Lets stop calling them terrorist attacks

If that was God and it wasn't Jesus....then Jesus isn't God. That's simple logic, yes?

Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.
God did things in one period of history, say the OT period, that was it they were done. There were no exhortations to kill unbelievers in perpetuity, why would you expect the same things to keep happening over and over and into the NT period? Why does any of this mean they are different gods? Why are you so confused? Lol.
kristians that will research the Koran all day long, but won't research the bible.

Rather telling yes?
Why do you spell Christian with a 'k'?

It signifies the fake Christians with a C. I respect Christians, people that actually believe and do their best to follow their faith, as I do with all religions, even though I am an agnostic. America is overpopulated with kristians though. People that profess to be followers of Christ, but who instead use that religion as a club to beat other people over the head with.



"And now you know, the rest of the story." - Paul Harvey -
Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
Christians are called Christians and not Jews for a reason.

So why do they have the 'Old Testament'? And who was ordering all that slaughter in it?

Someone *else's* god? How many 'gods' are there in Christianity?
Look, here's another clue you seem to be missing - OLD testament, NEW testament. Jews, Christians. Jesus not recognised by Jews. Sigh.

So god in the old testament isn't god of the new testament then?

How many Gods are there? Round it to the nearest dozen if you don't mind.

Please state where Jesus said to commit murder.....


over 190 places in the Islamic text call for violence and murder...specifically......yet you call out the religion that does not call for murder.....

That is how the mind of a lefty works...I call it Reality Dyslexia.....they take what is true, and see it as false, they see a fact and call it false, they see a falsehood and call it a truth.......good = evil, evil = good......how they make it through the day and manage to dress themselves and eat without making a mess surprises me every day....
And I'm still laughing every time I see you polytheists run from my cartoon simple question:

How many Gods are there?

Because you keep arguing that the God in the Old Testament isn't the God of the New Testament.

So at least 2 'Gods' then? How many others?
Again....Christians follow the teachings of Jesus....what did Jesus say about committing murder....? You refusal to list Jesus ordering the murder of innocent people is noted....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.
God did things in one period of history, say the OT period, that was it they were done. There were no exhortations to kill unbelievers in perpetuity, why would you expect the same things to keep happening over and over and into the NT period? Why does any of this mean they are different gods? Why are you so confused? Lol.

If I were you I wouldn't fall for it....he is caught and can't defend his dump post....so now he is trying to derail the discussion to hide his stupid lie about Christians.....
You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
Christians are called Christians and not Jews for a reason.

So why do they have the 'Old Testament'? And who was ordering all that slaughter in it?

Someone *else's* god? How many 'gods' are there in Christianity?
Look, here's another clue you seem to be missing - OLD testament, NEW testament. Jews, Christians. Jesus not recognised by Jews. Sigh.

So god in the old testament isn't god of the new testament then?

How many Gods are there? Round it to the nearest dozen if you don't mind.

Please state where Jesus said to commit murder.....

Please show me where in the Bible your imaginary caveats to 'thou shall not kill' are located.

'Unless they aren't innocents' is you citing yourself. I'll stick with the Bible, thanks:

Exodus 20:13 said:

I'm waiting.
Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Why don't we get back to the OP. If you want to label other forms of terrorism Hindu terrorism etc when appropriate, have at it. But why do you want to link them to the daily occurrences of Islamic terrorism? Why do you want to muddy the waters? Islamic terrorism happens daily all around the globe, just call it what it is.

I'm not arguing for 'hindu terrorism' or 'Christian terrorism' ....but applying the OP's standard have suggested that "Theistic Terrorism' would fit it best. It meets every criteria of the OP. Encompasses the largest group. And includes motivation.

If not, why not?
Dear God. How many times do I have to explain why I think why not? Seriously. Go back and read 'why not', I've explained my reasoning at least three times.
Here you go twit...

Thou shalt not kill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The commandment against murder can be viewed as a legal issue governing human relationships, noting that the first four commandments relate strongly to man's duty to God and that the latter six commandments describe duties toward humans.[9][10] The commandment against murder can also be viewed as based in respect for God himself.[11][12] Since man is made in God's image, the shedding of innocent blood is viewed as a direct offense against God.[13]

And where did Jesus order his followers to commit murder....

You're arguing polytheism. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians. Or you're arguing that Jesus isn't god. That's not 'real Christianity' according to most Christians.

