Less than 400 gun murders a year with assault rifles, 14,000 with handguns

Exactly. A thoroughly vetted combat veteran would be the ideal candidate for school security.
I'm going to strenuously disagree here. While no doubt there are some who could do the job 99.999% of the job has nothing to do with facing down and taking down a shooter.

Despite the hype mass shootings in schools are still a statistical zero.

I spent a good bit of my career deployed to very hot zones and I know the difference.

Cops were on the scene within a minute or two of the first shots being fired at the funeral home people, what was lacking was a commander who understood the situation and was willing to make the hard call.

I also think based on what I saw that the School District Officers who responded were not properly equipped or trained and again, that is simply a failure of leadership.

They should have each had immediate access to the necessary tactical gear as well as rifles and shotguns but from what I could tell all they had were handguns.
I was talking to a lady recently who owns and has hunted with a bolt action 30-06 and also owns a couple handguns.

She mentioned to me that she could see no reason to own a rifle like the AR-15. I tried to explain to her the advantages of the AR-15 over other rifles but I don’t think I convinced her.

Now if the government wants to ban her handguns she will definitely vote against any and all gun grabbers.

Gun grabbers realize that you start out trying to ban the least popular firearms and then target the more popular categories. The goal is to limit firearm ownershio to perhaps one single shot .22 rifle, one single shot rifle of a larger caliber without a scope (scoped rifles are sniper rifles) and one single shot shotgun or a double barrel coach gun.
Mark my words, "Assault weapons" are only the low hanging fruit and the way to get the camel's nose into the tent.

Handguns are and always have been the target in the end.

If they thought they could get the handguns without first going after the dreaded "Assault Weapons" first, they'd do so tomorrow.

If they managed to get such a ban through within 2 years handguns will be next because they are actually the most commonly used weapons in all firearms related crimes.
Without a secure campus nothing was going to stop him from at least getting into the building and starting to carry out his plan.

Having an immediate armed response on the campus however could have absolutely stopped him before he got into double digits.

The campus was secure until that door was left unlocked for the shooter to see.
And using an AR, 19 dead is just one mag without reloading and it's done in a matter of seconds. You could have had an entire regiment there and it wouldn't have changed a thing once the first shot was fired.
The campus was secure until that door was left unlocked for the shooter to see.
And using an AR, 19 dead is just one mag without reloading and it's done in a matter of seconds. You could have had an entire regiment there and it wouldn't have changed a thing once the first shot was fired.
That's the whole point, it wasn't secured.

Having an AR made no difference, just as much damage could be done with a handgun, shotgun, our your grampa's 10/22.

It doesn't take much to massacre unarmed women and children cowering in a room.

What was the weapon used to stop him?
I was talking to a lady recently who owns and has hunted with a bolt action 30-06 and also owns a couple handguns.

She mentioned to me that she could see no reason to own a rifle like the AR-15. I tried to explain to her the advantages of the AR-15 over other rifles but I don’t think I convinced her.

Now if the government wants to ban her handguns she will definitely vote against any and all gun grabbers.

Gun grabbers realize that you start out trying to ban the least popular firearms and then target the more popular categories. The goal is to limit firearm ownershio to perhaps one single shot .22 rifle, one single shot rifle of a larger caliber without a scope (scoped rifles are sniper rifles) and one single shot shotgun or a double barrel coach gun.

Because you say so? Lemme guess, they also kidnap small children, bake them into pies and resells them at GOP get togethers, right? It must be so because I say so.
Because you say so? Lemme guess, they also kidnap small children, bake them into pies and resells them at GOP get togethers, right? It must be so because I say so.
Because you say so? Lemme guess, they also kidnap small children, bake them into pies and resells them at GOP get togethers, right? It must be so because I say so.
Many gun owners do not own an “assault rifle“ and see no need to own one. They may own a bolt action rifle, a semiautomatic shotgun and possibly a handgun.

If the Democrats come out and say we want to ban all handguns, almost all gun owners would say, “hell no” and proceed to make damn sure that didn’t happen.

