CDZ Let's run a little experiment. Topic: Paying for College

I blame the university elite for holding knowledge hostage so they can live in the lap of luxury.
Next time Florida gets hit with a hurricane, make sure to not expect America to bail you folks out YET AGAIN
I have been through a dozen hurricanes in my life including Hurricane Donna in 1960 that did tremendous damage to our property and left us without electricity for five weeks. Have never taken one dime from the filthy ass government for hurricane relief. Have always taken personal responsibility for hurricane preparedness. My hurricane preparedness kit is a lot better than anything FEMA could ever provide.

What else you got Sport?
I have been through a dozen hurricanes in my life including Hurricane Donna in 1960 that did tremendous damage to our property and left us without electricity for five weeks. Have never taken one dime from the filthy ass government for hurricane relief. Have always taken personal responsibility for hurricane preparedness. My hurricane preparedness kit is a lot better than anything FEMA could ever provide.

What else you got Sport?

Whether you personally took any money or not is irrelevant. Your state took it. You drove on the roads we opened up for you, you enjoyed the benefits we all ponied up for.

That's part of being in a society.
Of course the university elite will argue for debt forgiveness. They already got their money. They want the status quo. They don’t want you to question why a college education costs hundreds of thousands of dollars in the age of the internet.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
It looks like the Potatohead administration is only going to pay college debt for the worthless degrees.

Typical for Liberals.

White House considers excluding high earners and those who studied professional degrees such as law and medicine from student-loan relief

High earners could be excluded from qualifying for student-loan relief

A source told The Washington Post that 'There's different proposals floating around about how to structure this'
Relief for loans that were taken out for medicine and law degrees could also be excluded, the paper reported
Biden on Thursday that he's taking a 'hard look' at the matter of student-loan relief and expects to make a decision 'in the next couple of weeks'

On Thursday, he ruled out a plan by Democrat lawmakers to relieve as much as $50,000 each - and instead said it would possibly be at least $10,000

Last month nearly 100 bicameral Democrat lawmakers signed a letter urging Biden to cancel up to $50,000 in federal student loan debt per borrower

Roughly 43 million Americans hold about $1.6 trillion in federal student debt

White House considers caps on student-loan relief for high earners
I think this forum is evidence enough that simply learning stuff from the internet does NOT equate to gaining knowledge.
Why should sharing knowledge cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in the age of the internet?
The purpose of this sociological experiment is to see if Americans are capable of thinking, collaborating and innovating together any more.

Let's start with this particular problem: College has become incredibly expensive and it's saddling students with ridiculous debt from Day One as they enter the workforce. So, where are we right now on this issue?
  • Some want to address this by simply wiping out current college debt, or decreasing it to some degree, with taxpayer money
  • Some are annoyed by this, such as parents (*ahem*) and students who have paid their way by the rules and will be cheated
So what I'm going to do is toss out a few "IWIWC's", "I wonder if we could...", and let's see if we could get anywhere. Important note: I'm sure we know that this is how businesses often address problems, by tossing out ideas from all directions, massaging them, changing them, tweaking them, throwing some of them out. And, just as importantly, when it sees a problem with an idea, it doesn't just give up and dismiss the whole thing So, rather than running with our normal impulse to apply band-aids and not think things through:
  • I wonder if we could leverage American Capitalism to effectively address this
  • I wonder if we could have employers engaged in the process, with the value to them being better and deeper talent pools
  • I wonder if we could incorporate some kind of tax incentives to participate in the process
  • I wonder if we could find a way to attach junior colleges to this process, for those professions that don't need a full four year education
  • I wonder if we could utilize employer groups and/or college groups to somehow organize this by industry or subject matter area
  • I wonder if we could provide protection to employers who have educated employees, just to have the employees leave
  • I wonder if we could provide protection to employees so that the employer cannot go too far with expectations after their investment
  • I wonder if we could find a way to keep the kids learning post-employment to improve their skills by incentivizing their employers

Okay, there ya go. After I typed the first line, the rest came to me as I was typing. Tiny little ideas that mean nothing on their own, but could be a germ. Let's see if anything constructive happens.
I wonder how much college prices would DROP if the government pulled out of subsidizing loans making those taking out the loans solely responsible for them.
Whether you personally took any money or not is irrelevant. Your state took it. You drove on the roads we opened up for you, you enjoyed the benefits we all ponied up for.

