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Liberal Privilege

Conservatives need to live with the fact liberals have a superior status in our society. After all, we founded this country

Conservatives have lower class status in our society. Below blacks, minorities, Mexicans , gays and the mentally infirm
So the soldiers lied?

The CONTRACTORS (not soldiers) that claimed there was a stand down order lied. Yup.

But again...YOU digress.

FOUR years and what...EIGHT investigations and they found NOTHING wrong.

If THAT wasn't a politically motivated witch hunt...nothing is.

And of course ...again. House GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy ADMITTED it
Actually the families of those that got killed there say different... And they also say they were totally disrespected by Obama and Hildabeast
I have been hearing phrases like "white privilege" and "male privilege" being tossed out a lot lately, but I have come to realize that the group of people in this country who really have more privilege than anyone else is simply the liberals.

If you are liberal you can get away with calling a President racist and homophobic, etc, with nothing to back it up.

You can give away vital classified information by not securing your server (Hillary) and then you can blame the fact that she got hacked on Trump solely because he made a JOKE about the Russians finding her lost emails - and the FBI, DOJ and media will back you up.

You can get the FBI to launch an investigation into "Article 25" allegations - which is essentially a treasonous conspiracy to bring down a legally elected President - and you get away with it.

You can silence any conservative you want just by claiming they are racist, etc. and effectively block the uninformed from hearing both sides because the media will back you up.

You can say the Senate's review of the Russian conspiracy is meaningless - even though the majority of the senate agreed, but it doesn't count because - they are Republicans.

The most abused and misrepresented people in America right now are conservatives - at the hands of liberals, and they totally get away with it. That is privilege in modern America.

Are there unicorns in this ^^^ reality?

Your side of aisle is not abused, of course we mock you, and that is your due.
I have been hearing phrases like "white privilege" and "male privilege" being tossed out a lot lately, but I have come to realize that the group of people in this country who really have more privilege than anyone else is simply the liberals.

If you are liberal you can get away with calling a President racist and homophobic, etc, with nothing to back it up.

You can give away vital classified information by not securing your server (Hillary) and then you can blame the fact that she got hacked on Trump solely because he made a JOKE about the Russians finding her lost emails - and the FBI, DOJ and media will back you up.

You can get the FBI to launch an investigation into "Article 25" allegations - which is essentially a treasonous conspiracy to bring down a legally elected President - and you get away with it.

You can silence any conservative you want just by claiming they are racist, etc. and effectively block the uninformed from hearing both sides because the media will back you up.

You can say the Senate's review of the Russian conspiracy is meaningless - even though the majority of the senate agreed, but it doesn't count because - they are Republicans.

The most abused and misrepresented people in America right now are conservatives - at the hands of liberals, and they totally get away with it. That is privilege in modern America.

President is a racist, bigot, misogynist, homophobe and all around assfuck.

He called African countries, shithole. He called most illegals murderers & rapists, he gropes women, he got gays kicked out of the military.

The idea you don't know this is proof you must be one too.

1. Most african nations are shitholes.

2. A shit load of rapists and murderers are coming in illegally.

3. He gropes women who "LET" him do it, you moron.

4. Gays in the military? Big whoop.

5. YOu are a race baiting asshole and all around assfuck.

Not everyone in Africa is a deplorable like Trump inferred.

Really? Based on what? Evidently the percentage is less than the rapists & murders we have as citizens as the violent crime rate among illegals is lower than amopng citizens.

Sorry, but that amoral POS said he just does it & they don't say anything because of his position. Probanlybone of Trump's traits that you love.

Gays are UIS citizens, But it fits into your world of bigotry & hate.

If you do'ty like being called a racist, quit making raciyt posts. It is that simple.
Someone who disagrees with you is not a “slave” only thing funny is your FACE

Well Trump owns you. How else would you describe that?

Owns moi? I am not even a registered Republican. Please look up the operational definition of “ownership”. Lesh, I know many of your posts are to bait and troll but you’re one of the dumbest people I have run across on this broad. Congratulations.:113:
Haven't been on the boards long if you think that.
Are there unicorns in this ^^^ reality?

Your side of aisle is not abused, of course we mock you, and that is your due.

You unicorn argument is profoundly compelling proof of the reason why conservatives deserve to be mocked. I am impressed. Please pass the bong, I want to rewatch the Wolf Blitzer episode Jeopardy.
Are there unicorns in this ^^^ reality?

Your side of aisle is not abused, of course we mock you, and that is your due.

