Lib days you have to like the Sam kiss or else

Haha! It's not genetic. It's a perversion & a mental illness.

Homophobia is a mental illness.

Homophobia doesn't exist. Your liberalism is a mental disorder. How will you feel when a swarm of children grow up & start telling the truth? Youre going to stick up for the homos, aren't you? You're not a psychologist and even if you were, that profession has been taken over by child rape enabling liberals anyway, so your opinion on mental health means diddly squat either way you slice it, sweety.
There is nothing logical about gay marriage..nothing. If they want civil union that is fine. Don't try to pretend it's the same as real marriages and for fucks sake, don't adopt them children. You think the catholic church scandal is bad...wait until the flood of raped kids start growing up and speaking out just like they did in that incident.

You idiot liberals will have their rapes on your hands for being so guillable. If you think that scenario isn't plausable, you're a deluded moron. Period. End of story.

Wow. It's sad that you're missing so much about this awesome world we live in because you're wasting your time with all that hate.

That sucks. Best of luck to ya.
I'm pretty sure Im missing out on a lot of things, a lot of things I have no interest in being involved in. You're a dupe who will have child rape on your concious because you're a scared little man afraid of being ostracized by your liberal idiot peers and won't think rationally.

Everything you think about homos is WRONG, take it from the ex president of the APA... The homos are just perverts & mentally ill. All the so-called science behind it is BOGUS. Watch it and quit enabling future child rape.

[ame=]Gay science is all fake, how gays control psychology - YouTube[/ame]
That old dude won't be listened to much longer if he is now. He says he was president for one year 34 years ago. How old is that tape?
Haha! It's not genetic. It's a perversion & a mental illness.

Homophobia is a mental illness.

I'm here for you Noomi !

I bet the more she chants that bumper sticker slogan, the more she believes it's a fact rather than her own drone ass opinion.

I'm tired of being nice about this. Logic and reason, hell...NATURE tells you that homosexuality is ABNORMAL & SUICIDAL.

Fuck coddling these pushy little perverts, time to tell them like it is!
I don't know, I think it's from 2011-12. He's telling the truth, he even still supports gay marriage, but he knows it's a choice and how everything changed because of the infiltration of radical leftists into the APA, keeping it under their control still today. This stuff should really wake up atleast a feeling of questioning the gay movement, sadly most people are too scared or stubborn to even consider they can be wrong on this.

Wow. It's sad that you're missing so much about this awesome world we live in because you're wasting your time with all that hate.

That sucks. Best of luck to ya.
I'm pretty sure Im missing out on a lot of things, a lot of things I have no interest in being involved in. You're a dupe who will have child rape on your concious because you're a scared little man afraid of being ostracized by your liberal idiot peers and won't think rationally.

Everything you think about homos is WRONG, take it from the ex president of the APA... The homos are just perverts & mentally ill. All the so-called science behind it is BOGUS. Watch it and quit enabling future child rape.

[ame=]Gay science is all fake, how gays control psychology - YouTube[/ame]
That old dude won't be listened to much longer if he is now. He says he was president for one year 34 years ago. How old is that tape?
There is nothing logical about gay marriage..nothing. If they want civil union that is fine. Don't try to pretend it's the same as real marriages and for fucks sake, don't adopt them children. You think the catholic church scandal is bad...wait until the flood of raped kids start growing up and speaking out just like they did in that incident.

You idiot liberals will have their rapes on your hands for being so guillable. If you think that scenario isn't plausable, you're a deluded moron. Period. End of story.

Oh shut the fuck up you pathetic piece of shit.
Mannnn....I'm telling you, I really can't stand the super flamers. I don't know what it is, but it seems like all their eyes have the same that look Al Franken's eyes get, like a half-way crossed eyes kinda deal.
Doesn't matter what race, same damn look in their eyes, that Al Franken face, I swear.
My gay stepson and his "boyfriend" decided to move from Arkansas to Colorado where my wife and I lived. On their way here they broke down so I helped them financially at the tune of about $1200.00. I knew they were gay and I wasn't all too enthused about them moving to my neck of the woods but for my wife's sake I pretended to be "tolerant." (I emphasize the word "pretend). Anyway, when they finally arrived we let them stay in one of the apartments at the complex we managed.

Anyway, after they settled in we all decided to have a chat and talk about their trip and their plans. I was only able to stay in the room for about 10 minutes then had to leave. They were both the most "flamboyant," flamers I had ever heard. Why in hell do homosexuals have to talk like wanna be old women with pronounced lisps while crossing their legs like two-bit whores? Anyway, from that moment forward my pretense and tolerance were tested to the highest limits. I could speak to them for 5 minutes max then had to hightail outta there.

Long story short, they weren't able to tolerate the harsh, Denver winter so they sneaked out of town without paying me back in full. The way I see it, the $800.00 they still owed me was worth their disappearing from my comfort zone. :D
You must be so relieved that he's your stepson. It's your wife's faulty genes, not yours.

there's that tolerance we all expect...ugly
Libs hated Tim Tebow when he displayed his faith after a big play...
But they sure do love two guys kissing on national TV...

Meh, i was kind of indifferent to Tebow, but when you think about it, his God apparently intervenes to change the results of football games and doesn't care about starving African Children?

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Capehart is an IDIOT.

"Tolerance" is NOT a two-way street?

