CDZ Let's run a little experiment. Topic: Paying for College

Maybe it's time to re-think the purpose(s) of higher education. Its purpose doesn't all run along one track.

Some degrees/programs are more career and job-based. Others are more general or more culturally-based.

It seems to me that right now, institutions of higher learning have the upper hand. That sure doesn't seem like the proper priority.
We have the most coveted colleges in the world. They aren’t broken. They are expensive. That’s two separate things.
Because they will personally benefit from the economic boon, and they will set up a better world for their children.

Remember, you are chiefly talking about rich people. They will still be rich. Very little of your tax money will pay off anyone student loans, because you pay relatively very little in taxes.
I don't give a fuck about "their" children. My responsibility is " my" children. Fuck you! Handle your responsibilities. Every crumb out of my pocket, into your crotch goblins mouths; are crumbs out of my own children's mouths. Do tell... The efforts you gone to endear me so. Don't worry. I'll wait...
"I bought a car. Why should my tax dollars go to public transportation?"

"I pay to send my kids to Jesus school. Why should my tax dollars go to public education?"

"I have never been west of the Mississippi. Why should may tax dollars pay for interstates in the western US?"

"I have healthy kidneys. Why should my taxes pay for someone else's dialysis?"

Why are we still such a stupid country?
I don't give a fuck about "their" children.
Yes, we know. It took us millenia to get past the selfishness and stupidity and short sightedness of people just like you to form the social contracts in our modern, liberal democracies. We overcame the angry whining of people like you to implement public education, for example.
Both my wife and I graduated college and got advanced degrees without having to acquire debt.

Both of my sons graduated college without debt. One of them earned an advance degree with still no debt.

Between the parents and us grandparents our grandchildren will have plenty of money to go to college without going in debt.

My family has taken care of its own. Why in the hell should we be forced to anti up money to pay for somebody else who wasn't productive enough to provide for their own?
It’s unlikely you did all that without any help from your wonderful parents. I think that is great for you all. Some people are in a worse position with their parents.

There is a reason to fund college with debt but there are reasonable choices and unreasonable ones.
"I bought a car. Why should my tax dollars go to public transportation?"

"I pay to send my kids to Jesus school. Why should my tax dollars go to public education?"

"I have never been west of the Mississippi. Why should may tax dollars pay for interstates in the western US?"

"I have healthy kidneys. Why should mytaxes pay for someone else's dialysis?"

Why are we still such a stupid country?
Great question. An answer, is coming...
Yes, we know. It took us millenia to get past the selfishness and stupidity and short sightedness of people just like you to form the social contracts in our modern, liberal democracies. We overcame the angry whining of people like you to implement public education, for example.
Yet... Here I am. And you're the one whining....
We have the most coveted colleges in the world. They aren’t broken. They are expensive. That’s two separate things.
Another reason why tuition can remain artificially high.....Foreign students pay 3 times what an in state student pays at a State U. So State U is always going to keep slots open for Foreign students, same for out of state who pay double in state.

State Us are interesting in that they really don't serve their states, relative to admissions.
Yet... Here I am. And you're the one whining....
Yet, here public education is.

Yet here public dialysis is.

Yet here are interstates and public transportation.

Notice how you are on the wrong side of history, ethics, morality, etcetera.
Yet, here public education is.

Yet here public dialysis is.

Yet here are interstates and public transportation.

Notice how you are on the wrong side of history, ethics, morality, etcetera.
And yet... The as the nation whirlpools down the shitter... Notice? Lol. Me and mine will still be gaining weight, and assets, while you wonder who's coming to save you.

What's the difference between mine, and your success you may ask..? My success isn't predicated upon your contribution. Yours requires mine....
It’s unlikely you did all that without any help from your wonderful parents. I think that is great for you all. Some people are in a worse position with their parents.

There is a reason to fund college with debt but there are reasonable choices and unreasonable ones.
Actually I didn't get any help from my parents but my wife did for her undergraduate degree.

If a degree is worthwhile then it will produce enough revenue. If it is not worthwhile then that should be responsibility of the borrower to pay back the loan.

We tax payers should not be forced to bail out stupidity just so the Democrats can get a few more votes in the midterms..
The nation is whirlpools down the shitter... Notice?
Not really. Our nation is strong. Our economy is strong. Where we are an embarrassment is tax policy, public health insurance, labor law, and wages. So we have a lot of frustrated, somewhat dumb people who can be distracted into voting on only abortion, or pronouns. The only whirlpooling I see is a fast march toward authoritarianism and embarrassing Randism, mostly from a population of goofballs that will be hurt most by both.

And a lost left that has found itself bored by only being able to fight for things that are non partisan, centrist ideas in any other first world country. So they get dumb and frustrated and distracted by woke issues instead.
Not really. Our nation is strong. Our economy is strong. Where we are a embarrassment is tax policy, public health insurance, labor law, and wages. So we have a lot of frustrated, somewhat dumb people who can be distracted into voting on only abortion, or pronouns. The only whirlpooling I see is a fast march toward authoritarianism and embarrassing Randism, mostly from a population of goofballs that will be hurt most by both.
Someone has to take charge. The ignorant masses clearly aren't getting the job done. 50 percent of the voting base is below the 50% percent IQ threshold. Let desperate morons keep deciding the future... Me? I just fuck with the dick I'm given. I'll keep watching the ever changing landscape, and adjust my tactics accordingly. You can keep begging for sympathy....
Well, your elementary and egregious error was transposing "best" with "perfect" to make a useless, stupid non sequitur point.
If that "best" were the "perfect" you claim; you wouldn't be posting you're grievances as it pertains to its failures. Embrace the suck. You failed. Pass your failures on. Maybe your decendants won't repeat them...
I literally just pointed out and mocked your dishonest error in misrepresenting me to mean "perfect". Please pay attention.
And you failed. That's probably why you're complaining about the topic. Failure..? A recurring theme..?

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