You unicorn argument is profoundly compelling proof of the reason why conservatives deserve to be mocked. I am impressed. Please pass the bong, I want to rewatch the Wolf Blitzer episode Jeopardy.

Sarcasm, how clever. It appears you dislike my rhetoric, and find the reference to Unicorns insufficient to make a point. Sad that you are a concrete thinker.
If you are liberal you can get away with calling a President racist and homophobic, etc, with nothing to back it up.

If you are a "liberal" you can get away with BEING racist and homophobic and you'll get a pass because, well, you're a liberal, so you couldn't have actually meant it that way.
I have been hearing phrases like "white privilege" and "male privilege" being tossed out a lot lately, but I have come to realize that the group of people in this country who really have more privilege than anyone else is simply the liberals.

If you are liberal you can get away with calling a President racist and homophobic, etc, with nothing to back it up.

You can give away vital classified information by not securing your server (Hillary) and then you can blame the fact that she got hacked on Trump solely because he made a JOKE about the Russians finding her lost emails - and the FBI, DOJ and media will back you up.

You can get the FBI to launch an investigation into "Article 25" allegations - which is essentially a treasonous conspiracy to bring down a legally elected President - and you get away with it.

You can silence any conservative you want just by claiming they are racist, etc. and effectively block the uninformed from hearing both sides because the media will back you up.

You can say the Senate's review of the Russian conspiracy is meaningless - even though the majority of the senate agreed, but it doesn't count because - they are Republicans.

The most abused and misrepresented people in America right now are conservatives - at the hands of liberals, and they totally get away with it. That is privilege in modern America.

President is a racist, bigot, misogynist, homophobe and all around assfuck.

He called African countries, shithole. He called most illegals murderers & rapists, he gropes women, he got gays kicked out of the military.

The idea you don't know this is proof you must be one too.

1. Most african nations are shitholes.

2. A shit load of rapists and murderers are coming in illegally.

3. He gropes women who "LET" him do it, you moron.

4. Gays in the military? Big whoop.

5. YOu are a race baiting asshole and all around assfuck.

Not everyone in Africa is a deplorable like Trump inferred.

Really? Based on what? Evidently the percentage is less than the rapists & murders we have as citizens as the violent crime rate among illegals is lower than amopng citizens.

Sorry, but that amoral POS said he just does it & they don't say anything because of his position. Probanlybone of Trump's traits that you love.

Gays are UIS citizens, But it fits into your world of bigotry & hate.

If you do'ty like being called a racist, quit making raciyt posts. It is that simple.

1. Most African nations are shit holes. That is what Trump said. Address that, don't try to guess what he might have inferred. YOu libs suck at that.

2. Based on all the crime reports, the increase in gang activity, the new trends in crimes, the huge numbers of illegals in the prisions, ect. ect. ect.

3. Shove your assumptions up your ass. He said "let" and that is all you have.

4. I don't hate gays.

5. ONly a fucktard would pretend that liberals call people racist because of actual racist. YOu are that fucktard.

6. Also, fuck you.

Trump was talking about immigration./ He did not want people from those shithole countries.

I would think even a fucking moron like you would get that he was saying no one from Africa was worthy.

You really need top go back to school & l;earn not to be such a worthless POS dumbass.

Based on all that shit, illegals have a lower violent crime rate that citizens.

Trump said you just grab therm, you assfuck. He did not say he asked them first.

You support a gay basher so you must be one too

In most cases, the racism is so inbred into you Trumpettes that you don't even know how big a racirt fuck you really are.
President is a racist, bigot, misogynist, homophobe and all around assfuck.

He called African countries, shithole. He called most illegals murderers & rapists, he gropes women, he got gays kicked out of the military.

The idea you don't know this is proof you must be one too.

Please read the whole thread. I address each one the points here. YOU need to watch something besides MSNBC, because you obviously are the one believing all the lies manufactured by the media. He never said the things you said he said. He only expressed some concepts that most people think, and the media twisted his words into what you now believe is what he actually said.

This is the surest sign of Liberal Privilege ever - that they can get away with re-painting the true life of this President with their own picture and get the general population who is not smart enough to do their own research. Do you really think no liberal never called any third world country a "shithole?" Look into how the Clintons have used their "save Haiti" donations to their own benefit - no, you don't get those stories on MSNBC.

The funny thing about all this - is that when he said all of those things I was only watching CNN, because it was all I could get where I worked, but they were showing all of his speeches (because they wanted him to be the candidate, they thought he would be the easiest to beat). So I heard the things he said and then I also heard exactly how CNN and others (all Libs read from the same playbook ever news cycle) twisted what he said into the things you now believe.

