LGBT You Are Not Special and You Do Not Need to Clutter Our Politics or Society

It is not just LGBT but is all of these groups claiming to be "VICTIMS". No, you are no longer victims, you now want promotion, and glorification whether you are LGBT, Black, Women, Muslim, Illegal Alien, etc. The entire Democrat platform is aimed at these groups, not the hard working taxpayer.
Correct. That is the base element of the leftist. They claim to be victims yet live in the most privileged societies on earth.
If I truly want the support of social conservatives here I should marry several times, sire a bastard, commit adultery, and, fuck a porn star while a my third wife is nursing my newborn. :lol:
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

Oh FFS dude! You are better than this. I mean really, just read your first fucking sentence. "You people fuck up our society and our government."
You people are us.
Our society is yours and mine.
Our government isn't just yours, it's We the People. Us.

And as “WE THE PEOPLE” as a whole, if I have to share a society with you I deserve the right to tell you “shut the fuck up, your crybaby nonsense is ruining our country.”
It is not just LGBT but is all of these groups claiming to be "VICTIMS". No, you are no longer victims, you now want promotion, and glorification whether you are LGBT, Black, Women, Muslim, Illegal Alien, etc. The entire Democrat platform is aimed at these groups, not the hard working taxpayer.

Actually all of those people are hard working tax payers

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You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

Oh FFS dude! You are better than this. I mean really, just read your first fucking sentence. "You people fuck up our society and our government."
You people are us.
Our society is yours and mine.
Our government isn't just yours, it's We the People. Us.

And as “WE THE PEOPLE” as a whole, if I have to share a society with you I deserve the right to tell you “shut the fuck up, your crybaby nonsense is ruining our country.”

Fair enough. But I'm not a crybaby and I'm not ruining this county. "I deserve the right to tell you" And you just did. I hope you feel better.
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates againstu. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

According to you turds, there isn't that many of them.

So care to explain how they're cluttering up society?

As a demographic as a whole, the LGBT community is more educated, and pays a lot of taxes.

As compared to a demographic of shit for brains, pill, and meth addicted rednecks in shit for brains red state America.

You're right though. They're not special. But they are equal.

Unamerican much?
If I truly want the support of social conservatives here I should marry several times, sire a bastard, commit adultery, and, fuck a porn star while a my third wife is nursing my newborn. :lol:
Can I be your forth? Please?
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

I've known people who've been fired for being gay.
I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

Yes, they are being discriminated against.

As opposed to you white straight males who let the Republicans screw you, so long as the minorities and gays don't get nothing.
Would this moron even be given the media attention that he gets if he wasn’t gay? Nope. But he understands how to play his gayness for attention...something he learned over time as liberals (especially in Hollywood) had/have an obsession with keeping gay friends. It’s so chic and en vogue.
Who Is Pete Buttigieg's Husband Chasten?
If I truly want the support of social conservatives here I should marry several times, sire a bastard, commit adultery, and, fuck a porn star while a my third wife is nursing my newborn. :lol:
Was there a parade for it?
I can’t make them go away..

Tell voters to tell politicians in urban areas (where gays flock to)

DO NOT give one more dime of tax payer money, or a ounce of our time to gay issues UNTIL democrats fix inner city schools!
What’s more important education or gays sucking cock.?
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates againstu. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

According to you turds, there isn't that many of them.

So care to explain how they're cluttering up society?

As a demographic as a whole, the LGBT community is more educated, and pays a lot of taxes.

As compared to a demographic of shit for brains, pill, and meth addicted rednecks in shit for brains red state America.

You're right though. They're not special. But they are equal.

Unamerican much?

They clutter society by twisting it into acceptance of their deviant behavior, legal battles that clog the courts, and a general narcissism that you just displayed toward people that live outside your homosexual world view.
Be as fabulous as you want to be, but I still won't pee beside a tranny any more than I would pee beside a clown.

No one (statistically speaking) is being victimized for sexual irregularity (I refuse to use the preposterous alphabet expression). No one is being fired, overlooked for hiring or promotion, earning a lower salary, refused a table in a restaurant, declined by a selective school, or excluded from membership in a country club because of their sexual orientation or sexual identification.

