LGBT students at BYU want the school to disavow its religious foundation

It's fine that the Mormons are all raring to go against homosexuality, but it would be nice if they would help out with abortion. That issue is just a bit more important.
Don't like abortion....don't have one. You've not had an abortion, have you?

Don't like Grand Theft Auto, don't steal a car. You've not stolen a car, have you?
It's fine that the Mormons are all raring to go against homosexuality, but it would be nice if they would help out with abortion. That issue is just a bit more important.
Don't like abortion....don't have one. You've not had an abortion, have you?

Don't like Grand Theft Auto, don't steal a car. You've not stolen a car, have you?

I don’t know I always found the game kind of fun

The gay fascists strike again. As the name of the school proclaims, it’s a bastion of Mormon belief and establishment. That marriage is only between a man and a woman is sacred doctrine, something the church can’t and won’t ever change its beliefs about.

And there is something fishy about this story.

The #RestoreHonor movement, led by a group of students who garnered support after creating an Instagram account (@HonorCodeStories), which went viral, has attracted over 37,000 followers and prompted hundreds of students to submit anonymous stories to the page’s creator.

The problem is that the school’s total enrollment is only 33,517.

Where did the 37,000 signatures come from?

This student-led movement has now resulted in a petition that has garnered over 22,000 signatures and is calling for the university to self-impose a ban on discrimination on the basis sexual orientation and gender identity.

Having grown up in the Mormon Church – it now prefers to be called Latter Day Saints – I know that a large number of students at BYU are members of that church. And, most are “in good standing” and believe that homosexual relationships are sinful. I cannot believe they would sign petitions to change a basic tenet of their faith.

We will see what happens but I doubt the school leaders will succumb to this attack.

More @ Pro-LGBT Group at Brigham Young University Wants to Secularize the School
Glad coach Rose finally got canned

The gay fascists strike again. As the name of the school proclaims, it’s a bastion of Mormon belief and establishment. That marriage is only between a man and a woman is sacred doctrine, something the church can’t and won’t ever change its beliefs about.

And there is something fishy about this story.

The #RestoreHonor movement, led by a group of students who garnered support after creating an Instagram account (@HonorCodeStories), which went viral, has attracted over 37,000 followers and prompted hundreds of students to submit anonymous stories to the page’s creator.

The problem is that the school’s total enrollment is only 33,517.

Where did the 37,000 signatures come from?

This student-led movement has now resulted in a petition that has garnered over 22,000 signatures and is calling for the university to self-impose a ban on discrimination on the basis sexual orientation and gender identity.

Having grown up in the Mormon Church – it now prefers to be called Latter Day Saints – I know that a large number of students at BYU are members of that church. And, most are “in good standing” and believe that homosexual relationships are sinful. I cannot believe they would sign petitions to change a basic tenet of their faith.

We will see what happens but I doubt the school leaders will succumb to this attack.

More @ Pro-LGBT Group at Brigham Young University Wants to Secularize the School

This is the failure of tolerance.

The religious school was tolerant and allowed non religious people to attend, and now the non religious people are demanding the school change for them, against the intent of the founders and former members of the school.

We CAN'T have diversity, if we allow liberals in. The moment they have a foothold, they start demanding conformity.
LDS is not alone in condemning homosexual sodomy. Essentially all major religions teach the same thing.

No "Christian" or member of CJCLDS hates anyone because of their sexual inclinations. Indeed, the vast majority of married men - Christian or not - are inclined to copulate with attractive women who are not their wives on a regular basis.

But sinful ACTS are more than an inclination. We are all commanded to restrain ourselves and not give in to our sinful inclinations and desires.

No one cares who you want to copulate with. In a working career of more than 55 years, I never had occasion to ask a co-worker who they were married to, or what gender that person might be, or who they were living with, or in an intimate relationship with, or who they wanted to fuck. It doesn't come up unless someone forces it to come up.

When you are "openly gay," or are married to another man, you are advertising the fact that you are inclined to engage in homosexual sodomy, and that you do so whenever possible. Again, this goes beyond having homosexual inclinations - which you may be powerless to change. As a result, people who find that BEHAVIOR to be sinful may very well DISCRIMINATE against you. You have chosen to flout your immorality; They may choose to shun you because of it. Deal with it.

If this is the lifestyle you choose, you have an obligation to yourself and everybody else to seek out venues where that lifestyle is welcome. Lord knows there are enough of them. There are college campuses that are theoretically founded in religions that unequivocally condemn homosexual sodomy (e.g., Marquette, Georgetown, Fordham), that have thriving LGBT communities. Go there.

And leave BYU the fuck alone.
There is a difference from allowing the Descendants of Cain to be members and abolishing a key belief of the church.
Says you. The mormon church, on the other hand, held it as a key belief that blacks were subhumans. It was doctrine.

Which,of course, is what one would expect from a religion invented by a conman living in the united states in the heyday of slavery.
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It’s a private religious university and they free to enact whatever honor code they wish.
And we are free to protest it and petition them to change it.


He seems to think his opinion is going to change our religious practice.

If people don’t like the honor code, they are free not to adopt it.
And to move on when they don't like how the University is run. It's not like BYU is the only university available. The BLTG-alphabet tribe can remain on their own reservations if they want acceptance of their perversity.
It is way passed time that we started asking people in these organizations known as "religions" what is it that they are all about. Up until this point, "it's my religion" has gotten them of the hook for major wrongdoing against others.

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