Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

How about in Texas, Republicans said they needed to move voting off campus for "the safety of the children". Meanwhile local residents can still come use the library any time they want. So that blows a hole in that argument. Still won't stop Republicans from doing it.

Usually, hopefully, it backfires on Republicans. Usually does. When they try to suppress people's votes, it only makes those people more determined. Sometimes.

A lot of times voter suppression tactics work. Even down to convincing Harry Dresden that there is no difference between the parties. So don't bother voting. Or vote 3rd party. Idiot!
Republicans love to go on and on about voter fraud but ignore election fraud. Like all the shady shit that happened in 2000 and 2004. Or 2020.

Republicans commit election fraud while crying about voter fraud. Crying about voter fraud, which is rare and doesn't swing elections, is a distraction from how they steal elections with all their shady tactics.

I want to take a closer look at states that never go blue. In Kansas women showed up to overwhelmingly vote pro choice. I expect to see Kansas go blue in 2024. If not, i want to audit that states elections.

And Texas. If Texas goes red again, I call BULLSHIT.
If Republicans want voter fraud, they need to look no further than Donald Trump trying to solicit 11 000 votes in Georgia. There's your voter fraud!
Oh yes you are! From voter ID laws to not allowing people in line water and snacks to making it illegal for 3rd parties to turn in completed ballots from the disabled. Stop trying to fucking bullshit us! You're the fuckin' liar, asshole!

Here is a great example. Remember MI Gov Rick Snyder? The guy who gave black people lead poisoning in Flint? Yea, he was in charge of our elections when Obama was running. Can you imagine how many black people were going to show up to vote for Obama? Snyder couldn't. So precincts in Detroit had fewer machines than in white neighborhoods. And faulty machines that broke down. Long tines mean people give up and go home. Even I've been tempted to get out of that long line in white neighborhoods. Blacks had to wait 3 times as long.
Here is a great example. Remember MI Gov Rick Snyder? The guy who gave black people lead poisoning in Flint? Yea, he was in charge of our elections when Obama was running. Can you imagine how many black people were going to show up to vote for Obama? Snyder couldn't. So precincts in Detroit had fewer machines than in white neighborhoods. And faulty machines that broke down. Long tines mean people give up and go home. Even I've been tempted to get out of that long line in white neighborhoods. Blacks had to wait 3 times as long.
That's right! Then these racist states make it illegal for volunteers to give them water and snacks when they wait in line! What kind of a fucking law is that? Republicans are just fucked human beings!
If Republicans want voter fraud, they need to look no further than Donald Trump trying to solicit 11 000 votes in Georgia. There's your voter fraud!

No! That's a great example of what I'm talking about. That's election fraud. That's not just one or two guys voting for their mom who just died and her absentee ballot arrived 1 day after she died. That is voter fraud and never swings elections because it's so rare. Trump wanted to commit ELECTION FRAUD.

And how did Trump think it would work? Would the SOS in GA just say he came up with 11,000 more votes? Would he have to prove it? Or would he have to get a bunch of people to start filling out fake votes? I'm curious how Trump thought they could just come up with 11,000 votes. I think he meant just say you found them and give no proof?

Republicans started pushing their “voter fraud“ scam in 1964 as a response to the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. Now, weaponized by Trump, it’s become a harpoon pointed at the heart of our democracy.

If you come up with just enough fake votes to put you over the top, that's election fraud. Much worse than voter fraud.

Let me ask you this. If I tried voting for my mom with Alzheimers, what should be my penalty? Okay, what should be Jeb and George's penalty if it were found out they rigged Florida? Literally stole an entire state to swing who is our President for the next 4 years? Should it be the same penalty as I get? Probably not. Absolutely not. And I'm not running for president. How is Trump still in the running? I can't wait to beat him again.
No! That's a great example of what I'm talking about. That's election fraud. That's not just one or two guys voting for their mom who just died and her absentee ballot arrived 1 day after she died. That is voter fraud and never swings elections because it's so rare. Trump wanted to commit ELECTION FRAUD.

