Lets say one good thing about Obama


Obama dropped unemployment from 10% to 5.1%. That is fucking awesome!

Record number of Americans on food stamps.

Obama is no longer the "food stamp" President.

Food Stamps
The number of people receiving food stamps dropped by more than 600,000 since our last report. But as of March, the most recent month on record, more than 45.6 million Americans were still receiving the food aid, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

That’s only 4.5 percentage points lower than the record level set in December 2012, and nearly 43 percent higher than it was when Obama took office in 2009.

Nevertheless, Obama no longer qualifies for the title of “Food Stamp President” that Republican Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House, tried to hang on him during the 2012 presidential campaign. As we noted at the time, 14.7 million people were added to the food-stamp rolls during George W. Bush’s time in office. By comparison, the net gain under Obama now stands at 13.7 million — and it’s declining as the economy improves.

Obama’s Numbers (July 2015 Update)
I don't think so... now to cut through the B.S...

Gallup Ignores All-Time High Food Stamp Usage As Reason For 7-Year Low Percentage Americans Struggling To Afford Food - Breitbart

“Food stamp usage is rising nationwide,” reported Food World News in November. “The figures are becoming unprecedented and they speak volumes of President Obama’s food policy. The usage of food stamps in the United States has reached an all time high after a continuous growth that has seen up to one in every five Americans enrolled on the program.”

The report continued:

More than 46 million Americans have been on the program for 35 straight months. Official data from the Department of Agriculture (USDA) showed that the food stamp program known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) grew unprecedentally [sic] in terms of both enrollment and spending, from the time Obama took office. The official figure stands at 46 million Americans receiving $76.1 billion yearly. In 2010, the number was at 44 million. In 2009, nearly 39 million people were on the program. In 2000, the figure was 17 million.

Gallup explains its poll results in terms of an “improving U.S. job market,” at a time when a record 93,194,000 Americans were not in the labor force in April, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). In addition, though Gallup shows a 3.5 percent decrease in the percentage of blacks struggling to afford food, data released Friday by the BLS shows that the unemployment rate for African Americans was nearly twice the national average, and more than double the unemployment rate for whites last month.


As we noted at the time, 14.7 million people were added to the food-stamp rolls during George W. Bush’s time in office. By comparison, the net gain under Obama now stands at 13.7 million — and it’s declining as the economy improves.

Nope, wrong again. The food stamp program almost doubled under DumBama:

So idiots like you attacking insurance companies are as I've pointed out truly fools for Obama!

Your "conclusion" like the rest of your post, is a product of your constipation. What you're bitching about is the flawed tort law system...NOT the ACA.....

Health Insurance companies ARE a rip-off.
Hospitals, spend huge amounts on marble fountains in their lobbies, ARE a rip-off.
Big pharma practices extortion, much like the old Mafia, so they too ARE a rip-off.

So, pissed-off one...Simply to blame the ACA and Obama points out you have OTHER reasons for your hatred festering.
So idiots like you attacking insurance companies are as I've pointed out truly fools for Obama!

Your "conclusion" like the rest of your post, is a product of your constipation. What you're bitching about is the flawed tort law system...NOT the ACA.....

Health Insurance companies ARE a rip-off.
Hospitals, spend huge amounts on marble fountains in their lobbies, ARE a rip-off.
Big pharma practices extortion, much like the old Mafia, so they too ARE a rip-off.

So, pissed-off one...Simply to blame the ACA and Obama points out you have OTHER reasons for your hatred festering.

You have a poster of Obungles on the ceiling above your bed, don't you?
if he created so many swell jobs why are there 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps in obama's SEVENTH YEAR than there ever were uner Bush???
And one other major stupid ignorance people like you have is ALL insurance rates are regulated by state insurance commissions!
Including health insurance.
The average insurance spends 80% of the premiums in paying claims.

Several million previously uninsured Americans now have coverage because of Obamacare, but it could be argued that the ones who most gained —at least financially—are the top executives and shareholders of the country’s health insurance companies.

UnitedHealth Group, the largest health insurer, reported last week that it made $10.3 billion in profits in 2014 on revenues of $130.5 billion. Both profits and revenues grew seven percent from 2013.

United impressed Wall Street so much that investors pushed its share price to an all-time high. ......United’s share price stood at $113.85, a record.

To put that in perspective, United’s share price was $30.40 on March 23, 2010, the day President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. Since then, the company’s price per share has increased an astonishing 375 percent. That’s way more than either the Dow Jones or Standard & Poors averages has grown during the same period.

http://www.publicintegrity.org/2015/01/26/16658/health-insurers-watch-profits-soar-they-dump-small-business-customerse who have benefited most from the law
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Lets say one good thing about Obama

I got nuthin :confused-84:
In January 2017, he's free to go home to Kenya...
So Obozo gave them even more power by putting us at their mercy via Obozocare...

Got it...

As a right wing believer in all forms of capitalism, you should be cheering.....
A bit of hypocrisy on your part ???

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