Lets say one good thing about Obama


Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!

Record number of Americans on food stamps.

Obama is no longer the "food stamp" President.

Food Stamps
The number of people receiving food stamps dropped by more than 600,000 since our last report. But as of March, the most recent month on record, more than 45.6 million Americans were still receiving the food aid, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

That’s only 4.5 percentage points lower than the record level set in December 2012, and nearly 43 percent higher than it was when Obama took office in 2009.

Nevertheless, Obama no longer qualifies for the title of “Food Stamp President” that Republican Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, tried to hang on him during the 2012 presidential campaign. As we noted at the time, 14.7 million people were added to the food-stamp rolls during George W. Bush’s time in office. By comparison, the net gain under Obama now stands at 13.7 million — and it’s declining as the economy improves.

Obama’s Numbers (July 2015 Update)
I don't think so... now to cut through the B.S...

Gallup Ignores All-Time High Food Stamp Usage As Reason For 7-Year Low Percentage Americans Struggling To Afford Food - Breitbart

“Food stamp usage is rising nationwide,” reported Food World News in November. “The figures are becoming unprecedented and they speak volumes of President Obama’s food policy. The usage of food stamps in the United States has reached an all time high after a continuous growth that has seen up to one in every five Americans enrolled on the program.”

The report continued:

More than 46 million Americans have been on the program for 35 straight months. Official data from the Department of Agriculture (USDA) showed that the food stamp program known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) grew unprecedentally [sic] in terms of both enrollment and spending, from the time Obama took office. The official figure stands at 46 million Americans receiving $76.1 billion yearly. In 2010, the number was at 44 million. In 2009, nearly 39 million people were on the program. In 2000, the figure was 17 million.

Gallup explains its poll results in terms of an “improving U.S. job market,” at a time when a record 93,194,000 Americans were not in the labor force in April, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In addition, though Gallup shows a 3.5 percent decrease in the percentage of blacks struggling to afford food, data released Friday by the BLS shows that the unemployment rate for African Americans was nearly twice the national average, and more than double the unemployment rate for whites last month.


As we noted at the time, 14.7 million people were added to the food-stamp rolls during George W. Bush’s time in office. By comparison, the net gain under Obama now stands at 13.7 million — and it’s declining as the economy improves.
1). The economy is not improving.

2). There are still over 45 million on food stamps and other forms of government welfare.

3). There are record numbers of people unemployed, 93 million plus, with 54 million of them being women, all under obama.

4). The kenyan is the unemployment and food stamp king.

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!

Not when you consider that 93 million Americans no longer looking for work manipulated that number.
Now you are certainly a lying sack of shit. Anyone so brain dead that they would believe that should not be allowed outside by themselves. 300,000,000 million Americans, and you are claiming that nearly a third of them are out of work? You have to be counting all retirees, and school children. Of course that is your 'Conservative' ideal world. Kids work from the time they can walk, and the old people work until they drop dead on the job.
... "say something good about Barry"...


Unless he calls for a state of emergency, cancels the next election, and places you in a re-education camp. lol
I would love that... because that would kick off Civil War II and obama would wind up in prison, perp walked out of the white house in chains like the criminal he is.
Nope, I can't think of one good thing about the thug Obama and thuggish wife

the only thing for me is when they are GONE
LOL. They won't be gone. They will still have major influence in our government and in the world at large. And you will still be a bitter old hag in a single wide.

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!
Only on paper. More people are unemployed today than the day he took office. The LPR has continually gone down since Obama took office. Most have given up looking for work, and they have been dropped from the employment statistics.

So, it's really just smoke and mirrors intended to keep low-information voters like yourself content.
Lets say one good thing about Obama...

---He turned the economy around and made more jobs then George w Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your turn!

You are right. Of course Obama never had these events affect the economy, the world as they did Bush.
Why are you people so forgetful of what caused that?

a) 2,500,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11, Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million
Job cuts in the 18 months before Sept. 11 tallied 1,642,988 positions lost. From Sept. 11 through the end of February, job losses totaled 2,523,217, an increase of 54%, or 880,988 jobs, Challenger said.
The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut.
"There is no way to gauge to what degree the effect 9/11 and the war on terror had on the economy," Challenger said in a telephone interview today.

b) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts...
3,200,000 jobs lost due to the above events beyond Bush's control...

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!
Only on paper. More people are unemployed today than the day he took office. The LPR has continually gone down since Obama took office. Most have given up looking for work, and they have been dropped from the employment statistics.

So, it's really just smoke and mirrors intended to keep low-information voters like yourself content.
They KNOW that... they just like to keep telling that lie.
... "say something good about Barry"...


Unless he calls for a state of emergency, cancels the next election, and places you in a re-education camp. lol
I would love that... because that would kick off Civil War II and obama would wind up in prison, perp walked out of the white house in chains like the criminal he is.
Another wingnut corksmoker wishing to kill some of his fellow Americans. 20Jan17, President Obama will hand the baton to the next President, and move on to other pursuits. He is a young man, and will still exert considerable influence on this world.

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!

Wouldn't take anything to do especially without having ANY of THESE EVENTS occurring..

a) 2,500,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11, Job losses since 9/11 attacks top 2.5 million
Job cuts in the 18 months before Sept. 11 tallied 1,642,988 positions lost. From Sept. 11 through the end of February, job losses totaled 2,523,217, an increase of 54%, or 880,988 jobs, Challenger said.
The largest losses were in the transportation industry, where 226,674 jobs were eliminated, and the aerospace/defense sector, where 138,937 jobs were cut.
"There is no way to gauge to what degree the effect 9/11 and the war on terror had on the economy," Challenger said in a telephone interview today.

b) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts...
3,200,000 jobs lost due to the above events beyond Bush's control...

