Lets stop calling them terrorist attacks

again...you stated Christians can commit murder as Christians.....that is a lie. You stated it in defense of Islam, a religion that actually does preach murder....

I said that Christians carve out exceptions for all the killing they do. Just like Muslims do. And Hindus. And Shintoists. And Zorastrians. Aztecs. Pretty much every religion excuses their own killing.

But your excuses for killing are good....while everyone else's are evil? C'mon.

When asked to show where Jesus, the creator of Christianity, condones, or ordered murder....you started acting like a baby......not unexpected, but annoying and silly.....did you poop your pants too....
And where does Jesus offer us your 'caveats' to 'thou shall not kill'.

That 'if they're not innocent its not murder'. No where. That's just you citing yourself. The Bible includes no such caveats.

Please show me where in the Bible your imaginary caveats to 'thou shall not kill' are located.

Nope....no exception to not murder people....and in Islam..they don't need a carve out...they are ordered to do it.......
So, returning to the OP, I'm for calling Islamic terrorism what it is, Islamic terrorism. And so Endeth the lesson. Lol. :night:

Laughing.....run. Just remember in a debate on theology.......who sent you running, using your own Bible.

He has now reached the point where he is smearing his poop on the wall....you can always tell....when they lose, they say they won........his nanny is going to have a real mess to clean up...that is why his parents grounded him from the computer......he always makes a real mess......and finding new nannys is a pain....

I've come to the point where I've applied consistent, basic logic to your arguments. And your argument breaks.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to run. But we both know I'm right. That in the BIble, God has ordered the slaughter of *infants*.

And still Christians don't consider it murder. Christians, just like Muslims, carve out 'exceptions' and 'caveats' for their own killing. Virtually all theists do.

Which is why 'theistic terrorism' fits the OP so much better than anything else.
If I asked a jew if the 'god' of the old testament was the 'god' of the new testament, they could at least give me a straight answer.

You can't. So either you're a polytheist.....or god didn't give us the 10 commandments.

again...you stated Christians can commit murder as Christians.....that is a lie. You stated it in defense of Islam, a religion that actually does preach murder....

I said that Christians carve out exceptions for all the killing they do. Just like Muslims do. And Hindus. And Shintoists. And Zorastrians. Aztecs. Pretty much every religion excuses their own killing.

But your excuses for killing are good....while everyone else's are evil? C'mon.

When asked to show where Jesus, the creator of Christianity, condones, or ordered murder....you started acting like a baby......not unexpected, but annoying and silly.....did you poop your pants too....
And where does Jesus offer us your 'caveats' to 'thou shall not kill'.

That 'if they're not innocent its not murder'. No where. That's just you citing yourself. The Bible includes no such caveats.

Please show me where in the Bible your imaginary caveats to 'thou shall not kill' are located.

Nope....no exception to not murder people....and in Islam..they don't need a carve out...they are ordered to do it.......
So, returning to the OP, I'm for calling Islamic terrorism what it is, Islamic terrorism. And so Endeth the lesson. Lol. :night:

Laughing.....run. Just remember in a debate on theology.......who sent you running, using your own Bible.
I'm Not in the US. It's 1 am here and I have to be up early. All your assumptions are showing you for the ass you are. And I'm an atheist/agnostic, lol. You haven't sent me anywhere with your remarkable ignorance of Christianity. The fact remains that Christians emulate Jesus and Muslims emulate Mohammed. There are no timeless exhortations to murder the other and Jesus murdered no one and taught that Christians should turn the other cheek. Mohammed was a murderer, rapist, warlord, thief, liar and that is who Muslims emulate. Islamic terrorism is Islamic terrorism. You lose.
So given we have a pair of polytheists who doesn't believe the god of the old testament is the god of the new......would any 'real Christians' like to take a shot at my question?

Is the 'god' of the old testament the same 'god' as the new testament?

Nice topic for another thread....

this thread, you still have no show where Christians are allowed to commit murder......

Its a perfect topic for this one.....as you're demanding where Jesus ordered people to 'commit murder'. If was the same God as the New Testament that ordered this:

1 Samuel 15:3 said:
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Then its just logic 101. If Jesus is God and God ordered that slaughter, then Jesus ordered that slaughter of infants and sucklings

So.....was that murder? If not, why not?

There's a reason you won't touch this with a 10 foot pole and have been desperately scrambling from the cartoon simple questions for about an hour. But I still like to watch you run.

Where did Jesus order his followers, "Christians" to commit murder?

Still waiting....

No, you're still running. As per Christians....there's only one God. And God ordered this:

1 Samuel 15:3 said:
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Was that murder?

Where did Jesus order his followers to commit murder? Still waiting.......

Laughing......so you're denying that God commanded this in the Bible?

1 Samuel 15:3 said:
Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Or are you denying that Jesus is God? Its one of the two.

Keep running. Its not like the Bible is going to change just because you're desperately ignoring it.
again...you stated Christians can commit murder as Christians.....that is a lie. You stated it in defense of Islam, a religion that actually does preach murder....