If you are a minority you have been completely suckered and used by the liberals - more sign of their Privilege, because they can say and do whatever they want to poor, marginalized people as long as it means they get more votes in the next election cycle.
Every one is lying but Trump. I get it.

The Clintons take no money from their founation. So fuck you & your lies. Every charity had trouble in Haiti. At leasdt the Clinton Foundation never spent money on a 8' portrait of Hillary.

Is Rush Limbaugh on now? Better hurry or you'll miss your talking points for today.
Are there unicorns in this ^^^ reality?

Your side of aisle is not abused, of course we mock you, and that is your due.

You unicorn argument is profoundly compelling proof of the reason why conservatives deserve to be mocked. I am impressed. Please pass the bong, I want to rewatch the Wolf Blitzer episode Jeopardy.

Sarcasm, how clever. It appears you dislike my rhetoric, and find the reference to Unicorns insufficient to make a point. Sad that you are a concrete thinker.

I enjoyed your rhetoric, I laughed at it. And I do know what a unicorn is in the metaphorical sense of a rare and perfect creature.. But what the hell about my reference to "Liberal Privilege" had anything at all to do with "unicorns" in even a metaphorical sense?
Trump was talking about immigration./ He did not want people from those shithole countries.

I would think even a fucking moron like you would get that he was saying no one from Africa was worthy.

You really need top go back to school & learn not to be such a worthless POS dumbass.

Based on all that shit, illegals have a lower violent crime rate that citizens.

Trump said you just grab therm, you assfuck. He did not say he asked them first.

You support a gay basher so you must be one too

In most cases, the racism is so inbred into you Trumpettes that you don't even know how big a racist fuck you really are.

Well, if you are only going to focus on the negative things he said, I guess I should point out that words like "fucking moron," "POS dumbass" "assfuck" and "inbred" are not exactly virtuous words to condemn what you perceive to be "hate-speech."
Trump was talking about immigration./ He did not want people from those shithole countries.

I would think even a fucking moron like you would get that he was saying no one from Africa was worthy.

You really need top go back to school & learn not to be such a worthless POS dumbass.

Based on all that shit, illegals have a lower violent crime rate that citizens.

Trump said you just grab therm, you assfuck. He did not say he asked them first.

You support a gay basher so you must be one too

In most cases, the racism is so inbred into you Trumpettes that you don't even know how big a racist fuck you really are.

Well, if you are only going to focus on the negative things he said, I guess I should point out that words like "fucking moron," "POS dumbass" "assfuck" and "inbred" are not exactly virtuous words to condemn what you perceive to be "hate-speech."

But they are so very accurate in describing the bullshit you posted.

Are you saying we should ignore the lies, bigotry & hate Trump says?

We should ignore that he is a con man, fraud, business cheat, liar woman abuser, adulterer, and accused child rapist.

What are trumps good qualities?
Are there unicorns in this ^^^ reality?

Your side of aisle is not abused, of course we mock you, and that is your due.

You unicorn argument is profoundly compelling proof of the reason why conservatives deserve to be mocked. I am impressed. Please pass the bong, I want to rewatch the Wolf Blitzer episode Jeopardy.

Sarcasm, how clever. It appears you dislike my rhetoric, and find the reference to Unicorns insufficient to make a point. Sad that you are a concrete thinker.

I enjoyed your rhetoric, I laughed at it. And I do know what a unicorn is in the metaphorical sense of a rare and perfect creature.. But what the hell about my reference to "Liberal Privilege" had anything at all to do with "unicorns" in even a metaphorical sense?

The obvious point of the unicorn was you hear from Trump what you want to hear; his racism, misogyny and attacks on anyone - literally - who doesn't kiss his ass is obvious to every active listener.
I have been hearing phrases like "white privilege" and "male privilege" being tossed out a lot lately, but I have come to realize that the group of people in this country who really have more privilege than anyone else is simply the liberals.

If you are liberal you can get away with calling a President racist and homophobic, etc, with nothing to back it up.

You can give away vital classified information by not securing your server (Hillary) and then you can blame the fact that she got hacked on Trump solely because he made a JOKE about the Russians finding her lost emails - and the FBI, DOJ and media will back you up.

You can get the FBI to launch an investigation into "Article 25" allegations - which is essentially a treasonous conspiracy to bring down a legally elected President - and you get away with it.

