Lets see the left try to explain...

I didn't say pre COVID. I said four years ago
And people are better off than they were four years ago.
You can say that but a majority of the population disagrees with you and says they are worse off - since harris and xiden took office
You can say that but a majority of the population disagrees with you and says they are worse off - since harris and xiden took office
People weren't asked that question. The polls asked "under Trump" vs "under BIden", not four years ago.

And people are much better off than they were four years ago.
September 2020 vs September 2024. Much better off.
January 2021 to September 2024. Much better off.
I didn't say pre COVID. I said four years ago
And people are better off than they were four years ago.
Maybe some are better off today than during covid and some are not... remember during covid the Biden and Harris admin was dolling out cash like a sex staved sailor in a whore house... but is everyone better under Biden than under Trump... no way and I believe you know this and its why you said four years ago... instead of when Trump was in office...
If you take the time to drive through your city or town you can see it with all of the closed down businesses and homeless camps....
The polling in the gateway pundit is not something I give much creedence to. The fact is that prices would be the same if Trump was president. And if Trump was to get elected, the prices are not going to go down. Again, if Trump was everything you have made up, he would be president right now. As it stands in reality, Trump should not even be on a Presidential ticket. And if he is elected, you can forget about America being respected on the world stage. Trump will not be able to talk to any other world leader about the rule of law. So it's just time you manned up and stopped sucking Trumps dick. He is not a leader, and he is certainly not what this nation should have as a president.
That's conjecture and hardly a fact.

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