Lets stop calling them terrorist attacks

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?

How about the original Jews who actually wrote it..........in Hebrew.....

So the King James version of the Bible is wrong?

The translation is not the same as the original........
There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Why don't we get back to the OP. If you want to label other forms of terrorism Hindu terrorism etc when appropriate, have at it. But why do you want to link them to the daily occurrences of Islamic terrorism? Why do you want to muddy the waters? Islamic terrorism happens daily all around the globe, just call it what it is.

I'm not arguing for 'hindu terrorism' or 'Christian terrorism' ....but applying the OP's standard have suggested that "Theistic Terrorism' would fit it best. It meets every criteria of the OP. Encompasses the largest group. And includes motivation.

If not, why not?
Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

Yes....you can't show that murder is in the Christian religion....so you lie, then declare victory.....typical lefty....

Says the polytheist that thinks that there are TWO gods. One in the old testament, one in the new.

Most 'real Christians' would disagree.
There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Why don't we get back to the OP. If you want to label other forms of terrorism Hindu terrorism etc when appropriate, have at it. But why do you want to link them to the daily occurrences of Islamic terrorism? Why do you want to muddy the waters? Islamic terrorism happens daily all around the globe, just call it what it is.

The reason he wants to muddy the water is that as a lefty...he hates western religion, laughs at non western religion...but will use non western religions to attack Christianity.......and since the muslims hate the west, the same as he does.....he will cover their true nature while they attack the west.....
You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

Yes....you can't show that murder is in the Christian religion....so you lie, then declare victory.....typical lefty....

Says the polytheist that thinks that there are TWO gods. One in the old testament, one in the new.

Most 'real Christians' would disagree.

Where did Jesus command his followers..."Christians" to commit murder...?

There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Try Moses? Lol.

Moses isn't here. The KJV is. Why would I ignore it and instead believe you?

And that wasn't god in the old testament? This is pretty simple logic: either it was god in the OLD and the NEW testament.....or it wasn't.

Pick one.
I have no problem at all in referring to the terrorism of TIMOTHY as
white---protestant---terrorism (because there was a kind of aspect
of it that included protestant ideology----albeit--weirded up) I have
no problem in naming "shoot up the abortion clinic" as ---white
protestant terrorism (unless a catholic is involved) -----but to be
PRECISE -------there aint much of WHITE PROTESTANT
TERRORISM in the world today-----now what CROMWELL is dead.
But there has been lots of MUSLIM TERRORISM for the past 1400 years
and counting

For me, their religion is irrelevant unless its the primary motivating factor in their actions.
The motivation for Muslim terrorism is Islam and their fuckbook called the Quran.
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

Yes....you can't show that murder is in the Christian religion....so you lie, then declare victory.....typical lefty....

Says the polytheist that thinks that there are TWO gods. One in the old testament, one in the new.

Most 'real Christians' would disagree.

Where did Jesus command his followers..."Christians" to commit murder...?


You're not a 'real christian' by your own standards. You're a polytheist who argues for at least two gods. Why would I care what a non-Christian thinks about Christianity?
Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Try Moses? Lol.

Moses isn't here. The KJV is. Why would I ignore it and instead believe you?

And that wasn't god in the old testament? This is pretty simple logic: either it was god in the OLD and the NEW testament.....or it wasn't.

Pick one.

Yes....the bible translation ordered by a King to fit his ideas.....

King James Version - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James gave the translators instructions intended to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect theepiscopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy

yes...you lefties hate actual royalty...but will use them when your arguments fail.....
Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Why don't we get back to the OP. If you want to label other forms of terrorism Hindu terrorism etc when appropriate, have at it. But why do you want to link them to the daily occurrences of Islamic terrorism? Why do you want to muddy the waters? Islamic terrorism happens daily all around the globe, just call it what it is.

The reason he wants to muddy the water is that as a lefty...he hates western religion, laughs at non western religion...but will use non western religions to attack Christianity.......and since the muslims hate the west, the same as he does.....he will cover their true nature while they attack the west.....

By 'muddy the waters', you mean accurately quote the bible?

I'm quoting the King James Version, generally considered the gold standard of Biblical Translations.

And you're insisting that the KJV is *wrong*. If you're going to ignore even the Bible, then why would anyone believe you're actually a Christian?
God.....and the discussion of that is deeper than this....

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

So that wasn't God in the old testament according to Christians?
Where do I say that? You keep talking about the OT when we are supposed to be talking about Jesus and Christianity. There was a new covenant for Christians, and JC isn't even believed to be the Messiah predicted in the OT, so I suggest you talk to a Jewish person about the OT if that, as opposed to the original post subject, is the deflection you wish to pursue. Perhaps you should also make a new thread for your OT discussion and quit derailing this one. Sigh. Jesus - you know that bloke who Christians follow- he killed no one and exhorted no one to kill anyone. Mohammed, the person Muslims are supposed to emulate, murdered thousands, tortured, raped, enslaved and lied.
His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

Yes....you can't show that murder is in the Christian religion....so you lie, then declare victory.....typical lefty....

Says the polytheist that thinks that there are TWO gods. One in the old testament, one in the new.

Most 'real Christians' would disagree.

Where did Jesus command his followers..."Christians" to commit murder...?


You're not a 'real christian' by your own standards. You're a polytheist who argues for at least two gods. Why would I care what a non-Christian thinks about Christianity?

Please submit exactly where Jesus commands his followers, "Christians" to commit murder....

There are over 190 places in the Islamic text that commands violence and murder...
Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Why don't we get back to the OP. If you want to label other forms of terrorism Hindu terrorism etc when appropriate, have at it. But why do you want to link them to the daily occurrences of Islamic terrorism? Why do you want to muddy the waters? Islamic terrorism happens daily all around the globe, just call it what it is.

