Levin: Repeal the 17th Amendment

I ask then, HOW can you state that your rights are intrinsic when we clearly established a government that can remove those rights at will. Personally, that is absolutely unacceptable. I agree with most of the founder’s intentions with America but this stance I cannot abide. I have the right to freedom of speech, religion, to bear arms, the press, due process and a host of other freedoms that are intrinsic to my being human and NO government be it federal or STATE has the right to abridge those rights. Until the 14th, that was not a tenant of the government. I don’t think there is anything that would cause me to cede all of my rights to the state and I believe that repealing the 14th would do exactly that.

Tyranny of the federal government is no different from tyranny of the state government. I fight it all for freedom.

Then you should be all the more worried about the 14th Amendment.

It doesn't mention your rights at all.

It says your "privileges and immunities."

According to the 14th Amendment, you have no rights. You concerns were already addressed by the Ninth Amendment, which was effectively repealed by the 14th. If the Ninth Amendment remains fully intact, then the 14th Amendment is redundant.

Legalese is a very nasty language, that's why our original Constitution was written and ratified in common plain terms, the 14th Amendment was written under military occupation and passed by a bankrupt empty, and a bankrupt entity is a either a legally dead entity or held in bondage as chattel.

The theory of Divine Right asserts that God divides men by certain distinctions, Kings and Subjects, just as God divides the human species into male and female. The King is Sovereign, exercising supreme authority in all spheres of government, in all places subject to his jurisdiction; therefore, under this doctrine, the King is endowed by the Creator with unlimited rights, for all decisions made by the King are in fact the will of God.

The Subject is inferior to the King, and must accept any edict from the King without question. The Subject only has those rights which the King permits. Those rights may be revoked, denied or disparaged at any time. Some Subjects will enjoy being in a privileged class (so long as they remain in favor with the King), elevating their status in both government and society, for if God can create the Distinction of King and Subject among Men, then the King, who rules by the will of God, can create the Distinction of Nobility and Commoner among the Subjects.

Central to the doctrine of Divine Right, was that no Subject may question the King, for questioning any edict of the King was equivalent to challenging the will of God. The King being Sovereign over his Subjects, both Noble and Common, can only be judged by God, or another King, as other Kings rule by the will of God. Thus the Subjects have no power, on heaven or earth, to depose of their King.

However, during the middle of the 17th Century, a man named John Milton came to challenge the legitimacy of the Divine Right doctrine itself. Milton argued that the King's authority was derived from the people, and thus the King's power is only granted to him by Popular Sovereignty. Most important is that the people derive this sovereignty from God, and that these Sovereigns have both the right and the obligation to overthrow a tyrannical King. Here the roles of King and Subject are reversed, the Subjects are Sovereign over the King; the King only rules as a privilege extended to him by the people, a privilege that can be revoked, denied or disparaged at any time. Overall, the King is a Servant to the Public, hence the term public servant.

No, my concerns were not addressed by the 9th by the sheer fact that there was state established official religions after the constitution was ratified. Those established religions were, indeed, completely legal.

That is a fact. How would you feel if the state you resided in decided that travel was illegal and that you were required to be a practicing Muslim? All perfectly fine before the 14th.
Geez, why not have the Governor just pick the Senators, the House reps, and cast one vote for President on behalf of the state?

Well, it's better than 51% murdering the other 49%. I'm not making this up; some nutcases actually believe that Zombieland scenario.
That is a fact. How would you feel if the state you resided in decided that travel was illegal and that you were required to be a practicing Muslim? All perfectly fine before the 14th.

Everything Obama does is legal. Does that make it Lawful?

Legal and Lawful are separate terms.

The State Churches dissipated long before the 14th was passed, because they were unlawful. No entity has the right to compel you into Spiritual Contract, the 14th Amendment simply enumerates that fact.

The Constitution is not a charter of rights, it's a declaration of pre-existing rights, some of which was enumerated, most which aren't.

You seem to think that one's rights are determined by legality. That means they are privileges, not rights. It is the role of Government to protect your rights, and that's it, be it a County, State or Federal Government.
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It's hard to imagine someone more confused. First, you are against the "tyranny of the majority," a snobbish phrase invented by a FRENCH!!! aristocrat whose family unfortunately escaped the guillotine.

