Liability's PEACE PRAYER

Actually, I wasn't verbose, dopey.

There are paragraphs and pages of your "lack-of-verbosity" in this thread and others that can be efficiently pared down to two words: "yer stupid". :eusa_eh:

If that is what you consider verbal constipation, I would hate to be your plumber.

I see that I have even managed to get you to cut down your torrent of verbal diarrhea a great deal. Good for ME! :cool:

Ooooo I'm rubber you're glue....:lol: which came first, the chicken or the egg?

By the way, are you even capable of posting coherently, puppy? :eusa_drool:


No sense in wasting a good, well crafted coherent post on someone whose only response seems to be 101 variations on "yer stupid" :lol:

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It could be worse. You could be an 11 year old Muslim girl required to marry some 50 something year old Muslim man.

...or an 11 yr old Christian girl in Zimbabwe...

....or an 11 year old Hindu girl in India

Sucks to be female in an underdeveloped country.

I don't know about 11 year old girls in Zimbabwe. But I do know the Bible itself doesn't have the founder of the faith engaging in pedophilia.

I know that some priests, today, still engage in pedophilia with little kids. But it's not preached by the Religion itself.

And it does tend to make your banter about the taste of a wafer of bread (a symbol representing the Savior) seem truly insipid.

Religion, child brides,, Liability don't seem to debate this beyond posting some cherry-picked out of context quotes from "Islam Watch" a clearly biased source.

Those who condemn Islam, as an entire faith do so on largely hypocritical grounds because Islam, along with Judaism and Christianity have roots in the same cultures and marriage of child brides was (and in some cases still is) endemic in many parts of the world regardless of religion.

The argument that the Quran and the Hadith specifically endorse pedophilia is disengeneous. Rules are given for the treatment of women and girls of all ages - rules that specifically indicate in some cases, marriage to or intercourse with a prebubescent girl. The Talmud however, specifically states that a girl 3 yrs old and one day, can be betrothed by intercourse and Moses commanded "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." (Numbers 31:17-18).

Not a one of the Holy Books, or their spokespeople, messiahs and prophets condemns sex with children.

An honest examination of the historical record would show that Biblical law and the Judeo-Christian tradition not only fails to condemn pedophilia but often condoned sexual relations between adults and girl children. The social taboo and subsequent laws against sex with children are a product of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as were the concepts of "age of consent" and "statutory rape". You quite blithely set aside the constantly evolving priest-abuse scandals of recent years yet I can't help but wonder if those too can be seen to be justified by those same biblical precepts condoning adult-child sex.

Perhaps you might find the same "generosity" of "spirit" to extend your prayers beyond Islam, and request of your deity of choice, the grace and wisdom for Christians and Jews "to repent of their sick evil ways, and to recant of their insidious belief in the blasphemous" Bible and Talmud if, truely, you were concerned for the religious endorsement of pedophilia.
...or an 11 yr old Christian girl in Zimbabwe...

....or an 11 year old Hindu girl in India

Sucks to be female in an underdeveloped country.

I don't know about 11 year old girls in Zimbabwe. But I do know the Bible itself doesn't have the founder of the faith engaging in pedophilia.

I know that some priests, today, still engage in pedophilia with little kids. But it's not preached by the Religion itself.

And it does tend to make your banter about the taste of a wafer of bread (a symbol representing the Savior) seem truly insipid.

Religion, child brides,, Liability don't seem to debate this beyond posting some cherry-picked out of context quotes from "Islam Watch" a clearly biased source.

Those who condemn Islam, as an entire faith do so on largely hypocritical grounds because Islam, along with Judaism and Christianity have roots in the same cultures and marriage of child brides was (and in some cases still is) endemic in many parts of the world regardless of religion.

The argument that the Quran and the Hadith specifically endorse pedophilia is disengeneous. Rules are given for the treatment of women and girls of all ages - rules that specifically indicate in some cases, marriage to or intercourse with a prebubescent girl. The Talmud however, specifically states that a girl 3 yrs old and one day, can be betrothed by intercourse and Moses commanded "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." (Numbers 31:17-18).

Not a one of the Holy Books, or their spokespeople, messiahs and prophets condemns sex with children.

An honest examination of the historical record would show that Biblical law and the Judeo-Christian tradition not only fails to condemn pedophilia but often condoned sexual relations between adults and girl children. The social taboo and subsequent laws against sex with children are a product of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as were the concepts of "age of consent" and "statutory rape". You quite blithely set aside the constantly evolving priest-abuse scandals of recent years yet I can't help but wonder if those too can be seen to be justified by those same biblical precepts condoning adult-child sex.