The reason he wants to muddy the water is that as a lefty...he hates western religion, laughs at non western religion...but will use non western religions to attack Christianity.......and since the muslims hate the west, the same as he does.....he will cover their true nature while they attack the west.....

By 'muddy the waters', you mean accurately quote the bible?

I'm quoting the King James Version, generally considered the gold standard of Biblical Translations.

And you're insisting that the KJV is *wrong*. If you're going to ignore even the Bible, then why would anyone believe you're actually a Christian?

I'll take it in the original Hebrew............remember...we kicked the British out of this country.......
Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Try Moses? Lol.

Moses isn't here. The KJV is. Why would I ignore it and instead believe you?

And that wasn't god in the old testament? This is pretty simple logic: either it was god in the OLD and the NEW testament.....or it wasn't.

Pick one.

Yes....the bible translation ordered by a King to fit his ideas.....

King James Version - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James gave the translators instructions intended to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect theepiscopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy

yes...you lefties hate actual royalty...but will use them when your arguments fail.....

Laughing.....so you're ignoring the KJV. Is that what a 'real Christian' does?

Most 'real Christians' wouldn't argue that there are TWO gods (well, at least 2 per your argment. As you have yet to acknowledge that there is only one God....which most Christians will). So you ignore the KJV and are a polytheist.

By your own standards you're not a 'real Christian'.
God.....and the discussion of that is deeper than this....

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
Christians are called Christians and not Jews for a reason.

So why do they have the 'Old Testament'? And who was ordering all that slaughter in it?

Someone *else's* god? How many 'gods' are there in Christianity?
Look, here's another clue you seem to be missing - OLD testament, NEW testament. Jews, Christians. Jesus not recognised by Jews. Sigh.
To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

Yes....you can't show that murder is in the Christian religion....so you lie, then declare victory.....typical lefty....

Says the polytheist that thinks that there are TWO gods. One in the old testament, one in the new.

Most 'real Christians' would disagree.

Where did Jesus command his followers..."Christians" to commit murder...?


You're not a 'real christian' by your own standards. You're a polytheist who argues for at least two gods. Why would I care what a non-Christian thinks about Christianity?

Please submit exactly where Jesus commands his followers, "Christians" to commit murder....

There are over 190 places in the Islamic text that commands violence and murder...

"Murder' according to who? The Bible says 'thou shall not kill'. And it doesn't say a thing about 'except if they're not innocent'.

That's you, pretending you are god. Show us where the Bible gives your caveat.
If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

So that wasn't God in the old testament according to Christians?
Where do I say that? You keep talking about the OT when we are supposed to be talking about Jesus and Christianity. There was a new covenant for Christians, and JC isn't even believed to be the Messiah predicted in the OT, so I suggest you talk to a Jewish person about the OT if that, as opposed to the original post subject, is the deflection you wish to pursue. Perhaps you should also make a new thread for your OT discussion and quit derailing this one. Sigh. Jesus - you know that bloke who Christians follow- he killed no one and exhorted no one to kill anyone. Mohammed, the person Muslims are supposed to emulate, murdered thousands, tortured, raped, enslaved and lied.

See...now you went and did it.....Islam is the official religion of anti American, anti religion leftists...........they hate all religion...but tolerate Islam because it also hates the west....just like they do......the enemy of my enemy is a friend....until they chop skylars head off....that will probably be the point where he wishes he knew more Christians....
Yes....you can't show that murder is in the Christian religion....so you lie, then declare victory.....typical lefty....

Says the polytheist that thinks that there are TWO gods. One in the old testament, one in the new.

Most 'real Christians' would disagree.

Where did Jesus command his followers..."Christians" to commit murder...?


You're not a 'real christian' by your own standards. You're a polytheist who argues for at least two gods. Why would I care what a non-Christian thinks about Christianity?

Please submit exactly where Jesus commands his followers, "Christians" to commit murder....

There are over 190 places in the Islamic text that commands violence and murder...

"Murder' according to who? The Bible says 'thou shall not kill'. And it doesn't say a thing about 'except if they're not innocent'.

That's you, pretending you are god. Show us where the Bible gives your caveat.

Please state where Jesus said to commit murder....?

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
Christians are called Christians and not Jews for a reason.

So why do they have the 'Old Testament'? And who was ordering all that slaughter in it?

Someone *else's* god? How many 'gods' are there in Christianity?
Look, here's another clue you seem to be missing - OLD testament, NEW testament. Jews, Christians. Jesus not recognised by Jews. Sigh.

So god in the old testament isn't god of the new testament then?

How many Gods are there? Round it to the nearest dozen if you don't mind.
Says the polytheist that thinks that there are TWO gods. One in the old testament, one in the new.

Most 'real Christians' would disagree.

Where did Jesus command his followers..."Christians" to commit murder...?


You're not a 'real christian' by your own standards. You're a polytheist who argues for at least two gods. Why would I care what a non-Christian thinks about Christianity?

Please submit exactly where Jesus commands his followers, "Christians" to commit murder....

There are over 190 places in the Islamic text that commands violence and murder...

"Murder' according to who? The Bible says 'thou shall not kill'. And it doesn't say a thing about 'except if they're not innocent'.

That's you, pretending you are god. Show us where the Bible gives your caveat.

Please state where Jesus said to commit murder....?


Please show me where in the Bible your imaginary caveats to 'thou shall not kill' are located.

'Unless they aren't innocents' is you citing yourself. I'll stick with the Bible, thanks:

Exodus 20:13 said:

So the Bible is wrong.....and you're right?

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