Let's See ...

How many times did they tell Samson to stop posting the porn? He's a perv.
Agree...but don't talk about the banned.

I must disagree that the thread is a shakedown. You just can't assume people will give it up voluntarily. He should ask.
Maybe you are not inclined to volunteer to donate, but many people are. I gave before any such thread appeared. I'm the kind o' guy that wants to buy everybody a drink. It's better to donate than to be taxed.

Still, there's nothing wrong with a friendly reminder that this FREE site does have a maintenance cost...that SHOULD be supported by those that enjoy the site. USMB can't be making that much off the ads...I never see any! :lol:

It's like Public Television...supported by the generosity of viewers like you.

He can use contests too, give away rep. :)
That would corrupt the rep system, by making it hard to tell who is actually the best person here. ;)
Even PBS has those Telethons every once in a while, nothing wrong with a friendly please help support us :)

These Boards are pretty expensive to run, the eat a lot of band-with and require behind the scenes tweaking to keep things running, there are other cost issues too. I gad a non-political forum at one time and had to drop it because of costs and it was a very, very small forum compared to this on.

What the heck is a supporting member?

If one contributes one can still not be considered a supporting member of this place?

Is there some fixed amount one must contribute?

I am somewhat confused about all this.

Yeah, here we go. I just noticed that I am still merely a member of this community.

Not a contributor, merely a member.

Why is that, please?
Last edited:
What the heck is a supporting member?

Good question.

And is a supporting member the same as a member supporter?

i have no idea how much it costs to do one of these boards....
Depends on what you want to do with it.

What the heck is a supporting member?

If one contributes one can still not be considered a supporting member of this place?

Is there some fixed amount one must contribute?

I am somewhat confused about all this.

Yeah, here we go. I just noticed that I am still merely a member of this community.

Not a contributor, merely a member.

Why is that, please?
Patience is a virtue. USMB edit techniques are not as efficient as editec's.
i have no idea how much it costs to do one of these boards....
Depends on what you want to do with it.

What the heck is a supporting member?

If one contributes one can still not be considered a supporting member of this place?

Is there some fixed amount one must contribute?

I am somewhat confused about all this.

Yeah, here we go. I just noticed that I am still merely a member of this community.

Not a contributor, merely a member.

Why is that, please?
Patience is a virtue. USMB edit techniques are not as efficient as editec's.

I'm merely confused about the different levels of membership here.

Seems to me making it simply to contribute ought to be the number one priority to the system.

As I pointed out already, even finding the path to contributing is rather difficult.

Think of the above not as a complaint, so much as a suggestion.
i have no idea how much it costs to do one of these boards....
Depends on what you want to do with it.

What the heck is a supporting member?

If one contributes one can still not be considered a supporting member of this place?

Is there some fixed amount one must contribute?

I am somewhat confused about all this.

Yeah, here we go. I just noticed that I am still merely a member of this community.

Not a contributor, merely a member.

Why is that, please?
Patience is a virtue. USMB edit techniques are not as efficient as editec's.

I'm merely confused about the different levels of membership here.

Seems to me making it simply to contribute ought to be the number one priority to the system.

As I pointed out already, even finding the path to contributing is rather difficult.

Think of the above not as a complaint, so much as a suggestion.

Because I have become a Supprting Member the place to click and pay the Yearly Support and get the Flag by you screen name is now gone, I can only show the sign on pace where it used to be

Welcome, Gremlin-USA.
You last visited: Yesterday at 07:33 PM
Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 88

In the area of the stars on non-supporters info there should be a place to click.

The other way of giving money enables anyone to give extra money for maintenance of the Forum at any time.

I must have missed that supporting member option.

Not a clue what it means, either.

How is anybody who contributes to this place NOT a supporting member?

What is the criteria for being a supporting member?
I must have missed that supporting member option.

Not a clue what it means, either.

How is anybody who contributes to this place NOT a supporting member?

What is the criteria for being a supporting member?

I'm totally confused by your confusion. Right on the home page, you can either click on the donate bar which you can't miss, or become a supporting member. "Supporting" meaning money, and not "supporting" the concept of the board. You can be the biggest dipshit on this board and still become a "supporting member" with all the bells and whistles if you pony up $14.95. It isn't rocket science. Actually, I'm hoping you're just kidding.
Since I became a supporting member, I really hate my name being all bold and stuff. Is there a way to change that, Mr. Or Ms Mod? I like the flag, but just hate that bold lettering. I know that is kind of odd, but...
Since I became a supporting member, I really hate my name being all bold and stuff. Is there a way to change that, Mr. Or Ms Mod? I like the flag, but just hate that bold lettering. I know that is kind of odd, but...

Stand up, stand out , and take a bow. (Your avatar already is) It looks good Pixie.
I must have missed that supporting member option.

Not a clue what it means, either.

How is anybody who contributes to this place NOT a supporting member?

What is the criteria for being a supporting member?

Even I, not the sharpest knife in the drawer about working web page options, figured out how to get it done.

I simply decided that having been here 17 months, with a likelihood of staying, it was time to become more than a "free-loader."

It seems you are trying to communicate a personal semantic difficulty regarding whether it is enough to support the forum simply by being here, or whether supporting it monetarily is more efficacious to the forum. If you''ve missed out on reading what the benefits are:

At the top of the page, under "quick links" where the name of the member is shown you may see an option to become a "supporting member" if you haven't asked to not be reminded of the option. By clicking on that option you would've been able to bring up the benefits. If it's not there, and to see the list and evaluate it now click go to your Control Panel, look on the left side of the page in the "Your Control Panel" column, and click on "Paid Subscriptions"

Here is the list or benefits:
Supporting Member Tag (example: )
Flag icon next to your username on all screens (example: )
Less Ads
Increased PM space (from 1000 to 5000)
Can upload animated profile pictures
Profile picture dimensions increase (from 150x150 to 300x300)
Profile picture size increase (from 100kb to 300kb)
Ability to upload animated gifs for signature
Signature image size increase (from 20kb to 40kb)
Increased Photo Album image dimensions (from 600x600 to 1500x1500)
Increased Photo Album image size (from 100kb to 500kb)
Increased Photo Album picture quota (from 100 to 300)
I must have missed that supporting member option.

Not a clue what it means, either.

How is anybody who contributes to this place NOT a supporting member?

What is the criteria for being a supporting member?

I'm totally confused by your confusion. Right on the home page, you can either click on the donate bar which you can't miss, or become a supporting member. "Supporting" meaning money, and not "supporting" the concept of the board. You can be the biggest dipshit on this board and still become a "supporting member" with all the bells and whistles if you pony up $14.95. It isn't rocket science. Actually, I'm hoping you're just kidding.

I have contiributed far more than that $14.95 threshold.

I am STILL designed as a "member"

Do you understand now why I am confused as to what these terms mean?
Since I became a supporting member, I really hate my name being all bold and stuff. Is there a way to change that, Mr. Or Ms Mod? I like the flag, but just hate that bold lettering. I know that is kind of odd, but...

No, it's not odd. I too don't particularly like anything that says LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, implying that I'm more important. Which is why I donate and skip the membership stuff.
I must have missed that supporting member option.

Not a clue what it means, either.

How is anybody who contributes to this place NOT a supporting member?

What is the criteria for being a supporting member?

Are you purposely being obtuse, since I think this has been explained multiple times?

A contributing member just donates via a link at the top of the page - anywhere from a buck to whatever - can be a buck a year if you want. There are no perks - you just give out of the goodness of your wallet.

A supporting member incurs a yearly fee of like $15, and also gets extra PM space, bumpersticker, and a flag next to their name, as well as their name in bold.

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