Liberals are just disgusting~!

I'm not seeing multitude links to all the disgusting soros attacks.

Must be an oversight.
"Personal Responsibility" is a two-way street. You can't claim to be all about "personal responsibility", then attempt to make the actions of an individual the "responsibility" of an entire political ideology.
I always feel good about myself.

That's what honesty and integrity do for a person. You should try it sometime.
"Personal Responsibility" is a two-way street. You can't claim to be all about "personal responsibility", then attempt to make the actions of an individual the "responsibility" of an entire political ideology.
Successful people have a social responsibility to make the world a better place and not just take from it because they have the God given ability to do so, something many of us don't have. There is nothing wrong with suggesting the wealthy give back to those that are the source of their wealth. Despite the headlines dedicated to donations made by the super-rich, data shows that the most charitable people in the U.S. aren't those making six or even seven-figure salaries, it’s lower-income people.
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Again, making my point for me.

Me and my family, "liberals" all, probably donate more to charity each year than you make.

You have this ridiculous idea of what the term "liberal" means, and keep expanding to take in everything you don't like. Rather than taking responsibility for yourself (or even demanding that others do), you instead attempt to lay blame for all of your problems on a political ideology, rather than the individuals responsible.

LMAO! Thanks for the laugh, but I really doubt that. I find it interesting that you have to include others in that donation thing for it to be worthwhile mentioning.

As to what my problems are or who I blame for them: the mere fact that you presume to have any idea is about as arrogant as it gets.
I only know you as an anonymous poster on a message board. Anything that I've "presumed", I've done so because of what you've said.
I have seen people with REAL problems in my practice as a nurse. Once many years ago before I became a nurse, someone told me that God could even make you thankful for your problems. And you know what. He was right. Every day I thank God for my problems. Every single day. And if you had seen the things I have seen you would drop your arrogant little charade and be doing the same.

What "charade"?

YOU are making ridiculous claims about what "liberals" feel and do.
YOU started a thread bragging that you donated $100 to charity, then accused "liberals" of not doing so.

Well, dr porkchop, if you read the link to Paducah Topix I posted you will see that there was one 'poor' person who didn't pay her light and phone bill and bought a $100 ticket. And now this person REALLY has her nose out of joint and her ass in a sling because she didn't win. She was 'needy', she was entitled. If she had won she wouldn't have been able to pay the taxes on the house. But she is on there whining that the winner who CAN pay the taxes should give the house away.

As to bragging LOL. I said I bought a ticket on the St. Jude dream house. YOU on the other hand claim that you donate more to charity than I make each year. Now would you be referring to my retirement income which I spent a number of years arranging, or do you donate the equivalent of the 6 figure salary that I earned before I retired? I'm just a little curious on that one. Somehow I doubt it either way. I think playing Don Quixote on a message board is about the extent of your contribution.

When was the last time you thanked God for YOUR problems? Yes, I thank God for my problems. I spent years seeing people who have become imprisoned by your liberal ideologies and I am not referring to the ones in prison. I am talking about those people who have been bought out for $500 a month and food stamps who live in crime ridden neighborhoods from which they will never extricate themselves nor their children. Like the woman who spent her light and phone money on a lottery, they want more, but they don't have any clue how to get it. I worked with a number of people who were able to work. Some, I managed to get into jobs, but most were so fearful and imprisoned by their 'security' that they wouldn't give it up. And yes, I got several people ON public assistance and the pharma that you hate supplied them with thousands of dollars worth of medicine while they were waiting for their insurance to kick in. Some were living on the streets, some in the woods which were actually much safer than the streets. I have even worked with a number of 'business women.' One I'll never forget had been out 'working' for two weeks with no bath. The other patients vomited when she walked past them. I had to send her to get a shower before I could even see her, and the chair she sat in before I sent her for the shower had to be reupholstered to get the smell out. Seriously, you don't have any clue what a real problem is..

You and your ilk drone on and on about slavery, blah, blah, blah. But you can't see that many people are just as oppressed today as people were in those times. They are oppressed by an ideology that gives them just enough to subsist and then they have to use any creativity and motivation they have to engage in black market activities. I have been in their homes. I have seen their oppression. Go volunteer in some of those places if you are so charitable.
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"Personal Responsibility" is a two-way street. You can't claim to be all about "personal responsibility", then attempt to make the actions of an individual the "responsibility" of an entire political ideology.
Successful people have a social responsibility to make the world a better place and not just take from it because they have the God given ability to do so, something many of us don't have. There is nothing wrong with suggesting the wealthy give back to those that are the source of their wealth. Despite the headlines dedicated to donations made by the super-rich, data shows that the most charitable people in the U.S. aren't those making six or even seven-figure salaries, it’s lower-income people.

Buying a non tax free charitable raffle ticket IS giving back. I'm not sure where you came up with your other data. Out of the air as usual, no doubt.
So....have we figured out who put a gun to those people's heads and FORCED them to give back their prize?

I take it you are referring to the taxes due on a $400,000 house. That would be 35% and come to $140,000. That would be the IRS. People who can't afford to get in the game should stay out of it.
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So....have we figured out who put a gun to those people's heads and FORCED them to give back their prize?

I take it you are referring to the taxes due on a $400,000 house. That would be the IRS. That would be 35% and come to $140,000. THAT what this thread was about? A tax complaint? I think we can all get behind that.
Interesting trip to town today. The guy at the Dollar Store is the guy who sold me paint at Lowes. When I said, 'I though you work at Lowes' he answered I do. I am working here to supplement my income.

Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner. Working rather than playing a lottery. Fancy that!
The St. Jude Dream House giveaway was yesterday. It seems a fairly well to do person won it. As of last night, people were responding to the announcement that he should donate the proceeds of the house all to St. Jude. Jesus H. Christ. Liberals even want to tell people what to do with their winnings in a charity raffle. The posts have been removed, but the talk on Paducah Topix has started up. It isn't up to the donating back part yet, but will be soon, they did the same shit last year.

I, too, bought a ticket both this year and last. That was a $100 not tax deductible to St. Jude's both years. They raised $500,000 last year and $700,000 this year. I had to retire early due to my health, and if I ever win it, I won't feel obligated to donate once cent of my winnings to anyone.

Liberals are just disgusting. What's theirs is theirs and what's ours is theirs! I would bet at least the cyber dollar hat none of the critics even purchased a ticket.


What is disgusting is the person who posted the OP.
and ten bucks it wasn't liberals. 20 she made the whole thing up.
"Personal Responsibility" is a two-way street. You can't claim to be all about "personal responsibility", then attempt to make the actions of an individual the "responsibility" of an entire political ideology.
Successful people have a social responsibility to make the world a better place and not just take from it because they have the God given ability to do so, something many of us don't have. There is nothing wrong with suggesting the wealthy give back to those that are the source of their wealth. Despite the headlines dedicated to donations made by the super-rich, data shows that the most charitable people in the U.S. aren't those making six or even seven-figure salaries, it’s lower-income people.

Buying a non tax free charitable raffle ticket IS giving back. I'm not sure where you came up with your other data. Out of the air as usual, no doubt.
Those that have less give more of what they have. Households with incomes of of $50,000 to $99,000 give 6% of there income. Those with incomes over $200,000 give to 4.7%.

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