Let's Call It Treason


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

2 Sep 2023 ~~ By Ray DiLorenzo

Millions of people around the world are beginning to figure out that there is a force, an evil cabal trying to take over the entire planet. This force has influenced leaders of every persuasion, in every country, and has been remarkably successful in putting a vast amount of governmental, religious, educational, medical, corporate and institutional leaders in a sort of trance...zombie like, to do their will.

The New World Order or The Great Reset​

This force has faces...Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Biden, Obama, Clinton and hundreds of others...all doing the work of the World Economic Forum.

Archbishop Viganò has been stalwart in his opposition to what is called The New World Order or The Great Reset and probably knows of it better than most, for it has invaded even his Church. He calls it as it is:
"A dystopian society, without past and without future, without faith and without ideals, without culture and without art, without fathers and mothers, without family and spirituality, without teachers and spiritual guides, without either respect for the elderly or hopes for our children.
The recent pandemic farce — conducted with criminal methods that I have not hesitated to denounce since the beginning of 2020 — has been followed by new emergencies — including the Ukrainian crisis — deliberately provoked with the aim of destroying the social and economic fabric of nations, decimating the world population, concentrating control in the hands of an oligarchy that no one has elected and that has perpetrated a real world coup d’état, for which sooner or later it will be called to answer before the world.

National leaders are going out of their way to destroy their collective countries​

National leaders are going out of their way to destroy their collective countries. These chief executives and oligarchs, feeling a New World Order is inevitable, are merely vying for high position in what they think will be a new society. It is not more evident than here in the United States. These leaders make decisions that no one understands...destroying the election system of the greatest democracy in the world, ignoring the needs of their citizenry, destroying the military and police departments, with no regard for national security, citizen safety or law and order. Gone is energy independence, dozens of food processing plants (its become a global phenomena), hundreds of farms (meat and dairy are bad, but bugs are good). Millions of illegal migrants pour into our countries without vetting, background or medical checks. Victims of disasters are fending for themselves. They distribute vaccines that are ineffective and have killed as many people as the disease. They print trillions effecting nothing while creating massive inflation. Whole cities have become lawless, forcing businesses and families to pack up and leave. Stores that remain are locking up items like toothpaste, while the middle class tries to cope. Billions are spent on migrants while veterans are homeless. And then along comes COVID 2.0 with more vaccines on the way.

Is it Treason...​

  • Is it treason to deny the people the right to freely choose the government they want?
  • Is it treason to make the 1st Amendment ambiguous?
  • And when people question an election, is it treason to imprison them without trial?
  • Could such extreme paranoia indicate guilt?
  • Do we call it treason when a president flagrantly ignores Supreme Court decisions?
  • Is it treason to destroy all checks and balances within our federal government and establish a one-party system?
  • Is it treason to allow and possibly cause the destruction of whole towns, killing hundreds of men, women, and children?
  • Is it treason to cause false flags to hide ominous covert activity?
  • Obama's presidency was rife with crime and corruption. Is it reasonable to assume that Obama knew nothing of Biden's and Clinton's marketplace of political influence?
  • Is it treason to purposely destroy what you have been entrusted with to protect?
What is so bizarre is their denial of what is right in front of us. A good example is the Lahaina fire.
  • Why did the police block the exits so people could not find safety?
  • Why was there no water or a warning of any kind?
  • Why have they placed a black curtain wall around the town so even the press can't see what is going on?

Surely we see thus happening daily and it comes from both sides of the political sphere.​

2 Sep 2023 ~~ By Ray DiLorenzo

Millions of people around the world are beginning to figure out that there is a force, an evil cabal trying to take over the entire planet. This force has influenced leaders of every persuasion, in every country, and has been remarkably successful in putting a vast amount of governmental, religious, educational, medical, corporate and institutional leaders in a sort of trance...zombie like, to do their will.