So why would I take the opinion of a non-Christian on Christianity?
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.
God did things in one period of history, say the OT period, that was it they were done. There were no exhortations to kill unbelievers in perpetuity, why would you expect the same things to keep happening over and over and into the NT period? Why does any of this mean they are different gods? Why are you so confused? Lol.

If I were you I wouldn't fall for it....he is caught and can't defend his dump post....so now he is trying to derail the discussion to hide his stupid lie about Christians.....

What would you know? You're not even a Christian. No 'Christian' would argue that there is more than one God. And yet you're arguing that the god of the old testament is a DIFFERENT god than in the new testament.

That's polytheism. Not Christianity.
Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Why don't we get back to the OP. If you want to label other forms of terrorism Hindu terrorism etc when appropriate, have at it. But why do you want to link them to the daily occurrences of Islamic terrorism? Why do you want to muddy the waters? Islamic terrorism happens daily all around the globe, just call it what it is.

I'm not arguing for 'hindu terrorism' or 'Christian terrorism' ....but applying the OP's standard have suggested that "Theistic Terrorism' would fit it best. It meets every criteria of the OP. Encompasses the largest group. And includes motivation.

If not, why not?
Dear God. How many times do I have to explain why I think why not? Seriously. Go back and read 'why not', I've explained my reasoning at least three times.

By the standards of the OP, 'Theistic terrorism' happens around the globe every day. Why wouldn't we call it 'Theistic terrorism'? It encompasses the overwhelmingly majority of terrorism by your own standards, far more than 'Muslim Attacks'. And it includes motivation.

By the standards of the OP, 'Theistic Terrorism' is the best fit. By far.
To Jews Jesus isn't God, he isn't even the messiah, that's why there's a NT. What's your problem here? Jews and Christians are separate systems for a reason. Lol.

His whole argument is crap and he is struggling to confuse the issue.......typical lefty...the truth, the facts and reality do not support his beliefs...so he lies.....

To a polytheist like yourself, perhaps. But most Christians aren't polytheists. They don't believe that there was ONE god in the old testament and a second DIFFERENT god in the new testament.

Your argument requires it. You just failed your own 'no true scotsman' fallacy.
God did things in one period of history, say the OT period, that was it they were done. There were no exhortations to kill unbelievers in perpetuity, why would you expect the same things to keep happening over and over and into the NT period? Why does any of this mean they are different gods? Why are you so confused? Lol.

If I were you I wouldn't fall for it....he is caught and can't defend his dump post....so now he is trying to derail the discussion to hide his stupid lie about Christians.....

What would you know? You're not even a Christian. No 'Christian' would argue that there is more than one God. And yet you're arguing that the god of the old testament is a DIFFERENT god than in the new testament.

That's polytheism. Not Christianity.

Your argument is that Christians can commit murder.....I have asked you to post where Jesus condones or orders murder...you can't...so now...typical lefty....you are posting crap to cover for your being a moron.....
Nope.....you have failed to show how Christianity teaches it's followers to commit murder.....

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Try Moses? Lol.

Moses isn't here. The KJV is. Why would I ignore it and instead believe you?

And that wasn't god in the old testament? This is pretty simple logic: either it was god in the OLD and the NEW testament.....or it wasn't.

Pick one.
Not all Christians use the relatively recent KJV, as you must know. It is a translation. Translators get words wrong, you know that right? If in doubt, ask a Jew if that commandment is 'kill' or 'murder' and you will find they say 'murder'. You will also find most Christians too understand it is 'murder' and not kill.
Here you go twit...

Thou shalt not kill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The commandment against murder can be viewed as a legal issue governing human relationships, noting that the first four commandments relate strongly to man's duty to God and that the latter six commandments describe duties toward humans.[9][10] The commandment against murder can also be viewed as based in respect for God himself.[11][12] Since man is made in God's image, the shedding of innocent blood is viewed as a direct offense against God.[13]

And where did Jesus order his followers to commit murder....


That's not the Bible. That's wikipedia.

Please show me where in the Bible your imaginary caveats to 'thou shall not kill' are located.

Exodus 20:13 said:

I'm waiting.
Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Try Moses? Lol.

Moses isn't here. The KJV is. Why would I ignore it and instead believe you?

And that wasn't god in the old testament? This is pretty simple logic: either it was god in the OLD and the NEW testament.....or it wasn't.

Pick one.
Not all Christians use the relatively recent KJV, as you must know. It is a translation. Translators get words wrong, you know that right? If in doubt, ask a Jew if that commandment is 'kill' or 'murder' and you will find they say 'murder'. You will also find most Christians too understand it is 'murder' and not kill.