Sams wants "acceptance", not "tolerance"?

Well, Sams can want whatever he desires. "Acceptance" of his lifestyle and openly gay sexuality will NEVER happen. "Tolerance" is the best he will get, from SOME people.

Capehart tries to draw a parallel between Sams coming out as a homosexual to Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball.

Jackie must be spinning in his grave right now.

My gay stepson and his "boyfriend" decided to move from Arkansas to Colorado where my wife and I lived. On their way here they broke down so I helped them financially at the tune of about $1200.00. I knew they were gay and I wasn't all too enthused about them moving to my neck of the woods but for my wife's sake I pretended to be "tolerant." (I emphasize the word "pretend"). Anyway, when they finally arrived we let them stay in one of the apartments at the complex we managed.

Anyway, after they settled in we all decided to have a chat and talk about their trip and their plans. I was only able to stay in the room for about 10 minutes then had to leave. They were both the most "flamboyant," flamers I had ever heard. Why in hell do homosexuals have to talk like wanna be old women with pronounced lisps while crossing their legs like two-bit whores? Anyway, from that moment forward my pretense and tolerance were tested to the highest limits. I could speak to them for 5 minutes max then had to hightail outta there.

Long story short, they weren't able to tolerate the harsh, Denver winter so they sneaked out of town without paying me back in full. The way I see it, the $800.00 they still owed me was worth their disappearing from my comfort zone. :D

Digging the scare quotes, are we?

I'm sorry ... did I scare you?
Mannnn....I'm telling you, I really can't stand the super flamers. I don't know what it is, but it seems like all their eyes have the same that look Al Franken's eyes get, like a half-way crossed eyes kinda deal.
Doesn't matter what race, same damn look in their eyes, that Al Franken face, I swear.
My gay stepson and his "boyfriend" decided to move from Arkansas to Colorado where my wife and I lived. On their way here they broke down so I helped them financially at the tune of about $1200.00. I knew they were gay and I wasn't all too enthused about them moving to my neck of the woods but for my wife's sake I pretended to be "tolerant." (I emphasize the word "pretend). Anyway, when they finally arrived we let them stay in one of the apartments at the complex we managed.

Anyway, after they settled in we all decided to have a chat and talk about their trip and their plans. I was only able to stay in the room for about 10 minutes then had to leave. They were both the most "flamboyant," flamers I had ever heard. Why in hell do homosexuals have to talk like wanna be old women with pronounced lisps while crossing their legs like two-bit whores? Anyway, from that moment forward my pretense and tolerance were tested to the highest limits. I could speak to them for 5 minutes max then had to hightail outta there.

Long story short, they weren't able to tolerate the harsh, Denver winter so they sneaked out of town without paying me back in full. The way I see it, the $800.00 they still owed me was worth their disappearing from my comfort zone. :D
You must be so relieved that he's your stepson. It's your wife's faulty genes, not yours.

More likely a genetic problem on my wife's ex-husband's side of the family.
There is nothing logical about gay marriage..nothing. If they want civil union that is fine. Don't try to pretend it's the same as real marriages and for fucks sake, don't adopt them children. You think the catholic church scandal is bad...wait until the flood of raped kids start growing up and speaking out just like they did in that incident.

You idiot liberals will have their rapes on your hands for being so guillable. If you think that scenario isn't plausable, you're a deluded moron. Period. End of story.

Oh shut the fuck up you pathetic piece of shit.

Shut yourself up, fudge packer.
Mannnn....I'm telling you, I really can't stand the super flamers. I don't know what it is, but it seems like all their eyes have the same that look Al Franken's eyes get, like a half-way crossed eyes kinda deal.
Doesn't matter what race, same damn look in their eyes, that Al Franken face, I swear.
You must be so relieved that he's your stepson. It's your wife's faulty genes, not yours.

More likely a genetic problem on my wife's ex-husband's side of the family.
There's nothing genetic about it, the people who claimed to find a gay gene always end up with their findings being impossible to duplicate, and these "scientists" are just butthole surfers themselves, like that LaVey character..who admitted if he didn't find a provable genetic cause that he would quit science altogether. The enablers won't face the facts... They're too scared of owning up to their sheep like ways. Punks, the whole lot of them.
There is nothing logical about gay marriage..nothing. If they want civil union that is fine. Don't try to pretend it's the same as real marriages and for fucks sake, don't adopt them children. You think the catholic church scandal is bad...wait until the flood of raped kids start growing up and speaking out just like they did in that incident.

You idiot liberals will have their rapes on your hands for being so guillable. If you think that scenario isn't plausable, you're a deluded moron. Period. End of story.

Oh shut the fuck up you pathetic piece of shit.

Awwww ... the heights of "tolerance." :lol::D
You must be so relieved that he's your stepson. It's your wife's faulty genes, not yours.

More likely a genetic problem on my wife's ex-husband's side of the family.
There's nothing genetic about it, the people who claimed to find a gay gene always end up with their findings being impossible to duplicate, and these "scientists" are just butthole surfers themselves, like that LaVey character..who admitted if he didn't find a provable genetic cause that he would quit science altogether. The enablers won't face the facts... They're too scared of owning up to their sheep like ways. Punks, the whole lot of them.

You and I know that but StraightPhobes don't. They believe it's genetic; thus, the use of my qualifying word - "problem."

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