Let's Never Let The American Pride Die

I know we still have a few more months to go but I was just thinking about this while listening to Trump speak as Independence Day is just right around the corner as summer will be here before we know it and I still celebrate it because one, we're celebrating our independence from Britain as that part hasn't changed and two, unity right now is what's continuing to keep us together even though times are troubling right now. So, let's just remember that for when July 4th rolls around okay? As if Trump can keep the American spirit alive then so should we. :)
Please inform as to where the checks for the "national debt" are to be sent ahead of this celibacy ?
¿dipshit? ... ¿Scheißebeschichteter? - if my idea about this what you said is somehow true then you have fantasy, enemy from the confederate states of America.

Why? "To be proud" is nothing what real Germans care for - except it has to do with the quality of the own work.

Some of my ancestors had been Jews so Jews and Germans are the same for me. But "to be proud" is nothing what I see in this context. My "heritage" - stolen from others - makes me sometimes a little thoughtful and meditative. But not long. I'm a naive sunny boy who always thinks all people are children of god.

I am a German. A real German - with a plastic knife between my teeth and a pirate flag in the kindergarten.

So you are an answer in this context. God be with you. Most Germans fought by the way on the side of the Unionists in the civil war of the USA. The German word for German means "to be together" and not "to be seperated". On the other side the confederate armies had been unbelievable brave and successful.

I don't understand what point you are trying to hammer home. My side of the family that emigrated to America from the Saar Palatinate all fought for the Union. Six of them. All were wounded, one was killed. During WWI I had several German cousins killed and American cousins wounded. In WWII One German cousin serving in the 21st Panzer Division was killed. Several of my uncles and cousins fighting for the American side were killed, captured and became POWs. My family is a fighting one, and though some of them were on the wrong side of history, I am proud of all of them.
Anyone who maintains America isn't great when it can survive Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden doesn't understand what great means.
You allow dogs to sleep with you, you'll either smell like shit or get fleas. Just as trying to befriend leftists they want any pride in America dead. So fuck the son of bitches may they die a painful death of lead poisoning.

If it has too be explain to you dogs read my first response to this thread.

If you like to know: Since about 20,000 years dogs sleep in my beds. Not so a rat like you. (Sorry, rats, that I compared you with human beings)

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I don't understand what point you are trying to hammer home. My side of the family that emigrated to America from the Saar Palatinate all fought for the Union. Six of them. All were wounded, one was killed.

And your avatar name is "confederate soldier"?

During WWI I had several German cousins killed and American cousins wounded. In WWII One German cousin serving in the 21st Panzer Division was killed. Several of my uncles and cousins fighting for the American side were killed, captured and became POWs. My family is a fighting one, and though some of them were on the wrong side of history,

¿¿¿"Wrong side of history"???. From my point of view the whole USA had been on the wrong side of history when it entered World War 1. But in this history I would not exist. I am an answer to this history here where the "solutions" of the USA are continously exploding.

I am proud of all of them.

You are what? Proud on people who murdered others in war and proud on people who became murdered in war? I see only a psychological instability of the human mind in wars. All human beings are idiots - otherwise they would not do any war.

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Of course, because it will never be given. Seems pretty obvious to me.
Not all of us are self-loathing losers that are incapable of having pride in our roots. American spirit is simply the pride and strength Americans carry in their hearts.
Not all of us are self-loathing losers that are incapable of having pride in our roots.
You are proud because your country's foundational ideals are contradicted by the constitutional enabling of chattel slavery for the economic benefit of property owners?


I suppose...

Whatever it takes to reassure yourself.
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Realistic evaluation of history cannot be called "self loathing". "Pride" is a mostly useless emotion and feeling it for anything and everything diminishes it even more. The world can be thankful that it has been the U.S. that has wielded so much power and not another of the many much worse possibilities. That does not exonerate America from criticism.
You are proud because your country's foundational ideals are contradicted by the constitutional enabling of chattel slavery for the economic benefit of property owners?


I suppose...

Whatever it takes to reassure yourself.
I don't need reassuring. He was right that you'd never understand. I tried anyway. We live in a great country. If you look for the negative you will always find it. That's the difference between having pride and being a self-loathing loser.
And we are your enemy - independent whether we are your ally or not. Donald Trump for example - who had perhaps indeed been installed tricky from Vladimir Putin - used the wide spread hate on Germany in the USA to make additionally some votes with stupid nonsensic attacks on Germany. Today it's nearly the same. Since this war in the Ukraine Germany is the whole time under totally stupid attacks from the own allies. Meanwhile we have even an own Ukrainian foreign minister and not a German foreign minister any longer and we have partially an US-American press which only likes to win - but likes not to think about the consequences what this will mean in the end.

Sure. You are always only allies in name only. Ask the Kurds for example. Indeed you never defended anyone or anything in this world. You follow your own interests - that's all. But what was yesterday your interest will not be tomorrow your interest. But I'm sure Germany will be responsible in "your" eyes for whatever will go wrong on whatever reason anywhere in the world.

Readers--understand something.

Germany was never our ally. Never.

Exhibit A above.
Bitch, I'm German-American. My family is German American. My ancestry is German. I don't blame Germany for anything. It was a couple bad apples that ruled Germany for a couple of years. We as Americans, had to go and fight them.

That's woefully naive of you. A ton of Americans have German ancestry, myself included. Trust me. Do not claim it.
And your avatar name is "confederate soldier"?

¿¿¿"Wrong side of history"???. From my point of view the whole USA had been on the wrong side of history when it entered World War 1. But in this history I would not exist. I am an answer to this history here where the "solutions" of the USA are continously exploding.

You are what? Proud on people who murdered others in war and proud on people who became murdered in war? I see only a psychological instability of the human mind in wars. All human beings are idiots - otherwise they would not do any war.

In which Germany, the inventors of the Holocaust and a war that killed tens of millions of people--lecture Americans on how awful we are.

Your soldiers used babies for target practice.

Read that again and stop lecturing us as your "stage of grief".


The world can be thankful that it has been the U.S. that has wielded so much power and not another of the many much worse possibilities.
I'm not so sure the majority of the world's population can be so grateful.

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