Lets Say, Trump Chooses Tim Scott For Vice President. How Would The Far Left React?

People look and sound like ignorant fools when they talk about systemic racism existing in a nation that elected a black president twice. Why would Tim Scott want to look and sound like an ignorant fool?
I know it sucks that you’ve lost your race card but it’s time to get a job and carry yourself through life.
no need to look far to find people who think Obama wasnt born in the USA, or people that get bent out of shape at kneeling at football games, or people that think that Floyd died of fentanyl.

Lets Say, Trump Chooses Tim Scott For Vice President. How Would The Far Left React?​

Tim Scott has already maxed out the Peter Principle.
At least we did that. You retards are still upset over the Confederate statues coming down, you fucking racists.
What exactly did you do? You elected an extremely privileged, divisive and articulate Harvard graduate who happened to be kind of black who never mentioned the word equity or the phrase systemic racism and who never asked for a single racist monument to be tore down and who stacked 2.5 million more illegals on top of poor negroes while he was in office?
Is that what you did?

Well, if Trump did choose Tim Scott, it would be awfully amusing to see how the Trump cultists would react if they won … and soon after Trump choked to death on a Big Mac!

I could even see Scott appointing Haley to be his Secretary of State!

Or maybe he would get the Obama treatment? Conservative and opportunist as Scott is, I can easily imagine him tacking to the center as President if the cult leader is ever out of the picture. That would drive the cultists crazy. Contrarywise, as long as Trump is around, Scott is likely to get the Pence treatment. Trump destroys everyone around him with a shred of integrity.
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no need to look far to find people who think Obama wasnt born in the USA
Barack’s brother Malik Obama said he wasn’t born in the USA.
or people that get bent out of shape at kneeling at football games
It makes more sense for Cops and white people to protest black criminality at football games….but they don’t.
people that think that Floyd died of fentanyl
The toxicology report proved that King Floyd did die of fentanyl poisoning.
I thought you said you wanted us to “follow the science”?
Fucking racists.
At this point, it seems to be down to Kristi and Tim. Not sure who is 3rd in the running for VP. If Trump has it down to Kristi and Tim, would be a tough decision, right? There are voting benefits for either candidate, With Scott, Trump will add to his black vote percentage, Governor Kristi, probably add votes for younger voters. But lets say he chooses Tim Scott. It will be interesting to see the reaction from the Democrats,Liberals,Far Left, and the media. Anyone wanna guess what we will hear from the Left/Anti-Trump activists if it's Tim Scott?
You act as if token blacks selling themselves for personal gain is something new.
At this point, it seems to be down to Kristi and Tim. Not sure who is 3rd in the running for VP. If Trump has it down to Kristi and Tim, would be a tough decision, right? There are voting benefits for either candidate, With Scott, Trump will add to his black vote percentage, Governor Kristi, probably add votes for younger voters. But lets say he chooses Tim Scott. It will be interesting to see the reaction from the Democrats,Liberals,Far Left, and the media. Anyone wanna guess what we will hear from the Left/Anti-Trump activists if it's Tim Scott?

The left will do what they always do to all black conservatives. They will try to destroy him while continuing to pretend they’re not the real racists.
The true hardcore racism of the party that likes to fuck kids would be on full display. Remember, Uncle Tom Larry Elder is "the black face of white supremacy".

I'd still like to see Kari Lake in the hunt. I only want revenge (they could burn this mother fucker to the ground for all I care) and I think she's got the stomach for some serious retribution. In fact, I would appoint her as the Revenge Czar. Send the right message.

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