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Let’s Arm Teachers. Yeah, That’s a Peachy Idea (Eye Roll)


Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

It’s that unreasonable conservative mind-set, that forces them to believe the fairy tale that untrained civilians know instinctively, where the gunfire is located, immediately recognize the individual(s) doing the shooting, and have the steel nerves and iron will to confront and kill the shooter(s), without hesitation or concern for their own safety.

What so often proves this unreasonable mind-set of the conservatives to be a total fantasy is the choice by trained law enforcement officers to avoid exacerbating an already uncontrolled situation. This can be seen no better than in the shooting incident last week at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In addition to the school resource officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s office Scot Peterson, Coral Springs police officers arriving at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found three additional Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who had not yet entered the building.

Sadly, these four men apparently remained outside while directing Coral Springs police officers to the building where the shooting took place, even as the Coral Springs officers entered, joined by two newly arrived Broward County Deputies.

It is likely there will be a whitewash of this incident as “Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.” Gotta CYA to protect the county and themselves from the inevitable lawsuits.

But the coming whitewash aside, this again proves that “Rambo” instinct, which most conservatives are certain they posses, is a fairy tale they use to fool themselves.

As it turns out, Deputy Peterson was eligible for retirement. So one must wonder if that didn’t enter into his decision to remain outside. He had, after all, survived his career in law enforcement long enough to retire from the Sheriff’s Department. Like Peterson, the three other deputies could very well have had second thoughts, making them unsure of the results were they to rush headlong into the unknown.

Conservatives who are certain they have that “Rambo” instinct, like to think they are courageous hero-types and are capable of single-handedly saving the day. But, there is a good reason law enforcement agencies have SWAT teams. The officers who are members of these teams train and retrain regularly. They wear protective gear, have available to them fully automatic weapons, are experts in their use, and in the use of other military-style equipment.

The four experienced officers who were armed with only pistols chose caution and did not rush into the unknown situation. But, conservatives expect teachers armed only with pistols and minimal training to jump in and face killers firing their AR-15s at anything that moves.

It’s unfortunate these conservatives calling for the arming of teachers are so certain of this “Rambo” instinct. If it does exist, it does so only in a tiny, tiny percentage of regular citizens (most of whom must have death wishes).

As people of reason know, these conservatives are nothing more than “keyboard warriors”. They are brave beyond all else, but only when safely typing their attacks, anonymously. The truth is, they are too old, or too fat, or are out of shape, or too slow and crippled-up, or would freeze in fear, or any combination there of, to truly be the heroes they’ve convinced themselves they would be. They are the “Monday morning quarterbacks” of mass shooting response, and all of them would hesitate or totally freeze when called upon to weigh the threat of their own death against defending strangers. Just as the four Broward County Deputies did. No Rambos there.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.




Hollow Bore

So you don't believe that wanting to do something heroic is a basic human drive? You are a sign of the times, marching us backwards until we all become passive willing victims wallowing in despair.
So the gun nuts want the federal government to force teachers to become law enforcement officers?

Why is that hilarious?

The dumb left wingers never miss a chance to be despicable racist demagogues
So the gun nuts want the federal government to force teachers to become law enforcement officers?

Why is that hilarious?
force? dude you are out of touch. you should really pay attention. they want a chance to defend themselves if people expect they protect the kids. how's it working out so far as gun free zone?
So the gun nuts want the federal government to force teachers to become law enforcement officers? Why is that hilarious?
This only pertains to public schools. The federal government has no jurisdiction in private schools. They can't force them into having teachers with guns in class.
Give them guns too. You must a racist pos.
he's someone who thinks the whole gun free zone is working well. So why is he complaining.?
yo demo kook, why are you worried about guns when you want gun free zones? I don't get it, why was there a gun there? you all think the criminal will pay attention to the law, so why do they ignore gun free zone? explain it to us.
So the gun nuts want the federal government to force teachers to become law enforcement officers? Why is that hilarious?
This only pertains to public schools. The federal government has no jurisdiction in private schools. They can't force them into having teachers with guns in class.
He's a liar just like you are. No one is trying to force anything. The only thing I'd like to force is all of your kind of the planet.
So the gun nuts want the federal government to force teachers to become law enforcement officers?

Why is that hilarious?
force? dude you are out of touch. you should really pay attention. they want a chance to defend themselves if people expect they protect the kids. how's it working out so far as gun free zone?

How many school districts have armed their teachers since Columbine?
A little tidbit you ignored or never saw, ]the shooter was allowed into the building through a locked door by a student who was being polite.

Thus endeth your rant.
one more security flaw.

NO ONE should be allowed entry before it is proven that person has a legitimate reason to be in the school

I still can believe anyone lets a fucking moron like you teach their kids

You know, you really shouldn't talk that way about someone who has a great deal more experience with this topic than anyone else on this entire forum. It really makes you look like the nut case you are. Someone should probably take your guns away.

I don't know why you think that I am making up facts. I just proved that your "fix" would not have worked in this instance.

I guess that pisses you off to no end. Probably much like your sex life when the women would all start laughing when you dropped your trousers! "Wow, that looks just like a penis, only smaller!"

We have schools in this country worth trillions in taxpayer dollars. Just because you have an uninformed bad idea, we can't just spend trillions to upgrade to your stupid idea of a fix because you think you have large testicles. It won't work and all of the insults and Billy-Bad-Ass attitude will never make it work, so why waste the money?

