Liberal Boycott of a Restaurant Fails Once Again. LOL This is CLASSIC!!!

The left ended Jim Crow. This is just one more step along the way.

You're historically challenged. But that's no surprise at all, none at all.

Name the liberals who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and I'll name the liberals who supported it.

We'll see who runs out of names first.

Let's hear it, Grandma.
National Review

Thanks for wasting my time. He never mentions a single liberal that opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Left, using liberal is your typical straw man argument tactic...which never works.

Name the liberals. Barry Goldwater voted against it. Was he a liberal?
Here's the new language in the bill:

This chapter does not:

8 (I) authorize a provider to refuse to offer or provide services,

9 facilities, use of public accommodations, goods, employment,
10 or housing to any member or members of the general public
11 on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, age, national
12 origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or
13 United States military service;
14 (2) establish a defense to a civil action or criminal prosecution
15 for refusal by a provider to offer or provide services, facilities,
16 use of public accommodations, goods, employment, or housing
17 to any member or members of the general public on the basis
18 of race, color, religion, ancestry, age, national origin,
19 disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or United
20 States military service;

Oops, the homophobic pizzeria lost it's legal defense for discriminating against gays.
Oh, there's no escaping the conclusion that the Gutless, Nutless so-called Conservative leadership of the State of Indiana has lost its nerve.

When you take a stand, take a stand.

Grow a pair.

These people were obviously the wrong ones to serve-up one of the early sorties of the Remedial Effort.

Live and learn.

Somebody else will do better, next time.
Here's the new language in the bill:

This chapter does not:

8 (I) authorize a provider to refuse to offer or provide services,

9 facilities, use of public accommodations, goods, employment,
10 or housing to any member or members of the general public
11 on the basis of race, color, religion, ancestry, age, national
12 origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or
13 United States military service;
14 (2) establish a defense to a civil action or criminal prosecution
15 for refusal by a provider to offer or provide services, facilities,
16 use of public accommodations, goods, employment, or housing
17 to any member or members of the general public on the basis
18 of race, color, religion, ancestry, age, national origin,
19 disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or United
20 States military service;

Oops, the homophobic pizzeria lost it's legal defense for discriminating against gays.

No it didn't idiot. Good god you must be freaking blind. Since they don't (I'll type extremely slow so even a moron can understand) cater ANY WEDDINGS, not catering a GAY WEDDING, will not violate the law.

Good God you are dense.
I know another way we can make money for Memories: charge one dollar for every word these liberals say. They'll be a multi-billion dollar franchise in record time.

I think people need to write the Indiana state legislature and tell them to vote down any revision of the bill

Only problem with that is that I'm committed to the idea of "Not my state, not my business."
You're historically challenged. But that's no surprise at all, none at all.

Name the liberals who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and I'll name the liberals who supported it.

We'll see who runs out of names first.

Let's hear it, Grandma.
National Review

Thanks for wasting my time. He never mentions a single liberal that opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Left, using liberal is your typical straw man argument tactic...which never works.

Name the liberals. Barry Goldwater voted against it. Was he a liberal?

How many "Liberals" held office. Again, you're building a straw man and I'm onto you

when has a liberal boycott every worked anyway?
Coors. Look it up.
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

The simple fact that Indiana has now pulled the anti-gay teeth out of this due to economic pressure is proof you are full of shit.

You do realize that you among many others attacked this family EVEN THOUGH, since the don't cater ANY WEDDINGS, saying they wouldn't cater a gay wedding violated NO LAW. EVEN THIS ONE WHEN CHANGED.

Isn't it about time you and the other blood thirsty posters apologize to these people!

Good Lord, grow up and do the right thing.

boohoo. You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. Put that in your Bible pipe and smoke it.
January 20, 2017...

Tick... tick... tick...
Coors. Look it up.
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

The simple fact that Indiana has now pulled the anti-gay teeth out of this due to economic pressure is proof you are full of shit.

You do realize that you among many others attacked this family EVEN THOUGH, since the don't cater ANY WEDDINGS, saying they wouldn't cater a gay wedding violated NO LAW. EVEN THIS ONE WHEN CHANGED.

Isn't it about time you and the other blood thirsty posters apologize to these people!

Good Lord, grow up and do the right thing.

boohoo. You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. Put that in your Bible pipe and smoke it.
January 20, 2017...

Tick... tick... tick...
Indeed. :D
They boycotted the place on principle. The principle must be.

"If I find a business that does not like me, does not want my business, I have every right to force my money on them and make the bigot even wealthier"

Maybe that's the reason there isn't a gay outcry over Apple doing business with countries that kill gays?

I dunno, sounds crazy to me.
Apple isn't being boycotted because the queers like their iPhones and the CEO mutters the correct PC bullshit.

Here is a valid reason to boycott Apple.

"Cook may believe Indiana’s new law is very dangerous towards gays…
But it’snot as dangerousas the several countries Apple does business with where they execute gays.

Four of the ten countries where they kill gays are on this Apple list:
– Uganda
– Nigeria
– Qatar

– Saudi Arabia

If Tim Cook really wanted to help gays, he might want to focus on the Apple customers who execute them."


