LIAR liar, pants on fire!

fox, naacp, and briebart and the whitehouse should ALL be ashamed of themselves regarding this....

Yep, but the White House should be especially ashamed: They were actually elected on the basis that they are acting in The Public Trust, and have failed miserably.

When is Obama going to publically apologise?

She didn't go on at length about her father's murder? About how black men were murdered by white men and nothing was done about it all the way to the Supreme Court? She didn't talk about how white men could build their houses out of brick, but a black man couldn't? She didn't talk about how the white men back in the 17th and 18th centuries came up with a way to make themselves superior to black men in order to keep them down? And that wasn't even all of it. The majority of her speech was bringing up all of the injustices of the past. She couldn't come right out and say that it wasn't about black and white to that audience, she had to pay dues first and make them realize that she understands how the black man is kept down, like it's still happening today. What was the point in bringing all of that history up?

I never said she was perfect Newby....

mrs schooner says she is not racist and that she help them keep their farm....mrs schooner says that her husband did act uppidy towards sherrod, but this is just the way her husband is....mrs schooner says it is terrible how people are treating sherrod in the manner that they have....the farmer's wife also says she considers sherrod a good friend and is grateful for all of the years of help sherrod gave them....

fox, naacp, and briebart and the whitehouse should ALL be ashamed of themselves regarding this....
why Fox?
all they did was report a breaking story
and as for breitbart, I'll reserve judgment till i know if HE edited the clip or not

She didn't go on at length about her father's murder? About how black men were murdered by white men and nothing was done about it all the way to the Supreme Court? She didn't talk about how white men could build their houses out of brick, but a black man couldn't? She didn't talk about how the white men back in the 17th and 18th centuries came up with a way to make themselves superior to black men in order to keep them down? And that wasn't even all of it. The majority of her speech was bringing up all of the injustices of the past. She couldn't come right out and say that it wasn't about black and white to that audience, she had to pay dues first and make them realize that she understands how the black man is kept down, like it's still happening today. What was the point in bringing all of that history up?

I never said she was perfect Newby....

mrs schooner says she is not racist and that she help them keep their farm....mrs schooner says that her husband did act uppidy towards sherrod, but this is just the way her husband is....mrs schooner says it is terrible how people are treating sherrod in the manner that they have....the farmer's wife also says she considers sherrod a good friend and is grateful for all of the years of help sherrod gave them....

fox, naacp, and briebart and the whitehouse should ALL be ashamed of themselves regarding this....

All Fox did is report it. Are you saying none of the other networks are covering this story? If so, shame on them. The others, NAACP and Obama, I can agree on.

She didn't go on at length about her father's murder? About how black men were murdered by white men and nothing was done about it all the way to the Supreme Court? She didn't talk about how white men could build their houses out of brick, but a black man couldn't? She didn't talk about how the white men back in the 17th and 18th centuries came up with a way to make themselves superior to black men in order to keep them down? And that wasn't even all of it. The majority of her speech was bringing up all of the injustices of the past. She couldn't come right out and say that it wasn't about black and white to that audience, she had to pay dues first and make them realize that she understands how the black man is kept down, like it's still happening today. What was the point in bringing all of that history up?

I never said she was perfect Newby....

mrs schooner says she is not racist and that she help them keep their farm....mrs schooner says that her husband did act uppidy towards sherrod, but this is just the way her husband is....mrs schooner says it is terrible how people are treating sherrod in the manner that they have....the farmer's wife also says she considers sherrod a good friend and is grateful for all of the years of help sherrod gave them....

fox, naacp, and briebart and the whitehouse should ALL be ashamed of themselves regarding this....

I believe she gave all that background of how things used to be to put into perspective of how she used to think and how her thinking has changed. That it is about poor, rather than white vs. black.

But then she said this, as LuckyDan pointed out: "At 18:37 she stops herself and adds, "well it is about black and white...but..."

Why can't it just be about helping people who need help and throwing skin color out the window? <sigh>
So you people claim there is no racism in the country and that she was lying about there being racism?
another lie by you
who says there is no racism?
most say that its not as big as it was and mostly relegated to small groups
and those groups are shunned by the majority
She didn't go on at length about her father's murder? About how black men were murdered by white men and nothing was done about it all the way to the Supreme Court? She didn't talk about how white men could build their houses out of brick, but a black man couldn't? She didn't talk about how the white men back in the 17th and 18th centuries came up with a way to make themselves superior to black men in order to keep them down? And that wasn't even all of it. The majority of her speech was bringing up all of the injustices of the past. She couldn't come right out and say that it wasn't about black and white to that audience, she had to pay dues first and make them realize that she understands how the black man is kept down, like it's still happening today. What was the point in bringing all of that history up?

I never said she was perfect Newby....

mrs schooner says she is not racist and that she help them keep their farm....mrs schooner says that her husband did act uppidy towards sherrod, but this is just the way her husband is....mrs schooner says it is terrible how people are treating sherrod in the manner that they have....the farmer's wife also says she considers sherrod a good friend and is grateful for all of the years of help sherrod gave them....

fox, naacp, and briebart and the whitehouse should ALL be ashamed of themselves regarding this....

I believe she gave all that background of how things used to be to put into perspective of how she used to think and how her thinking has changed. That it is about poor, rather than white vs. black.

But then she said this, as LuckyDan pointed out: "At 18:37 she stops herself and adds, "well it is about black and white...but..."

