Lets all vote for Hillary Clinton!

If it is insulting to me as a woman, you have no right or authority to deny it.
Under our Constitution I am entitled to a defense even if there were allegations of a crime having been committed by me so yes I do have the right to refute ...to confront my accusers...how can you refute those who accuse Trump ?
Sure, Matt.

Pretend you're in that voting booth and pull my finger for Clinton.

I understand people hating trump. I understand special interests, such as unions, supporting her. I can get Hispanics and women voting against trump.

Hell , I can get anyone voting against trump, although I can also easily see anyone voting against hillary.

I do not get, nor will I ever, anyone actually thinking this crazy whore is worth their personal emotional investment enough to pick up the pom pons and cheer for her.

Just bizarre.
<-----they WERE first BEFORE YOU Donald IN MAKING America GREAT AGAIN lol
I would hand her a glass gasoline if she were on fire.

I would shit on Trump but I have too much respect for my turds to let them touch Trump...FUCK that Orange white bitch boy

Yeah right. You would wuss out in a heartbeat big talker.
Trump is a whinny little cowardly bitch with "Heel Spurs" Big Macho Alpha Heel Spurs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Trump is an extremely sick man ...he needs Therapy

and the list grows....

********DONALD J. TRUMP’S WAR ON WOMEN**********

12-year-old girl - rape

Ivana Trump – rape, cheated on, humiliated, insults, body shaming

Ninni Laaksonen - sex assault

Karena Virginia - sex assault

Jill Harth – sex assault

Cathy Heller - sex assault

Jessica Leeds – sex assault

Rachel Crooks – sex assault

Mindy McGillivray – sex assault

Summer Zervos – sex assault

Jennifer Murphy – sex assault

Kristin Anderson – sex assault

Natasha Stoynoff – sex assault

Temple Taggart McDowell – sex assault

Jessica Drake - sex assault

Cassandra Searles – sex assault

Unidentified model – sex assault

Salma Hayek - unwanted advances, harassment, public smears

Miss Teen USA contestant 1 – voyeurism

Miss Teen USA contestant 2 – voyeurism

Miss Teen USA contestant 3 – voyeurism

Miss Teen USA contestant 4 – voyeurism

Miss USA contestants - voyeurism

Marlee Matlin – unwanted advances, insults

Ivanka Trump – inappropriate comments, touching

10-year-old girl – inappropriate comments

14-year-old girl – inappropriate comments

Marla Maples – cheated on, humiliated

Melania Trump – cheated on, humiliated

Megyn Kelly - public insults

Heidi Klum - insults, body shaming

Emily West - insults, body shaming

Carly Fiorina - insults, body shaming

Heidi Cruz - insults, body shaming

Cher - insults, body shaming

Ariana Huffington - insults, body shaming

Angelina Jolie - insults, body shaming

Gail Collins, insults, body shaming

Vendela Kirsebom – inappropriate comments

Hillary Clinton - insults, smearing, body shaming

Rosie O'Donnell - public insults, body shaming

Kim Novak - public insults, body shaming

Alicia Machado - public insults, smearing, body shaming

Unidentified daughter-in-law - public insults, body shaming

Mike Brzezininki – public insults

Desiree Washington - smeared, public insults, enabled her rapist

While your list is long on accusations, just like the Clintons', there are ZERO, NONE, NADA, ZILCH convictions. So let's see if you can apply the same standard to The orange clown's issues as you Libs do to the bulldykes. The talking points memo from the DNC is always quoted here, "she has not been convicted of anything, it's a right wing witch hunt". Hypocrisy is a slut, she sleeps with both sides.
I would hand her a glass gasoline if she were on fire.

I would shit on Trump but I have too much respect for my turds to let them touch Trump...FUCK that Orange white bitch boy

Yeah right. You would wuss out in a heartbeat big talker.
Trump is a whinny little cowardly bitch with "Heel Spurs" Big Macho Alpha Heel Spurs waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Trump is an extremely sick man ...he needs Therapy

and the list grows....