I said that Christians carve out exceptions for all the killing they do. Just like Muslims do. And Hindus. And Shintoists. And Zorastrians. Aztecs. Pretty much every religion excuses their own killing.

But your excuses for killing are good....while everyone else's are evil? C'mon.

When asked to show where Jesus, the creator of Christianity, condones, or ordered murder....you started acting like a baby......not unexpected, but annoying and silly.....did you poop your pants too....
And where does Jesus offer us your 'caveats' to 'thou shall not kill'.

That 'if they're not innocent its not murder'. No where. That's just you citing yourself. The Bible includes no such caveats.

Please show me where in the Bible your imaginary caveats to 'thou shall not kill' are located.

Nope....no exception to not murder people....and in Islam..they don't need a carve out...they are ordered to do it.......
So, returning to the OP, I'm for calling Islamic terrorism what it is, Islamic terrorism. And so Endeth the lesson. Lol. :night:

Laughing.....run. Just remember in a debate on theology.......who sent you running, using your own Bible.
I'm Not in the US. It's 1 am here and I have to be up early. All your assumptions are showing you for the ass you are. And I'm an atheist/agnostic, lol. You haven't sent me anywhere with your remarkable ignorance of Christianity. The fact remains that Christians emulate Jesus and Muslims emulate Mohammed. There are no timeless exhortations to murder the other and Jesus murdered no one and taught that Christians should turn the other cheek. Mohammed was a murderer, rapist, warlord, thief, liar and that is who Muslims emulate. Islamic terrorism is Islamic terrorism. You lose.

Of course. Its not that your argument is logically indefensible and has completely collapsed. Its that you're sleepy.

Imagine the timing on that.

When you muster the courage to try again, I'll be around. Take an hour, take a day, take a month. It won't matter. Theologically, you're fucked.

Considering that well over 99% of terror attacks across the planet are committed by Muslims, why don't we call them Muslim attacks?


Because they use these attacks to cause terror. That terror is more effective than a large military force. If you attack a nation with a military, the people will fight to the last person. If you use random attacks to cause terror, the people will surrender their freedoms out of fear.

The name, religion or ethnicity of the attackers is not why it is named.

Considering that well over 99% of terror attacks across the planet are committed by Muslims, why don't we call them Muslim attacks?


So Timothy McVeigh hitting the federal building was a Muslim attack?
No. And no one suggested it was. No more than 9-11 or Brussells or Paris or a gazillion other muslim attacks were nondenominational secular anti-US government attacks.
Why do you go to such lengths the to protect muslim terrorism?

Can you factually demonstrate that I 'defend muslim terrorism'?

And I call acts of terrorism 'terrorism'.


Sadly, the fact that almost all terrorist attacks are Jihad attacks carried out by adherents of the Mislim faith, they are Muslim attacks. Here, we should call them what they are...Muslim attacks.


Then by your logic, since almost all terrorist attacks are committed by men, they are Male Attacks. Here we should call them what they are: Male Attacks.

If not, why not?
If they were acting in the name of gender you'd have a point.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote. Too stupid.

Considering that well over 99% of terror attacks across the planet are committed by Muslims, why don't we call them Muslim attacks?


So Timothy McVeigh hitting the federal building was a Muslim attack?
No. And no one suggested it was. No more than 9-11 or Brussells or Paris or a gazillion other muslim attacks were nondenominational secular anti-US government attacks.
Why do you go to such lengths the to protect muslim terrorism?

Can you factually demonstrate that I 'defend muslim terrorism'?

And I call acts of terrorism 'terrorism'.


Sadly, the fact that almost all terrorist attacks are Jihad attacks carried out by adherents of the Mislim faith, they are Muslim attacks. Here, we should call them what they are...Muslim attacks.

Since lefties suggest that Christians and Hindus and Buddhists commit so many terror acts you'd think they'd welcome this approach in order to keep things neat and sorted.
So given we have a pair of polytheists who doesn't believe the god of the old testament is the god of the new......would any 'real Christians' like to take a shot at my question?

Is the 'god' of the old testament the same 'god' as the new testament?

He changed his mind or method after he got his chosen out of Egypt. He came in the form of his son to bring us the NEW testament with NEW commands.

The KJV is one of the worst translations, IMO, and is mostly used by evangelicals or "thumpers" who tell people why they are going to burn in hell. If your questions about the old testament are sincere, you really would be better asking a Jew.

I was raised Roman Catholic, and the old testament was presented as the old way. Our new covenant was revealed through the son persona. Gnostic saints received relevations through the holy spirit persona as well.

At any rate, the dietary laws, laws regulating women while unclean (go bleed on a rock), laws about killing enemies of the chosen, etc became unneccessary. I was taught they were about survival, not eating foods that spoil quickly or had to be cooked too long, keeping germs in check, and killing those who insist on "submit or die."

Those that believe Jesus brought the new testament eventually became christians. Those who did not, remained jews.

At least, that's what I was taught at catholic school. I did not belong to a literal bible sect, though, so someone else may chime in with another view. They may also tell you how wrong I am and that I'm gonna burn in hell for margarita mondays or idolotry or something. -shrug-

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