LIB Identity Politics Has Their Party On The Rocks


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
The following OP is NOT for those with reading comprehension or low IQs or short attention spans........which leaves out the vast majority of forum members here.
I have yet to read a more insightful description of the LIBs in the US.
Liberals, Shipwrecked
The following OP is NOT for those with reading comprehension or low IQs or short attention spans........which leaves out the vast majority of forum members here.
I have yet to read a more insightful description of the LIBs in the US.
Liberals, Shipwrecked
Democrats are learning they can get more in the short term with thugs than with good ideas.
Eventually the Democrats will end up being a terrorist organization like Hamas.
The trick is flooding the country with folks that hate America.
I think this is part of the plan. To bring out racist groups that oppose their anti-American activities thus justifying their constant race-baiting.
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The following OP is NOT for those with reading comprehension or low IQs or short attention spans........which leaves out the vast majority of forum members here.
I have yet to read a more insightful description of the LIBs in the US.
Liberals, Shipwrecked
Democrats are learning they can get more in the short term with thugs than with good ideas.
Eventually the Democrats will end up being a terrorist organization like Hamas.
The trick is flooding the country with folks that hate America.
I think this is part of the plan. To bring out racist groups that oppose their anti-Americans activities thus justifying their constant race-baiting.
An America of individuality and freedom is not what Progressives want...
She's right. You have to fit a distinct group in order to be a democrat. If you aren't one of those they don't want you.
She's right. You have to fit a distinct group in order to be a democrat. If you aren't one of those they don't want you.
Unless you have lots of money to donate so lib pols can live like they are entitled too.....and they have said as much......
The following OP is NOT for those with reading comprehension or low IQs or short attention spans........which leaves out the vast majority of forum members here.
I have yet to read a more insightful description of the LIBs in the US.
Liberals, Shipwrecked

Yep, it's the libs that have the problem.


Trump's top economic adviser, Gary Cohn, is reportedly 'disgusted' and 'appalled' with Trump's Charlottesville response


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They lost over 1000 legislative seats since Barry won.

That's certainly not a good trend, as much as Pelosi would have you believe the Dems are right where they want to be.

Pelosi is in denial, or mentally compromised. What an absolute dingbat. She says the Dems have "won every fight" against Republicans. That shit is hilarious.

She also says the Constitution doesn't allow you to "Yell 'Wolf' in a crowded theater."

Her mental health should be evaluated after they do Trump.

The Democratic Party is fighting against racism…..
well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, racist Muslim Brotherhood Democrats, racist LULAC Democrats, racist CAIR Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, racist Antifa Rioter Democrats…

……well actually voting Democrat IS racist

People who put their race ahead of their country are racist.
People who are in race based political organizations are racist.
People who are in race based student organizations are racist.
People who are in race based employee organizations are racist.
People who demand racial preference in hiring are racist
People who demand racial preference in education are racist
People who demand open borders are racist.
People who oppose Voter ID are racist.

Democrats are racist.
Interesting article by the O. P.

A liberal loon pinhead who is kinda sorta starting to get it....just barely.

Has just barely enough sense, unlike most of these CoastalShitheads/RottingCityAssholes, to realize that “delivering sermons to the unwashed from a raised pulpit”.....isn't a winning idea.

Just barely starting to figure out that lecturing the "Deplorables" in the Heartland (who actually work for a living, or at least want to)...lecturing them about what they need to be doing, because they are too stupid to know....ain't the ticket to winning elections.

The writer is on to something; but there is no chance that the various Grievance Groups, morphing rapidly into Bolshevism, which make up today's Democratic Party will ever abandon their perceived moral and intellectual superiority over us Rubes to ever see the situation clearly.
The Regressives took over the party with this shit and lost 1,000+ seats nationally.

But that's just because America is dumb and racist and its Constitution was written by rich white slave rapists. It wasn't the Regressives' fault. Or so we're told.

And now, here we are. Great.
The following OP is NOT for those with reading comprehension or low IQs or short attention spans........which leaves out the vast majority of forum members here.
I have yet to read a more insightful description of the LIBs in the US.
Liberals, Shipwrecked

Why can't the Republicans get anything done? They are proving to be a very dysfunctional party. Is that why you are bringing up the Democrats because you're embarrassed?

I mean I can understand talking about Democrats when Barrack or Pelosi were in charge but for god sakes man! Own it!!! You're in charge now and the fact is your party sucks. Whatever they pass is bad and they can't pass shit.
Interesting article by the O. P.

A liberal loon pinhead who is kinda sorta starting to get it....just barely.

Has just barely enough sense, unlike most of these CoastalShitheads/RottingCityAssholes, to realize that “delivering sermons to the unwashed from a raised pulpit”.....isn't a winning idea.

