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Let’s Arm Teachers. Yeah, That’s a Peachy Idea (Eye Roll)

Yes, it's funny, but when you post links from "The Guardian", people tend to discount them AND you as biased trash.
You must know some rather strange people then...and what's wrong with the Guardian? Can you prove anything they reported as being false? If so, can I see your proof? (not that I expect any but I am curious)

Excuse me? "What's wrong with The Guardian"?

"The paper's readership is generally on the mainstream left of British political opinion.[3][4] The newspaper's reputation as a platform for liberal and left-wing editorial has led to the use of the "Guardian reader" and "Guardianista" as often (but not always) pejorative epithets for those of left-leaning or politically correct tendencies."

The Guardian - Wikipedia

When even Wikipedia describes a publication as a "platform for liberal and left-wing editorial", it's pretty obvious you're not dealing with any sort of factual reporting.

Your computer is actually capable of connecting to EVERYTHING on the Internet, not just your favorite leftist sites which will tell you what you want to hear. If what you're saying is true and not just leftist slant and cherrypicking, then someone else who people trust will have reported it. Maybe try citing something that people won't laugh at.

Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

It’s that unreasonable conservative mind-set, that forces them to believe the fairy tale that untrained civilians know instinctively, where the gunfire is located, immediately recognize the individual(s) doing the shooting, and have the steel nerves and iron will to confront and kill the shooter(s), without hesitation or concern for their own safety.

What so often proves this unreasonable mind-set of the conservatives to be a total fantasy is the choice by trained law enforcement officers to avoid exacerbating an already uncontrolled situation. This can be seen no better than in the shooting incident last week at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In addition to the school resource officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s office Scot Peterson, Coral Springs police officers arriving at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found three additional Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who had not yet entered the building.

Sadly, these four men apparently remained outside while directing Coral Springs police officers to the building where the shooting took place, even as the Coral Springs officers entered, joined by two newly arrived Broward County Deputies.

It is likely there will be a whitewash of this incident as “Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.” Gotta CYA to protect the county and themselves from the inevitable lawsuits.

But the coming whitewash aside, this again proves that “Rambo” instinct, which most conservatives are certain they posses, is a fairy tale they use to fool themselves.

As it turns out, Deputy Peterson was eligible for retirement. So one must wonder if that didn’t enter into his decision to remain outside. He had, after all, survived his career in law enforcement long enough to retire from the Sheriff’s Department. Like Peterson, the three other deputies could very well have had second thoughts, making them unsure of the results were they to rush headlong into the unknown.

Conservatives who are certain they have that “Rambo” instinct, like to think they are courageous hero-types and are capable of single-handedly saving the day. But, there is a good reason law enforcement agencies have SWAT teams. The officers who are members of these teams train and retrain regularly. They wear protective gear, have available to them fully automatic weapons, are experts in their use, and in the use of other military-style equipment.

The four experienced officers who were armed with only pistols chose caution and did not rush into the unknown situation. But, conservatives expect teachers armed only with pistols and minimal training to jump in and face killers firing their AR-15s at anything that moves.

It’s unfortunate these conservatives calling for the arming of teachers are so certain of this “Rambo” instinct. If it does exist, it does so only in a tiny, tiny percentage of regular citizens (most of whom must have death wishes).

As people of reason know, these conservatives are nothing more than “keyboard warriors”. They are brave beyond all else, but only when safely typing their attacks, anonymously. The truth is, they are too old, or too fat, or are out of shape, or too slow and crippled-up, or would freeze in fear, or any combination there of, to truly be the heroes they’ve convinced themselves they would be. They are the “Monday morning quarterbacks” of mass shooting response, and all of them would hesitate or totally freeze when called upon to weigh the threat of their own death against defending strangers. Just as the four Broward County Deputies did. No Rambos there.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.




Just because you are a pussy, doesn't mean everyone is.

Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

It’s that unreasonable conservative mind-set, that forces them to believe the fairy tale that untrained civilians know instinctively, where the gunfire is located, immediately recognize the individual(s) doing the shooting, and have the steel nerves and iron will to confront and kill the shooter(s), without hesitation or concern for their own safety.