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!
actually he altered how people are counted so it looks like it was a big drop.

leftist have had this idiotic thread a few times and always demand we come up with something, but when cornered to say something nice about any rep, all they ever say is; "something nice about ______"

So go fuck yourself, and fyi, I'll be back to correct your ignorance and lies.
He didn't alter it....he just took advantage of loopholes in the system that tell an inaccurate story of the true employment statistics.
Nope, I can't think of one good thing about the thug Obama and thuggish wife

the only thing for me is when they are GONE
LOL. They won't be gone. They will still have major influence in our government and in the world at large. And you will still be a bitter old hag in a single wide.
They'll be out of the white house, and no longer able to work on destroying America.

Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!
actually he altered how people are counted so it looks like it was a big drop.

leftist have had this idiotic thread a few times and always demand we come up with something, but when cornered to say something nice about any rep, all they ever say is; "something nice about ______"

So go fuck yourself, and fyi, I'll be back to correct your ignorance and lies.
He didn't alter it....he just took advantage of loopholes in the system that tell an inaccurate story of the true employment statistics.
They're not counting all the people that no longer qualify for unemployment compensation, but are still unemployed, and that number is staggering.

So they're lying to cover the kenyan's ass.
... "say something good about Barry"...


Unless he calls for a state of emergency, cancels the next election, and places you in a re-education camp. lol
I would love that... because that would kick off Civil War II and obama would wind up in prison, perp walked out of the white house in chains like the criminal he is.
Another wingnut corksmoker wishing to kill some of his fellow Americans. 20Jan17, President Obama will hand the baton to the next President, and move on to other pursuits. He is a young man, and will still exert considerable influence on this world.

Yep......He'll go back to causing turmoil everywhere he goes till somebody either plugs him or puts him in jail for 20 years.
Nope, I can't think of one good thing about the thug Obama and thuggish wife

the only thing for me is when they are GONE
LOL. They won't be gone. They will still have major influence in our government and in the world at large. And you will still be a bitter old hag in a single wide.
They'll be out of the white house, and no longer able to work on destroying America.
Nope.....he will continue to destroy America
Nope, I can't think of one good thing about the thug Obama and thuggish wife

the only thing for me is when they are GONE
LOL. They won't be gone. They will still have major influence in our government and in the world at large. And you will still be a bitter old hag in a single wide.
They'll be out of the white house, and no longer able to work on destroying America.
Nope.....he will continue to destroy America
But he won't have the power to do so that he has now. The little commie pile of America hating dog shit will be virtually castrated.
A very good thing about President Obama is that he has brought all the total fruitloops out of the closet into the sunlight where we can see them. And that are a bunch of them on this board. Really ignorant, and so damned proud of it.
Nope, I can't think of one good thing about the thug Obama and thuggish wife

the only thing for me is when they are GONE
LOL. They won't be gone. They will still have major influence in our government and in the world at large. And you will still be a bitter old hag in a single wide.
They'll be out of the white house, and no longer able to work on destroying America.
Nope.....he will continue to destroy America
But he won't have the power to do so that he has now. The little commie pile of America hating dog shit will be virtually castrated.

Nope. He still has his organization behind him, funded by taxpayer's cash for the last 8 plus years, and will still be funded unless Congress cuts it off.
Obama has helped in peeling back that very thin layer of decency that once made right wingers almost seem "normal" and decent......Like any malady, the first step in curing the underlying hatred is by first openly exposing it.

(I.m sure everyone......even slow-witted right wingers......can read between the lines and know what I'm stating.)

And of course YOU READ Obama's "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995!
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.

He was making such fun of idiots like you that were so easily fooled. He constantly use tricks, tactics to get his way.
Case in point! Why before ACA was passed did this liar in chief say:
“Forty-six million Americans—including nearly eight million children—lack health insurance with no signs of this trend slowing down.” [TTM: pp. 31-32]

THIS f...king LIAR KNEW that 10 million of the 46 were NOT citizens and therefore NOT AMERICANS!
Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

Also this f...king ignorant absolute LIAR KNEW that 8 million children lack health insurance WAS DUE to this FACTOR!!
The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) estimates that about 9 million of these individuals actually were enrolled in Medicaid during the year, but were categorized as uninsured in the Census survey. In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment
and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
” According to ARC, this “Medicaid undercount” leads to an over-assessment of the uninsured population and needs to be taken into consideration when developing uninsured estimates. While this view is shared by some policy analysts, others disagree and there is no consensus.
It is important that this issue be resolved so that targeted solutions for the uninsured can be developed based on the most accurate data possible.
Among uninsured individuals eligible for public programs, but not enrolled during the year:
Nope, I can't think of one good thing about the thug Obama and thuggish wife

the only thing for me is when they are GONE
LOL. They won't be gone. They will still have major influence in our government and in the world at large. And you will still be a bitter old hag in a single wide.
They'll be out of the white house, and no longer able to work on destroying America.
Nope.....he will continue to destroy America
But he won't have the power to do so that he has now. The little commie pile of America hating dog shit will be virtually castrated.

Nope. He still has his organization behind him, funded by taxpayer's cash for the last 8 plus years, and will still be funded unless Congress cuts it off.
But he won't be president, and that's a huge difference.

He can squeal like the pig he is, but he won't have the power of the presidency to enact any more EO, or screw with anything else.
obama, with his juvenile understanding of world politics, has given rise to ISIS, a worse threat than what we had before. AGAIN, it will be up to a Republican to clean up the mess. And AGAIN we will hear non stop how military money could be funding the growing number of government dependents.

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