Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

eenie meenie minie mo...
Trump has often used credit (debt), so it is natural his "followers" would follow suit.
Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

As Donald Trump has surrendered for arrest 4 times in the past few months, the Trump supporters have not gone to the streets to stop the judicial process. A potential first step to over throw the American system; the American government.
Unlike Jan. 6th, when supporters tried to stop the government process to ratify the 2020 Presidential election.

The fight should happen within the system, in the court system. Trump will have the opportunity to fight against the charges in court. He will have his advocates to present his side and the final decision will be made by a jury of his peers.

Let's also give credit to the American system, as set up by the founding fathers, which stopped those trying to override our sytem on Jan. 6th. Another,potential, first step to over throw the American system. Other Trump supporters learned what happened to those who tried to stop a congressional process.

The system is being rigged, and the thing is when normal people decide the system is done for, the blowback will be swift and terrifying.
Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

As Donald Trump has surrendered for arrest 4 times in the past few months, the Trump supporters have not gone to the streets to stop the judicial process. A potential first step to over throw the American system; the American government.
Unlike Jan. 6th, when supporters tried to stop the government process to ratify the 2020 Presidential election.

The fight should happen within the system, in the court system. Trump will have the opportunity to fight against the charges in court. He will have his advocates to present his side and the final decision will be made by a jury of his peers.

Let's also give credit to the American system, as set up by the founding fathers, which stopped those trying to override our sytem on Jan. 6th. Another,potential, first step to over throw the American system. Other Trump supporters learned what happened to those who tried to stop a congressional process.
/---/ These indictments are a convenient distraction from people's everyday life.
Unlike Jan. 6th, when supporters tried to stop the government process to ratify the 2020 Presidential election.

Elmer, you fucking liar, still trying to spread leftard BULLSHIT, aren't you?

Mister, you are a LYING fucking SCUMBAG.

You're lower than low, you worthless piece of shit.
.......Their beloved leader is just too busy with indictments to offer any useable plan for civil war..
Nope, I don't agree with this statement.

St. Donald doesn't give a shit, about his indictments or further ones to come, nor is he in need or interested in a "civil war" - he is paying his lawyers to get busy and his "political advisor team" is making use of these indictments to further his lies and disinformation campaign directed towards MAGA fanatics and especially/foremost towards those Americans, opposing lefty&Lib democrat policies and republicans engaging/compromising with lefty&Libs.

Both St. Donald and especially his "advisors" are very clear about the fact that MAGA's would never account for more then 25% of his votes.
Therefore in order to win - they desperately need the support of non-MAGA's, aka those who in general resent the present US government polices or those enacted policies and laws in the past 30-40 years, due to Lefty&Lib influence/manipulation.

Factually it is not St. Donald nor his advisors that formulate or construe a political program/manifest - but their voluntary tool, the MSM who's clearly aware about their readers prevailing antipathy towards Lefty&Lib domination. St. Donald and his advisors job is only to incite further discontent, via lying and construing political fables.

This already had become evident during his 2015/16 campaign - where aside from rephrasing Reagan's slogan "Buy American" and "Make America Great" via introducing red MAGA caps Made in China. He never had to offer an actual manifest - unlike Reagan - Fuck Communism to Death/Promote Tax-cuts for the rich, fight Drugs, etc. - whilst instituting respective policies to ensure that.

St. Donald and his advisors only highlighted already existing resentments amongst voters. aka this is no good and that is no good - promising to change all this - without ever having worked out a political manifest and policy, as how to actually change all this.

In his 4 year term he proved to the world and himself that he doesn't understand how politics work - and neither did he nor his advisors possess any required skills to realistically formulate a respective policy - those who did - e.g. Bolton or Pence (independent of their political agenda) he all sidelined them or simply took them out - since e.g. these two politicians factually presented political alternatives that he would have needed to act upon. Something he doesn't know how to do and also simply isn't interested in.

His 4 year term proved to him - that he doesn't need political/economic knowledge or to show for any actual success - all he need's is an administration with existing laws, that provides for resentments amongst voters - the MSM is then doing the campaigning for him.

Since 2016 worked out so great for him "he even admitted his own surprise about having won the Presidency" - he just keeps repeating - that these things all need to change - and that off course only he can do it. He got so emboldened by the naivety of the voters in general - that he even tells people he did something positive (aside from playing golf and humping chicks) and managed to change America to the better - absolutely hilarious and mind boggling.

But Trump definitely shows and basically demonstrates that the existing laws and policies are not shared in majority by the US population.

And it is exactly this issue that makes the human scumbag so dangerous for the USA and the world.
It isn’t faith in the system. Or the belief that like all Americans Trump will get all his Constitutional Rights in the process. It isn’t even that the dummies haven’t had time to plan their actions. They haven’t. But that wouldn’t stop them from showing up.

They have built the imaginary Deep State into a boogie man of epic proportions. It is everywhere. Waiting for a chance to get them set up. Then they will be arrested and like the January 6th “Patriots” they will be locked up awaiting trial.

Besides. What do we have to be afraid of. These guys?

View attachment 819285

The fat guy wearing the bullet proof sports bra is no threat to anyone. The guy on the far right with the what are you looking at attitude is about as scary as a shit the next day after eating Mexican food. It may be a little spicier than usual, but not difficult.

I mean. Think for a minute. These guys thing they are hunted by this “deep state” and they are always on their phones chatting and texting. Their phones know their exact location. If they are identified the NSA is able to monitor their communications in real time.

So are they smart enough to vanish? To disappear into the world without any electronics? Become homeless and deal only in cash so the scary Feds don’t find them? Nah. They stay at home in Momma’s basement ranting about the Deep State and how they are going to defeat it.

And you can see how prepared they are. A bullet proof sports bra will totally protect them against the forces Biden control. Or something.
It will take a decent shooter to hit sports bra guy in his sports bra vest!
Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

As Donald Trump has surrendered for arrest 4 times in the past few months, the Trump supporters have not gone to the streets to stop the judicial process. A potential first step to over throw the American system; the American government.
Unlike Jan. 6th, when supporters tried to stop the government process to ratify the 2020 Presidential election.

The fight should happen within the system, in the court system. Trump will have the opportunity to fight against the charges in court. He will have his advocates to present his side and the final decision will be made by a jury of his peers.

Let's also give credit to the American system, as set up by the founding fathers, which stopped those trying to override our sytem on Jan. 6th. Another,potential, first step to over throw the American system. Other Trump supporters learned what happened to those who tried to stop a congressional process.
Remember the magnetic yellow ribbons people used to put on their cars...we'll likely see those pretty soon.
Let's give credit to the Trump supporters.

As Donald Trump has surrendered for arrest 4 times in the past few months, the Trump supporters have not gone to the streets to stop the judicial process. A potential first step to over throw the American system; the American government.
Unlike Jan. 6th, when supporters tried to stop the government process to ratify the 2020 Presidential election.

The fight should happen within the system, in the court system. Trump will have the opportunity to fight against the charges in court. He will have his advocates to present his side and the final decision will be made by a jury of his peers.

Let's also give credit to the American system, as set up by the founding fathers, which stopped those trying to override our sytem on Jan. 6th. Another,potential, first step to over throw the American system. Other Trump supporters learned what happened to those who tried to stop a congressional process.

Unlike what would happen should Trump win in 2024, your side will burn everything down. Right now you're using the corrupted power of government to get your way, if that doesn't work, then you will take to the streets to riot like the pigs you are. :dunno:

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