with pointers to the homes and businesses of these donors. A click on the pointers gave their names, places of employment or business, and amount of their contributions.

Homosexual Terrorists

“Over the last two months [prior to Jan. 20], many of those supporters have seen their homes and churches vandalized, been forced to resign their jobs, and been threatened with violence and even death,” says Alan Sears, of the Alliance Defense Fund.......................

chick dot com, eh?


This Fail moment brought to you by Rodishi.. because theres a Chick Tract to SAVE YOUR SOUL!

Look at the source of info she used ... :lol:

There's a reason I call it the disinformation superhighway*.

disinformation superhighway, copyright manifold 2003.
It is not the source in as much as the four minute video. That video shows the violent nature of what is transpiring that is why I put that link in. Watch the video before jumping on the bandwagon of o poor pitiful me.

Do some of you people here really think that these few Catholics in that video on that site have no rights to be safe on a public sidewalk or street against hundreds of homosexuals?
Right now I am rendering something so watching a video is impossible (the renderer is a resource hog). However, without going and asking each person you don't even know if they are gay or just gay rights supporters who went to far (assuming you are being honest and that your source is being honest as well). The thing is, I can show you tit for tat on violence toward any particular group. Equality is where both parties are treated the same for the violence, which then you have to do a lot of follow up to find out if this is the case or not. So basically your evidence is still moot, and the fact that it's hosted from an obviously biased source shows that it is most likely not what they claim it to be.
It appears that harassing people is fine if the sodomites do it to the Christians.

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

Sodomites Attack Donors to Yes-on-Marriage Amendment
Issue Date: March/April 2009

As America continues to legalize sin, those committed to evil become more bold in attacking people standing for righteousness.

This was demonstrated recently by the sodomite thugs who attacked donors to the Yes-on-Proposition-8 campaign in California. The measure passed on November 4, 2008 placing an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage in California as “between a man and a woman.”

A fluke in the campaign finance laws allowed the names, places of employment and other personal information of those donors to be posted on the internet. Homosexual activists proceeded to locate them and harass them, their family, coworkers and even picket their places of work.

A Google map was posted on the internet with pointers to the homes and businesses of these donors. A click on the pointers gave their names, places of employment or business, and amount of their contributions.

Homosexual Terrorists

“Over the last two months [prior to Jan. 20], many of those supporters have seen their homes and churches vandalized, been forced to resign their jobs, and been threatened with violence and even death,” says Alan Sears, of the Alliance Defense Fund.......................

chick dot com, eh?


This Fail moment brought to you by Rodishi.. because theres a Chick Tract to SAVE YOUR SOUL!

That was the first time I've ever looked at the site. Do you think that one group is entitled to get your name off a donors list in an election campaign support deal and then start making personal attacks on people individually? I don't. I really do not believe you have the right to attack or threaten me at my home, job or church when I give my support to something I believe in. It comes back to that first constitutional right. I am not aware of any Church that takes donors names and posts them on the Internet site, with flags and pointers to their homes and addresses so they can be harassed and threatened. Do you? If you know of any church or organization doing this type of targeting please let me know.
It appears that harassing people is fine if the sodomites do it to the Christians.

chick dot com, eh?


This Fail moment brought to you by Rodishi.. because theres a Chick Tract to SAVE YOUR SOUL!

That was the first time I've ever looked at the site. Do you think that one group is entitled to get your name off a donors list in an election campaign support deal and then start making personal attacks on people individually? I don't. I really do not believe you have the right to attack or threaten me at my home, job or church when I give my support to something I believe in. It comes back to that first constitutional right. I am not aware of any Church that takes donors names and posts them on the Internet site, with flags and pointers to their homes and addresses so they can be harassed and threatened. Do you? If you know of any church or organization doing this type of targeting please let me know.

Sorry, but I call bullshit even more now.
"Boy Scout Oath

Boy Scout Oath, Law, Motto, and Slogan
Scout Oath (or Promise)
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can depend on him.
A Scout is true to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation.
A Scout is concerned about other people. He does things willingly for others without pay or reward.
A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He seeks to understand others. He respects those with ideas and customs other than his own.
A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows good manners make it easier for people to get along together.
A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. He does not hurt or kill harmless things without reason.
A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them.
A Scout looks for the bright side of things. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.
A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for unforeseen needs. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.
A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at or threaten him.
A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.
A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.
Scout Motto
Be Prepared
Scout Slogan
Do a Good Turn Daily
It appears that harassing people is fine if the sodomites do it to the Christians.

chick dot com, eh?


