Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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You lose again, moonbats!!

Leftards SAY???? "Those Russians cheated by telling the sheeple about how Hitlery and the DNC was cheating and this denied my party from running da gubermint!"

Now, that on it's premise would be hilarious enough if that was actually the case.....the fact is that demcrat insiders provided the e-mails to Assange and it's very likely (like at about 99.9%) that Seth Rich was one of those sources and he ended up being part of the Clinton body count.

John Podesta? That creepy POS and his leftard pals that are so chummy with queer pedo James Alefantis? That needs to be investigated. The rank and file of the FBI and the NYPD need to be given the "go ahead" to do their jobs so they can reveal what they have been holding onto and charge these murderous, child raping, killing creeps.
Breaking news the media has just uncovered President Elect Donald Trumps Russian contacts CNN, and MSNBC will now be bringing you 24/7 news coverage on these master Russian spies.

This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha

The golden shower story is real. Donald Trump likes golden showers. It shouldn't affect his ability to become president though, because none of the other disgusting things he did made a difference.

DEBUNKED TONIGHT moron.. but keep making an ass of yourself LMAO
News doesn't get debunked just because you said so. Donald Trump is into golden showers and he likes to be on the receiving end. You know it's true and so do I. Your best course of action at this point is to just say "So what? Who cares? He's Donald and I love him"

You sound creepy.... seriously, like a fucking Serial Killer.. Get lost you asshole.. It's already been proven to be a FAKE and all over the news now.. The FBI needs to watch your weird azz..
Check out all the Alt-Righties (WSs) in this thread....the more the disgusting news about Drumplethinskin, the more they defend him. He's their kind of guy.
CNN is reporting on this story right now. It is not fake news.
The source that on-air declared they had done everything to help Hillary win, to include ignoring all of her scandals...



Sorry Easy, this is a scandal of scandals if true... I am still waiting for more concrete info but this would be probably the biggest scandal to ever hit the US presidency... Beats Nixon easy...

I could be right, he could be Fredo....
IF true - it has already been exposed as FAKE, another sad attempt by sore-loser butt-hurt snowflakes to discredit the Trump administration because their candidate, who could not beat Bernie without a rigged Primary, lost to Trump! :p
Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom


LOSERS LOSERS... Obama's Intel Community needs to be renamed, Big Fucking Morons

Hours Before Trump's Press Conference CNN And BuzzFeed Hit 'Fake News' Bottom

BUZZFEED said no such thing.... They said they couldn't verify it and commented on some spelling mistakes.


An official in the US administration who spoke to the Guardian described the source who wrote the intelligence report as consistently reliable, meticulous and well-informed, with a reputation for having extensive Russian contacts.

If this is true, you sure going to look pretty stupid....
Oh, The Guardian.
Now we can all sleep peacefully.

The Guardian is one of the most respected papers in Europe... Besides what you think this is taking shape to be very serious... If tere is a sniff of truth there is no patriot (GOP & Dem) who will not ask for an investigation...
This baby is is not a Red or Blue issue, it is a RED White and Blue issue...
They had Trump losing big time.
I have to admit.. I really missed being here and ass raping you leftist nitwits nightly.. Cheap entertainment.
I don't have the slightest idea what she's even yammering about. It's like trying to read the emotional basket case posts of that climate change guy who calls everybody "S0n". Clearly misplaced her meds.

Don't play stupid now...LoonTards do that all too often.
I'm pretty sure you know exactly what she's talking about.

Once I put her post into Google Translate and selected Psychosisish. Got no results.

This is kinda typical:

Hey RefuckingTard, you were one of the dipshitz here today, All day peeing in your SQUATTY POTTY from being sooo excited about a fake story.. YOU OWN IT ya fucking dummy lmao

I haven't posted about any "fake story" today. Nor do I have a "squatty potty" but clearly she needs professional aid.

I just ignore her. It's like watching a lava lamp in time-lapse.

"It's like watching a lava lamp in time-lapse."

I have watched one :eusa_doh:

I doubt it helps translate this manic depressive psychobabble. :cuckoo:

You were over on the thread with that Big AZZ Chick who use to be a Mod here, Zena the Warrior Flake all talking about the Donald and golden showers.. BUSTED BUSTED RETARD.. you lame dummy LMAO

I don't have an iota of a clue who or what in the wide world of blue fuck you're yammering incoherently about here. At all.