You can silence any conservative you want just by claiming they are racist, etc. and effectively block the uninformed from hearing both sides because the media will back you up.

You can say the Senate's review of the Russian conspiracy is meaningless - even though the majority of the senate agreed, but it doesn't count because - they are Republicans.

The most abused and misrepresented people in America right now are conservatives - at the hands of liberals, and they totally get away with it. That is privilege in modern America.

President is a racist, bigot, misogynist, homophobe and all around assfuck.

He called African countries, shithole. He called most illegals murderers & rapists, he gropes women, he got gays kicked out of the military.

The idea you don't know this is proof you must be one too.

1. Most african nations are shitholes.

2. A shit load of rapists and murderers are coming in illegally.

3. He gropes women who "LET" him do it, you moron.

4. Gays in the military? Big whoop.

5. YOu are a race baiting asshole and all around assfuck.

Not everyone in Africa is a deplorable like Trump inferred.

Really? Based on what? Evidently the percentage is less than the rapists & murders we have as citizens as the violent crime rate among illegals is lower than amopng citizens.

Sorry, but that amoral POS said he just does it & they don't say anything because of his position. Probanlybone of Trump's traits that you love.

Gays are UIS citizens, But it fits into your world of bigotry & hate.

If you do'ty like being called a racist, quit making raciyt posts. It is that simple.

1. Most African nations are shit holes. That is what Trump said. Address that, don't try to guess what he might have inferred. YOu libs suck at that.

2. Based on all the crime reports, the increase in gang activity, the new trends in crimes, the huge numbers of illegals in the prisions, ect. ect. ect.

3. Shove your assumptions up your ass. He said "let" and that is all you have.

4. I don't hate gays.

5. ONly a fucktard would pretend that liberals call people racist because of actual racist. YOu are that fucktard.

6. Also, fuck you.

Trump was talking about immigration./ He did not want people from those shithole countries.

I would think even a fucking moron like you would get that he was saying no one from Africa was worthy.

You really need top go back to school & l;earn not to be such a worthless POS dumbass.

Based on all that shit, illegals have a lower violent crime rate that citizens.

Trump said you just grab therm, you assfuck. He did not say he asked them first.

You support a gay basher so you must be one too

In most cases, the racism is so inbred into you Trumpettes that you don't even know how big a racirt fuck you really are.

1. Explain how you get from "shithole" country, to "no one from Africa is worthy"? And don't leave out any steps.

2. I don't believe those numbers. THey don't pass the smell test.

3. Not caring about gays in the military is not the same as going out and attacking people in the streets. Are you crazy or lying?

4. So to support your claim that libs call people racist, for good reason, you call me racist. Thanks for demonstrating the inability of liberals to, well, think. YOu call people racist, when you are losing the argument. Which is always. Also, fuck you.
President is a racist, bigot, misogynist, homophobe and all around assfuck.

He called African countries, shithole. He called most illegals murderers & rapists, he gropes women, he got gays kicked out of the military.

The idea you don't know this is proof you must be one too.

1. Most african nations are shitholes.

2. A shit load of rapists and murderers are coming in illegally.

3. He gropes women who "LET" him do it, you moron.

4. Gays in the military? Big whoop.

5. YOu are a race baiting asshole and all around assfuck.

Not everyone in Africa is a deplorable like Trump inferred.

Really? Based on what? Evidently the percentage is less than the rapists & murders we have as citizens as the violent crime rate among illegals is lower than amopng citizens.

Sorry, but that amoral POS said he just does it & they don't say anything because of his position. Probanlybone of Trump's traits that you love.

Gays are UIS citizens, But it fits into your world of bigotry & hate.

If you do'ty like being called a racist, quit making raciyt posts. It is that simple.

1. Most African nations are shit holes. That is what Trump said. Address that, don't try to guess what he might have inferred. YOu libs suck at that.

2. Based on all the crime reports, the increase in gang activity, the new trends in crimes, the huge numbers of illegals in the prisions, ect. ect. ect.

3. Shove your assumptions up your ass. He said "let" and that is all you have.

4. I don't hate gays.

5. ONly a fucktard would pretend that liberals call people racist because of actual racist. YOu are that fucktard.

6. Also, fuck you.

Trump was talking about immigration./ He did not want people from those shithole countries.

I would think even a fucking moron like you would get that he was saying no one from Africa was worthy.

You really need top go back to school & l;earn not to be such a worthless POS dumbass.

Based on all that shit, illegals have a lower violent crime rate that citizens.

Trump said you just grab therm, you assfuck. He did not say he asked them first.