The New World Order or The Great Reset​

This force has faces...Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Biden, Obama, Clinton and hundreds of others...all doing the work of the World Economic Forum.

Archbishop Viganò has been stalwart in his opposition to what is called The New World Order or The Great Reset and probably knows of it better than most, for it has invaded even his Church. He calls it as it is:
"A dystopian society, without past and without future, without faith and without ideals, without culture and without art, without fathers and mothers, without family and spirituality, without teachers and spiritual guides, without either respect for the elderly or hopes for our children.
The recent pandemic farce — conducted with criminal methods that I have not hesitated to denounce since the beginning of 2020 — has been followed by new emergencies — including the Ukrainian crisis — deliberately provoked with the aim of destroying the social and economic fabric of nations, decimating the world population, concentrating control in the hands of an oligarchy that no one has elected and that has perpetrated a real world coup d’état, for which sooner or later it will be called to answer before the world.

National leaders are going out of their way to destroy their collective countries​

National leaders are going out of their way to destroy their collective countries. These chief executives and oligarchs, feeling a New World Order is inevitable, are merely vying for high position in what they think will be a new society. It is not more evident than here in the United States. These leaders make decisions that no one understands...destroying the election system of the greatest democracy in the world, ignoring the needs of their citizenry, destroying the military and police departments, with no regard for national security, citizen safety or law and order. Gone is energy independence, dozens of food processing plants (its become a global phenomena), hundreds of farms (meat and dairy are bad, but bugs are good). Millions of illegal migrants pour into our countries without vetting, background or medical checks. Victims of disasters are fending for themselves. They distribute vaccines that are ineffective and have killed as many people as the disease. They print trillions effecting nothing while creating massive inflation. Whole cities have become lawless, forcing businesses and families to pack up and leave. Stores that remain are locking up items like toothpaste, while the middle class tries to cope. Billions are spent on migrants while veterans are homeless. And then along comes COVID 2.0 with more vaccines on the way.

Is it Treason...​

  • Is it treason to deny the people the right to freely choose the government they want?
  • Is it treason to make the 1st Amendment ambiguous?
  • And when people question an election, is it treason to imprison them without trial?
  • Could such extreme paranoia indicate guilt?
  • Do we call it treason when a president flagrantly ignores Supreme Court decisions?
  • Is it treason to destroy all checks and balances within our federal government and establish a one-party system?
  • Is it treason to allow and possibly cause the destruction of whole towns, killing hundreds of men, women, and children?
  • Is it treason to cause false flags to hide ominous covert activity?
  • Obama's presidency was rife with crime and corruption. Is it reasonable to assume that Obama knew nothing of Biden's and Clinton's marketplace of political influence?
  • Is it treason to purposely destroy what you have been entrusted with to protect?
What is so bizarre is their denial of what is right in front of us. A good example is the Lahaina fire.
  • Why did the police block the exits so people could not find safety?
  • Why was there no water or a warning of any kind?
  • Why have they placed a black curtain wall around the town so even the press can't see what is going on?

Surely we see thus happening daily and it comes from both sides of the political sphere.​
The above post is yet another attempt to deflect for the real treason we will see on trial soon.

2 Sep 2023 ~~ By Ray DiLorenzo

Millions of people around the world are beginning to figure out that there is a force, an evil cabal trying to take over the entire planet. This force has influenced leaders of every persuasion, in every country, and has been remarkably successful in putting a vast amount of governmental, religious, educational, medical, corporate and institutional leaders in a sort of trance...zombie like, to do their will.

The New World Order or The Great Reset​

This force has faces...Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Biden, Obama, Clinton and hundreds of others...all doing the work of the World Economic Forum.