The French Revolution failed, because the Mob Rule of the Majority quickly lead to oligarchy and the Reign of Terror.

Then you call oligarchy "Communist." Well, the only way to protect us from an oligarchy is absolute rule of the majority.

Ancient Greece (Athens) proves you wrong, as does revolutionary France, Absolute Rule of the Majority always descends into oligarchy, and would be expected to, how can each individual communicate with every other individual in finite time?

A group of 1,000,000 people would have to talk and interact with each of the other 999,999 people before making a decision.

There's not enough time for this (nor willpower), so the system quickly descends to oligarchy.

Also, did you just openly support Communism?
Geez, why not have the Governor just pick the Senators, the House reps, and cast one vote for President on behalf of the state?

Well, it's better than 51% murdering the other 49%. I'm not making this up; some nutcases actually believe that Zombieland scenario.

You Libtards that covet and steal our property by the force of Government seem to want our guns: Actions speak louder than words.

When 75% of the population becomes parasites, and they decide to disarm the remaining 20-24% (of course they'll never ask that the elite 1%, the Government, to disarm itself), you're going to get a really, really bad taste of lead in your mouth.
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Still does not answer my question

Show where it says in the Constitution that the House represents the people and the Senate represents the states

That is the premise for wanting to repeal the 17th Amendment

"The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature."

You have been led to water numerous times y numerous people. We can't make you drink.

Clueless joe

We know how the original Constitution called for the selection of Congressmen and Senators. That is what was changed by the 17th

You have yet to show where the Senate was supposed to represent the states instead of We the People

Clueless butthead

See above in red. I gave you half the equation in hopes you could figure the rest out on your own. I'd send you back to school, but todays government educations do not include critical thinking skills. Say, did you just graduate? :eusa_whistle:
The day will come that you will be the victim of the mob. And on that day there will be great celebration.

I already explained that electing Senators the old way would make me the victim of the 'mob' of Republicans in my district. They would assure that I have no say in electing my Senators.

"Your" Senators are not supposed to represent you. They are supposed to represent your state government.

That is the most absurd statement I've seen in this thread. Or at least it's tied for the most absurd statement I've seen in this thread.
Of course it's just another conservative how-can-we-change-the-rules-to-favor-conservatives scam.

Are you aware that the 17th Amendment was a Progressive how-can-we-change-the-rules-to-favor-tryanny-of-the-majority scam?

Notice it was ratified (by forgery) in the same year, 1913 of the 16th Amendment (IRS) and the creation of the Federal Reserve, so the Keynasians could control both the supply, demand, and distribution of currency --- and then the Great Depression happened --- and the Keynesians increased government intervention, instead of reducing it ... oh right --- they orchestrated the Great Depression for that very same purpose.

Go commie.

Total Oligarchy, the way Communism always resolves.

The people have no control over the Federal Government in the House, and the States have no control over the federal government in the Senate, the corporations however, have control of both ... oh right again --- as intended.

It's hard to imagine someone more confused. First, you are against the "tyranny of the majority," a snobbish phrase invented by a FRENCH!!! aristocrat whose family unfortunately escaped the guillotine. Then you call oligarchy "Communist." Well, the only way to protect us from an oligarchy is absolute rule of the majority.

After you come down on Communism and Keynes and all the bugaboos of the Greedhead looters, you attack the corporations! You're going in a circle, attacking everything anyone might not like, desperately hoping to hook people into taking your point of view. Around and around you go until you get dizzy enough to fall flat on your face.

Oh my GAWD! Are you the spawn of our own francobeans? You have a similar intellect and posting style. :lmao:
That is a fact. How would you feel if the state you resided in decided that travel was illegal and that you were required to be a practicing Muslim? All perfectly fine before the 14th.

Everything Obama does is legal. Does that make it Lawful?

Legal and Lawful are separate terms.

The State Churches dissipated long before the 14th was passed, because they were unlawful. No entity has the right to compel you into Spiritual Contract, the 14th Amendment simply enumerates that fact.

The Constitution is not a charter of rights, it's a declaration of pre-existing rights, some of which was enumerated, most which aren't.