It would have wrked because no where did I ever say any student should be able to open any door to let anyone they want into the school

Once again I must say I am in shock that a ;person who thinks he is smart enough to teach can't even figure out that controlling entry would have prevented or at least greatly minimized this last shooting and many others.

In other words, you failed to account for that in your assessment. That just means you are the dumbass!

You cannot control entry at every point in a school. To even suggest such a thing is laughable. I posted yesterday the classroom where I subbed had 6 (Yes, 6!) access points. Are you going to hire six security guards to watch ONE classroom? How about the other 150 classrooms?

I didn't because I never made a complete assessment.

And here we go again.

Your name wouldn't be Mr. Obtuse would it?

It doesn't matter how many doors you have if you control entry and egress.

ALL people can enter the exit the building via one entrance. ALL other entrances would be for emergency use only and would be unable to be opened by any student.

This shit ain't rocket science

Hey dumbass! Have you ever been inside a public building like a school? The doors are there, and open to the outside. They are doors that don't even have a handle on the outside or if they do, that handle is locked and will not open the door. To someone walking up to the building from the outside, they cannot open the door. However, if someone has been inside and opens the door for them or fixes the door by propping it open or jamming the mechanism, the shooter can just walk right in! That can be done by the shooter or an accomplice easily. It can also be accomplished by an unwitting student who just let's them in because they are being nice!

Of course it is not rocket science, but you are too stupid for even paper airplanes! You won't accept the fact that your stupid ideas will not solve the problems.
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Seems everyone on the board who has a different view of yours and many others are leftists. Do you always deem yourself right all the time? You must be god.
This is a classic response. I never said I was always right however this poster seems to think I am. That's an assumption. Then the poster goes into hyperbole suggesting I am a god. How can I reply to such a silly post? Generally speaking, I don't respond. Why waste my time and electrons? The post has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. It's basically an attack, and a bad one at that. Again, why reply? Well I did. I enjoy good logical discussions with facts. This post has no such qualities. This is a very partisan issue that evokes some rather emotional responses. Best not to say anything. :)

Wow, you don't read well, do you? She was talking to ME, Einstein.
Not to mention most teachers don't want to carry about guns They are fucking teachers, not soldiers or bodyguards. Wtf ...

However, if a teacher goes through the process to demonstrate that s/he is a responsible gun owner, I don't know that it would be so bad to allow them to carry on-site.

No one suggested forcing anyone to carry guns. I'll bet you'd get plenty of volunteers.

Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

You fail to see three things:

1). We've tried it your way: we created gun free zones and all it's gotten us is a lot more dead kids.

2). All the places in the USA with the highest crime and gun violence are democratically lead areas of the strictest gun laws. The places with the lowest gun crime are the ones with the LEAST restrictions.

3). No serial mass shooter ever picks on a place he KNOWS is full of people who can shoot back (like a police barrack).

A continuation of the liberal war on common sense. Several shootings have been ended before they began or ended prematurely by regular citizens who happened to have been carrying a gun, such as when the would-be mass shooter in Clackamas, Oregon, encountered an armed citizen almost as soon as he opened fire and then ran, hid, and shot himself.
No schools are currently prevented by the federal government from employing armed guards. If they wanted teachers armed they could have had them by now - and in fact a few do.

Of course if you want a federally mandated, federally funded school security personnel program implemented - at huge expense -

give up your precious little tax cut to pay for it.

All that needs to be done is to cut back welfare spending as the economy grows and more people have opportunities to get back to work. Also, cut funding to those states which protect illegals and clearly choose NOT to cooperate with ICE and Federal Immigration Laws. Why have an open border that allows more illegals to come in, violence to flow, human trafficking to spread, all while paying welfare to those who have chosen not to work? The left wants to bring in and support more people who can’t care for themselves, while criticizing republicans about spending practices. Progressives are the very last ones that have a grip on, and should be lecturing the right, with regard to spending.

If you really want to save money to arm teachers, cut wasteful, unnecessary military spending; it’s military spending that creates the deficits conservatives love so much.

Military spending is actually one of the few things our Federal Government is to provide. On the contrary, when we have evidence of job growth in a strengthening economy there should likewise be a decrease in welfare spending. There is no justification for a large government “entitlement” of welfare while jobs are increasingly available.

Now although I believe providing the needs for schools is actually more of an individual state’s issue, our government is already attempting to further regulate (if not repeal) the second amendment. So President Trump wanting to provide Federal funding towards those teachers who want to protect their students, through conceal carry, is no big leap. After all, our government suddenly felt the need that it should get SO involved and create a big educational bureaucracy with a large budget in 1979. Now the left wants to try and lecture the rest of us on government budgets, Federal spending, and government involvement.
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Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

You fail to see three things:

1). We've tried it your way: we created gun free zones and all it's gotten us is a lot more dead kids.

2). All the places in the USA with the highest crime and gun violence are democratically lead areas of the strictest gun laws. The places with the lowest gun crime are the ones with the LEAST restrictions.

3). No serial mass shooter ever picks on a place he KNOWS is full of people who can shoot back (like a police barrack).


Gun free zones don't prohibit armed guards you idiot.

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