Liberal icon Samantha Bee calls Ivanka a ****

Samantha shouldn't have apologized. I'm so tired of liberals apologizing while the right wing says the most offensive and vulgar stuff and not apology one from them.

And Ivanka is a ****.

In fact Trump and all his kids ( with the exception of Tiffany and Barron) are all **** s.
we are responsible for our own actions. period. if you want to be an ass and put that blame on someone else, it's still YOU being the ASS. you chose to do it. own it and stop being so worried about what someone else does.
After reviewing 160 plus of the comments can someone tell me where this "evil" word Ka Un TT came from ?

Good ol' Anglo-Saxon Englisshe. I did a whole thing on it backthread.

Once William the Conqueror conquered England with his William, the language of those with power was Norman French while the commoners kept the Olde Englisshe. Over time a shitload of French words merged with already existing Old English ones that meant the same thing in a way that the original Anglo-Saxon terms, the language of the real people, became the despised or so-called "obscene" ones, which is why we now say urine in 'polite' company (the French term) instead of 'piss' (the Anglo-Saxon meaning the same thing). Exactly the same meanings, separated only by classism.

Anglo-Saxon words were the straight-ahead, no bullshit, down-to-earth terms where the French ones became (in England, not France) the more lofty, indirect, pretentious synonyms for "formal" use. So where Old English would ask, the French would inquire. And of course the basic biological functions were the most widely separated -- where French used copulate or intercourse, Old English simply and directly said fuck without beating around the bush.

That's the hole '****' went down. No logical reason other than that a lot of people mutually agreed to be offended by it. In other words it's a highly concentrated PC pill.

See also post 67 here for etymology, historical use by Chaucer and Shakespeare and how it's related to quaint, queen and Gwen.
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What is that fucking whore's twitter account? She needs to be bombarded with threats from Muslim rape gangs. Excluding the word "threat".

Well isn't THIS an eloquent statement on free expression. Even better than the NFL Fascisti.

Oh do go on, tell us more. :popcorn:
OH you don't recall when that liberal bitch who raised a servered head of The President called for blacks to gang rape Ann Coulter. I think its time to put your sorry ass on ignore. You have nothing to contribute here but hate and bigotry. Bye bye.
☝️Feckless snowflake ❄️
This is where conservatives are fucked up. They won't do that, though they should. We act, work and think independent and do not organize well. And we don't get so triggered or outraged like the Left even when we should. We don't fake outrage very well in front of the camera because we're more ruled by the head than the heart. There isn't much time for us to riot, burn, march and protest because we don't have anyone busing us around or buying us lunch, and we all have responsible jobs to be at all day long. Some of us would write TBS to make intelligent, well-reasoned appeals about the similarities to Bee and Barr and TBS would just rip them up and throw them in the trash.
We shall see if TBS sponsors toss our complaints in the trash.
What do you care? You can’t afford cable.

What is that fucking whore's twitter account? She needs to be bombarded with threats from Muslim rape gangs. Excluding the word "threat".

Well isn't THIS an eloquent statement on free expression. Even better than the NFL Fascisti.

Oh do go on, tell us more. :popcorn:
OH you don't recall when that liberal bitch who raised a servered head of The President called for blacks to gang rape Ann Coulter. I think its time to put your sorry ass on ignore. You have nothing to contribute here but hate and bigotry. Bye bye.
☝️Feckless snowflake ❄️

I'm thinking Syndy likes the gang rape thing, like it wants to relive the good old days?

Can't understand why it seems so supportive of it if it's not for that reasoning?

What is that fucking whore's twitter account? She needs to be bombarded with threats from Muslim rape gangs. Excluding the word "threat".

Well isn't THIS an eloquent statement on free expression. Even better than the NFL Fascisti.

