Let's hear from all of the USMB Covid vax supporters: Who is getting the new booster shot for the latest variant?

About 7% of the infected reach severe levels and the shits Do prevent that from getting wirse
See Im not like absolute one way street lib loons, or even thinkers, who state the shots. are worthless. For the small percentage who are very bad off they are effective. It’s just that they are immaterial for 93% and it’s suspicious as to motive to throw the nation into a mask mandated lockdown and inoculation frenzy

1. Please proof read before you post.

2. There is no way of measuring how severe covid would have been if any person did or did not get the vaccine, except statistically. Statistics show a much smaller instance of severe covid.

3. There's no way of knowing how many of the people that got the vaccine and had no symptoms would have shown symptom if they had not gotten the vaccine. We do not have statistics on that at all.

4. There were huge outbreaks of Covid, with high fatality rates, in China and New York before the mask mandates. The lockdowns and mask mandates contributed very well to stopping the spread before any vaccines were available. The Governor of Connecticut issued the shutdown & mask mandate at the same time as the Governor of New York. He saved the people of Connecticut.
1. Please proof read before you post.

2. There is no way of measuring how severe covid would have been if any person did or did not get the vaccine, except statistically. Statistics show a much smaller instance of severe covid.

3. There's no way of knowing how many of the people that got the vaccine and had no symptoms would have shown symptom if they had not gotten the vaccine. We do not have statistics on that at all.

4. There were huge outbreaks of Covid, with high fatality rates, in China and New York before the mask mandates. The lockdowns and mask mandates contributed very well to stopping the spread before any vaccines were available. The Governor of Connecticut issued the shutdown & mask mandate at the same time as the Governor of New York. He saved the people of Connecticut.
Most of this is incorrect about “no way of knowing” and you try to establish fake parameters of comparisons. There are many things that are known including it does not prevent you from getting it nor transmitting it nor does it throttle the severity of it. It Does reduce death in the very serious to critical cases, a very small percentage of the total infected.

CDC itself on their infamous Worldometer published total cases and the number that required hospitalizations. That number was6-7% and they measured that those 6-7% mostly did not die if they had taken the shot
All your other “no way to know” offer up Circumstances that have nothing to do with the discussion.
The CDC itself has correctly declared the shots as a life saver for the small percentage who are very serious or worse. They found No benefit as to protection from infection, transmission of infection nor of therapy for mild to serious cases.
Live in the real world instead of the safe space that you fears and control issues take you to.
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1. Please proof read before you post.

2. There is no way of measuring how severe covid would have been if any person did or did not get the vaccine, except statistically. Statistics show a much smaller instance of severe covid.

3. There's no way of knowing how many of the people that got the vaccine and had no symptoms would have shown symptom if they had not gotten the vaccine. We do not have statistics on that at all.

4. There were huge outbreaks of Covid, with high fatality rates, in China and New York before the mask mandates. The lockdowns and mask mandates contributed very well to stopping the spread before any vaccines were available. The Governor of Connecticut issued the shutdown & mask mandate at the same time as the Governor of New York. He saved the people of Connecticut.
It also shows the same with invectimicin. In fact better.
Most of this is incorrect about “no way of knowing” and you try to establish fake parameters of comparisons. There are many things that are known including it does not prevent you from getting it nor transmitting it nor does it throttle the severity of it. It Does reduce death in the very serious to critical cases, a very small percentage of the total infected.

CDC itself on their infamous Worldometer published total cases and the number that required hospitalizations. That number was6-7% and they measured that those 6-7% mostly did not die if they had taken the shot
All your other “no way to know” offer up Circumstances that have nothing to do with the discussion.
The CDC itself has correctly declared the shots as a life saver for the small percentage who are very serious or worse. They found No benefit as to protection from infection, transmission of infection nor of therapy for mild to serious cases.
Live in the real world instead of the safe space that you fears and control issues take you to.

Holy CRAP are you full of SHIT!!!

Lets see..

Who should I listen to?
My wife’s doctors who encourage we both get vaccinated to reduce risk or Typhoid Sue who has been spreading COVID misinformation for years?

The information I am spreading is correct. Good luck with the heart disease, autoimmunes and cancers the poison shots produce
Can't you clowns get your heads out of MAGA's butt?

Look here - I have a better idea. Let's get together on this. After all, that's what politics is all about, isn't it?
"Getting together." Yes, that's precisely what "politics is all about." Just vote to save unborn babies' lives. They deserve no less.

It sounds like we both agree that government should keep it's grubby little paws off our noses. You speak of women, I speak of vaccines - but it's the same thing, isn't it?

It's unwanted government interference. To the point of being destructive. Amirite?

So let's get together on this. We agree. There's no reason we should be arguing about it.

I'll agree to government keeping it's hands off womens' health, if you'll agree to government keeping it's hands off MY health.


Killing babies is NOT "women's health." It's murder. It's brutal, painful, tortuous, murder of a unique human being.

```6 month old baby aborted.jpg


Andrea Bocelli's mother was advised by her physician to have him aborted due to physical abnormalities.

SHE REFUSED! She wanted to give birth to her child and give it all the love she could.
Tell us about "health," oh great calculating dice and card shark....

Andre Bocelli.jpg

"Getting together." Yes, that's precisely what "politics is all about." Just vote to save unborn babies' lives. They deserve no less.

Killing babies is NOT "women's health." It's murder. It's brutal, painful, tortuous, murder of a unique human being.

View attachment 825169

View attachment 825170

Andrea Bocelli's mother was advised by her physician to have him aborted due to physical abnormalities.

SHE REFUSED! She wanted to give birth to her child and give it all the love she could.
Tell us about "health," oh great calculating dice and card shark....

View attachment 825171
My bad, forgot you guys don't have a sense of humor after they install the Chip.

That was meant as a sarcastic joke, as the eye roll gif should have indicated to you.
You haven't heard, people are already saying bad things about the people that won't get the chip installed in their hand in the future. Already getting people ready. You gonna get it?
The CDC told you vaccinated people can't get covid. You bought that lie, and probably infected and subsequently killed hundreds of people.

First, the liars said "The vaccine protects you from getting Covid-19."
That lie fell through and they switched to the next level of lies: "You won't get as sick.."
That lie fell through and they switched to "You won't die."

Covid-19 vaccine killed THOUSANDS not hundreds.
Morticians said they never saw so many blood clots in cadavers as they did after this killing vaccine was widely taken. Sheep bleated that if you didn't take the jab like they did, they hoped you would die. This included a well-known Canadian doctor who promptly died after being jabbed.

Karma is a Hillary.
The information I am spreading is correct. Good luck with the heart disease, autoimmunes and cancers the poison shots produce

The misinformation you spread is always

People die
First, the liars said "The vaccine protects you from getting Covid-19."
That lie fell through and they switched to the next level of lies: "You won't get as sick.."
That lie fell through and they switched to "You won't die."

Covid-19 vaccine killed THOUSANDS not hundreds.
Morticians said they never saw so many blood clots in cadavers as they did after this killing vaccine was widely taken. Sheep bleated that if you didn't take the jab like they did, they hoped you would die. This included a well-known Canadian doctor who promptly died after being jabbed.

Karma is a Hillary.
The liars said Covid is a hoax
They compared it to the common cold
Liars said masks don’t work
Liars mocked social distancing
Liars told people vaccines will kill you

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