So the dems pick the easiest target first … assault rifles and try to ban them. If they ever succeed they will wait a while then try to ban semiautomatic handguns, then all handguns.

You don’t try to stuff an entire Big Mac in your mouth. You take a bite, then another bite until you have consumed the entire burger. Assault weapons are the first bite in the Democrat incremental program to ban civilian owned firearms.

Where are you coming up with this “they also kidnap small children, bake them into pies and resells them at GOP get togethers” bull shit? I never suggested anything like that Nor would I. That sounds like something an antisemite might say about Jews.
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Many gun owners do not own an “assault rifle“ and see no need to own one. They may own a bolt action rifle, a semiautomatic shotgun and possibly a handgun.

If the Democrats come out and say we want to ban all handguns, almost all gun owners would say, “hell no”and proceed to make damn sure that didn’t happen.

So the dems pick the easiest target first … assault rifles and try to ban them. If they ever succeed they will wait a while then try to ban semiautomatic handguns, then all handguns.

You don’t try to stuff an entire Big Mac in your mouth. You take a bite, then another bite until you have consumed the entire burger. Assault weapons are the first bite in the Democrat incremental program to ban civilian owned firearms.

Where are you coming up with this “they also kidnap small children, bake them into pies and resells them at GOP get togethers” bull shit? I never suggested anything like that Nor would I. That sounds like something an antisemite might say about Jews.

Wow, you wound down. If someone doesn't put a brake to you John Birch Society Types you just keep winding and winding and getting more wild.

If, If, If. Your imagination is running wild again. Here is what "Democrats" and many "Republicans" as well as Indys are suggesting.

1. Universal Background Checks that are enforced.
2. People under 21 cannot buy or legally own semi auto rifles

Either of those two would have prevented the last 2 Mass School Shootings. This brings up a question. Do you love guns more than School Children?
Wow, you wound down. If someone doesn't put a brake to you John Birch Society Types you just keep winding and winding and getting more wild.

If, If, If. Your imagination is running wild again. Here is what "Democrats" and many "Republicans" as well as Indys are suggesting.

1. Universal Background Checks that are enforced.
2. People under 21 cannot buy or legally own semi auto rifles

Either of those two would have prevented the last 2 Mass School Shootings. This brings up a question. Do you love guns more than School Children?
Because I don’t want an assault weapon ban I am a John Birch Society type? And you have the cojones to accuse ME of being wild.

I like both school children and the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The reason the democrat Congress critters are not pushing for an Assault Weapons Ban is it is an election year. Joe Biden sure wants one and even wants to ban 9mm ammo. Biden is supposed to be the leader of the Democratic Party although with Biden that may be questionable.

I personally favor improving background checks (including examining the juvenile records of people under age 21) and improving school security. I also do not believe police should stand around for 90 minutes while kids may be dying by bleeding out in a school classroom

Because I don’t want an assault weapon ban I am a John Birch Society type? And you have the cojones to accuse ME of being wild.

I like both school children and the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The reason the democrat Congress critters are not pushing for an Assault Weapons Ban is it is an election year. Joe Biden sure wants one and even wants to ban 9mm ammo. Biden is supposed to be the leader of the Democratic Party although with Biden that may be questionable.

I personally favor improving background checks (including examining the juvenile records of people under age 21) and improving school security. I also do not believe police should stand around for 90 minutes while kids may be dying by bleeding out in a school classroom

And you wind down even further.

Biden is just one person. He's not a shooter and never will be. That's why we have 535 other people in Washington to help out. Are you aware of the insanity that Rump wanted done that his cabinet either talked him out of or completely ignored? I mean, damn, sending missiles into Mexico or using Federal Troops to fire on Civilians and much, much more. Biden only shows that he should not be considered the authority on gun legislation. Leave that to Congress. BTW, good cite. I don't get to say too often for a rightwinger.

Unless those Juvy records are sealed, every UBC should take them into consideration as well as after 21.

As for the 90 minutes, I also find that criminal. This whole shooting stinks to high heaven.
And you wind down even further.