The people who start their assertion with "I know a guy..." are spouting bullshit.

But people CAN be subject to discrimination due to bizarre mannerisms, bizarre dress or grooming (including tattoos and piercings), and bizarre behavior. These are all entirely voluntary, and have nothing to do with ones sexual predilections or identification.

It has NEVER BEEN A CRIME ANYWHERE to BE homosexual. Not now, not ever, Never. Anywhere. The assertion that people have been victimized for BEING homosexual is a blatant lie. But HOMOSEXUAL SODOMY has been condemned for literally thousands of years, by essentially every religion that bothers to take a stance on morality. So if you want to flaunt the fact that you are a Sodomite by your dress and mannerisms, you must deal with the fact that most people find that behavior abhorrent.

There are a LOT of homosexuals and lesbians who are thriving in our society and nobody gives a shit what they do at home, because they present themselves normally and with self respect. It's only the ones who present as freaks that have any issue, and those people have no one to blame but themselves.

Where are the statistics proving that the alphabet soup people earn less than the general population? That they can't get into good schools? That they are denied promotions and other employment honors? Those statistics don't exist because discrimination is rare and usually the result of offensive, overt behavior.

The Gay Mafia is the most intolerant group in our society. They make Bible Thumpers look positively tolerant and welcoming.
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates against you. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

I've known people who've been fired for being gay.
I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay.

Yes, they are being discriminated against.

As opposed to you white straight males who let the Republicans screw you, so long as the minorities and gays don't get nothing.
Would this moron even be given the media attention that he gets if he wasn’t gay? Nope. But he understands how to play his gayness for attention...something he learned over time as liberals (especially in Hollywood) had/have an obsession with keeping gay friends. It’s so chic and en vogue.
Who Is Pete Buttigieg's Husband Chasten?

If Mr. Buttigieg wasn't as queer as a $3 bill, he wouldn't even been considered for the Presidency. His biggest accomplishment is his failed mayorship of a medium sized college town.

What would happen to Mr. Buttigieg's base if he came out as a Normative on Monday, and declared his "Gay Husband" is actually just an actor who is as straight as the day is long?

I'll tell you what would happen, Buttigieg's support would dissipate immediately.
I can’t make them go away..

Tell voters to tell politicians in urban areas (where gays flock to)

DO NOT give one more dime of tax payer money, or a ounce of our time to gay issues UNTIL democrats fix inner city schools!
What’s more important education or gays sucking cock.?
jitler, still fixated with cock. Go forth, and suck mikeys purple dildo cocks, jitler. You need to relieve yourself.

Oh is this the FZ?
I can’t make them go away..

Tell voters to tell politicians in urban areas (where gays flock to)

DO NOT give one more dime of tax payer money, or a ounce of our time to gay issues UNTIL democrats fix inner city schools!
What’s more important education or gays sucking cock.?
Democrats prefer the latter.
You people fuck up our society and our government. You throw temper tantrums that nobody cares about. You “demand” to be heard when nobody cares if you’re gay or lesbian and nobody discriminates againstu. You demand special treatment and clog school systems with your assumption of privilege. You have disgusting parades down our streets in front of children to flaunt your lifestyle and you all gathered for Hillary in NYC and cried like babies on election night so media would feel sorry for you. Go do your business in private. Nobody cares and quite frankly being gay or lesbian is rather boring now.

According to you turds, there isn't that many of them.

So care to explain how they're cluttering up society?

As a demographic as a whole, the LGBT community is more educated, and pays a lot of taxes.

As compared to a demographic of shit for brains, pill, and meth addicted rednecks in shit for brains red state America.

You're right though. They're not special. But they are equal.

Unamerican much?

I swear all you leftist have your demographics all screwed up. The poor ole average Republican "rednecks" in my little red state live MUCH better than the average Democrat in a blue state. The Democrats in my state, on average, not so much.

I would be willing to bet that if you drive through a poor and dangerous area anywhere in the US, the overwhemingly amount of people living there are Democrats. Drive through a middle to upper class, safe neighborhood and quite the opposite is true. Sane Democrats have to know this is the case.

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