Archbishop Viganò has been stalwart in his opposition to what is called The New World Order or The Great Reset and probably knows of it better than most, for it has invaded even his Church. He calls it as it is:
"A dystopian society, without past and without future, without faith and without ideals, without culture and without art, without fathers and mothers, without family and spirituality, without teachers and spiritual guides, without either respect for the elderly or hopes for our children.
The recent pandemic farce — conducted with criminal methods that I have not hesitated to denounce since the beginning of 2020 — has been followed by new emergencies — including the Ukrainian crisis — deliberately provoked with the aim of destroying the social and economic fabric of nations, decimating the world population, concentrating control in the hands of an oligarchy that no one has elected and that has perpetrated a real world coup d’état, for which sooner or later it will be called to answer before the world.

National leaders are going out of their way to destroy their collective countries​

National leaders are going out of their way to destroy their collective countries. These chief executives and oligarchs, feeling a New World Order is inevitable, are merely vying for high position in what they think will be a new society. It is not more evident than here in the United States. These leaders make decisions that no one understands...destroying the election system of the greatest democracy in the world, ignoring the needs of their citizenry, destroying the military and police departments, with no regard for national security, citizen safety or law and order. Gone is energy independence, dozens of food processing plants (its become a global phenomena), hundreds of farms (meat and dairy are bad, but bugs are good). Millions of illegal migrants pour into our countries without vetting, background or medical checks. Victims of disasters are fending for themselves. They distribute vaccines that are ineffective and have killed as many people as the disease. They print trillions effecting nothing while creating massive inflation. Whole cities have become lawless, forcing businesses and families to pack up and leave. Stores that remain are locking up items like toothpaste, while the middle class tries to cope. Billions are spent on migrants while veterans are homeless. And then along comes COVID 2.0 with more vaccines on the way.

Is it Treason...​

  • Is it treason to deny the people the right to freely choose the government they want?
  • Is it treason to make the 1st Amendment ambiguous?
  • And when people question an election, is it treason to imprison them without trial?
  • Could such extreme paranoia indicate guilt?
  • Do we call it treason when a president flagrantly ignores Supreme Court decisions?
  • Is it treason to destroy all checks and balances within our federal government and establish a one-party system?
  • Is it treason to allow and possibly cause the destruction of whole towns, killing hundreds of men, women, and children?
  • Is it treason to cause false flags to hide ominous covert activity?
  • Obama's presidency was rife with crime and corruption. Is it reasonable to assume that Obama knew nothing of Biden's and Clinton's marketplace of political influence?
  • Is it treason to purposely destroy what you have been entrusted with to protect?
What is so bizarre is their denial of what is right in front of us. A good example is the Lahaina fire.
  • Why did the police block the exits so people could not find safety?
  • Why was there no water or a warning of any kind?
  • Why have they placed a black curtain wall around the town so even the press can't see what is going on?

Surely we see thus happening daily and it comes from both sides of the political sphere.​

Thank you for this racist rant, you lowlife POS.
This is SICK and serious what they are doing to Donald Trump. But you all know that now...
What’s sick are wack job conspiracy freaks


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake newsunless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
Millions of people around the world are beginning to figure out that there is a force, an evil cabal trying to take over the entire planet.
Yes, but when in all of human history hasn't that been the case? A percentage of humans are evil power hungry assholes. As true today as it was 5,000 years ago.
Yes, but when in all of human history hasn't that been the case? A percentage of humans are evil power hungry assholes. As true today as it was 5,000 years ago.
But fortunately, when those evil power hungry assholes get bad enough, they end up facing charges in four different courts with 91 serious charges against them, all at the same time.

2 Sep 2023 ~~ By Ray DiLorenzo

Millions of people around the world are beginning to figure out that there is a force, an evil cabal trying to take over the entire planet. This force has influenced leaders of every persuasion, in every country, and has been remarkably successful in putting a vast amount of governmental, religious, educational, medical, corporate and institutional leaders in a sort of trance...zombie like, to do their will.

The New World Order or The Great Reset​

This force has faces...Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Biden, Obama, Clinton and hundreds of others...all doing the work of the World Economic Forum.