Why can't it just be about helping people who need help and throwing skin color out the window? <sigh>

Perhaps that was her reason, but she certainly dwelled on many different varieties of white on black racism for the majority of her speech though. And it wasn't even just about the poor, it was about 'the poor versus those-that-have'. Always gotta have that shadow group that they're protecting you against and that's why you need them. I guess it will never end.
So you people claim there is no racism in the country and that she was lying about there being racism?
another lie by you
who says there is no racism?
most say that its not as big as it was and mostly relegated to small groups
and those groups are shunned by the majority

You know, even of the full speech isn't as bad as the out-of-context excerpts led us to believe, I'm still not sure her departure is such a bad thing. Mrs. Sherrod does seem to have a way of sensing racism where it isn't, as in the healthcare debates.

The only difference is that the folks with money want to stay in power and whether it's health care or whatever it is, they'll do what they need to do to keep that power, you know. It's always about money, ya'll.

You know, I haven't seen such a mean-spirited people as I've seen lately over this issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried. Didn't it surface? Now, we endured eight years of the Bush's and we didn't do the stuff these Republicans are doing because you have a black President.

Here's the full transcript of her speech:

American Rhetoric: Shirley Sherrod - Speech at the NAACP 20th Freedom Fund Banquet
Well it seems She blames the GOP hate media's race baiting.

Look also at how GOP shill and world renowned racist Stuttering LimpTard stokes the flames of white resentment for a black president.

The Plum Line - Shirley Sherrod blasts Fox News as racist

Shirley Sherrod blasts Fox News as racist
Now this is going to drive the right bananas.

Check out this nugget in an interview that Shirley Sherrod did with Joe Strupp, in which she comes right out and claims Fox News is using her as a "pawn" in a racist plot to undo the gains African Americans have made:

She said Fox showed no professionalism in continuing to bother her for an interview, but failing to correct their coverage.

"I think they should but they won't. They intended exactly what they did. "They were looking for the result they got yesterday," she said of Fox. "I am just a pawn. I was just here. They are after a bigger thing, they would love to take us back to where we were many years ago. Back to where black people were looking down, not looking white folks in the face, not being able to compete for a job out there and not be a whole person."

This is pretty incendiary stuff. Sherrod is clearly not going away, and now she appears determined to force a larger conversation about the Breitbart-Fox News axis's broader efforts to stoke white resentment towards the nation's first African American president.

July 20, 2010
RUSH: * But the real thing you need to glean is that the Obama administration and the federal bureaucracy is full of incompetence like Shirley Sherrod and it's not going to be very long before you're going to be dealing with her for your health care, and if you happen to be showing up to a black bureaucratic appointed by Obama and you happen to be something other than black, you might have the same treatment regarding your health care that this poor white farmer got.* I mean, the bigger picture here is that.
ZOMG!!! You'll never watch FNC again, will you???1!!!1


Fixed Lies is only for those who like to lied to. The A.C.O.R.N. fizzle comes mind. Lot's of smoke and mirrors, but in the end nothing...except that the bozo who taped those people without their consent in California is now facing possible jail time.

Guess Repugs, in California it is against the law to video tape, voice tape or any way record a person without THEIR FRACKING PERMISSION.
ZOMG!!! You'll never watch FNC again, will you???1!!!1


Fixed Lies is only for those who like to lied to. The A.C.O.R.N. fizzle comes mind. Lot's of smoke and mirrors, but in the end nothing...except that the bozo who taped those people without their consent in California is now facing possible jail time.

Guess Repugs, in California it is against the law to video tape, voice tape or any way record a person without THEIR FRACKING PERMISSION.
you got that last part WRONG
but thats not new for you
Well it seems She blames the GOP hate media's race baiting.

Look also at how GOP shill and world renowned racist Stuttering LimpTard stokes the flames of white resentment for a black president.

The Plum Line - Shirley Sherrod blasts Fox News as racist

Shirley Sherrod blasts Fox News as racist
Now this is going to drive the right bananas.

Check out this nugget in an interview that Shirley Sherrod did with Joe Strupp, in which she comes right out and claims Fox News is using her as a "pawn" in a racist plot to undo the gains African Americans have made:

She said Fox showed no professionalism in continuing to bother her for an interview, but failing to correct their coverage.

"I think they should but they won't. They intended exactly what they did. "They were looking for the result they got yesterday," she said of Fox. "I am just a pawn. I was just here. They are after a bigger thing, they would love to take us back to where we were many years ago. Back to where black people were looking down, not looking white folks in the face, not being able to compete for a job out there and not be a whole person."

This is pretty incendiary stuff. Sherrod is clearly not going away, and now she appears determined to force a larger conversation about the Breitbart-Fox News axis's broader efforts to stoke white resentment towards the nation's first African American president.

July 20, 2010
RUSH: * But the real thing you need to glean is that the Obama administration and the federal bureaucracy is full of incompetence like Shirley Sherrod and it's not going to be very long before you're going to be dealing with her for your health care, and if you happen to be showing up to a black bureaucratic appointed by Obama and you happen to be something other than black, you might have the same treatment regarding your health care that this poor white farmer got.* I mean, the bigger picture here is that.

gotta just love that limbaugh spin....he really can keep an audience, eh?!
I have an idea as to why she was asked to resign.

At about the 30 minute mark of her presentation she was discussing $80 Million that she had signed off on and she made the comment that not one dime of that money had gone to black businesses. With that comment, she put the Obama Administration on the spot.

Having listened to the full video, I have to say, that if I had a business that could use her talents, I would not hesitate to offer her a job.

How is it Fox was not aware that Brietbart was known for doctored tapes in the past?

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