And how did Trump think it would work? Would the SOS in GA just say he came up with 11,000 more votes? Would he have to prove it? Or would he have to get a bunch of people to start filling out fake votes? I'm curious how Trump thought they could just come up with 11,000 votes. I think he meant just say you found them and give no proof?

Republicans started pushing their “voter fraud“ scam in 1964 as a response to the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. Now, weaponized by Trump, it’s become a harpoon pointed at the heart of our democracy.

If you come up with just enough fake votes to put you over the top, that's election fraud. Much worse than voter fraud.

Let me ask you this. If I tried voting for my mom with Alzheimers, what should be my penalty? Okay, what should be Jeb and George's penalty if it were found out they rigged Florida? Literally stole an entire state to swing who is our President for the next 4 years? Should it be the same penalty as I get? Probably not. Absolutely not. And I'm not running for president. How is Trump still in the running? I can't wait to beat him again.
Trump is a stupid, stupid person.
I have relatives who live in Cary, Illinois, a suburb north of Chicago. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them are staunch liberals. Cary is a white bread and mayonnaise town. I have never seen a black person anywhere in that town. I attended the graduation from high school there and of the entire graduating class, there wasn't one black person. Convenience store staff? White. McDonalds employees? White. It's mostly a Union Town. There is a bar in town that has a log cabin motif to it. Even in the bathrooms there is faux wood paneling on the walls. On those walls are carved swastikas and racial slurs. Libs there are fine with black people as long as they don't have to see them or have them near them.

When I was in the Navy I was stationed in Boston while my ship was being repaired. My very first day off duty, a bunch of local teens were ganging up on a black sailor from my ship, It took myself and two other guys to chase them away. There were 5 of them attacking one black guy.

There is far more racism and hatred in liberal cities than anywhere in the South.

Malcom X had them pegged long ago.
This is obvious if you just open your eyes...the left uses race as a sword and a shield. They attack anyone who disagrees with them by calling them racists......when their policies fail, they call the people calling out those policies racist....

They use race to keep blacks from leaving the democrat party, accusing the republicans of the very things that the democrats are actually doing....

They claim to be studying Whites who are LESS BIASED. The assumption is that White liberals are not biased against Black people, while their research shows exactly the opposite as we shall see. The researchers are liberal, know that liberals are good, and therefore liberals are not the biased ones. Conservatives, who behave the same with both Whites and minorities, are the genuinely biased ones.

In other words, Democrats talk down to Black and Hispanic people, while Republicans do not.

Republicans treat their audiences of whatever race the same, and with the same basic respect for their intelligence and ability to reason.

Hmmm. Who is “less biased?”

What about in work settings? Perhaps liberal politicians treat minorities as if they were children, but the average liberal treats their Black colleagues just the same as their White colleagues?

Nope, they too assume that Blacks are stupid.

Hmm. Patronizing? Why would anybody assume that treating people as if they are stupid and incompetent is patronizing?
Do you see what they are doing here? Liberals treat minorities as if they are clumsy children because they want to be liked. They are just super nice people, that’s all.

Conservatives, those meanies, treat everybody the same, proving that they hate minorities and are a bunch of White supremacists. If they were truly good people they would treat Black people like children, as liberals do. Or something.

“it was harder to find speeches from Republicans delivered to minority audiences”

Yeah, about that.

You'd have to search long and hard to find someone with a stronger...dislike of Nazis than myself.
Gee...surely you can show us some quotes from you denouncing the "very fine people/nazis" at Charlottesville that you made at the time since you know *snicker* you say you dislike that part of the MAGA Klan.

Lets see them.
Gee...surely you can show us some quotes from you denouncing the "very fine people/nazis" at Charlottesville that you made at the time since you know *snicker* you say you dislike that part of the MAGA Klan.

Lets see them.
Your lies have already been debunked, liar.
Gee...surely you can show us some quotes from you denouncing the "very fine people/nazis" at Charlottesville that you made at the time since you know *snicker* you say you dislike that part of the MAGA Klan.

Lets see them.

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