Biden is just one person. He's not a shooter and never will be. That's why we have 535 other people in Washington to help out. Are you aware of the insanity that Rump wanted done that his cabinet either talked him out of or completely ignored? I mean, damn, sending missiles into Mexico or using Federal Troops to fire on Civilians and much, much more. Biden only shows that he should not be considered the authority on gun legislation. Leave that to Congress. BTW, good cite. I don't get to say too often for a rightwinger.

Unless those Juvy records are sealed, every UBC should take them into consideration as well as after 21.

As for the 90 minutes, I also find that criminal. This whole shooting stinks to high heaven.
Biden is the Presdient and is supposed to be the leader of his party. He may not be a shooter but he apparently owns a shotgun for his wife to use to stop an intruder. He gives terrible advice on how to use a shotgun to stop an intruder.

Do you realize how many Americans are dying from overdoses of illegal fentanyl that are being smuggled across the Mexican border? Perhaps we ought to call drug cartels terrorist groups and declare war on them. Trump may have had the right idea.

In my opinion if we continue to allow the drug cartels to make fortunes by smuggling drugs and people they may eventually turn this nation into Mexico north. The cartels are making as much or more money from the illegals that cross our border then they do from smuggling drugs.


Every person who crosses the border, whether man, woman, or child, is supposed to pay a fee to smugglers. These smugglers operate with the permission and cooperation of whichever cartel controls a particular area, and the cartel gets a cut of every smuggling fee that’s paid. Think of it as a “cartel tax.”

The way it used to be done is that migrants would pay up-front for passage over the Rio Grande and beyond the Border Patrol checkpoints just north of the border. But now, cartels and smugglers have turned this into a lucrative black market industry with a tiered pricing scheme for different nationalities. Prices are so high that almost no one can pay it up-front. According to Jones, who says he verified these prices with a cartel source, Mexican nationals must pay $2,500, Venezuelans, Peruvians, Ecuadorans, and Hondurans must pay $3,000, Chinese nationals pay $5,000, and Russians and migrants from the Middle East must pay $9,000.

The system amounts to a form of debt-bondage, which Jones says is “really a modern form of slavery.”

Eventually the drug cartels will start taking over our nation and run it like they do Mexico.

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Biden is the Presdient and is supposed to be the leader of his party. He may not be a shooter but he apparently owns a shotgun for his wife to use to stop an intruder. He gives terrible advice on how to use a shotgun to stop an intruder.

Do you realize how many Americans are dying from overdoses of illegal fentanyl that are being smuggled across the Mexican border? Perhaps we ought to call drug cartels terrorist groups and declare war on them. Trump may have had the right idea.

In my opinion if we continue to allow the drug cartels to make fortunes by smuggling drugs and people they may eventually turn this nation into Mexico north. The cartels are making as much or more money from the illegals that cross our border then they do from smuggling drugs.


Every person who crosses the border, whether man, woman, or child, is supposed to pay a fee to smugglers. These smugglers operate with the permission and cooperation of whichever cartel controls a particular area, and the cartel gets a cut of every smuggling fee that’s paid. Think of it as a “cartel tax.”

The way it used to be done is that migrants would pay up-front for passage over the Rio Grande and beyond the Border Patrol checkpoints just north of the border. But now, cartels and smugglers have turned this into a lucrative black market industry with a tiered pricing scheme for different nationalities. Prices are so high that almost no one can pay it up-front. According to Jones, who says he verified these prices with a cartel source, Mexican nationals must pay $2,500, Venezuelans, Peruvians, Ecuadorans, and Hondurans must pay $3,000, Chinese nationals pay $5,000, and Russians and migrants from the Middle East must pay $9,000.

The system amounts to a form of debt-bondage, which Jones says is “really a modern form of slavery.”

Eventually the drug cartels will start taking over our nation and run it like they do Mexico.

