Lets just face it….Devon Archer closed door testimony a bust


So tell me. Why did Joe Biden ADMITEDLY force the hand of the Ukrainians government to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma?
Burisma was looking into doing business in the U.S. by buying an American energy company and creating an IPO. That couldn't happen if Shokin found the fraud he was investigating in Burisma. Shokin had to go.
Biden was a Senator for 36 years, then Vice President, and now President.

His total income for that entire period is $17 million.

And every dollar was honest. Even Rambunctious's own link confirms this.

If Biden was crooked, he'd have as much money as Pelosi.
Crooked changing agendas. Means crooked corrupted man. Lack of character, honor and integrity.
The Ukrainian prosecutor that Republican Senators wanted fired, that Democratic Senators wanted fired, that the EU wanted fired, that the Ukrainian legislature wanted fired, that the IMF wanted fired, and that the Obama administration wanted fired was a crook. He had an extortion scheme. He would demand bribes from various companies and threaten to "investigate" them if they didn't cough up the cash.

Burisma came into his sights at some point.

Now get this, tards. Get this through your stupid obtuse pointy skulls:

The crooked prosecutor's fake investigation of Burisma occurred TWO YEARS BEFORE HUNTER BIDEN JOINED THE COMPANY.

So you see, morons, Joe Biden was not trying to protect his son, as you have been so deliberately been lied to about. He was simply carrying out the policy of EVERYYYYYYONNNNE!

You've been hoaxed, tards. Again. For I don't, what, the thousandth time?
Oh. Now I see.

Joe Biden wanted to get involved in a foreign countries legal system

That makes sense.

You are a bright one
Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’
“Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko said.

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Interfere in the U.S. Presidential Election

As the whistleblower’s report notes, even before Trump was repeating Lutsenko’s lines to Zelensky, the prosecutor was already walking them back. And since the release of the whistleblower report, Lutsenko has told multiple major U.S. newspapers that, regardless of what he said earlier, he doesn’t have dirt on Biden of any consequence whatsoever.

What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014
why do you even bother? they don't care.
No link of Joe Biden to foreign business deals.
Hunter was selling the illusion of access to VP Biden.
Dare I say……..Nothing burger

Devon Archer told the House Oversight Committee on Monday that his former business partner, Hunter Biden, was selling the “illusion” of access to his father, according to a source familiar with the closed-door interview, the latest development in the Republican-led congressional investigations into the president’s son.

The source also reiterated that Archer provided no evidence connecting President Joe Biden to any of his son’s foreign business dealings.
I would like the actual testimony.
Is that the spin the democrats on the committing are spewing?

"An unnamed source familiar with the conversation".

It's the Russia bologna all over again.

And yeah, no doubt a Dem congressman lying through their teeth.

The media is complicit because they helped cover all this up to begin with.

They have an undeniable vested interest in keeping everyone in the dark to obfuscate their own culpability.

Remember when the laptop was simply "Russian Disinformation"?

We've come a long way huh?

Them goal posts have traveled for miles.
You really are quite sick. You have direct testimony and you still can't fathom the depth of Joe's criminal activities. Tell us again how you are the most Conservative poster on this bord?
Direct testimony of what, exactly? That Hunter Biden traded on his father's name and committed tax fraud and did a lot of crack?

Yeah. Okay. Trading on your father's name is not a crime. Just ask Ivanka and Jared.

As for the tax evasion and gun charges and drug charges, go ahead and punish him on the same magnitude Trump's criminal organization has been. Some fines.

As for JOE Biden, you have NOTHING. Just innuendos and smears and hoaxes and lies.
Yeah, right. Biden had a phone call with 20 other people on the line just to brush up on small talk.

They were just talking about the weather.

20 times.

When it just so happened Hunter was on the phone with foreign interests.

It's all one big misunderstanding.

The millions funneled into LLCs to multiple family members including children?

Just another coincidence.

It's so clearly all on the up and up.
Burisma was looking into doing business in the U.S. by buying an American energy company and creating an IPO. That couldn't happen if Shokin found the fraud he was investigating in Burisma. Shokin had to go.
You have ZERO evidence that is the case. Manufactured bullshit.

The only true fact is that Burisma wanted contracts in the US in Texas. Everything else is bullshit.

The entire Western world wanted the crook gone. He was thoroughly corrupt.

Remember how Jesse Jackson used to threaten companies with strikes and protests if they didn't give him cash?

Same deal with Shokin. And THAT is why he had to go. THAT is why the IMF, the Republicans in the Senate, the EU, the Ukrainian legislature, and the President of the United States all wanted him gone.
Who can promise U.S. influence at a business meeting and get the VP on the phone? Can you Bidenistas be any more gullible?

They're not gullible, they just don't care.

They're so obsessed with Donald Trump that they'll lie and cheat and take the whole country down with them if it means they think they got even a remote shot at eliminating his political career.

And their boy in the White House being caught red handed jeopardizes their ability to avoid another Trump Presidency.

So the Lefty goblins circle the wagons to defend the most corrupt President in modern history.

Because Trump.

That's it.

They're morally bankrupt losers.
You have ZERO evidence that is the case. Manufactured bullshit.

The only true fact is that Burisma wanted contracts in the US in Texas. Everything else is bullshit.

The entire Western world wanted the crook gone. He was thoroughly corrupt.

Remember how Jesse Jackson used to threaten companies with strikes and protests if they didn't give him cash?

Same deal with Shokin. And THAT is why he had to go. THAT is why the IMF, the Republicans in the Senate, the EU, the Ukrainian legislature, and the President of the United States all wanted him gone.
and there was zero evidence that Trump colluded with Russia but you supported the idea of spending 25 million to find out he didnt.

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