Oh do go on, tell us more. :popcorn:
OH you don't recall when that liberal bitch who raised a servered head of The President called for blacks to gang rape Ann Coulter. I think its time to put your sorry ass on ignore. You have nothing to contribute here but hate and bigotry. Bye bye.
☝️Feckless snowflake ❄️

I'm thinking Syndy likes the gang rape thing, like it wants to relive the good old days?

Can't understand why it seems so supportive of it if it's not for that reasoning?
☝️Whiny little bitch
Care to answer the question?

it is certainly and insult and can be interpreted as such.

The problem is the double standards of political correctness
That's isn't what I asked.

I think you've answered the question though. You know you tried to draw some false equivalency and now you can't defend it.

the question was answered you just don't understand it.

typical SJW . Do you need mommy to read for you?
Lol, more deflection and an insult. Typical.

truth is not your strong point
How does that in any way pertain to my comment?

Please point out anything not true that I have said.
One day after she labeled The President’s daughter a “c**t”, The Television Academy awarded Samantha Bee Thursday for producing “programming that advanced social change,” according to Deadline Hollywood.

What’s more, the media were barred from covering the event in the wake of the controversy.

The Hollywood Reporter revealed that they were scheduled to cover the event, but were informed that press were no longer allowed access to the proceedings:

Though The Hollywood Reporter was initially slated to cover both the 6:45 p.m. red carpet and reception, media was told by a Television Academy rep at 3:35 p.m. that press would not be allowed into the reception “as a result of today’s events involving Samantha B.,” leading to “the need to limit access to tonight’s activities.”

Deadline also reported on the press blackout, and confirmed that Bee still attended the ceremony to receive the award.

“While members of the press are permitted to cover the red carpet, they will not have access to the actual cocktail reception/ceremony, which is taking place at the NeueHouse Hollywood,” Deadline wrote about the change of plans. “As far as Deadline has been informed at this very [last] minute, Bee is still attending to pick up her honor tonight. TBD on whether she skips the red carpet.”

Bee hatefully attacked Ivanka Trump after the first daughter tweeted out a photo of her holding her son in an embrace.

View attachment 196167

Following a backlash, Bee later apologized and admitted that she had “crossed a line.”

Unlike Roseanne Barr, however, Bee still has a television show.

The First Lady’s office responded to Bee’s outburst, calling it “truly astonishing”.

Samantha Bee Awarded By TV Academy For “Advancing Social Change”

Is't that utterly amazing ? If this is their idea of "social change", boy let me off this train.
Samantha shouldn't have apologized. I'm so tired of liberals apologizing while the right wing says the most offensive and vulgar stuff and not apology one from them.

And Ivanka is a ****.

In fact Trump and all his kids ( with the exception of Tiffany and Barron) are all **** s.

It's totally unfair to call the Trump family that.

They lack the Depth and Warmth required.
Again, what should we be upset about.

That Samantha Bee used a bad word.


That the Trump Administration has taken thousands of children away from their parents, and have lost 1500 of them.

SSSHHHH. That's what they're trying to swat away here. Don't call them on it, you make them cry.
But calling someone a c**t isn’t racist! So it’s not so bad.

And Ivanka really is one. Then again, when your dad pays a porn star for sex because she looks like you, that's the point where you run screaming away from him.
Stormy looked nothing like her and why do you say she really is one?
Ugly stuff. But not surprising.

That people are saying bad things about a corrupt family that has hijacked our democracy and is selling our country off to the highest bidder?

Oh, let's bring out the fainting couch for Stormy Mac, he's getting the vapors.

Here's the thing about Ms. Bee. If you watched her show, she actually does bring up a lot of valid points about Trump's corruption and policies. But man, she calls Ivanka the C-word, and you get the vapors.
What part of the country have they sold off?

How did trump hijack the electoral college?
I believe I remember Samantha bee saying she came to the usa from Canada.

I'm curious if the children of the Canadian prime minister dictate policy decisions to their dad?

She apparently does not grasp how elections work and how kids do not dictate to their parents how their mom and dad should do their job.

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