Lets Say, Trump Chooses Tim Scott For Vice President. How Would The Far Left React?

They will trot out a bimbo brigade of men and women.
Nope. What will happen is that you guys will cry about Democrats promising us free stuff instead of understanding that blacks don't like Tim Scott. Just putting a black face on a ticket won't get you black votes. Maybe one day Republicans are going to thow away all the stupid bullshit you guys repeat over and over, change their policies and do real outrreach to blacks. At that time some blacks will return. But until then, all this dumbass people like you talk will only validate the opinions most blacks have about the Republican Party.
Pretty much nothing about his race.

Why did you think that was a tough question? Yes, your side makes every single thing entirely about race, as this thread shows, but that doesn't mean that anyone else shares your fanatical race-obsession. We are not like you.

So, got any other race cards to toss? That goes for all the Trumpers here. I mean, it's not like any of you mouth-breathers can talk about anything else.
Democrats will accuse Tim Scott of disowning Black people and selling out to Whitey. Guaranteed.
Democrats will accuse Tim Scott of disowning Black people and selling out to Whitey. Guaranteed.
Dems don't have to accuse him of anything. Tim Scott has done that. His record is proof.
At this point, it seems to be down to Kristi and Tim. Not sure who is 3rd in the running for VP. If Trump has it down to Kristi and Tim, would be a tough decision, right? There are voting benefits for either candidate, With Scott, Trump will add to his black vote percentage, Governor Kristi, probably add votes for younger voters. But lets say he chooses Tim Scott. It will be interesting to see the reaction from the Democrats,Liberals,Far Left, and the media. Anyone wanna guess what we will hear from the Left/Anti-Trump activists if it's Tim Scott?

Invest in "Uncle Tom" calls and futures
Tim Scott is already seen like that by blacks. And Ramaswamy? LOL!
You’re right…Tim Scott is already considered to be a BICO (black in color only)
He can say the word “ASK” and he doesn’t have a criminal record.
Yes they do, Obama wanted to transform America and Colin won't even stand for our anthem.
Trump wants to transform America.. Does he hate America? We are not requuired to stand for the National Anthem.
You’re right…Tim Scott is already considered to be a BICO (black in color only)
He can say the word “ASK” and he doesn’t have a criminal record.
You can't say the word ask, trailor trash.
On April 29, 2021, Senator Tim Scott was given the honor by the Republican Party to give the Republican response to President Bidens State of the Union Address. At this moment, Scott had the opportunity to invoke the spirit of legendary black republicans. Senator Scott had the chance to address the systemic racism he had admitted on the senate floor that exists, but somehow in prime time, he could not summon up the internal strength necessary for the moment.

Senator Scott had the opportunity to stand before the nation and express his experience as a black man; instead, he was the puppet. He had the chance to grab leadership, and he had the opportunity to make blacks look seriously at the republican party. Senator Scott had the chance to become a legend, but he couldn’t do it. This failure to present our case once right wing blacks have standing and power because they are more concerned with a political career is one reason why blacks don't like Tim Scott.

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