Just barely starting to figure out that lecturing the "Deplorables" in the Heartland (who actually work for a living, or at least want to)...lecturing them about what they need to be doing, because they are too stupid to know....ain't the ticket to winning elections.

The writer is on to something; but there is no chance that the various Grievance Groups, morphing rapidly into Bolshevism, which make up today's Democratic Party will ever abandon their perceived moral and intellectual superiority over us Rubes to ever see the situation clearly.

Sooner or later Republicans will stop promising the bring these people's jobs back and they'll start telling them to suck it up, start your own business, go back to school, move and ultimately, if you are a loser it's your fault not Trumps. And not Obama's either.
The following OP is NOT for those with reading comprehension or low IQs or short attention spans........which leaves out the vast majority of forum members here.
I have yet to read a more insightful description of the LIBs in the US.
Liberals, Shipwrecked

Why can't the Republicans get anything done? They are proving to be a very dysfunctional party. Is that why you are bringing up the Democrats because you're embarrassed?

I mean I can understand talking about Democrats when Barrack or Pelosi were in charge but for god sakes man! Own it!!! You're in charge now and the fact is your party sucks. Whatever they pass is bad and they can't pass shit.
Look you moron!
The thread title was about the fucking Democratic party!
But PLEASE PLEASE continue to pretend everything is just great with your party. Your 'leaders' Pelosi and Maxime are certifiably mentally incapable of stringing two coherent words together.
Hillary and her fag Mook spent 1.2 BILLION dollars trashing Trump instead of offering the voters ANY solutions to BONOBO's failed presidency.
How did that work out asshole???????
Your radical LIB MSM is spending everyday bashing Trump. Ya. That's REALLY bringing the undecideds to the DEM side.
President Trump's approval rating is UP from his honest talk about what really happened in Virginia last week.
Let's see what your reaction will be in 18 when you lose 10 more Senate seats. HAAA HAAAA!
But you go ahead and keep whistling in the DEM graveyard.
Face it pal. You're a fucking LOSER!
Here's latest from the senile old bitch Pelosi.........your number one fundraiser Pelosi: You Can’t Yell ‘Wolf’ In A Crowded Theater [VIDEO]
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Down to only 15 Governors? Yeah, the Democratic Party is much worse shape than Democrat Fake News is letting on. Rational common sense folks know who's stirring up all the hate and discontent. They know the Democrats have been doing it for decades.

This latest 'Race Crisis' has absolutely been manufactured by Soros-funded radical Democrat groups. Most Americans have had enough of Democrat-manufactured 'Crisis' scams. Democrats should seriously rethink that boasting about all the coming Landslide victories over the GOP. It could end being just more embarrassment for em.
The following OP is NOT for those with reading comprehension or low IQs or short attention spans........which leaves out the vast majority of forum members here.
I have yet to read a more insightful description of the LIBs in the US.
Liberals, Shipwrecked

Why can't the Republicans get anything done? They are proving to be a very dysfunctional party. Is that why you are bringing up the Democrats because you're embarrassed?

I mean I can understand talking about Democrats when Barrack or Pelosi were in charge but for god sakes man! Own it!!! You're in charge now and the fact is your party sucks. Whatever they pass is bad and they can't pass shit.
Look you moron!
The thread title was about the fucking Democratic party!
But PLEASE PLEASE continue to pretend everything is just great with your party. Your 'leaders' Pelosi and Maxime are certifiably mentally incapable of stringing two coherent words together.
Hillary and her fag Mook spent 1.2 BILLION dollars trashing Trump instead of offering the voters ANY solutions to BONOBO's failed presidency.
How did that work out asshole???????
Your radical LIB MSM is spending everyday bashing Trump. Ya. That's REALLY bringing the undecideds to the DEM side.
President Trump's approval rating is UP from his honest talk about what really happened in Virginia last week.
Let's see what your reaction will be in 18 when you lose 10 more Senate seats. HAAA HAAAA!
But you go ahead and keep whistling in the DEM graveyard.
Face it pal. You're a fucking LOSER!
Here's latest from the senile old bitch Pelosi.........your number one fundraiser Pelosi: You Can’t Yell ‘Wolf’ In A Crowded Theater [VIDEO]

Do you remember at this time in Obama's presidency you guys said he was failing miserably? I do.

But what I don't remember is me talking about Republicans at this point in 2009. Why would I? It was blue dog democrats that were holding up legislation.

Actually, Mitch was philabusting and that didn't make me very happy but it wasn't him who got to the blue dogs. It was the lobbyists. Same people who own the Republicans and who prevented the ACA from being repealed and why you guys can't get anything done.

I know this thread is about the Democratic party. You can't stand to talk about the failure within the Republican party. It's clearly making you mad. But instead of talking about your own problems you are focusing on Maxine and Nancy? What a loser you are.

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