Liberals Acting Completely Lunatic Over the Fact That Trump Suppsedly Has "No Evidence" of Wiretap


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
This is madness. They wiretapped Trump to find out evidence for Trump Russia connection which there was no evidence for. Then when it turned out they still could not gather any evidence, they STILL blamed Trump for a Russia connection. After that, when FBI came out and stated there is no connection, the liberals STILL alleged Trump is literally in bed with the Russians having golden showers, without any real evidence. And now, it's Trump who is blamed for not backing up his arguments 100% on a freaking twitter post of all places. It's Trump who is in bed with the Russians and not the liberals who are using Soviet Union tactics and apparently even meeting with the Russian officials (god forbid).

They have become completely unhinged. Unfortunately there is a huge portion of the population that openly advocates for making America a fifth world banana-republic. They can't let go of their unadulterated hatred for the democratically elected president.

Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump's assassination. Here's how the Secret Service handles it
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Democrats can now clearly see the end of their party in sight.....
This is madness. They wiretapped Trump to find out evidence for Trump Russia connection which there was no evidence for. Then when it turned out they still could not gather any evidence, they STILL blamed Trump for a Russia connection. After that, when FBI came out and stated there is no connection, the liberals STILL alleged Trump is literally in bed with the Russians having golden showers, without any real evidence. And now, it's Trump who is blamed for not backing up his arguments 100% on a freaking twitter post of all places. It's Trump who is in bed with the Russians and not the liberals who are using Soviet Union tactics and apparently even meeting with the Russian officials (god forbid).

They have become completely unhinged. Unfortunately there is a huge portion of the population that openly advocates for making America a fifth world banana-republic. They can't let go of their unadulterated hatred for the democratically elected president.

Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump's assassination. Here's how the Secret Service handles it
The left is one with the ruling class. So, they must do it's bidding even though it goes against their interests. It is insanity.
Democrats can now clearly see the end of their party in sight.....
after the lies about Obama-Care, would anyone believe that Bambi knows nothing of this? will Bambi claim that he found out about himself being involved with this wire tapping at the same time it came out on the news?
yet they want sessions to resign because they are assuming he spoke to a few russians? really? and dont we have a list of democrats who have spoken to the russians?
This is madness. They wiretapped Trump to find out evidence for Trump Russia connection which there was no evidence for.
Trump says "Obama tapped my phones".

That's a sitting President making a serious accusation of a former President. That's a pretty big deal.

I'd just like to know whether what was claimed actually happened. Did Obama actually tap Trump's phones, as you and Trump claim? Yes or no?

Seems like a reasonable question. I'm sure you would ask the same question if the situation were reversed.
The Birthers suddenly care about evidence.


Yes, the Hillary camp who originated the birther thing now supposedly cares about evidence.

NYC you need to fix your IQ.

I love how the RWnuts now pretend they were never birthers.
We're not birthers, we're Constitutionalists!

The Constitution isn't racist. You therefore cannot be a constitutionalist.
The Birthers suddenly care about evidence.


Yes, the Hillary camp who originated the birther thing now supposedly cares about evidence.

NYC you need to fix your IQ.

I love how the RWnuts now pretend they were never birthers.

I love it when Democrats pretend they didn't vote for slavery.

Stop the deflection, moron.

I'm not a Democrat and anyone who voted for slavery is dead.

Are you denying you're a Birther?
Trump is a traitor, the ongoing investigations will prove it, Trump will be removed from office, and he will become the first ex president tried for treason.
The Birthers suddenly care about evidence.

No, Hillary and her supporters still don't care....

Hillary was never a Birther. Trump was publicly a birther for at least 5 years.

Do you admit the Birthers are fucking idiots, or are you with them?

Do you agree that democrats who called for assassination of the president are fucking idiots or are you with them?

Do you agree that the liberals who call for faces to get punched are idiots, or are you with them?

Do you agree with the regressives that anyone who doesn't agree with radical left wing ideology is a fascist, or are you with them?

NYC, go embarrass yourself somewhere else with your unnecessary deflection. You are out of your league, all your posts add nothing but pollution to the thread.

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