CDZ Let's run a little experiment. Topic: Paying for College

If the democrats pay off student debt, then they will all have defaulted......

Well, no, they will be forgiven.. not the same thing. I suspect anyone who gets debt relief will have to prove it's needed. Also, a lot of people probably won't take the program because it will still follow you around on a credit report.

There is a difference between being in default and having a loan that is a tremendous burden to pay back.

I know two people in their 40s that still have student loans but are technically not in default. The bar for being considered in default for student loans is actually pretty damn low.

If you can't be productive enough after getting your degree to pay off whatever debt you acquired getting the degree then why in the hell should the American taxpayer have to pay off your worthless degree?

We are only talking about it because this shitass President Potatohead is failing big time and he is trying to get some Democrat support for the mid terms. Buying votes with welfare. It is despicable.

I'll pay my bills and you pay yours and the filthy Libtards can take their "free shit" and cram it up their ass.

Again, you guys are going to be so disappointed when you find out 'winning' the midterms doesn't mean that much. You think you'd have learned your lesson with Newt and the Teabaggers... but never mind.
Well, no, they will be forgiven.. not the same thing. I suspect anyone who gets debt relief will have to prove it's needed. Also, a lot of people probably won't take the program because it will still follow you around on a credit report.

Again, you guys are going to be so disappointed when you find out 'winning' the midterms doesn't mean that much. You think you'd have learned your lesson with Newt and the Teabaggers... but never mind.
Why should I have to pay your debt?
The only reason President Potatohead is even considering doing something as despicable as this is to buy some Democrat votes for the mid terms.
I paid off all my student loans by myself. I did that. But then I could do that because when I went to college it was cheaper (and I also got some good stipends). And when I got out there were still jobs available.

The US then decided to turn universities into industries and funnel everyone through university as a prerequisite for working ANY job. Now college is through the roof in terms of cost and there are few jobs for them since us boomers are still hanging on (we're almost done here, but for a few more years we are still taking up space).

So I'm all for student loan forgiveness or at least easing. These kids coming in today need a fighting chance. We also need to re-open the trade schools and putting more value on non-university degree-related jobs in our economy.

We need to see blue collar work valued more and a lot of the excesses of white collar c-suite money grubbing eliminated.

Either way it won't matter much what my opinion is in a few years. At some point I won't be the one in charge. I hope at that time I'm treated well by those who are. They'll likely have an axe to grind.
Another reason why tuition can remain artificially high.....Foreign students pay 3 times what an in state student pays at a State U. So State U is always going to keep slots open for Foreign students, same for out of state who pay double in state.

State Us are interesting in that they really don't serve their states, relative to admissions.
Help me out. How does that keep US tuition high to get higher tuition from foreigners?
Actually I didn't get any help from my parents but my wife did for her undergraduate degree.

If a degree is worthwhile then it will produce enough revenue. If it is not worthwhile then that should be responsibility of the borrower to pay back the loan.

We tax payers should not be forced to bail out stupidity just so the Democrats can get a few more votes in the midterms..
I don’t support blanket forgiveness. Democrats by far have the best policy but this isn’t one of them.
Help me out. How does that keep US tuition high to get higher tuition from foreigners?
Because the foreign students pay more for the same education. There is no incentive to lower costs, just the opposite. Even a university like Bama there are more out of state and foreign students than Bama natives. The State U's, where demand is high, what they should have done was say hey we are going have a student population that is 51% out of state/Foreign, and tuition for in state in $0.00. Use the higher tuition to offset costs for natives. At least you are serving you State function to serve your State residents in some manner.
Because the foreign students pay more for the same education. There is no incentive to lower costs, just the opposite. Even a university like Bama there are more out of state and foreign students than Bama natives. The State U's, where demand is high, what they should have done was say hey we are going have a student population that is 51% out of state/Foreign, and tuition for in state in $0.00. Use the higher tuition to offset costs for natives. At least you are serving you State function to serve your State residents in some manner.
Bama has a special deal going on waving OOS tuition for the best out of state students. They are graduating good students now, I recruit there. 15 years ago that wasn’t happening.