Perhaps you might find the same "generosity" of "spirit" to extend your prayers beyond Islam, and request of your deity of choice, the grace and wisdom for Christians and Jews "to repent of their sick evil ways, and to recant of their insidious belief in the blasphemous" Bible and Talmud if, truely, you were concerned for the religious endorsement of pedophilia.

Your notion of "debate," puppy is to attempt (in your always feeble manner) to engage in ad hominem. Boring and really ineffectual. Then, for a refreshing change of pace, in your overly wordy way, you tell me what I'm claiming (even though you don't have a fucking clue -- about anything in life, really). Then you make some grandiose claim without rational support. In effect you declare that you are "right" and you point to yourself as evidence of your own rectitude. :cuckoo:

You may continue to deny the Islamic tradition of pedophilia, despite all the evidence (historical up to the present day) to the contrary. Mohammed got boners for a 6 year old and consummated the "marriage" when the child was 9. And we know the ages are generally accurate, despite your false claim of denial, because we know how long those two remained married (i.e., up to the Pedophile's death).

You may continue to make idiotic claims about Christian beliefs even though you always duck any honest attempt to back up your spew. Out of idle curiosity, Ms. PompASS, tell us the manner in which the Virgin Mary (according to biblical lore) got impregnated.

And, of course, you have my blessing to continue to act as though you are superior. But we both know the truth, puppy.

Your justified insecurity shines through. It's kinda cute. It's like you sole redeeming quality. :lol:
Your notion of "debate," puppy is to attempt (in your always feeble manner) to engage in ad hominem. Boring and really ineffectual. Then, for a refreshing change of pace, in your overly wordy way, you tell me what I'm claiming (even though you don't have a fucking clue -- about anything in life, really). Then you make some grandiose claim without rational support. In effect you declare that you are "right" and you point to yourself as evidence of your own rectitude. :cuckoo:

Ahhh....ain't that cute. You found a new way to say "yer stupid" but you still need to work on the verbosity. Still, points for effort and, an extra half point for good word choices to make it at least worth reading once.:clap2:

You may continue to deny the Islamic tradition of pedophilia, despite all the evidence (historical up to the present day) to the contrary. Mohammed got boners for a 6 year old and consummated the "marriage" when the child was 9. And we know the ages are generally accurate, despite your false claim of denial, because we know how long those two remained married (i.e., up to the Pedophile's death).

Evidence...evidence....lets see.....

Oh right. There is nothing to see because you don't believe in actually addressing any of the points or providing evidence beyond one self-admittedly biased site :lol:

You may continue to make idiotic claims about Christian beliefs even though you always duck any honest attempt to back up your spew. Out of idle curiosity, Ms. PompASS, tell us the manner in which the Virgin Mary (according to biblical lore) got impregnated.

:lol: You don't like it much...when evidence contradicts your position do you? Rather than defend your position, you keep falling back on non-stop ad hominem. How cute :)

And, of course, you have my blessing to continue to act as though you are superior. But we both know the truth, puppy.

Your justified insecurity shines through. It's kinda cute. It's like you sole redeeming quality. :lol:

Sounds like you've got issues :)
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Liability was selling his daughters little pussy to ******* so he could buy crack. Patheic yet true.

Hey Yukon!

I really got under your skin the last time? And you, being the total lying fraud you've always been, got yourself banned again as "Tariq."

Now, you are clearly (and correctly) feeling like the complete loser you are.

And your PM's aren't enough for you to vent your spleen? THIS is your idea of "payback?"


You couldn't have done a more convincing and compelling job of proving what a useless pathetic creature you are. You are destined to forever be totally ineffectual in all things.

Of course I am - have you ever tried those communion wafers? Like cardboard!

Really, unduly upset apparently. Poor thing.

Take a Midol.

Midol wouldn't begin to ease the depths of my upset!

When was the last time we had a miracle eh? (and no, Obama's election doesn't count) - or a prophet - or something beyond a sustained hellfire-and-brimstone-your-going-to-hell-if-you-don't-repent leaflet campaign from our local ministries? Not even a brief shower of frogs to get us on the right path. You call that leadership?
We have a plague in the White House. Does that count?
Really, unduly upset apparently. Poor thing.

Take a Midol.

Midol wouldn't begin to ease the depths of my upset!

When was the last time we had a miracle eh? (and no, Obama's election doesn't count) - or a prophet - or something beyond a sustained hellfire-and-brimstone-your-going-to-hell-if-you-don't-repent leaflet campaign from our local ministries? Not even a brief shower of frogs to get us on the right path. You call that leadership?
We have a plague in the White House. Does that count?

That was eradicated in 2009, but no ... I would expect at least a locust or two, to count.

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