He knows....he is now just trolling to cover for his stupid post.........
Here you go twit...

Thou shalt not kill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The commandment against murder can be viewed as a legal issue governing human relationships, noting that the first four commandments relate strongly to man's duty to God and that the latter six commandments describe duties toward humans.[9][10] The commandment against murder can also be viewed as based in respect for God himself.[11][12] Since man is made in God's image, the shedding of innocent blood is viewed as a direct offense against God.[13]

And where did Jesus order his followers to commit murder....


That's not the Bible. That's wikipedia.

Please show me where in the Bible your imaginary caveats to 'thou shall not kill' are located.

Exodus 20:13 said:

I'm waiting.

Where did Jesus order his followers to commit murder?

Where did Jesus condone murder?

In any translation of the bible......

Murder.....according to who? You've already given us exceptions for the 'thou shall not kill' commandment. A caveat that neither Jesus nor the 10 commandments include.

So Christians can kill millions......and still commit no 'murder' according to your logic.

Christians aren't the only faith that carve out 'exceptions' for their own killing.

No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Try Moses? Lol.

Moses isn't here. The KJV is. Why would I ignore it and instead believe you?

And that wasn't god in the old testament? This is pretty simple logic: either it was god in the OLD and the NEW testament.....or it wasn't.

Pick one.
Not all Christians use the relatively recent KJV, as you must know. It is a translation. Translators get words wrong, you know that right? If in doubt, ask a Jew if that commandment is 'kill' or 'murder' and you will find they say 'murder'. You will also find most Christians too understand it is 'murder' and not kill.

If I asked a jew if the 'god' of the old testament was the 'god' of the new testament, they could at least give me a straight answer.

You can't. So either you're a polytheist.....or god didn't give us the 10 commandments.
Here you go twit...

Thou shalt not kill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The commandment against murder can be viewed as a legal issue governing human relationships, noting that the first four commandments relate strongly to man's duty to God and that the latter six commandments describe duties toward humans.[9][10] The commandment against murder can also be viewed as based in respect for God himself.[11][12] Since man is made in God's image, the shedding of innocent blood is viewed as a direct offense against God.[13]

And where did Jesus order his followers to commit murder....


That's not the Bible. That's wikipedia.

Please show me where in the Bible your imaginary caveats to 'thou shall not kill' are located.

Exodus 20:13 said:

I'm waiting.

Where did Jesus order his followers to commit murder?

Where did Jesus condone murder?

In any translation of the bible......


Please show me where in the Bible your imaginary caveats to 'thou shall not kill' are located.

Exodus 20:13 said:

I'm waiting. Oh, and you just blinked.
So given we have a pair of polytheists who doesn't believe the god of the old testament is the god of the new......would any 'real Christians' like to take a shot at my question?

Is the 'god' of the old testament the same 'god' as the new testament?
No.....Two of us have given you the actual commandment...it isn't thou shalt not kill, it is thou shalt do no murder...killing and murder are different....you have lost the debate, and are now doing what a lefty loser always does....moving the goal post, nit picking words.......lying......but go ahead, your twitness is amusing....

The King James Version disagrees.

Who am I to believe? You are the King James Version of the Bible?
Try Moses? Lol.

Moses isn't here. The KJV is. Why would I ignore it and instead believe you?

And that wasn't god in the old testament? This is pretty simple logic: either it was god in the OLD and the NEW testament.....or it wasn't.

Pick one.
Not all Christians use the relatively recent KJV, as you must know. It is a translation. Translators get words wrong, you know that right? If in doubt, ask a Jew if that commandment is 'kill' or 'murder' and you will find they say 'murder'. You will also find most Christians too understand it is 'murder' and not kill.

If I asked a jew if the 'god' of the old testament was the 'god' of the new testament, they could at least give me a straight answer.

You can't. So either you're a polytheist.....or god didn't give us the 10 commandments.

again...you stated Christians can commit murder as Christians.....that is a lie. You stated it in defense of Islam, a religion that actually does preach murder....

When asked to show where Jesus, the creator of Christianity, condones, or ordered murder....you started acting like a baby......not unexpected, but annoying and silly.....did you poop your pants too....
So given we have a pair of polytheists who doesn't believe the god of the old testament is the god of the new......would any 'real Christians' like to take a shot at my question?

Is the 'god' of the old testament the same 'god' as the new testament?

Nice topic for another thread....

this thread, you still have no show where Christians are allowed to commit murder......

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