Pay attention. We aren't talking about chemical drugs. We may be talking about cult drugs though. We need to fix what we can fix before moving on to other things.
Pay attention. We aren't talking about chemical drugs. We may be talking about cult drugs though. We need to fix what we can fix before moving on to other things.
I was replying to a post (78) where YOU mentioned Trump sending missiles into Mexico. Why would he want to do that? (Hint … it involves chemical drugs)

Former President Donald Trump suggested launching missiles into Mexico to “destroy the drug labs” ahead of the 2020 election, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper writes in his forthcoming book. The New York Times reported the revelation on Thursday afternoon.

Esper writes in his new memoir a A Sacred Oath that Trump suggested to him at least twice during the summer of 2020 that the United States could “shoot missiles into Mexico to destroy the drug labs,” and that it could be done secretly. Trump even said the operation could be conducted “quietly” and that the U.S. could simply deny it had anything to do with it. “No one would know it was us,” Trump said, according to Esper.

For a long time I have been in favor of labeling the Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations and declaring war on them. If we did, we would likely save more American lives than we will supplying arms to the Ukrainians.
Wow, you wound down. If someone doesn't put a brake to you John Birch Society Types you just keep winding and winding and getting more wild.

If, If, If. Your imagination is running wild again. Here is what "Democrats" and many "Republicans" as well as Indys are suggesting.

1. Universal Background Checks that are enforced.
2. People under 21 cannot buy or legally own semi auto rifles

Either of those two would have prevented the last 2 Mass School Shootings. This brings up a question. Do you love guns more than School Children?
You can't possibly show that to be true. Criminals buy guns illegally thousands of times every day in this country.

What do they all have in common? They don't care about the law or they wouldn't be criminals to start with.
I personally favor improving background checks (including examining the juvenile records of people under age 21) and improving school security. I also do not believe police should stand around for 90 minutes while kids may be dying by bleeding out in a school classroom
Make access to NICS available to everyone, not just FFL dealers and simply pass a law then that holds anyone transferring a firearm to a person who is ineligible criminally and civilly responsible.

That way we don't have to violate people's privacy rights if they want to conduct a private transfer.
And you wind down even further.

Biden is just one person. He's not a shooter and never will be. That's why we have 535 other people in Washington to help out. Are you aware of the insanity that Rump wanted done that his cabinet either talked him out of or completely ignored? I mean, damn, sending missiles into Mexico or using Federal Troops to fire on Civilians and much, much more. Biden only shows that he should not be considered the authority on gun legislation. Leave that to Congress. BTW, good cite. I don't get to say too often for a rightwinger.

Unless those Juvy records are sealed, every UBC should take them into consideration as well as after 21.

As for the 90 minutes, I also find that criminal. This whole shooting stinks to high heaven.
The level of firearms expertise exhibited by the members of either house is less than I see at a 4-H meeting.

Hell, if you can't even tell us what a woman is how they hell can you be qualified to even speak about firearms other than to ask questions?
I was replying to a post (78) where YOU mentioned Trump sending missiles into Mexico. Why would he want to do that? (Hint … it involves chemical drugs)

Former President Donald Trump suggested launching missiles into Mexico to “destroy the drug labs” ahead of the 2020 election, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper writes in his forthcoming book. The New York Times reported the revelation on Thursday afternoon.

Esper writes in his new memoir a A Sacred Oath that Trump suggested to him at least twice during the summer of 2020 that the United States could “shoot missiles into Mexico to destroy the drug labs,” and that it could be done secretly. Trump even said the operation could be conducted “quietly” and that the U.S. could simply deny it had anything to do with it. “No one would know it was us,” Trump said, according to Esper.

For a long time I have been in favor of labeling the Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations and declaring war on them. If we did, we would likely save more American lives than we will supplying arms to the Ukrainians.
Damned pesky facts.
If they would just execute people immediately that knowingly and willingly commit murder and crack down on criminals in general with mandatory sentencing and no bail we would see a drastic reduction in violent crime in this country in a year. If we executed murders and punished criminals harsly within a year we would see a 50% reduction in violent crimes.

We need to start treating criminals like criminals. The only people who defend criminals are other criminals. Everyone else, all the sane and decent and moral people don't tolerate criminals and we don't want them.

People who do bad things should fear the cops and should fear the courts.

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