That's part of being in a society.
No some of us ponied up for everything while most have not---in fact, many now get back taxmoney that they never even paid in.

The government (federal) is supposed to be defense, border security, and infrastructure (mainly roads)-------

as they have gotten into everything else that isn't their business----they have managed to mess of it up placing the country into trillions $$$ in debt with their mismanagement.
Supply & Demand. The colleges charge what they charge because THEY GET IT.
Having a population that knows how to think and to learn is important. Most adults have no grasp of basic logic, which makes them gullible and stupid. They don't have the tools to recognize when someone fools them with a specious argument. Nor do they have the tools to understand when they have been shown to be wrong.

People carry a general belief that an employer would be better off hiring someone with 5 years experience and no degree over someone with a degree. Only being able to speak from my own experience and from experiences related to me at conferences in my industry, this is total nonsense. Those with degrees face new challenges with more composure and better problem solving and collaboration than those without. Training them on a new system is much, much faster, and they do better at anticipating possible problems in the future. And, when they do identify current or future problems, their correspondence comes complete with ideas for solutions. Those without degrees send emails that complain about the problem and come with an expectation that "Someone better fix this. It's not MY job. "

These are not meant to be universal rules, of course. But our company will hire someone with just about any degree and no experience over someone with a few years of experience. And it has paid dividends in spades.

The one problem we encounter is that we create very employable people who are on an upward trajectory in personal and career growth. And it can be hard to keep them, once their job starts to bore them.
Yes yes yes.... companys hire people with any kind of degree & no experence, over those with the on the job skills.
"I bought a car. Why should my tax dollars go to public transportation?"

"I pay to send my kids to Jesus school. Why should my tax dollars go to public education?"

"I have never been west of the Mississippi. Why should may tax dollars pay for interstates in the western US?"

"I have healthy kidneys. Why should my taxes pay for someone else's dialysis?"

Why are we still such a stupid country?
Good will & caring about your fellow human beings has its own rewards. And yes it great you are able to take care of your own.
That's an oversimplification. At the extremes that comparison is apt, but I'm not talking at the extremes. In fact it is little more than what most western democracies already do. America tends to struggle against this but even we do it.

Texas pulls itself off the main US grid and leaves themselves vulnerable to massive power outages if they were to get a freak ice storm. And when that actually DOES happen the US still rallies to get help to Texas. The Blue states often pay more in federal taxes than they get from federal funds which means they fund the "taker" (often red) states.
The old red state rant garbage that uses Places like NASA, military bases, companies making ships planes etc.

Its a lie and inflates the data. The biggest weofare state is California if you look at the totals. But it is based on standard pop numbers which are higher in blue areas
Next time Florida gets hit with a hurricane, make sure to not expect America to bail you folks out YET AGAIN
All states pay into Fema and fund it. We could say the next blizzard stop expecting us to pay foe it. Play it forward to mid west fires torndoes and earthquakes.

You are just spouting the normal left wing talking points
Whether you personally took any money or not is irrelevant. Your state took it. You drove on the roads we opened up for you, you enjoyed the benefits we all ponied up for.

That's part of being in a society.
Last hurricane we had the roads cleared before the county ever showed up
All states pay into Fema and fund it. We could say the next blizzard stop expecting us to pay foe it. Play it forward to mid west fires torndoes and earthquakes.

You are just spouting the normal left wing talking points

Not all states pay into the fed as much as they get out of the fed.

Some states are taker states, some maker states.

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