You seem to think that one's rights are determined by legality. That means they are privileges, not rights. It is the role of Government to protect your rights, and that's it, be it a County, State or Federal Government.

No, your rights are intrinsic BUT the government exists for one sole purpose – the protection of those rights.

You say that the 14th just enumerated the rights. That would be correct but earlier you stated that the 14th makes us slaves. The 2 concepts are mutually exclusive. My argument has centered on that premise the entire time – the fact that the 14th extended those same protections to the charge of the states as well as the federal government. That is exactly how government should work. Those rights that we have collectively deemed necessary to be protected by the government should be recognized by all levels of government. What is not right for the federal government to infringe on is also not right for the state government to infringe on.

It all goes back to your assertion that the 14th binds us in slavery rather than in freedoms. Tell me, how can an amendment that enumerates our rights, by your own admission, through extending them to the states as well as the federal government cause us to be slaves. The concept is still foreign to me.
Well, A for effort, but unfortunately not a single word of what you said addressed the point of my question...

...why would losing my right to vote directly for my Senators make my life better?

Let me put a finer point on it:

I live in one of the most Republican districts of New York State. Rarely if ever are Democrats EVER elected to the state legislature from here. That's the reality of the demographics. My county voted 6 to 1 AGAINST Hillary Clinton when she ran for Senate, even though she won handily.

Under the plan you like, I would NEVER have a vote AT ALL for NYS Senator. At all. Directly or indirectly. In fact, under the system you want, because my state reps will always be Republicans,
exceptions, I guarantee you).

Now, again, how does that make my life better? How does a weird rigging of the system make things more democratic,

when a simple popular vote, most votes win system, which is as democratic as you can get,

is already in place?

What part of why should I lose my right to vote for Senators don't YOU understand?

The conceited GOPer thieves and traitors understand perfectly well. They don't want you to vote or to have any power at all. To them, to obey is to be; so you don't exist unless you do what you are told. You are just a nuisance to them; they show their contempt for the rest of us by continuously calling the American people a "mob." They want to have free rein to bribe lawmakers (which the SCROTUS calls "freedom of speech") to let them lie, cheat, and steal to their empty heart's content.

Because they're special, you know: the rest of the country would be living in shacks without special people like them to do whatever they feel like. Because only their paranoiac and megalomaniac feelings count. The rest of us are just furniture.
By claiming that the original system was more of a check on what you call 'federal expansionism'

aren't you admitting that the original system has a conservative bias? At least by the measure of 'states' rights' as conservatives like to tout?

If you are using the word "conservative" in the modern political sense, then we are in a gray area. The modern day conservative political beast is far from conservative. The modern day conservative craves federal power as much as the modern day liberal.

But if you mean it in the traditional sense, that is precisely what the Founders intended. To conserve, or limit, the power of the federal government and to preserve the power of the states.


Do you know that Jefferson mocked the idea of future generations binding themselves religiously to ideas like 'what the founders intended'?

The Bill of Rights is Amendments. So the "original intent" was to not let us have freedom of speech, gun rights, etc. No wonder those lawyers for the colonial 1% concocted their manifesto behind closed doors! If we, the people, had found out what the Founding Fodder were up to in Constitution Hall, we would have burned the place down.

Wouldn't you know that today's theocratic creeps want us to treat the Constipation as if it were the Bible, the Founding Fodder as the Twelve Apostles, and the SCROTUS as some infallible Protestant Vatican? That is heresy, but for the Greedheads, Heirheads, Bootlickers, and Baggies, it is Heaven on Earth.
I already explained that electing Senators the old way would make me the victim of the 'mob' of Republicans in my district. They would assure that I have no say in electing my Senators.

"Your" Senators are not supposed to represent you. They are supposed to represent your state government.

That is the most absurd statement I've seen in this thread. Or at least it's tied for the most absurd statement I've seen in this thread.

Then you are out of touch with reality.
If you are using the word "conservative" in the modern political sense, then we are in a gray area. The modern day conservative political beast is far from conservative. The modern day conservative craves federal power as much as the modern day liberal.

But if you mean it in the traditional sense, that is precisely what the Founders intended. To conserve, or limit, the power of the federal government and to preserve the power of the states.


