Let’s Face it……Trump will be convicted

She was halfway through a window and no threat to anyone.

Deadly force usage rules for police officers doesn't include "pour encouragement les autres".

That's the realm of military suppression of rebellion, as exampled by the famous "whiff of grapeshot"
She was a domestic terrorist lawfully killed while committing her treasonous act of violence.
I see you got a second wind. Must have been that lime jello treat they served with lunch.
The GOP is not a viable party due to its position on global climate change. That's the point, not whether I recycle my plastic

I'm not the GOP, even though you keep desperately trying to make me one.

You're a hypocrite, pure and simple. :itsok: You're not willing to practice or live by the values you preach. Talk about Jesus... you're worse than most christians with your preaching. :cuckoo:
I'm not the GOP, even though you keep desperately trying to make me one.

You're a hypocrite, pure and simple. :itsok: You're not willing to practice or live by the values you preach. Talk about Jesus... you're worse than most christians with your preaching. :cuckoo:
You're fluffing for the GOP. Case closed
As much as Republicans try to blow off these indictments and claim victimhood

Trump is in Deep Shit
It is his own fault
He will be convicted
How could he stop it?

First thing Trump had to do was actually TRY to stop it
STOP posting inflammatory rhetoric that results in HANG MIKE PENCE
Send messages making it clear you do not support their messages
Get your Fat Ass in front of a camera and tell the TRUMPmob to withdraw
/——-/ Trump never said hang Mike Pence. The rioters weren’t watching TV. He did tweet telling them to be peaceful and respectful. But you gonna demagogue no matter what the facts are.
/——-/ Trump never said hang Mike Pence. The rioters weren’t watching TV. He did tweet telling them to be peaceful and respectful. But you gonna demagogue no matter what the facts are.
What kind of Asshole is Trump?

He saw the Capitol Building breached
Police being assaulted
His Vice President and his family are still inside and he sends a Tweet saying Mike Pence had let down his country

Let’s Face it……Trump will be convicted​

Four separate indictments in four jurisdictions. 91 total counts.

Let's face it, you're an idiot. The charges are idiotic, legally reckless, made by politicians driven for political ends trying to orchestrate a political roadblock from stopping Trump from running again and winning. The charges will be thrown out or defeated and will not keep Trump off the ballot, and will be overturned in the Supreme Court even if convicted.

The latest charges typically take three years winding through the legal system. The Left is trying to line Trump's case up for just six months from now right before the election before his team is prepared, defending over 90 charges with 700 years jail time. The latest indictment was even filed BEFORE THE GRAND JURY HAD EVEN VOTED ON APPROVING IT. If I hadn't seen this sham, I wouldn't believe such Marxist travesty trying to assassinate a political opponent was possible in the USA.

Democrats are now a clear and present danger to our constitutional republic.

The democrats have made a SHAM of our legal system and the jerkoff GOP have let it happen.
Kangaroo court political bullshit is not "the law".

Watch and see what happens.

I can see the future, and you are not going to like it.
Trump will be tried by a jury of his peers

Proclaiming four courts in four locations to be Kangaroo Courts without even seeming them is just RW propaganda
You have to be smarter than this.
No matter your hatred of Trump - a county level prosecutor, who is not backed up by any other prosecutor in her state, including the state prosecutor and atty general office.. throws some stuff against the wall 2 and a half years after the alleged accusation occurred.
If you think this is the end of it - your dead wrong.
Guarantee you other Republican prosecutors will start doing the same thing to Biden.
We are looking at the very real possibility that the two main candidates for President will be under indictments from low level county prosecutors.
We are not reaching the level of Banana Republic - we are already there.
You have to be smarter than this.
No matter your hatred of Trump - a county level prosecutor, who is not backed up by any other prosecutor in her state, including the state prosecutor and atty general office.. throws some stuff against the wall 2 and a half years after the alleged accusation occurred.
If you think this is the end of it - your dead wrong.
Guarantee you other Republican prosecutors will start doing the same thing to Biden.
We are looking at the very real possibility that the two main candidates for President will be under indictments from low level county prosecutors.
We are not reaching the level of Banana Republic - we are already there.

They will not respond in kind, they won't even go after legitimate D corruption, they're all in the same bed and paid by the same puppet masters.

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