Lets Say, Trump Chooses Tim Scott For Vice President. How Would The Far Left React?

If I was Tim Scott, and got the VP offer from trump, I'd decline it.
Yes. If Scott has any serious hope to be president,, that is the move.

His endorsement of trump was a mistake..
Dems will fabricate some Russian collusion type story, Dems are not above fabricating 100% LIES about their opponents.
Scotts record speaks for itself. Of course racists love him.
The true hardcore racism of the party that likes to fuck kids would be on full display. Remember, Uncle Tom Larry Elder is "the black face of white supremacy".

I'd still like to see Kari Lake in the hunt. I only want revenge (they could burn this mother fucker to the ground for all I care) and I think she's got the stomach for some serious retribution. In fact, I would appoint her as the Revenge Czar. Send the right message.

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Speaking of which, what freedoms have you lost and who took them?

Pete Buttigieg

Debate Trump? The lying traitor? Debate him? About what, whether or not he is the most despicable person in American history? Or whether those who would vote for such an embarrassment of a human are in fact history's greatest dupes? Fools so mentally deficient they don't realize until a judge sentences them to prison that they are Trump's Chumps!

He's going to jail and you're talking about debates?
He'll be giving campaign speeches from the get away car! Don't forget to buy his latest NFT!

ike it was not an insurrection. We now have word from an expert witness
All Of Them!
Experts. They're gonna find some white bimbo who will claim Scott raped her while drunk at a college party.
Scotts record speaks for itself. None of that has to be done. If anyone does that it will be Republicans.
I think Abbots holding out for VP. He's had too many failures as governor and he would have been destroyed in debates.
He may. But Abbott is not going to come anywhere near the presidency under Rump. The orange douche bag is very shallow. He has a profound contempt for those with physical disabilities.
  • Fact
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On April 29, 2021, Senator Tim Scott was given the honor by the Republican Party to give the Republican response to President Bidens State of the Union Address. At this moment, Scott had the opportunity to invoke the spirit of legendary black republicans. Senator Scott had the chance to address the systemic racism he had admitted on the senate floor that exists, but somehow in prime time, he could not summon up the internal strength necessary for the moment.

Senator Scott had the opportunity to stand before the nation and express his experience as a black man; instead, he was the puppet. He had the chance to grab leadership, and he had the opportunity to make blacks look seriously at the republican party. Senator Scott had the chance to become a legend, but he couldn’t do it. This failure to present our case once right wing blacks have standing and power because they are more concerned with a political career is one reason why blacks don't like Tim Scott.
People look and sound like ignorant fools when they talk about systemic racism existing in a nation that elected a black president twice. Why would Tim Scott want to look and sound like an ignorant fool?
I know it sucks that you’ve lost your race card but it’s time to get a job and carry yourself through life.
It doesn't MATTER who trump picks if he wins the nomination.
I would NEVER vote for trump, no WAY.

This is no different than posters here saying they would NEVER vote for any (D).

I'd vote for a (R), but NEVER would I vote for trump. NEVER.
100% guarantee Trump will chose a woman. With Roe vs Wade and that dipshit Harris on the ticket it's a given.
People look and sound like ignorant fools when they talk about systemic racism existing in a nation that elected a black president twice. Why would Tim Scott want to look and sound like an ignorant fool?
I know it sucks that you’ve lost your race card but it’s time to get a job and carry yourself through life.
Remember the last black Republican to run for POTUS, a brain surgeon, Dems savaged the guy. Dems are completely without conscious or morals. If anything when a black Republican dares run for office Dems attack the black candidate 5x normal.
At this point, it seems to be down to Kristi and Tim. Not sure who is 3rd in the running for VP. If Trump has it down to Kristi and Tim, would be a tough decision, right? There are voting benefits for either candidate, With Scott, Trump will add to his black vote percentage, Governor Kristi, probably add votes for younger voters. But lets say he chooses Tim Scott. It will be interesting to see the reaction from the Democrats,Liberals,Far Left, and the media. Anyone wanna guess what we will hear from the Left/Anti-Trump activists if it's Tim Scott?
Who cares? The Far Left is a minuscule portion of the electorate.

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