More income from out of the country would lower the tuition burden on Locals wouldn’t it?
How about I be responsible for my debt and you be responsible for yours and we leave the government out of our lives?

Wherever you live that place has, at some point, needed help from outside. Help that only the common wealth can afford.

We are all interconnected.

I willing to take responsibility for my well being. I don't need or want your money.

Do you owe student loans? That's fine if you want to and can afford to pay them off. But if we all pitch in and help others then others will help us when our time of need comes.

Why is this such a hard concept? Literally every one of us on this forum who are Americans have enjoyed the help of others when we were in need.
Wherever you live that place has, at some point, needed help from outside. Help that only the common wealth can afford.

We are all interconnected.

Do you owe student loans? That's fine if you want to and can afford to pay them off. But if we all pitch in and help others then others will help us when our time of need comes.

Why is this such a hard concept? Literally every one of us on this forum who are Americans have enjoyed the help of others when we were in need.
He didn’t pay to build the college he attended. Others did. He’s one of those who only sees the benefits others get.
The purpose of this sociological experiment is to see if Americans are capable of thinking, collaborating and innovating together any more.

Let's start with this particular problem: College has become incredibly expensive and it's saddling students with ridiculous debt from Day One as they enter the workforce. So, where are we right now on this issue?
  • Some want to address this by simply wiping out current college debt, or decreasing it to some degree, with taxpayer money
  • Some are annoyed by this, such as parents (*ahem*) and students who have paid their way by the rules and will be cheated
So what I'm going to do is toss out a few "IWIWC's", "I wonder if we could...", and let's see if we could get anywhere. Important note: I'm sure we know that this is how businesses often address problems, by tossing out ideas from all directions, massaging them, changing them, tweaking them, throwing some of them out. And, just as importantly, when it sees a problem with an idea, it doesn't just give up and dismiss the whole thing So, rather than running with our normal impulse to apply band-aids and not think things through:
  • I wonder if we could leverage American Capitalism to effectively address this
  • I wonder if we could have employers engaged in the process, with the value to them being better and deeper talent pools
  • I wonder if we could incorporate some kind of tax incentives to participate in the process
  • I wonder if we could find a way to attach junior colleges to this process, for those professions that don't need a full four year education
  • I wonder if we could utilize employer groups and/or college groups to somehow organize this by industry or subject matter area
  • I wonder if we could provide protection to employers who have educated employees, just to have the employees leave
  • I wonder if we could provide protection to employees so that the employer cannot go too far with expectations after their investment
  • I wonder if we could find a way to keep the kids learning post-employment to improve their skills by incentivizing their employers

Okay, there ya go. After I typed the first line, the rest came to me as I was typing. Tiny little ideas that mean nothing on their own, but could be a germ. Let's see if anything constructive happens.
I wonder if we could..
Get the deep pockets of the government/taxpayer out of the equation
Wherever you live that place has, at some point, needed help from outside. Help that only the common wealth can afford.

We are all interconnected.

Do you owe student loans? That's fine if you want to and can afford to pay them off. But if we all pitch in and help others then others will help us when our time of need comes.

Why is this such a hard concept? Literally every one of us on this forum who are Americans have enjoyed the help of others when we were in need.
From each according to their abilities to each according to their needs. Sounds like a plan!
Wherever you live that place has, at some point, needed help from outside. Help that only the common wealth can afford.

We are all interconnected.

Do you owe student loans? That's fine if you want to and can afford to pay them off. But if we all pitch in and help others then others will help us when our time of need comes.

Why is this such a hard concept? Literally every one of us on this forum who are Americans have enjoyed the help of others when we were in need.
Why are universities holding knowledge hostage? Knowledge should be free.

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