********DONALD J. TRUMP’S WAR ON WOMEN**********

12-year-old girl - rape

Ivana Trump – rape, cheated on, humiliated, insults, body shaming

Ninni Laaksonen - sex assault

Karena Virginia - sex assault

Jill Harth – sex assault

Cathy Heller - sex assault

Jessica Leeds – sex assault

Rachel Crooks – sex assault

Mindy McGillivray – sex assault

Summer Zervos – sex assault

Jennifer Murphy – sex assault

Kristin Anderson – sex assault

Natasha Stoynoff – sex assault

Temple Taggart McDowell – sex assault

Jessica Drake - sex assault

Cassandra Searles – sex assault

Unidentified model – sex assault

Salma Hayek - unwanted advances, harassment, public smears

Miss Teen USA contestant 1 – voyeurism

Miss Teen USA contestant 2 – voyeurism

Miss Teen USA contestant 3 – voyeurism

Miss Teen USA contestant 4 – voyeurism

Miss USA contestants - voyeurism

Marlee Matlin – unwanted advances, insults

Ivanka Trump – inappropriate comments, touching

10-year-old girl – inappropriate comments

14-year-old girl – inappropriate comments

Marla Maples – cheated on, humiliated

Melania Trump – cheated on, humiliated

Megyn Kelly - public insults

Heidi Klum - insults, body shaming

Emily West - insults, body shaming

Carly Fiorina - insults, body shaming

Heidi Cruz - insults, body shaming

Cher - insults, body shaming

Ariana Huffington - insults, body shaming

Angelina Jolie - insults, body shaming

Gail Collins, insults, body shaming

Vendela Kirsebom – inappropriate comments

Hillary Clinton - insults, smearing, body shaming

Rosie O'Donnell - public insults, body shaming

Kim Novak - public insults, body shaming

Alicia Machado - public insults, smearing, body shaming

Unidentified daughter-in-law - public insults, body shaming

Mike Brzezininki – public insults

Desiree Washington - smeared, public insults, enabled her rapist

LMAO... "Body shaming" ....When the hell did this become a thing? It used to be called "being honest" with someone. We're the most obese nation in the world... thousands dying every year from health complications due to obesity... but now, it's socially unacceptable to tell someone they might want to lose some weight... that's "body shaming" and the PC liberal left has made it taboo! Meanwhile, if you want to chow down on a good greasy fast food cheeseburger, they want you to pay a special tax!

Let's just stop it with the political correctness... if you're a fat ass, I have the liberty to tell you that you're a fat ass! And I also have the right to eat a cheeseburger and BE a fat ass! So why don't you liberals go fuck yourself and leave us the hell alone? Stop making up stupid shit to get your panties in a wad about and whine over.

Body shaming... triggering... safe spaces.... Bunch of goddamn PUSSIES!

Hey Boss- I love what you said except I will disagree with one thing.

If you are not willing to be responsible for your own health care cost, and expect the government to pay the tab for you, then you shouldn't be allowed to eat, or drink things that are destructive to your health. Freedom requires responsibility, and if you don't accept the responsibility then you don't get the freedom.

Why should the tax payers pay for your greasy cheeseburger and your cholesterol medicine?
Vote Hillary lets keep the economy from the hand of the Orange Bankruptcy King Trump

U.S. Economy Roars Back, Grew 2.9% in Third Quarter
Source: Wall Street Journal

WASHINGTON—U.S. economic growth accelerated last quarter, easing fears of a near-term slowdown but doing little to change the trajectory of a long but weak expansion.

Gross domestic product, a broad measure of goods and services produced across the economy, expanded at an inflation- and seasonally adjusted 2.9% annual rate in the third quarter, the Commerce Department said Friday. That was stronger growth than the second quarter’s pace of 1.4%. Economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal expected growth at a 2.5% pace for the July-to-September period.

Last quarter’s growth rate was the fastest recorded in two years.

The third-quarter acceleration largely reflected increased exports and a buildup of inventories, while consumer spending increased at a slower rate.

Read more: https://www.google.com/amp/www.wsj....2-9-in-third-quarter-1477657992?client=safari
While your list is long on accusations, just like the Clintons', there are ZERO, NONE, NADA, ZILCH convictions. So let's see if you can apply the same standard to The orange clown's issues as you Libs do to the bulldykes. The talking points memo from the DNC is always quoted here, "she has not been convicted of anything, it's a right wing witch hunt". Hypocrisy is a slut, she sleeps with both sides.
It is the GOP that is launching attacks on Hillary via her husband "Bill"
Why should we bother with you, Tyrone? You said last night you were paid to post here, so you will say anything.
If it is insulting to me as a woman, you have no right or authority to deny it.
Under our Constitution I am entitled to a defense even if there were allegations of a crime having been committed by me so yes I do have the right to refute ...to confront my accusers...how can you refute those who accuse Trump ?

