Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

So no quotes of you denouncing Nazis. Cool
If you don't believe race matters to all the white hiring managers in America. If you deny bias exists in the workplace then you're either a liar or fool.

I'm guessing you're white. Which is why you are pretending to be stupid. Stop lying

You're the racist. To deny racism exists makes you a racist.
Nice try, stupid libtard.
This is obvious if you just open your eyes...the left uses race as a sword and a shield. They attack anyone who disagrees with them by calling them racists......when their policies fail, they call the people calling out those policies racist....

They use race to keep blacks from leaving the democrat party, accusing the republicans of the very things that the democrats are actually doing....

They claim to be studying Whites who are LESS BIASED. The assumption is that White liberals are not biased against Black people, while their research shows exactly the opposite as we shall see. The researchers are liberal, know that liberals are good, and therefore liberals are not the biased ones. Conservatives, who behave the same with both Whites and minorities, are the genuinely biased ones.

In other words, Democrats talk down to Black and Hispanic people, while Republicans do not.

Republicans treat their audiences of whatever race the same, and with the same basic respect for their intelligence and ability to reason.

Hmmm. Who is “less biased?”

What about in work settings? Perhaps liberal politicians treat minorities as if they were children, but the average liberal treats their Black colleagues just the same as their White colleagues?

Nope, they too assume that Blacks are stupid.

Hmm. Patronizing? Why would anybody assume that treating people as if they are stupid and incompetent is patronizing?
Do you see what they are doing here? Liberals treat minorities as if they are clumsy children because they want to be liked. They are just super nice people, that’s all.

Conservatives, those meanies, treat everybody the same, proving that they hate minorities and are a bunch of White supremacists. If they were truly good people they would treat Black people like children, as liberals do. Or something.

More right wing bullshit from the appropriately named “”.

Another study where they start with a conclusion and tailer the study to come to that conclusion.

They did, however, mention the difficulty in finding enough speeches made by Republicans to predominantly black audiences to give a fair comparison. You can’t be accused of condescending to people you’ve never spoken to.
More right wing bullshit from the appropriately named “”.

Another study where they start with a conclusion and tailer the study to come to that conclusion.

They did, however, mention the difficulty in finding enough speeches made by Republicans to predominantly black audiences to give a fair comparison. You can’t be accused of condescending to people you’ve never spoken to.
Prove the Yale study wrong, Simp.
If you don't believe race matters to all the white hiring managers in America. If you deny bias exists in the workplace then you're either a liar or fool.

I'm guessing you're white. Which is why you are pretending to be stupid. Stop lying

You're the racist. To deny racism exists makes you a racist.

Or stupid.

The study which swapped names and resumees was proof positive. Resumees with “black names” were scored lower by HR staffers, and when they put the black names on the higher scoring white resumees, the HR people still scored the resumees with “white names” higher and rated them “more qualified”.

The entire “headhunter industry” exists as an end around to charges of racial discrimmination in hiring. HR staff tells the consultants what they do and don’t want in an employee, and the consultant sees to it that they never see an “unsuitable” candidate.

Candidates will have notations on their files like “Referred by Shaniqua Jones” to indicate race.

I did a 6 month stint as a consultant when I first moved to Toronto in 1980, looking for a high paying field where I would never be unemployed again.

When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. They have an entire HR department dedicated to finding and hiring staff. Why would they pay 15% of salary to an agency to screen potential candidates for them? Isn’t that HR’s job?
Prove the Yale study wrong, Simp.

I don’t have to prove anything FuckBoi, because that link was not to the Yale study. That link was to a blogger on who looked at the Yale study, and carefully lifted a couple of paragraphs from it, in order to make the case that it backed up his belief that Republicans aren’t racist.

I am critiquing his take on the Yale study. Unless you read the Yale study, you don’t have the first clue what it says.
Or stupid.

The study which swapped names and resumees was proof positive. Resumees with “black names” were scored lower by HR staffers, and when they put the black names on the higher scoring white resumees, the HR people still scored the resumees with “white names” higher and rated them “more qualified”.

The entire “headhunter industry” exists as an end around to charges of racial discrimmination in hiring. HR staff tells the consultants what they do and don’t want in an employee, and the consultant sees to it that they never see an “unsuitable” candidate.

Candidates will have notations on their files like “Referred by Shaniqua Jones” to indicate race.

I did a 6 month stint as a consultant when I first moved to Toronto in 1980, looking for a high paying field where I would never be unemployed again.

When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. They have an entire HR department dedicated to finding and hiring staff. Why would they pay 15% of salary to an agency to screen potential candidates for them? Isn’t that HR’s job?

Paying women and blacks less can be a double edge sword too. How would blue collar men feel if they couldn't find work because companies were only hiring blacks, women and hispanics?

For instance, the median black male worker earns 74 percent as much as the median white male worker, while the median Hispanic male worker earns only 63 percent as much.

So racist white republicans should argue that we should all be paid the same. Then they won't lose out on jobs to "more qualified" blacks, latino's and women. When the script gets flipped, suddenly white men will cry foul. It's like them crying about affirmative action when systemic racism is the reason so many managers are white men.

I just looked this up and it suggests things are getting better. Thanks to us liberals.

White men, who held 60% of board seats in 2020, now hold 23%. They still make up more than half – 54% – of executives at the nation's largest companies. Of the S&P 500, 343 companies have boards where white men hold half or more of the seats.

I thought the numbers were much higher. This isn't so bad. Still when black men make 74 cents to every dollar we make and hispanics make 63 cents to every dollar?
I don’t have to prove anything FuckBoi, because that link was not to the Yale study. That link was to a blogger on who looked at the Yale study, and carefully lifted a couple of paragraphs from it, in order to make the case that it backed up his belief that Republicans aren’t racist.

I am critiquing his take on the Yale study. Unless you read the Yale study, you don’t have the first clue what it says.
Once again your lies are exposed, liar.
Prove the Yale study wrong, Simp.
Once again your lies are exposed, liar.

You haven’t told us what the Yale study says and haven’t provided any links to it, and yet you claim to know what it says.

I love how you do nothing, refute nothing, and then declare victory.

Show us where the study has any validity, has been peer, reviewed and published. Most of these studies are some poli-science student’s doctoral thesis.

The OP quoted a the blog. Nothing has been proven, and nothing has been backed up

Unless you have any kind of Content proving your assertions, we’re done here FuckBoi
There are citing some political science dweeb’s doctoral thesis. This is not a peer reviewed and published study.

The quality of your sources matters.
You can argue about that all you like, but HotAir isn't the source of the claims.
You haven’t told us what the Yale study says and haven’t provided any links to it, and yet you claim to know what it says.

I love how you do nothing, refute nothing, and then declare victory.

Show us where the study has any validity, has been peer, reviewed and published. Most of these studies are some poli-science student’s doctoral thesis.

The OP quoted a the blog. Nothing has been proven, and nothing has been backed up

Unless you have any kind of Content proving your assertions, we’re done here FuckBoi

I think it was from 2018 btw.....

Here's a Yale article

White Liberals Present Themselves as Less Competent in Interactions with African-Americans

And the study

I don’t have to prove anything FuckBoi, because that link was not to the Yale study. That link was to a blogger on who looked at the Yale study, and carefully lifted a couple of paragraphs from it, in order to make the case that it backed up his belief that Republicans aren’t racist.

I am critiquing his take on the Yale study. Unless you read the Yale study, you don’t have the first clue what it says.
There is a link to the abstract of the Yale study in the Hotair link, you blithering nincompoop.

You get dumber by the hour. Simply amazing.

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