Liberal nanny staters stepping up idea of taxing sugar

None of which is any of your business. I'm type 2 diabetic and wasn't because I ate too much sugar. Let me guess, it's the unhealthy ones that cost the collective too much for not being perfect?
None of which is any of your business. I'm type 2 diabetic and wasn't because I ate too much sugar. Let me guess, it's the unhealthy ones that cost the collective too much for not being perfect?

Well I made it my business. I happen to care if more people become slaves to the pharmaceutical companies. This is just like cigarettes. Taxing it will help to defray the medical costs and pay for education.
None of which is any of your business. I'm type 2 diabetic and wasn't because I ate too much sugar. Let me guess, it's the unhealthy ones that cost the collective too much for not being perfect?

Well I made it my business. I happen to care if more people become slaves to the pharmaceutical companies. This is just like cigarettes. Taxing it will help to defray the medical costs and pay for education.

I have type 2 diabetes because it runs in my family. I got old and it caught up.
The left is always trying to force people into their ideal behavior. There is nothing surprising about this.
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None of which is any of your business. I'm type 2 diabetic and wasn't because I ate too much sugar. Let me guess, it's the unhealthy ones that cost the collective too much for not being perfect?

Well I made it my business. I happen to care if more people become slaves to the pharmaceutical companies. This is just like cigarettes. Taxing it will help to defray the medical costs and pay for education.

I have type 2 diabetes because it runs in my family. I got old and it caught up.

Pretty sure eating sugar in your diet constantly would make it worse.
The left is always trying to force people in their ideal behavior. There is nothing surprising about this.

We all know how repubs never want anyone in society to bend to their will, or the churches.

Never said they didn't, but I guarantee you none of them will be introducing a sugar tax to combat Diabetes.
Like 90% of the cost of a pack of cigs is taxes. If taxing unhealthy things reduces their usage go ahead. While we're at it, let's tax gas the same amount we tax tobacco. :)

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