What so often proves this unreasonable mind-set of the conservatives to be a total fantasy is the choice by trained law enforcement officers to avoid exacerbating an already uncontrolled situation. This can be seen no better than in the shooting incident last week at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In addition to the school resource officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s office Scot Peterson, Coral Springs police officers arriving at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found three additional Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who had not yet entered the building.

Sadly, these four men apparently remained outside while directing Coral Springs police officers to the building where the shooting took place, even as the Coral Springs officers entered, joined by two newly arrived Broward County Deputies.

It is likely there will be a whitewash of this incident as “Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.” Gotta CYA to protect the county and themselves from the inevitable lawsuits.

But the coming whitewash aside, this again proves that “Rambo” instinct, which most conservatives are certain they posses, is a fairy tale they use to fool themselves.

As it turns out, Deputy Peterson was eligible for retirement. So one must wonder if that didn’t enter into his decision to remain outside. He had, after all, survived his career in law enforcement long enough to retire from the Sheriff’s Department. Like Peterson, the three other deputies could very well have had second thoughts, making them unsure of the results were they to rush headlong into the unknown.

Conservatives who are certain they have that “Rambo” instinct, like to think they are courageous hero-types and are capable of single-handedly saving the day. But, there is a good reason law enforcement agencies have SWAT teams. The officers who are members of these teams train and retrain regularly. They wear protective gear, have available to them fully automatic weapons, are experts in their use, and in the use of other military-style equipment.

The four experienced officers who were armed with only pistols chose caution and did not rush into the unknown situation. But, conservatives expect teachers armed only with pistols and minimal training to jump in and face killers firing their AR-15s at anything that moves.

It’s unfortunate these conservatives calling for the arming of teachers are so certain of this “Rambo” instinct. If it does exist, it does so only in a tiny, tiny percentage of regular citizens (most of whom must have death wishes).

As people of reason know, these conservatives are nothing more than “keyboard warriors”. They are brave beyond all else, but only when safely typing their attacks, anonymously. The truth is, they are too old, or too fat, or are out of shape, or too slow and crippled-up, or would freeze in fear, or any combination there of, to truly be the heroes they’ve convinced themselves they would be. They are the “Monday morning quarterbacks” of mass shooting response, and all of them would hesitate or totally freeze when called upon to weigh the threat of their own death against defending strangers. Just as the four Broward County Deputies did. No Rambos there.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.




Not only is it a peachy idea, but it is a no brainer.

Fixing school shooting is such a simple problem to solve. The solution has been proven! Why are there no school shooting where politician or Hollywood elite’s children go to school? These would be huge targets and have a lot of privileged disgruntled children. Yet they never get hit. The reason is they have armed proactive guards roaming the halls, along with other security measures. Israel also enacted a similar measure when a grammar school was hit by inhuman terrorists. They haven’t had one since, despite the fact evil Muslims would cherish killing children. The facts show these measures work.

Having yearly trained and mentally evaluated teachers carry guns in the school only increases security of our schools!

It is the left that causes school shootings to continue not the right

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
* Yawn * There are no facts showing strict gun laws and gun free zones effectively reducing violent crime and reduced the murder rate. Murder statistics in Baltimore are a clear proof of that.
`to 600,000 guns are stolen every year in the US", criminals well be buying stolen guns taken from stupid and negligent gun owners.
Patriots Don't Take Prisoners, So There's No Need for Prisons

Our lawmakers who treat criminals as fellow citizens are stupid and negligent, or, if they let the truth be told, as viciously anti-social as the subhuman criminals are.
Yes, how "negligent" of a person not to sit home 24 hours a day, guarding from burglars. How stupid of them to lock the doors and actually go out and live their lives.
The first thing I learned in gun safety is when not in use, keep your weapons LOCKED UP. Stupid and negligent gun owners are the prime suppliers of weapons for criminals.
Replace the Prisons With Morgues

A rap sheet should be a death warrant. The criminals you so passively accept are enemies of the human race.

Samuel L. Jackson

Can someone that’s been in a Gunfight tell that Muthafukka that’s Never been in a Gunfight, the flaws of his Arm The Teachers plan??!!

Be sure that, whoever he is, he addresses the fact that teachers are ALREADY caught in gunfights, except they aren't armed.

