Liberals are just disgusting~!

Yes, we are going to take your Bibles right after we take your guns.

Didn't that already happen? We were told it would right after President Obama took office in 2008.
Ooooh... cute... bodey trying to make a funny?


... meanwhile...


Meanwhile...we still have our guns. :D
Seriously, you all don't even need to start with me on the Bible. When I was a girl, we were taught to memorize all we could because one day in America Bibles would be forbidden. With current events what they are, I understand that directive.
If you think the parable of the talents is some sort of endorsement of capitalism, I think you miss the point entirely. The parable is not specifically about making money. Christ is telling us that all that we have, our resources and our abilities are loans from God and we should make good use of what we are given.
The St. Jude Dream House giveaway was yesterday. It seems a fairly well to do person won it. As of last night, people were responding to the announcement that he should donate the proceeds of the house all to St. Jude. Jesus H. Christ. Liberals even want to tell people what to do with their winnings in a charity raffle. The posts have been removed, but the talk on Paducah Topix has started up. It isn't up to the donating back part yet, but will be soon, they did the same shit last year.

I, too, bought a ticket both this year and last. That was a $100 not tax deductible to St. Jude's both years. They raised $500,000 last year and $700,000 this year. I had to retire early due to my health, and if I ever win it, I won't feel obligated to donate once cent of my winnings to anyone.

Liberals are just disgusting. What's theirs is theirs and what's ours is theirs! I would bet at least the cyber dollar hat none of the critics even purchased a ticket.


shit post
There's nothing as funny as the persecution complex of many so-called "Conservatives".

I understand it's easier to blame everything on "liberals", but whatever happened to "personal responsibility"?
If I ever won a huge chunk of money...80% would go to the ASPCA and other animal rescues.....10% would go to Hearst Breast Cancer Foundation for helping me as much as they did..which was A LOT. The other 10% would go on a small cottage house on acreage for myself.

I suggest you tuck at least a small portion away for mental health maintenance/treatment. Perhaps a lifelong membership to a local and trusted funny farm for future vacation needs....

Thus far the thread contains only evidence that conservatives are disgusting.
There's nothing as funny as the persecution complex of many so-called "Conservatives".

I understand it's easier to blame everything on "liberals", but whatever happened to "personal responsibility"?
It's alive and well, at least with some people.

But other people like to dictate to others what their responsibilities are. Oddly enough, it always seems to boil down to giving money to liberals.

Coincidence, I'm sure.
There's nothing as funny as the persecution complex of many so-called "Conservatives".

I understand it's easier to blame everything on "liberals", but whatever happened to "personal responsibility"?

Personal responsibility would be the reason I would keep my winnings, against a day I would need the money. Liberals aren't really good at much except spending someone else's money. They fantasize about all the charitable things they would do with the winnings, when in reality they couldn't scrape together enough to buy a ticket and if by some stretch they did and won, they wouldn't be able to pay the taxes on it. Wanna know who the biggest losers are? Look at the libs posting and fantasizing on this thread. They are the biggest losers.

I will continue to buy tickets and if I ever do win it, when those 'suggestions' get made the people making them will be summarily told where they can stuff their suggestions.
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Busybodies are readily available on all sides of the aisle. It's nobody's business what he does with his winnings.

Do my eyes deceive me???

Is it really BD??

Very good to see you and hope you stick around.

And, I agree about the busy bodies but as usual, the rw's are reeel anxious to spend money they didn't earn.

this coming from one of the bigger "busy bodies" on the site....geezus....
How is identifying libs as disgusting indicative of a persecution complex?
There's nothing as funny as the persecution complex of many so-called "Conservatives".

I understand it's easier to blame everything on "liberals", but whatever happened to "personal responsibility"?

Personal responsibility would be the reason I would keep my winnings, against a day I would need the money. Liberals aren't really good at much except spending someone else's money. They fantasize about all the charitable things they would do with the winnings, when in reality they couldn't scrape together enough to buy a ticket and if by some stretch they did, they wouldn't be able to pay the taxes on it. Wanna know who the biggest losers are? Look at the libs posting and fantasizing on this thread. They are the biggest losers.

I will continue to buy tickets and if I ever do win it, when those 'suggestions' get made the people making them will be told where they can stuff their suggestions.

You keep making my point for me.

You use "liberals" as a crutch, blaming everything bad in the world on a vague set of political ideologies.

You don't even know what the politics of the people complaining are, just that they fit your imaginary evil "liberal". Just like all the other nonsense you just vommited into the post above.
Liberals are very generous with other people's money.

Just for daveboy, who apparently thinks he's a character in a Steven King fictional book ...


Wow. That was stupid, even by YOUR standards. :lol:

Look, I know you're pissed off that people don't kiss your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled, being an oh-so-superior progressive and all. I mean, come ON! Can't people see how qualified you are to make their life decisions for them? :mad:

Meanwhile, back in reality, you're a retard. :lol:

Dudley only has one standard....if its a negative thing....the "rw's" must be responsible....what else could it be?....
There's nothing as funny as the persecution complex of many so-called "Conservatives".

I understand it's easier to blame everything on "liberals", but whatever happened to "personal responsibility"?

Personal responsibility would be the reason I would keep my winnings, against a day I would need the money. Liberals aren't really good at much except spending someone else's money. They fantasize about all the charitable things they would do with the winnings, when in reality they couldn't scrape together enough to buy a ticket and if by some stretch they did, they wouldn't be able to pay the taxes on it. Wanna know who the biggest losers are? Look at the libs posting and fantasizing on this thread. They are the biggest losers.

I will continue to buy tickets and if I ever do win it, when those 'suggestions' get made the people making them will be told where they can stuff their suggestions.

You keep making my point for me.

You use "liberals" as a crutch, blaming everything bad in the world on a vague set of political ideologies.

You don't even know what the politics of the people complaining are, just that they fit your imaginary evil "liberal". Just like all the other nonsense you just vommited into the post above.

Conservatives would be YOUR imaginary evil. That thinking ahead and taking care of ourselves instead of expecting someone else to do it really gets you in the gut! I mean I fucking made a $100 non tax deductible cash donation here. Who else on here did? Oh, right. No one. They just fantasize about how charitable they would be if they were conservatives and had some money! LMAO. I make several of those donations each year, but they generally go to my schools. Vandy students who benefit from my donations even send me 'thank you' cards.

Hey, check around, maybe they will have a house up for raffle in your area. They have them all over the country. You might get lucky, then you could hock the forum to pay the taxes. :D
If I won anything even the Powerball not a single charity that benefits human beings would get a cent. I'd burn it first.

I would donate to no kill animal shelters

Not a good idea.

No kill shelters are basically warehouses that do more harm than good. Makes more sense to subsidize spay/neuter. If you doubt that, just look at what it costs to warehouse adoptable animals and how many spays that $ would pay for.

(Katzen, you just sound more and more pathetic and, well .. nuts.)

kinda like this poster we have here named Dudley imdedrite......:lol:....oh sorry....:eusa_shifty:

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