Lets just face it….Devon Archer closed door testimony a bust

Sure Republicans also lie but not as often or as much. The liberal news media would eat them alive if they did lie as often as the dems.

As an example just look at the lies Joe Biden says and often repeats.

Wow. 15 whole lies?

Only 30,558 more just to catch up to Trump...

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years
Keep counting. You have a loooong way to go.
True. Biden lies a lot and tells whoppers. Much bigger and far more important lies than Trump.

Plus Joe says he never discussed Hunter’s business with Hunter or anyone.

True. Biden lies a lot and tells whoppers. Much bigger and far more important lies than Trump.

Plus Joe says he never discussed Hunter’s business with Hunter or anyone.

So you're up to 16 lies. Try harder.
True. Biden lies a lot and tells whoppers. Much bigger and far more important lies than Trump.

Plus Joe says he never discussed Hunter’s business with Hunter or anyone.

What lies did Biden tell his first 100 days in office? Let's look at 2 your own source pointed out. Certainly not whoppers.

He argued that the expiration of the assault-weapons bans “in the early 2000s” caused an increase in violence. However, gun violence continued to decline even after the ban expired in 2004.

The president also touted his infrastructure and families plans, which he said he plans to fund by taxing corporate America and the wealthiest 1 percent. He claimed that he “will not impose any tax increase on anyone making less than $400k.” But, as it turns out, “anyone” is a deceptive claim — as White House press secretary Jen Psaki has explained, the $400,000 threshold refers to households, not individuals.

Oh boo hoo to any household making over $400K.

What other whoppers did Biden tell?
So you're up to 16 lies. Try harder.

They're being pretty petty about what constitutes a lie

Biden also claimed that Medicare could save “hundreds of billions of dollars” by negotiating drug prices, though the Congressional Budget Office has said that “providing broad negotiating authority by itself would likely have a negligible effect on federal spending.”

This was written in 2021. Today Biden is working on lowering drug prices.

So you're up to 16 lies. Try harder.
Remember they deemed Hillary a liar just because she made up that story about being under sniper fire in Kosovo? Trying to make herself seem like she had experience on foreign affairs. Well it turns out they worried about possible sniper fire but no sniper fire actually happened.

I wonder if at the time she wished for some sniper fire so she could officially put it on her resume? And republicans were quick to pounce and say she's a liar.

Turns out compared to them, Hillary is fundamentally honest. And Trump's the king of all liars. The best if all you care about is quantity.

Remember they didn't like it that Clinton lied under oath? That was their big problem? Remember they cared about the oath when he swore to tell the truth? How much you want to bet Trump will lie or plead the 5th. Something President trump said only guilty people do. He has since done it already. I'm just saying he will do it again or lie under oath. And the same Republicans will vote for him.
What lies did Biden tell his first 100 days in office? Let's look at 2 your own source pointed out. Certainly not whoppers.

He argued that the expiration of the assault-weapons bans “in the early 2000s” caused an increase in violence. However, gun violence continued to decline even after the ban expired in 2004.

The president also touted his infrastructure and families plans, which he said he plans to fund by taxing corporate America and the wealthiest 1 percent. He claimed that he “will not impose any tax increase on anyone making less than $400k.” But, as it turns out, “anyone” is a deceptive claim — as White House press secretary Jen Psaki has explained, the $400,000 threshold refers to households, not individuals.

Oh boo hoo to any household making over $400K.

What other whoppers did Biden tell?
He said he had never discussed his son Hunter’s business with Hunter or Hunter’s business partners.

The following might prove very interesting in the future.

He said he had never discussed his son Hunter’s business with Hunter or Hunter’s business partners.

The following might prove very interesting in the future.

I can't wait for the impeachment trials that will never come.
I can't wait for the impeachment trials that will never come.
There may be impeachment efforts but if so Biden will not be removed from office nor will he ever face prosecution for selling his influence for millions of dollars to anybody who wanted it all over the globe. Hunter will likely get away with a slap on the wrist or a VERY SHORT prison sentence.

Biden is a Democrat and Democrats will rule this nation until it finally splits apart and goes down the tube. Democrats at the highest levels are totally above any rule of law plus the liberal media will cover for them.

Republicans will piss and moan but lack the colones to do a damn thing about the freedoms we are losing and how our nation is turning into a Marxist socialist worker’s paradise. That’s simply because the Republicans are corrupt just like the Democrats. They ride the D.C. gravy train too. If being a Congress Critter wasn’t so lucrative those who hold those seats would retire at 65 like most people.

The D.C. Swamp is wide and deep and you can include the real power behind it, the government bureaucrats, as a major part of the corruption scandal too.
Remember they deemed Hillary a liar just because she made up that story about being under sniper fire in Kosovo? Trying to make herself seem like she had experience on foreign affairs. Well it turns out they worried about possible sniper fire but no sniper fire actually happened.

I wonder if at the time she wished for some sniper fire so she could officially put it on her resume? And republicans were quick to pounce and say she's a liar.

Turns out compared to them, Hillary is fundamentally honest. And Trump's the king of all liars. The best if all you care about is quantity.

Remember they didn't like it that Clinton lied under oath? That was their big problem? Remember they cared about the oath when he swore to tell the truth? How much you want to bet Trump will lie or plead the 5th. Something President trump said only guilty people do. He has since done it already. I'm just saying he will do it again or lie under oath. And the same Republicans will vote for him.
Hillary lied about a lot more than just being under sniper fire.

She could write a book. How to Lie to the Sheeple and politicians all over the world would rush out and buy it.

Let’s just look at her email lies.

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Hillary lied about a lot more than just being under sniper fire.

She could write a book. How to Lie to the Sheeple and politicians all over the world would rush out and buy it.

Let’s just look at her email lies.

So her emails and sniper fire. Like I said, compared to the rest she's basically one of the most honest.

What about Trump using private phones? What about Trump lying to FBI agents? That's a crime. It bothered you that Bill lied under oath well it's also illegal to lie to the FBI.
There may be impeachment efforts but if so Biden will not be removed from office nor will he ever face prosecution for selling his influence for millions of dollars to anybody who wanted it all over the globe. Hunter will likely get away with a slap on the wrist or a VERY SHORT prison sentence.

Biden is a Democrat and Democrats will rule this nation until it finally splits apart and goes down the tube. Democrats at the highest levels are totally above any rule of law plus the liberal media will cover for them.

Republicans will piss and moan but lack the colones to do a damn thing about the freedoms we are losing and how our nation is turning into a Marxist socialist worker’s paradise. That’s simply because the Republicans are corrupt just like the Democrats. They ride the D.C. gravy train too. If being a Congress Critter wasn’t so lucrative those who hold those seats would retire at 65 like most people.

The D.C. Swamp is wide and deep and you can include the real power behind it, the government bureaucrats, as a major part of the corruption scandal too.
Pure speculation. It's funny you don't speculate with Trump. Even though it's obvious. You make shit up about Biden and can't speculate on Trump, who actually turned a profit while president and after he left office.

And he was planning to make a shit ton more at his top secret garage sale. What do you think he was going to do with the documents he refused to turn in? He was going to sell them to the highest bidder duh
Biden lies like your standard politician, which is bad enough, and the primary reason Americans don't trust politicians. It's a well-deserved mistrust.

Trump lies about virtually everything. Big, small, in between. He is a habitual liar. And his lies are not based in political gain or political advantage, but in a pathetic and desperate self-aggrandizement, self-protection and fragile ego.

The orange cult can try to equate the two, but they are profoundly different. And Trump's lies are pulling this country apart in real time.

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