And if a teacher doesn't want to be/is not ready to assume that responsibility, he/she should not. The hysterical terror can now subside. You only need a handful to post the sign outside warning that several teachers are armed. Which do you think a shooter out to kill as many as possible going to attack, the school with some armed teachers or the one proudly proclaiming itself to be gun free?

Samuel L. Jackson

Can someone that’s been in a Gunfight tell that Muthafukka that’s Never been in a Gunfight, the flaws of his Arm The Teachers plan??!!

Be sure that, whoever he is, he addresses the fact that teachers are ALREADY caught in gunfights, except they aren't armed.

And if a teacher doesn't want to be/is not ready to assume that responsibility, he/she should not. The hysterical terror can now subside. You only need a handful to post the sign outside warning that several teachers are armed. Which do you think a shooter out to kill as many as possible going to attack, the school with some armed teachers or the one proudly proclaiming itself to be gun free?

Very true. I don't know that you even need to post signs. I'd imagine the news will get around. And hey, if the shooter knows SOME schools have armed teachers, but doesn't know for sure which schools those are, then maybe they change the plan entirely.
When you have a gun free zone, you advertise that every single person in that zone, is a potential target. Every one of them.

If every school had at least some staff members, whether teachers or other staff, armed, then you advertise to any potential shooter, that if they enter here they are likely to be engaged, and that they will become the target.

It's unfortunate that the left haven't the brains to figure this out on their own.
When you have a gun free zone, you advertise that every single person in that zone, is a potential target. Every one of them.

If every school had at least some staff members, whether teachers or other staff, armed, then you advertise to any potential shooter, that if they enter here they are likely to be engaged, and that they will become the target.

It's unfortunate that the left haven't the brains to figure this out on their own.

They instinctively know it, but won't admit it. How many of them, for instance, have signs in their front yards advertising that their house is a gun free zone?
"desperation and the occasional curse word interspersed with formal niceties...'sir', 'ma'am', 'fuck', 'please God' - in an exchange between 911 and a frightened teenager whose baby brother is dying in his arms"

we need armed teachers to stop human suffering!
It's hilariously funny how intentionally ignorant every single leftist is.

every fucking one of you pay no attention to what is really being said.

it's not just arm the teachers, but also train them.

I won't be shocked if this is the first time you have heard that, since you have all been spoon fed the same lies from the same media outlets.

Schools can already do this if they want to. Columbine was 19 years ago.
there are a few states that 'allow' it. don't know of any that take the time to add training
You guys keep saying that you want to arm the teachers and give them bonuses for carrying weapons in school, but you fail to leave out what kind of training you would want them to have.

Would you require them to have a good score for accuracy? If so, how high do they have to score to get the bonus?

Would they be required to be trained in various shooting stances like modified Weaver, shooting from one knee, shooting from behind cover, etc., or would simply being able to shoot accurately be enough?

Would they be required to train in ranges where they must identify friendly people from gunmen? Why or why not?
Yes, how "negligent" of a person not to sit home 24 hours a day, guarding from burglars. How stupid of them to lock the doors and actually go out and live their lives.
The first thing I learned in gun safety is when not in use, keep your weapons LOCKED UP. Stupid and negligent gun owners are the prime suppliers of weapons for criminals.

Prove to me (show me a statistic) that specifically links drug dealers and drug suppliers who needs a gun, to law abiding citizens who submit themselves under Federal Gun Laws to obtain the right to own a gun. Show me how gangs, to include MS13 are solely dependent upon the American citizen’s ability to legally obtain a gun for them so that they may FINALLY have a source to which they can commit violent crimes.

I’m just dying, at the edge of my seat, to see this direct connection link that’s used by FBI and law enforcement.
Prove to me (show me a statistic) that specifically links drug dealers and drug suppliers who needs a gun, to law abiding citizens who submit themselves under Federal Gun Laws to obtain the right to own a gun. Show me how gangs, to include MS13 are solely dependent upon the American citizen’s ability to legally obtain a gun for them so that they may FINALLY have a source to which they can commit violent crimes.I’m just dying, at the edge of my seat, to see this direct connection link that’s used by FBI and law enforcement.
What the sam hell hell are you talking about? READ. I said "criminals", I did not specify what kinds. Duh!
Prove to me (show me a statistic) that specifically links drug dealers and drug suppliers who needs a gun, to law abiding citizens who submit themselves under Federal Gun Laws to obtain the right to own a gun. Show me how gangs, to include MS13 are solely dependent upon the American citizen’s ability to legally obtain a gun for them so that they may FINALLY have a source to which they can commit violent crimes.I’m just dying, at the edge of my seat, to see this direct connection link that’s used by FBI and law enforcement.
What the sam hell hell are you talking about? READ. I said "criminals", I did not specify what kinds. Duh!

