Lets stop calling them terrorist attacks

So who ordered the Israelites to slaughter the Amalekites down to the 'infants in their cribs'?

God.....and the discussion of that is deeper than this....

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
Christians are called Christians and not Jews for a reason.

So why do they have the 'Old Testament'? And who was ordering all that slaughter in it?

Someone *else's* god? How many 'gods' are there in Christianity?
Because they aren't blowing people up because of their gender?

The logic of the OP didn't say a thing about motivation. But numbers:


Considering that well over 99% of terror attacks across the planet are committed by Muslims, why don't we call them Muslim attacks?


Almost all terrorist attacks are commited by men. Why don't we call them 'Male Attacks'? It would certainly be consistent with the logic of the OP
99 percent of terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.

That's motivation, you blithering idiot.

There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....
Except Christians and Hindus aren't committing terrorist acts....

So the 37 people that were killed and the 125 injured in the 2006 Malegaon bombings....that didn't happen? Neither did the 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings, their 68 dead with 50 injured, huh? The 16 dead in the
Mecca Masjid bombing are still perfectly fine? And how many did the Lord's Resistence army kill? How many were shot by militant Christian Robert Lewis Dear?

Theistic Terrorism wraps it all in a bow and meets every standard of the OP.

There is nothing in Christian teaching that tells it's followers to murder other people......not one thing.

I guess the 'Army of God' didn't get that when they bombed the 96 Olympics.

Again....what part of Christianity tells it's followers to murder innocent people....please site the biblical reference of Jesus ordering his followers to do any of those things....

'Murder' according to who? 'Innocent people' according to who? The body count of Christians historically is quite epic. Wars, forced conversions, carpet bombing, atomic weapons, the works. And they all had their theistic loopholes.

Everyone is the hero of their own story. And the Bible has plenty of slaughter to choose from. The Amalekites come to mind. Slaughtered down to the 'infants in their cribs'.

But per the people that didn't it wasn't 'murder'. Nor were they 'innocent'.

Why not 'Theistic Terrorism'? It covers a larger group that the OP acknowledges, meets all the OP"s standards, and covers motivation.

Again.....I notice you are not citing the Jesus portion of the bible.....are you.....please come back when you have a passage of Jesus ordering the murder of innocents........you know...the guy who created Christianity.....


There are an average of 10 Muslim attacks a day around the world. Pointing to the few exceptions that aren't Muslim in disingenuous.


There are shahida's like the black widows, though fewer of them, so just Muslim terrorism would probably be better. I prefer Islamic terrorism.

There are, but they're quite rare. Almost all terrorists attacks are committed by men. Why then wouldn't 'Male Terrorism' be appropriate by the logic of the OP?
Because they aren't blowing people up because of their gender?

The logic of the OP didn't say a thing about motivation. But numbers:


Considering that well over 99% of terror attacks across the planet are committed by Muslims, why don't we call them Muslim attacks?


Almost all terrorist attacks are commited by men. Why don't we call them 'Male Attacks'? It would certainly be consistent with the logic of the OP
99 percent of terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.

That's motivation, you blithering idiot.

There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.
What problem are you experiencing with calling Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. You can call Hindu terrorism Hindu terrorism if you like, when appropriate. Why do you want all religions associated with the daily incidences of Islamic terrorism? What purpose would that serve? Do you want to confuse the casual news reader or something?
Because they aren't blowing people up because of their gender?

The logic of the OP didn't say a thing about motivation. But numbers:


Considering that well over 99% of terror attacks across the planet are committed by Muslims, why don't we call them Muslim attacks?


Almost all terrorist attacks are commited by men. Why don't we call them 'Male Attacks'? It would certainly be consistent with the logic of the OP
99 percent of terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.

That's motivation, you blithering idiot.

There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

Christians do not murder millions.....could they kill millions in self defense...yes.....that is not a sin.

There are no exceptions to the murder rule.....those people who commit murder, and claim to be Christians are in trouble...since that is the only sin that God says he will not forgive............
God.....and the discussion of that is deeper than this....

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
Christians are called Christians and not Jews for a reason.