Perhaps if you could write in English. Or maybe put your psychiatrist on.

Absent that you're entirely irrelevant.
Don't play stupid now...LoonTards do that all too often.
I'm pretty sure you know exactly what she's talking about.

Once I put her post into Google Translate and selected Psychosisish. Got no results.

This is kinda typical:

Hey RefuckingTard, you were one of the dipshitz here today, All day peeing in your SQUATTY POTTY from being sooo excited about a fake story.. YOU OWN IT ya fucking dummy lmao

I haven't posted about any "fake story" today. Nor do I have a "squatty potty" but clearly she needs professional aid.

I just ignore her. It's like watching a lava lamp in time-lapse.

"It's like watching a lava lamp in time-lapse."

I have watched one :eusa_doh:

I doubt it helps translate this manic depressive psychobabble. :cuckoo:

You were over on the thread with that Big AZZ Chick who use to be a Mod here, Zena the Warrior Flake all talking about the Donald and golden showers.. BUSTED BUSTED RETARD.. you lame dummy LMAO

I don't have an iota of a clue what in the wide world of blue fuck you're yammering incoherently about here. At all.

Perhaps if you could write in English. Or maybe put your psychiatrist on.

Absent that you're entirely irrelevant.

Same retort the board fucking Retard uses every time he's caught in a lie.. LOL
CNN is reporting on this story right now. It is not fake news.
The source that on-air declared they had done everything to help Hillary win, to include ignoring all of her scandals...



Sorry Easy, this is a scandal of scandals if true... I am still waiting for more concrete info but this would be probably the biggest scandal to ever hit the US presidency... Beats Nixon easy...

I could be right, he could be Fredo....
IF true - it has already been exposed as FAKE, another sad attempt by sore-loser butt-hurt snowflakes to discredit the Trump administration because their candidate, who could not beat Bernie without a rigged Primary, lost to Trump! :p

Prove they are fake... Go on....
Anonymous will release the video prior to the election. Hellary Clinton knew her husband raped little girls and covered it up, threatened people.
Hacker Anonymous Annouces Bill Clinton Underage Sex Tape To Be Released | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |

So what was that you were saying about getting owned?

Guarantee you that there is footage of Bill and Hiltley involved in pedophilia. Their ties to James Alefantis and then there is Cathy O'Brien's book? Trips on the Lolita Express and Pedo Island? If the REAL FBI and NYPD are allowed to do their jobs and reveal the information confiscated from Anthony Weiner's confiscated lap-top? People are gonna swing from a long, long rope....
On a separate note....

I have a former russian hotel bed for sale, smells a bit funny...
Anonymous will release the video prior to the election. Hellary Clinton knew her husband raped little girls and covered it up, threatened people.
Hacker Anonymous Annouces Bill Clinton Underage Sex Tape To Be Released | The Black Sphere with Kevin Jackson |

So what was that you were saying about getting owned?

Guarantee you that there is footage of Bill and Hiltley involved in pedophilia. Their ties to James Alefantis and then there is Cathy O'Brien's book? Trips on the Lolita Express and Pedo Island? If the REAL FBI and NYPD are allowed to do their jobs and reveal the information confiscated from Anthony Weiner's confiscated lap-top? People are gonna swing from a long, long rope....

Aren't we getting very desperate now...
No one has proven the Trump report to be fake or real. All of the links which LGS has posted to this point do not prove it is a fake. They are saying it SOUNDS fake.

And then there is one person on 4-Chan claiming to be Anonymous who is saying he created the Trump report. However, LGS has been badly burned by people claiming to be Anonymous before.

She never learns.
Check out all the Alt-Righties (WSs) in this thread....the more the disgusting news about Drumplethinskin, the more they defend him. He's their kind of guy.

Coming from a leftard bootlicker that is more offended that the revelations of the Wikileaks came to light than she is the contents? I have to fucking laugh LOUD and are a sad, little weasel and a joke of a human being.
On a separate note....

I have a former russian hotel bed for sale, smells a bit funny...
You're a lame noob that no one gives a shit about.. Try the kiddie table next time Peedro.

Peedro is upset:

1 - His mommy might have to pay for the wall
2- His Peepee fantasy of the Donald is a fake..
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