First you “claim” that criminals get an overwhelmingly vast majority of their guns from law abiding citizens. So when I ask you to show me how this would directly apply in the case of drug dealers and MS13 gangs members, this is all that I get.

Let’s stick to provable supportive facts ... shall we?
First you “claim” that criminals get an overwhelmingly vast majority of their guns from law abiding citizens. So when I ask you to show me how this would directly apply in the case of drug dealers and MS13 gangs members, this is all that I get.
You mentioned MS-13 for some odd reason. If you want proof of the scope of stolen weapons problem, here they are;

Gun theft from legal owners is on the rise, quietly fueling violent crime across America.

'Hot' Guns Fueling Crime, US Study Says

“What Percentage Of Crimes Committed With Illegal And Legal Guns”

Stolen Guns in America


Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

It’s that unreasonable conservative mind-set, that forces them to believe the fairy tale that untrained civilians know instinctively, where the gunfire is located, immediately recognize the individual(s) doing the shooting, and have the steel nerves and iron will to confront and kill the shooter(s), without hesitation or concern for their own safety.

What so often proves this unreasonable mind-set of the conservatives to be a total fantasy is the choice by trained law enforcement officers to avoid exacerbating an already uncontrolled situation. This can be seen no better than in the shooting incident last week at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In addition to the school resource officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s office Scot Peterson, Coral Springs police officers arriving at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found three additional Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who had not yet entered the building.

Sadly, these four men apparently remained outside while directing Coral Springs police officers to the building where the shooting took place, even as the Coral Springs officers entered, joined by two newly arrived Broward County Deputies.

It is likely there will be a whitewash of this incident as “Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.” Gotta CYA to protect the county and themselves from the inevitable lawsuits.

But the coming whitewash aside, this again proves that “Rambo” instinct, which most conservatives are certain they posses, is a fairy tale they use to fool themselves.

As it turns out, Deputy Peterson was eligible for retirement. So one must wonder if that didn’t enter into his decision to remain outside. He had, after all, survived his career in law enforcement long enough to retire from the Sheriff’s Department. Like Peterson, the three other deputies could very well have had second thoughts, making them unsure of the results were they to rush headlong into the unknown.

Conservatives who are certain they have that “Rambo” instinct, like to think they are courageous hero-types and are capable of single-handedly saving the day. But, there is a good reason law enforcement agencies have SWAT teams. The officers who are members of these teams train and retrain regularly. They wear protective gear, have available to them fully automatic weapons, are experts in their use, and in the use of other military-style equipment.

The four experienced officers who were armed with only pistols chose caution and did not rush into the unknown situation. But, conservatives expect teachers armed only with pistols and minimal training to jump in and face killers firing their AR-15s at anything that moves.

It’s unfortunate these conservatives calling for the arming of teachers are so certain of this “Rambo” instinct. If it does exist, it does so only in a tiny, tiny percentage of regular citizens (most of whom must have death wishes).

As people of reason know, these conservatives are nothing more than “keyboard warriors”. They are brave beyond all else, but only when safely typing their attacks, anonymously. The truth is, they are too old, or too fat, or are out of shape, or too slow and crippled-up, or would freeze in fear, or any combination there of, to truly be the heroes they’ve convinced themselves they would be. They are the “Monday morning quarterbacks” of mass shooting response, and all of them would hesitate or totally freeze when called upon to weigh the threat of their own death against defending strangers. Just as the four Broward County Deputies did. No Rambos there.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.





Imagine your teacher is 5 foot 2 inches and weighs not very much at all, and has a gun in her pocket. Two boys come at her, one from in front, one from behind.

Is she going to get to her gun and pull it out on them? Probably not. She might. Then what? Teacher pulls gun out on students shock horror.

So she doesn't take the gun out, but one of the boys takes the gun from her, then points it at the class.

