Lib days you have to like the Sam kiss or else

is this your tenth or twentieth obsessive thread on this subject?

reality? you shouldn't care who he loves or kisses. I think that's the point.

but it's really time for you to go find a nice boyfriend. your obsession really seems to require that you come out of the closet so you can get healthy.

HIs last boyfriend insisted he wear the dress. That was the last straw for tranny-steve.

is this your tenth or twentieth obsessive thread on this subject?

reality? you shouldn't care who he loves or kisses. I think that's the point.

but it's really time for you to go find a nice boyfriend. your obsession really seems to require that you come out of the closet so you can get healthy.

HIs last boyfriend insisted he wear the dress. That was the last straw for tranny-steve.

but if he allowed himself to feel comfortable with who he is, and wear the dress proudly, he wouldn't be as bizarrely crazed about other people's sexuality. I know a really nice group of LGBT folks in new York who could probably find him a good counselor to deal with his gender/sexuality issues
I see a lot of injuries in Sam Nastys future

In all honesty, I hope not on purpose. The way to beat these idiots is to shame them as they try to do us who oppose this crap. Sam gets hurt on purpose, the enablers will win.

what enablers? you mean the people who think that your idea of who he should be sexually shouldn't matter and that you can't discriminate based on those ideas?

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I see a lot of injuries in Sam Nastys future

In all honesty, I hope not on purpose. The way to beat these idiots is to shame them as they try to do us who oppose this crap. Sam gets hurt on purpose, the enablers will win.

Think about it, NFL players are full of testostorone, Sam Nasty will get hurt on purpose.
I see a lot of injuries in Sam Nastys future

so you think they're going to commit hate crimes? I don't think so. he'll be fine.

^ This is why I hope that he doesn't purposely get hurt. They'll raise a huge stink over it in the media, Obama will visit Sam in the hospital & award him a medal of thing you know, they'll turn NFL football into fag...I mean FLAG football.

Ofcourse I don't want him hurt just because he is a pervert alone. As long as he isn't raping little boys(which he seems to be attracted to looking at that little dainty fella he's currently with), it's not a crime to be a mentally sick pervert.
I see a lot of injuries in Sam Nastys future

In all honesty, I hope not on purpose. The way to beat these idiots is to shame them as they try to do us who oppose this crap. Sam gets hurt on purpose, the enablers will win.

what enablers? you mean the people who think that your idea of who he should be sexually shouldn't matter and that you can't discriminate based on those ideas?


Lol! I'd like to see you stop me from "discriminating" against whoever I please. Freedom of association. Go grab a tissue for them sniffles, sugar.
I see a lot of injuries in Sam Nastys future

In all honesty, I hope not on purpose. The way to beat these idiots is to shame them as they try to do us who oppose this crap. Sam gets hurt on purpose, the enablers will win.

Think about it, NFL players are full of testostorone, Sam Nasty will get hurt on purpose.

Yeah, especially if he puts on that funny tough guy accent on he did yesterday. Holy shit that was hilarious! "Anybody messes with me, they're gonna see Sam coming down the field at him!" or something like that, puffed his chest out with that Al Franken look in his eyes! If a homo is worth one thing, it's a laugh.
There is nothing logical about gay marriage..nothing. If they want civil union that is fine. Don't try to pretend it's the same as real marriages and for fucks sake, don't adopt them children. You think the catholic church scandal is bad...wait until the flood of raped kids start growing up and speaking out just like they did in that incident.

You idiot liberals will have their rapes on your hands for being so guillable. If you think that scenario isn't plausable, you're a deluded moron. Period. End of story.

Oh shut the fuck up you pathetic piece of shit.

Shut yourself up, fudge packer.

Oh man, wouldn't THAT be a trick!
There is nothing logical about gay marriage..nothing. If they want civil union that is fine. Don't try to pretend it's the same as real marriages and for fucks sake, don't adopt them children. You think the catholic church scandal is bad...wait until the flood of raped kids start growing up and speaking out just like they did in that incident.

You idiot liberals will have their rapes on your hands for being so guillable. If you think that scenario isn't plausable, you're a deluded moron. Period. End of story.

Oh shut the fuck up you pathetic piece of shit.

Awwww ... the heights of "tolerance." :lol::D

Wahhh, mommy, they aren't "tolerant" of me being a giant turd with eyes.

Sorry not sorry, scumbucket.
Clearly Sam's sexuality matters. He is too poor a player to have been picked for a team otherwise.
Clearly Sam's sexuality matters. He is too poor a player to have been picked for a team otherwise.

Without googling anything, tell me all the statistics or facts that you know about Michael Sam as a college football player. Don't worry, I'll wait.
Well that explains why you make no sense, dyke.

Also not a lesbian, but aren't you just adorable with your little assumptions.

Sure...I believe you.

Oh you don't have to believe me sweetheart. I'm not sure if you know this, but you thinking I'm gay doesn't actually make me gay. I'll continue happily living my life as a straight woman and not think again about that one sad dude on a message board who has some serious internal issues with sexuality in general. It's a crazy concept, I know.
Also not a lesbian, but aren't you just adorable with your little assumptions.

Sure...I believe you.

Oh you don't have to believe me sweetheart. I'm not sure if you know this, but you thinking I'm gay doesn't actually make me gay. I'll continue happily living my life as a straight woman and not think again about that one sad dude on a message board who has some serious internal issues with sexuality in general. It's a crazy concept, I know.

So you'd be unhappily living your life if you were a lesbian? Homophobe.

Funny how you just said me saying you're gay doesn't mean you are, yet you turn around and try to claim I have "internal sexual problems"(Whatever that's supposed to mean). I suppose you don't mind looking like a hypocrite.

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