Let's list the ways Republicans have helped this president:

If the president would budge even a little to the middle he might get some help. Look how the president sabotaged the 2013 budget process when him an Boehner had reached a deal, the president pulled out after the "gang of 6" in the Senate came out with their plan. You are a typical whiner Democrat. You live in the greatest nation on earth. Prosper and stop acting like a little victim.
The Right has helped Obama in many ways.

You want a list? Okay.

1) The birth certficate thing.

2)The Muslim thing. Not only do they try to make Obama out to be a Muslim, they make it sound like being a Muslim is a BAD thing, thus exposing their bigotry at the same time. A two-fer!

3) The mountains of manufactured bullshit. Example: "Obama watched as they died."

4) Labeling Obama with idiotic things like "Food stamp President". They are so retarded, they don't even realize how this attempted smear helped Obama. It only served to remind how all those people ended up on food stamps to begin with. Hint: Bush.

5) The neverending logical fallacies (particularly the endless armies of strawmen). There isn't a single critical thinking bone in the horde of mindless piss drinking minions.

6) The shrill harping on insignificant shit like golf games and vacations.

7) Slurring the President's wife at every opportunity.

There's more, but it is pointless to delineate them all. Nothing will change. Suffice it to say the Right has worked very, very hard to make Obama a success and get him whatever he wants.
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Obama doesn't need any help in fundamentally transforming this fine country into a socialistic failure. The conservatives are merely trying to save what is left.

Obama is a failure as President...a true enemy of the United States!
Republicans aren't elected to help the president dumbass. They are elected to represent their districts.

They have allowed themselves to be pushed as a group significantly further to the right, which in turn has opened the door for the Democrats to push their agenda for a pure Social Democracy with an authoritarian central government. Two examples:

1. Instead of accurately portraying the Left's goal as a pure Social Democracy with an authoritarian central government, the GOP has just kept screaming "communist" and "socialist" and "Marxist", none of which hit the target and can be refuted without much effort. Those terms have become as diluted and useless as "racism" is for the Left, and has made it much easier for the Dems to push their REAL agenda.

2. They have made the Left's authoritarian influence over the language a First Amendment issue, which it is not. So, the same thing has occurred: With the GOP providing effective erroneous cover for them, the Left are effectively, as Democrat Kirsten Powers admits, "enforcing conformity of thought and de-legitimizing any dissent from its sanctioned worldview". The GOP has allowed the Left to become what the Left used to hate.

I'd think Obama and the Dems would be thankful.

Why would they want to? Pretty much the first thing Obama did was to shut down a Republican attempt to negotiate a budget with the words "I won." Well, if that's the way Barry wants to play the game, fine, but he can't complain later when the Republicans play by those rules.
Obama has had the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people who are even more stupid and idiotic than he is.

At any point along the way, Obama could have been stopped dead in his tracks by intelligent and logical opposition with a superior plan.
Obama has had the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people who are even more stupid and idiotic than he is.

At any point along the way, Obama could have been stopped dead in his tracks by intelligent and logical opposition with a superior plan.

Yet here you are defending his dumb ass??!!

The guy had 100 % of the gov,yet its was still the republicans fault,still has 2/3 and its the same old shit,its someone else not me.Thats rather pathetic,and the ones that still blindly follow are just as bad.
Republicans have not only helped the Democrats but paved their way to victory in the last two elections.
Obama has had the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people who are even more stupid and idiotic than he is.

At any point along the way, Obama could have been stopped dead in his tracks by intelligent and logical opposition with a superior plan.

Not true at all. The electorate is not interested in actual solutions. If the last several years showed anything it is that the average voter cares only for slogans and propaganda.

Obama could not be stopped after the disaster that was Bush. That blank check gave the left enough steam to destroy the right for several years.

They have allowed themselves to be pushed as a group significantly further to the right, which in turn has opened the door for the Democrats to push their agenda for a pure Social Democracy with an authoritarian central government. Two examples:

1. Instead of accurately portraying the Left's goal as a pure Social Democracy with an authoritarian central government, the GOP has just kept screaming "communist" and "socialist" and "Marxist", none of which hit the target and can be refuted without much effort. Those terms have become as diluted and useless as "racism" is for the Left, and has made it much easier for the Dems to push their REAL agenda.

2. They have made the Left's authoritarian influence over the language a First Amendment issue, which it is not. So, the same thing has occurred: With the GOP providing effective erroneous cover for them, the Left are effectively, as Democrat Kirsten Powers admits, "enforcing conformity of thought and de-legitimizing any dissent from its sanctioned worldview". The GOP has allowed the Left to become what the Left used to hate.

I'd think Obama and the Dems would be thankful.


I couldn't get past that. It's sounds like silly ranting from an ignorant twit.
I want both parties to help those who they are elected to help the people instead of themselves and their party.
Obama has had the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by people who are even more stupid and idiotic than he is.

At any point along the way, Obama could have been stopped dead in his tracks by intelligent and logical opposition with a superior plan.

Exactly, it's so obvious.

And these people saying Republicans wanted to negotiate? Where do they get this idea from?

The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation | Vanity Fair

senior GOP members worked out a plan to repeatedly block Obama over the coming four years to try to ensure he would not be re-elected.

"We've gotta challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign."

The Republicans have done that, bringing Washington to a near standstill several times during Obama's first term


That's what USMB Republicans call "negotiation"? Really? Do they even speak English?

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