Do you know that Jefferson mocked the idea of future generations binding themselves religiously to ideas like 'what the founders intended'?

The Bill of Rights is Amendments. So the "original intent" was to not let us have freedom of speech, gun rights, etc. No wonder those lawyers for the colonial 1% concocted their manifesto behind closed doors! If we, the people, had found out what the Founding Fodder were up to in Constitution Hall, we would have burned the place down.

Wouldn't you know that today's theocratic creeps want us to treat the Constipation as if it were the Bible, the Founding Fodder as the Twelve Apostles, and the SCROTUS as some infallible Protestant Vatican? That is heresy, but for the Greedheads, Heirheads, Bootlickers, and Baggies, it is Heaven on Earth.

Go back to whatever schools you attended and demand a refund. You really got screwed.
"The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature."

You have been led to water numerous times y numerous people. We can't make you drink.

Clueless joe

We know how the original Constitution called for the selection of Congressmen and Senators. That is what was changed by the 17th

You have yet to show where the Senate was supposed to represent the states instead of We the People

Clueless butthead

See above in red. I gave you half the equation in hopes you could figure the rest out on your own. I'd send you back to school, but todays government educations do not include critical thinking skills. Say, did you just graduate? :eusa_whistle:

I believe you understand what selection means, but have yet to demonstrate an understanding of what representing means

Keep trying

What part of why should I lose my right to vote for Senators don't YOU understand?

The conceited GOPer thieves and traitors understand perfectly well. They don't want you to vote or to have any power at all. To them, to obey is to be; so you don't exist unless you do what you are told. You are just a nuisance to them; they show their contempt for the rest of us by continuously calling the American people a "mob." They want to have free rein to bribe lawmakers (which the SCROTUS calls "freedom of speech") to let them lie, cheat, and steal to their empty heart's content.

Because they're special, you know: the rest of the country would be living in shacks without special people like them to do whatever they feel like. Because only their paranoiac and megalomaniac feelings count. The rest of us are just furniture.

I believe it might be even simpler than that. I believe the rightwingers support this looney idea because they have some sort of weird affection for the original Constitution, some sort of religious attachment to it (not unlike Christian fundamentalists and the Bible)

where except in the extreme cases where even they aren't crazy enough to defend the original, on issues such as slavery or women's suffrage,

they feel this need to deify the founders in one way or another, and one way to do that is to heap praise on as much of their original ideas as possible,

including this crazy one.
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Let's ask a more basic question. Should the State governments have a check on the Federal government? Because it seems there are alot of people who seem to think that no check should exist.

The vast majority of state legislators are lightweights. The people would rather vote for someone with gravitas than the pre-owned nobody those nobodies would pick for themselves. Again, this is all about having to bribe the lifelong-flunkie types in the state government rather than millions of voters.

Second, because our national senators have gravitas, they are more likely to go their own way even if they owe something to their financiers. With the nobodies in the legislatures, even if by some miracle 49% of them have something to be proud of, at least 5l % have spent their whole lives as pathetic, self-humiliating brown-noses and that's all the kingmakers need to get their bought candidate elected.
Federalist 62 says this about it:

"...on the appointment of senators by the State legislatures. Among the various modes which might have been devised for constituting this branch of the government, that which has been proposed by the convention is probably the most congenial with the public opinion."

Ok, so it was supported back then because of public opinion? Fair enough.

Where's the current 'public opinion' for changing it NOW??
NYcarbineer, please bear with me and read this whole ?"

The state legislatures passed those laws for good reasons.

Bucket shops.

Those state laws were designed to protect YOU, and they were preempted.

So you go right ahead and clutch this idea to your chest that you are somehow better off with that check on federal preemptions removed.

The term bucket shop comes from the practice of throwing a trade in a bucket instead of entering the trade in the market.

It works like this:

A client calls in a trade. The broker doesn't make the trade. If the trade goes the way of the client, the broker calls the client and tell him he couldn't get the trade off. If the trade goes against the client the brokerage pockets the money the client would've lost in the market.

Now you know what a bucket shop is.

Sounds like what state legislators earn a living at. Sorry to offend the Libretardians who worship them.

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