Archbishop Viganò has been stalwart in his opposition to what is called The New World Order or The Great Reset and probably knows of it better than most, for it has invaded even his Church. He calls it as it is:
"A dystopian society, without past and without future, without faith and without ideals, without culture and without art, without fathers and mothers, without family and spirituality, without teachers and spiritual guides, without either respect for the elderly or hopes for our children.
The recent pandemic farce — conducted with criminal methods that I have not hesitated to denounce since the beginning of 2020 — has been followed by new emergencies — including the Ukrainian crisis — deliberately provoked with the aim of destroying the social and economic fabric of nations, decimating the world population, concentrating control in the hands of an oligarchy that no one has elected and that has perpetrated a real world coup d’état, for which sooner or later it will be called to answer before the world.

National leaders are going out of their way to destroy their collective countries​

National leaders are going out of their way to destroy their collective countries. These chief executives and oligarchs, feeling a New World Order is inevitable, are merely vying for high position in what they think will be a new society. It is not more evident than here in the United States. These leaders make decisions that no one understands...destroying the election system of the greatest democracy in the world, ignoring the needs of their citizenry, destroying the military and police departments, with no regard for national security, citizen safety or law and order. Gone is energy independence, dozens of food processing plants (its become a global phenomena), hundreds of farms (meat and dairy are bad, but bugs are good). Millions of illegal migrants pour into our countries without vetting, background or medical checks. Victims of disasters are fending for themselves. They distribute vaccines that are ineffective and have killed as many people as the disease. They print trillions effecting nothing while creating massive inflation. Whole cities have become lawless, forcing businesses and families to pack up and leave. Stores that remain are locking up items like toothpaste, while the middle class tries to cope. Billions are spent on migrants while veterans are homeless. And then along comes COVID 2.0 with more vaccines on the way.

Is it Treason...​

  • Is it treason to deny the people the right to freely choose the government they want?
  • Is it treason to make the 1st Amendment ambiguous?
  • And when people question an election, is it treason to imprison them without trial?
  • Could such extreme paranoia indicate guilt?
  • Do we call it treason when a president flagrantly ignores Supreme Court decisions?
  • Is it treason to destroy all checks and balances within our federal government and establish a one-party system?
  • Is it treason to allow and possibly cause the destruction of whole towns, killing hundreds of men, women, and children?
  • Is it treason to cause false flags to hide ominous covert activity?
  • Obama's presidency was rife with crime and corruption. Is it reasonable to assume that Obama knew nothing of Biden's and Clinton's marketplace of political influence?
  • Is it treason to purposely destroy what you have been entrusted with to protect?
What is so bizarre is their denial of what is right in front of us. A good example is the Lahaina fire.
  • Why did the police block the exits so people could not find safety?
  • Why was there no water or a warning of any kind?
  • Why have they placed a black curtain wall around the town so even the press can't see what is going on?

Surely we see thus happening daily and it comes from both sides of the political sphere.​
Pinochet ’24
It's obvious that the FBI engaged in treason when the bureau came up with an obvious faked "dossier" that they purchased from a foreign agent who may have had ties to the Russian government and used it to try to undermine the President of the United States. Nobody was indicted and nobody went to jail and the mainstream media either defended the action or ignored it. When the entire information sources in the media (with few exceptions) are willing agents for political propaganda, the word "treason" takes on a new and sinister meaning.
It's obvious that the FBI engaged in treason when the bureau came up with an obvious faked "dossier" that they purchased from a foreign agent who may have had ties to the Russian government and used it to try to undermine the President of the United States. Nobody was indicted and nobody went to jail and the mainstream media either defended the action or ignored it. When the entire information sources in the media (with few exceptions) are willing agents for political propaganda, the word "treason" takes on a new and sinister meaning.
Got it. If someone you doesn't believe trump's discredited conspiracy theories, you think they are traitors. The MAGA cult brainwashing is complete for you.

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