How? Because I am not an idiot. When a whole slew of people start coming out of the woodwork at once, I smell fraud. Just as it was with Herman Cain.
But, as I said, I can't take a thing you say seriously. Anyone will say anything if they are paid. Love of money....all that . ;)
Not even the GOP itself wants to be associated with the Orange Poltroon
- The National Republican Congressional Committee is running an ad praising Rep. Bob Dold (R-Illinois) for having bucked Trump. From National Review: “Individual Republican House candidates have cut ads distancing themselves from Trump, but this is the first time the NRCC, the committee charged with electing Republicans to the House, has explicitly used the message that not supporting the Republican presidential nominee is a good thing. ‘Dold is an independent voice who stood up to Donald Trump months ago,’ the narrator in the ad says. The ad then shows a clip of Dold declaring, on CNN, ‘I think Donald Trump has disqualified himself.’ The ad has been on air since earlier this week. It does not appear on the NRCC’s website, and the NRCC declined to comment on it.”

That's not news. Duh. The GOP is no different than the Dems.
Why should we bother with you, Tyrone? You said last night you were paid to post here, so you will say anything.

Paid by who?.. the RNC?

Hardly an endearing messenger one would embrace.
Why should we bother with you, Tyrone? You said last night you were paid to post here, so you will say anything.

Paid by who?.. the RNC?

Hardly an endearing messenger one would embrace.

Ask him. He's the one that said it. But, my guess would not be the RNC. Think.
Why should we bother with you, Tyrone? You said last night you were paid to post here, so you will say anything.

Paid by who?.. the RNC?

Hardly an endearing messenger one would embrace.

Ask him. He's the one that said it. But, my guess would not be the RNC. Think.

Well they lie about almost everything. Did I say lie? Oh, I meant deflect. They cannot answer a direct question.

I just think his efforts to promote the creeps and their message is just as creepy and would turn most off. I wouldn't pay him five cents to assist anyone.
Why should we bother with you, Tyrone? You said last night you were paid to post here, so you will say anything.

Paid by who?.. the RNC?

Hardly an endearing messenger one would embrace.

Ask him. He's the one that said it. But, my guess would not be the RNC. Think.

Well they lie about almost everything. Did I say lie? Oh, I meant deflect. They cannot answer a direct question.

I just think his efforts to promote the creeps and their message is just as creepy and would turn most off. I wouldn't pay him five cents to assist anyone.

Yeah, they most all lie. Politicians. I am not exactly sure who you mean by ''they''.
While your list is long on accusations, just like the Clintons', there are ZERO, NONE, NADA, ZILCH convictions. So let's see if you can apply the same standard to The orange clown's issues as you Libs do to the bulldykes. The talking points memo from the DNC is always quoted here, "she has not been convicted of anything, it's a right wing witch hunt". Hypocrisy is a slut, she sleeps with both sides.
It is the GOP that is launching attacks on Hillary via her husband "Bill"

Right, and the Dems aren't saying anything about Trump and his crotch grabbing.....dumb de dumb dumb dumb. Like I said, hypocrisy is a slut and she has stained the hell out of your sheets. Better get your packag looked at boi, I think you have caught something from that slut.
Hey Boss- I love what you said except I will disagree with one thing.

If you are not willing to be responsible for your own health care cost, and expect the government to pay the tab for you, then you shouldn't be allowed to eat, or drink things that are destructive to your health. Freedom requires responsibility, and if you don't accept the responsibility then you don't get the freedom.

Why should the tax payers pay for your greasy cheeseburger and your cholesterol medicine?

I don't support nationalized health care. I don't want anyone to pay for my health care. It's my health and my business and I take full responsibility.

But you make an excellent observational point here whether you knew it or not... The more "fair" we try to make things, the less freedom we have. You turn the responsibility of healthcare over to government to ensure everyone is treated fairly and what you end up with is the government mandating all the aspects of your life that affect your health. So you can't eat this or that anymore, you can't be sedentary and you have to exercise. You're eating too much red meat... you need to eat more fish and vegetables... here is your government-issued daily supplement... oops, you've spent too much time in front of a monitor or tv screen. Your health is now the government's concern because we're all paying for it.... so now you'll do as they tell you to do and your FREEDOMS are gone!

"Control the health care and you control the people" ~Saul Alinsky

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