Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

The study, which was completed by a black doctoral candidate, was based on 74 political speeches, delivered by candidates for president only, over a 25 year period, prior to 2018.

And her finding was that racially biased and unbiased presidential candidates used different language in talking to non-white audiences.

Whereas racially biased candidates use the same language in any setting. But it also contains the caveat that very few right wing candidates spoke to minority audiences.

One would think that you would want to speak differently to a group of people after church on Sunday than you would to the Chamber of Commerce. But she was looking for what she considering “condescending” language, inferring less competence and education when the “unbiased”talked to minorities.

Somehow, the conservatives on the board have translated this into a “gotcha moment”.

It still looks like a study that started with a conclusion, and sought evidence to prove it.
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Everyone knows Dem not only change what words they use they even use fake accents, Obama, Killary, Biden, etc., when speaking to black audiences.
Everyone knows Dem not only change what words they use they even use fake accents, Obama, Killary, Biden, etc., when speaking to black audiences.

Everybody knows the dice are loaded
Everybody knows the good guys lost

And yet Obama and Biden Created programs to help lift poor Americans out of poverty, increase wages, provide universal health care, and reduce pollution, which affects low income and minorities more than whites.

And while Democrats have been doing that, Republicans have been gerrymandering their states in passing voter suppression laws, in order to keep Black people from getting representation in the state houses, or in the House.

One only need to look at their records to know which party is the party of racism and white supremacy.

Actions really do you speak louder than words.
Democrats lessen the their vocabulary speaking to blacks because they think blacks do not understand these words. That's really racist.
Everybody knows the dice are loaded
Everybody knows the good guys lost

And yet Obama and Biden Created programs to help lift poor Americans out of poverty, increase wages, provide universal health care, and reduce pollution, which affects low income and minorities more than whites.

And while Democrats have been doing that, Republicans have been gerrymandering their states in passing voter suppression laws, in order to keep Black people from getting representation in the state houses, or in the House.

One only need to look at their records to know which party is the party of racism and white supremacy.

Actions really do you speak louder than words.
List these voter suppression laws and show their results.
List these voter suppression laws and show their results.

Trying to move the goalposts again FuckBoi. This thread isn’t about voter suppression laws. Ordering others around? Why aren’t you working?

This thread is about racist, language and political speech based on false claims being made by the OP about a Yale undergraduate study on presidential campaign speeches.
Trying to move the goalposts again FuckBoi. This thread isn’t about voter suppression laws. Ordering others around? Why aren’t you working?

This thread is about racist, language and political speech based on false claims being made by the OP about a Yale undergraduate study on presidential campaign speeches.
You made the claim, Dipshit.

Get to backing it up..
You made the claim, Dipshit.

Get to backing it up..

The back up to my claims, is in the link to original study, which has already been posted. Had you read that before you trolled me, you’d know that.

Either post content applicable to the thread, or find someone else to troll.
The back up to my claims, is in the link to original study, which has already been posted. Had you read that before you trolled me, you’d know that.

Either post content applicable to the thread, or find someone else to troll.
More lies by you.

Nothing in the OP lists laws that suppressed voters.

Thatbwas YOUR claim, Simp.

Back it up.
More right wing bullshit from the appropriately named “”.

Another study where they start with a conclusion and tailer the study to come to that conclusion.

They did, however, mention the difficulty in finding enough speeches made by Republicans to predominantly black audiences to give a fair comparison. You can’t be accused of condescending to people you’ve never spoken to.

Idiot....the study is from Yale.....not Hotair, you doofus.....
Idiot....the study is from Yale.....not Hotair, you doofus.....

The opinion piece from hot air quoted in the OP, is what is being discussed. It contains two single paragraph quotes from the Yale Study, and completely misrepresents what the study is about.

The Yale study does not say what the OP thinks it says.

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