Is this really the sort of thing people want in their schools?
First you “claim” that criminals get an overwhelmingly vast majority of their guns from law abiding citizens. So when I ask you to show me how this would directly apply in the case of drug dealers and MS13 gangs members, this is all that I get.
You mentioned MS-13 for some odd reason. If you want proof of the scope of stolen weapons problem, here they are;

Gun theft from legal owners is on the rise, quietly fueling violent crime across America.

'Hot' Guns Fueling Crime, US Study Says

“What Percentage Of Crimes Committed With Illegal And Legal Guns”

Stolen Guns in America


You don’t know who MS13 is, or you don’t know that the Mexican drug cartel has spilled over in the United States? Where do you think all these gangs get their automatic weapons? Statistics on stolen guns used for robberies and school shootings are on a completely different scale from that of Drug Cartels and MS13.
Last edited:

Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

It’s that unreasonable conservative mind-set, that forces them to believe the fairy tale that untrained civilians know instinctively, where the gunfire is located, immediately recognize the individual(s) doing the shooting, and have the steel nerves and iron will to confront and kill the shooter(s), without hesitation or concern for their own safety.

What so often proves this unreasonable mind-set of the conservatives to be a total fantasy is the choice by trained law enforcement officers to avoid exacerbating an already uncontrolled situation. This can be seen no better than in the shooting incident last week at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In addition to the school resource officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s office Scot Peterson, Coral Springs police officers arriving at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found three additional Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who had not yet entered the building.

Sadly, these four men apparently remained outside while directing Coral Springs police officers to the building where the shooting took place, even as the Coral Springs officers entered, joined by two newly arrived Broward County Deputies.

It is likely there will be a whitewash of this incident as “Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.” Gotta CYA to protect the county and themselves from the inevitable lawsuits.

But the coming whitewash aside, this again proves that “Rambo” instinct, which most conservatives are certain they posses, is a fairy tale they use to fool themselves.

As it turns out, Deputy Peterson was eligible for retirement. So one must wonder if that didn’t enter into his decision to remain outside. He had, after all, survived his career in law enforcement long enough to retire from the Sheriff’s Department. Like Peterson, the three other deputies could very well have had second thoughts, making them unsure of the results were they to rush headlong into the unknown.

Conservatives who are certain they have that “Rambo” instinct, like to think they are courageous hero-types and are capable of single-handedly saving the day. But, there is a good reason law enforcement agencies have SWAT teams. The officers who are members of these teams train and retrain regularly. They wear protective gear, have available to them fully automatic weapons, are experts in their use, and in the use of other military-style equipment.

The four experienced officers who were armed with only pistols chose caution and did not rush into the unknown situation. But, conservatives expect teachers armed only with pistols and minimal training to jump in and face killers firing their AR-15s at anything that moves.

It’s unfortunate these conservatives calling for the arming of teachers are so certain of this “Rambo” instinct. If it does exist, it does so only in a tiny, tiny percentage of regular citizens (most of whom must have death wishes).

As people of reason know, these conservatives are nothing more than “keyboard warriors”. They are brave beyond all else, but only when safely typing their attacks, anonymously. The truth is, they are too old, or too fat, or are out of shape, or too slow and crippled-up, or would freeze in fear, or any combination there of, to truly be the heroes they’ve convinced themselves they would be. They are the “Monday morning quarterbacks” of mass shooting response, and all of them would hesitate or totally freeze when called upon to weigh the threat of their own death against defending strangers. Just as the four Broward County Deputies did. No Rambos there.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.





Texas Hero: I Couldn't Have Stopped Mass Shooter Without My AR-15

Stephen Willeford described the gunfight and dramatic car chase that ensued to stop the shooter from slaughtering additional churchgoers.

The former National Rifle Association instructor was home Sunday morning when his daughter told Willeford she had heard gunshots from the nearby Baptist church, prompting him to get his AR-15 rifle from his safe and load a magazine. He ran to the church and confronted the alleged shooter, Devin Patrick Kelley, who fired shots at Willeford. While taking cover behind a pickup truck, Willeford fired several shots at the gunman, who sped away in his car”

What about that time? Was it a one off? An old fart with an AR15 and a man convicted of domestic violance with a truck stopped a mass shooter. Just a fluke? Was that the only instance of this happening? In your world, the Texas shooter would have killed more people.

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