This Fail moment brought to you by Rodishi.. because theres a Chick Tract to SAVE YOUR SOUL!

That was the first time I've ever looked at the site. Do you think that one group is entitled to get your name off a donors list in an election campaign support deal and then start making personal attacks on people individually? I don't. I really do not believe you have the right to attack or threaten me at my home, job or church when I give my support to something I believe in. It comes back to that first constitutional right. I am not aware of any Church that takes donors names and posts them on the Internet site, with flags and pointers to their homes and addresses so they can be harassed and threatened. Do you? If you know of any church or organization doing this type of targeting please let me know.

If christians are being harassed by INDIVIDUALS then those INDIVIDUALS can be held criminally accountable. But when you ASSume that every gay motherfucker in the US is secretly behind INDIVIDUAL examples then you keep fucking failing. Lemme guess, is it time to Emmet Till some fags because a few INDIVIDUAL S harass some christians? Your mellodrama stinks about as much as your dogma.
Oh of course... just WALTZ AROUND KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF *CHIRSTIANS*, because they DARE say something NEGATIVE about you liberals BELOVED HOMOS.

At least us "Christians" can rest assured that we share the same opinion of the vast majority of people on earth about the PERVERTED, DISGUSTING, DANGEROUS lifestyle you people love so much known as HOMOSEXUALITY.

Who in their right mind defends immorality? Who defends perversion? Who defends unnatural sexual acts? Who defends the work of the DEVIL? Liberals.

You can say whatever the fuck you want to say about fags.. on your own private property.

deal with it. Or, take your fucking ass to Saudi Arabia where you will have an open ear when suggesting what to do with gay populations. Your opinion of immoratily means two things: Jack and shit.

the devil. Didn't your kind die off in the 80s after Geraldo became a bit more interested in ratings than reality?
You are wrong.....

You can write books, you can put ads in the paper, you can make movies, you can post it on the Internet, you can do pretty much whatever you want. What you can't do is go in among them and knock their asses off. However, if they keep on with their violent nature against people who do not agree with them this is exactly what will happen. You know it, I know it, the whole f'ing world knows it.

They are slaughtering open homosexuals in Iraq and other places around the world. Why do you think so many in other nations have grown to hate the USA? Open your eyes and start looking. There are people around the world that hate America because we give special considerations to gays, lesbian, homosexuals and other sick fucks. It is even worse than that; there are legislators that are pushing their own personal agendas and cramming it down the throats of people that don't want anything to do with it. Do you think this will go on forever without people rising up? Banks, production companies, movie makers and other special interest pacs have rode the waves long enough. You have no idea what is happening out here in rural America. Without rural America to feed the cities this country will die. Take a ride across America with a professional truck driver. Listen to what is being said on the cb radios about sexual perverts.

In as much as perverts do not want to be ruled over by someone like me there are many like me who refuse to be ruled over by the perverts.
Rod, sorry but you are sounding brainwashed now.
I could say the same about you KK but I didn't. The point I am making is that these people are forcing the issue. Since they are intent on forcing this issue they can't be that stupid as to think they won't get pushed back. This goes for any "special interest" group who has been allowed to run amuck for the last fifty years. Just like any brat children doing their own thing. Give an inch they take a mile.
Rod, sorry but you are sounding brainwashed now.
I could say the same about you KK but I didn't. The point I am making is that these people are forcing the issue. Since they are intent on forcing this issue they can't be that stupid as to think they won't get pushed back. This goes for any "special interest" group who has been allowed to run amuck for the last fifty years. Just like any brat children doing their own thing. Give an inch they take a mile.

Really, where have I parroted something, please tell me so I can fix it.
A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.

So do they consider it respect of others beliefs if they keep children out of the troop for having different beliefs?
A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.

So do they consider it respect of others beliefs if they keep children out of the troop for having different beliefs?

I was going to save this for a bit later, but meh, since YWN pointed it out I may as well post this now. People do realize that the Scouts are now run by the Mormon church and the religious teachings they do follow are structured around that particular system ... at least I hope they do realize that.

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