So why do they have the 'Old Testament'? And who was ordering all that slaughter in it?

Someone *else's* god? How many 'gods' are there in Christianity?

Not going to let you distract from the issue.....since that is all you have....

Please list all the places where Jesus orders his followers to commit murder.......

Muhammed beheaded, stoned, enslaved, raped, lied and stole. Jesus did none of these things but rather preached turning the other cheek, forgiveness and love thy neighbour. Muslims must emulate Mohammed, Christians Jesus. It's not rocket science to see where the problem lies.​

So who ordered the Israelites to slaughter the Amalekites down to the 'infants in their cribs'?

God.....and the discussion of that is deeper than this....

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.
The logic of the OP didn't say a thing about motivation. But numbers:

Almost all terrorist attacks are commited by men. Why don't we call them 'Male Attacks'? It would certainly be consistent with the logic of the OP
99 percent of terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.

That's motivation, you blithering idiot.

There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
1 Samuel 15:3 said:
3 Now, go and attack Amalek. Completely destroya]">[a] all that they have. Don’t spare them, but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, both ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

Bible Gateway passage: 1 Samuel 15:3 - International Standard Version

Was that murder? Or did you just carve out yet another 'exception' for yourself?

Did Jesus order it? And no distractions...please submit the passages from the bible where the guy who created Christianity ordered his followers to commit murder......

So who ordered the Israelites to slaughter the Amalekites down to the 'infants in their cribs'?

God.....and the discussion of that is deeper than this....

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

So that wasn't God in the old testament according to Christians?
1 Samuel 15:3 said:
3 Now, go and attack Amalek. Completely destroya]">[a] all that they have. Don’t spare them, but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, both ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

Bible Gateway passage: 1 Samuel 15:3 - International Standard Version

Was that murder? Or did you just carve out yet another 'exception' for yourself?

Did Jesus order it? And no distractions...please submit the passages from the bible where the guy who created Christianity ordered his followers to commit murder......


So that was ANOTHER god that ordered it? How many gods are there in your version of 'Christianity'?
So who ordered the Israelites to slaughter the Amalekites down to the 'infants in their cribs'?

God.....and the discussion of that is deeper than this....

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....
1 Samuel 15:3 said:
3 Now, go and attack Amalek. Completely destroya]">[a] all that they have. Don’t spare them, but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, both ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

Bible Gateway passage: 1 Samuel 15:3 - International Standard Version

Was that murder? Or did you just carve out yet another 'exception' for yourself?

Did Jesus order it? And no distractions...please submit the passages from the bible where the guy who created Christianity ordered his followers to commit murder......


So that was ANOTHER god that ordered it? How many gods are there in your version of 'Christianity'?

Did Jesus....the guy who created Christianity...the religion being discussed, ever, anywhere in his part of the bible order his followers to commit murder in his name?

99 percent of terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.

That's motivation, you blithering idiot.

There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?

How about the original Jews who actually wrote it..........in Hebrew.....
God.....and the discussion of that is deeper than this....

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.
99 percent of terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.

That's motivation, you blithering idiot.

There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Why don't we get back to the OP. If you want to label other forms of terrorism Hindu terrorism etc when appropriate, have at it. But why do you want to link them to the daily occurrences of Islamic terrorism? Why do you want to muddy the waters? Islamic terrorism happens daily all around the globe, just call it what it is.
God.....and the discussion of that is deeper than this....

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

So that wasn't God in the old testament according to Christians?

See how this drone can not admit that they despise Christianity..

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

Come on prove the bible is just like the Koran..

You can't and none of you will ever will..
There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?

How about the original Jews who actually wrote it..........in Hebrew.....

So the King James version of the Bible is wrong?
99 percent of terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims.

That's motivation, you blithering idiot.

There are some pretty gruesome terrorist attacks by Christians and Hindus too.

Meaning that there were more terrorist attacks motivated by Theism than by Islam, Christianity or Hinduism. 'Theistic Terrorism' works beautifully using the OP's logic.

Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Try Moses? Lol.
If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.

Yes....you can't show that murder is in the Christian religion....so you lie, then declare victory.....typical lefty....

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