You support a gay basher so you must be one too

In most cases, the racism is so inbred into you Trumpettes that you don't even know how big a racirt fuck you really are.

1. Explain how you get from "shithole" country, to "no one from Africa is worthy"? And don't leave out any steps.

2. I don't believe those numbers. THey don't pass the smell test.

3. Not caring about gays in the military is not the same as going out and attacking people in the streets. Are you crazy or lying?

4. So to support your claim that libs call people racist, for good reason, you call me racist. Thanks for demonstrating the inability of liberals to, well, think. YOu call people racist, when you are losing the argument. Which is always. Also, fuck you.

Truth hurts, don't it. Besides, there is a bit of racist in all of us. But civilized people try and overcome it. You support someone that doesn't even bother and the lies out his ass about it. Guess what that makes you? Either a Bigoted Racist or a complete maroon.
1. Most african nations are shitholes.

2. A shit load of rapists and murderers are coming in illegally.

3. He gropes women who "LET" him do it, you moron.

4. Gays in the military? Big whoop.

5. YOu are a race baiting asshole and all around assfuck.

Not everyone in Africa is a deplorable like Trump inferred.

Really? Based on what? Evidently the percentage is less than the rapists & murders we have as citizens as the violent crime rate among illegals is lower than amopng citizens.

Sorry, but that amoral POS said he just does it & they don't say anything because of his position. Probanlybone of Trump's traits that you love.

Gays are UIS citizens, But it fits into your world of bigotry & hate.

If you do'ty like being called a racist, quit making raciyt posts. It is that simple.

1. Most African nations are shit holes. That is what Trump said. Address that, don't try to guess what he might have inferred. YOu libs suck at that.

2. Based on all the crime reports, the increase in gang activity, the new trends in crimes, the huge numbers of illegals in the prisions, ect. ect. ect.

3. Shove your assumptions up your ass. He said "let" and that is all you have.

4. I don't hate gays.

5. ONly a fucktard would pretend that liberals call people racist because of actual racist. YOu are that fucktard.

6. Also, fuck you.

Trump was talking about immigration./ He did not want people from those shithole countries.

I would think even a fucking moron like you would get that he was saying no one from Africa was worthy.

You really need top go back to school & l;earn not to be such a worthless POS dumbass.

Based on all that shit, illegals have a lower violent crime rate that citizens.

Trump said you just grab therm, you assfuck. He did not say he asked them first.

You support a gay basher so you must be one too

In most cases, the racism is so inbred into you Trumpettes that you don't even know how big a racirt fuck you really are.

1. Explain how you get from "shithole" country, to "no one from Africa is worthy"? And don't leave out any steps.

2. I don't believe those numbers. THey don't pass the smell test.

3. Not caring about gays in the military is not the same as going out and attacking people in the streets. Are you crazy or lying?

4. So to support your claim that libs call people racist, for good reason, you call me racist. Thanks for demonstrating the inability of liberals to, well, think. YOu call people racist, when you are losing the argument. Which is always. Also, fuck you.

Truth hurts, don't it. Besides, there is a bit of racist in all of us. But civilized people try and overcome it. You support someone that doesn't even bother and the lies out his ass about it. Guess what that makes you? Either a Bigoted Racist or a complete maroon.

No, what hurts is assmunchers like you, spew propaganda constantly from your face anuses, so much, that you sadly manage to convince large numbers of people of your vile shit, though simple and constant repetition.

Fuck you.

Also, fuck you some more.
Trump was talking about immigration./ He did not want people from those shithole countries.

I would think even a fucking moron like you would get that he was saying no one from Africa was worthy.

You really need top go back to school & learn not to be such a worthless POS dumbass.

Based on all that shit, illegals have a lower violent crime rate that citizens.

Trump said you just grab therm, you assfuck. He did not say he asked them first.

You support a gay basher so you must be one too

In most cases, the racism is so inbred into you Trumpettes that you don't even know how big a racist fuck you really are.

Well, if you are only going to focus on the negative things he said, I guess I should point out that words like "fucking moron," "POS dumbass" "assfuck" and "inbred" are not exactly virtuous words to condemn what you perceive to be "hate-speech."

But they are so very accurate in describing the bullshit you posted.

Are you saying we should ignore the lies, bigotry & hate Trump says?

We should ignore that he is a con man, fraud, business cheat, liar woman abuser, adulterer, and accused child rapist.

What are trumps good qualities?

After watching Foxnews, I thought those were his good qualities.

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