Does Apple not also do business in Indiana?
Dumbass, they were not looking, leftists were seeking.

God you progs are spineless. Simply admit your failure and move on.

Double down on your failure is funny as hell

Freeloading is still freeloading

Even for Bigots

Hatred is still hatred.

Even for Faggots.

How is giving money to a small business that is being targeted with death threats and boycott "hatred"?
The money is being given by people who hate faggots.

Lot's of people are learning to hate queers because of this episode.

I just hate whiny, stupid people in general. I'm utterly apathetic to who they have sex with.
Let's see, in the 26 major civil rights votes after 1933, a majority of Democrats opposed civil rights legislation in over 80 percent of the votes. By contrast, the Republican majority favored civil rights in over 96 percent of the votes.

Congressional Quarterly reported that, in the House of Representatives, 61% of Democrats (152 for, 96 against) voted for the Civil Rights Act as opposed to 80% of Republicans (138 for, 38 against). In the Senate, 69% of Democrats (46 for, 21 against) voted for the Act while 82% of Republicans did (27 for, 6 against). All southern Democrats voted against the Act.

So, Summarizing:

Republicans For 138 Against 38
Democrats For 152 Against 96

Republicans For 27 Against 6
Democrats For 46 Against 21


The left ended Jim Crow. This is just one more step along the way.

You're historically challenged. But that's no surprise at all, none at all.

Name the liberals who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and I'll name the liberals who supported it.

We'll see who runs out of names first.

Let's hear it, Grandma.
Last edited:
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

Maybe you should donate to the cause of a dictionary. Liberals don't "threaten violence".

You're right. Liberals INCITE violence. I'd rather they just threatened.
Coors. Look it up.
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

The simple fact that Indiana has now pulled the anti-gay teeth out of this due to economic pressure is proof you are full of shit.

You do realize that you among many others attacked this family EVEN THOUGH, since the don't cater ANY WEDDINGS, saying they wouldn't cater a gay wedding violated NO LAW. EVEN THIS ONE WHEN CHANGED.

Isn't it about time you and the other blood thirsty posters apologize to these people!

Good Lord, grow up and do the right thing.

boohoo. You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. Put that in your Bible pipe and smoke it.
January 20, 2017...

Tick... tick... tick...

Good reminder. With the weather warming it's always a good idea to check your body after walking outside. And be very careful pulling them off.

when has a liberal boycott every worked anyway?
Coors. Look it up.
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

The simple fact that Indiana has now pulled the anti-gay teeth out of this due to economic pressure is proof you are full of shit.

You do realize that you among many others attacked this family EVEN THOUGH, since the don't cater ANY WEDDINGS, saying they wouldn't cater a gay wedding violated NO LAW. EVEN THIS ONE WHEN CHANGED.

Isn't it about time you and the other blood thirsty posters apologize to these people!

Good Lord, grow up and do the right thing.

boohoo. You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. Put that in your Bible pipe and smoke it.

You don't even know what this is about do you?

God you look the fool

You violate the law when you refuse to provide the SAME SERVICE. This PIZZA JOINT, does NOT CATER WEDDINGS. Straight or gay..........,

Get it
Liberals have unjustly attacked and through their threats of violence forced a pizzeria to shut down. A fund was established to support these innocent people. The goal was $25K

Support Memories Pizza Fund Raises 35 000 in Just Four Hours - Cortney O Brien

In just one day it is now over $100K! Give it a week and more publicity and it will be over $1 mil in no time! When the inevitable liberal mind goes onto the next faux outrage, these people will be able to expand their establish and will have developed a loyal and far reaching clientele!

How does it make you liberals feel knowing you made this man and his daughter millionaires that have increased their clientele 1000 fold overnight?

When conservatives unit, liberals always lose. Since most conservatives are generous, caring and support in Christian values (I support Christian values even though I am a Jew).

I donated to their cause and I think everyone here should also!

Maybe you should donate to the cause of a dictionary. Liberals don't "threaten violence".

Of course they do. They threaten violence all the time. And they deliver.

Uh -- do dey now?


Can you say, "Ferguson, Missouri"?
Posted on Courtney Hoffman's Facebook

“As a member of the gay community, I would like to apologize for the mean spirited attacks one and your business. I know many gay individuals who fully support your right to stand up for your beliefs and run your business according to those beliefs. We are outraged at the level of hate and intolerance that has been directed at you and I sincerely hope that you are able to rebuild.”
278k and change.

With that kind of money, they'll barely be able to recoup the loss of this fiasco. Never mind the cost of starting a new business if this one fails.

Do any of you even know how much it costs just to start a business, not including running one? 278k won't cut it.
Up to 170K now HAHAHAHA Another one blows up in the loon's faces

$28,000 since this thread was started. How about that.
These dollars that make you so happy, all show why gays need protection here.

Stop it, I'm enough drunk now, stop now it.

Not sure I'm understanding the phrase "enough drunk". Does not compute.

I take a shot each time a liberal lies.

At this point I'm worried about alcohol poisoning.

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