Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

If you disagree with my assessment, then you obviously haven't injected yourself with Lysol?
See post # 215
Why do you think Trump hasn't raped anybody in years? He's too old. The only reason his wife stays with him is he doesn't ask for sex anymore. Poor woman. What a waste of a piece of ass.

A lot of eastern European women trade their lives and freedom for money. I was dating 26-28 year old from Belarus. I'm was in my late 40's. She's now with a 55 year old millionaire who gives her more than I could ever give her. She's just like Melania only not that rich.
No one is stopping you, I just am not listening.

It seems like for a year now, all Republicans are doing is listening. You can't talk because when you do you lose elections.

Are you pro life? Cost you the midterms
Pro Gun? Gonna cost you 2024
Global warming denier who's out of touch?
Trump didn't try to rig the election?
It wasn't an insurrection?
How can you defend Clarence Thomas?
Vaccines and masks worked. Most of the people who died were unvaccinated.
Defending cops who murder blacks?
Your sheriffs and politicians caught on tape saying they miss the days they could lynch black people?
Trump rape case

And then the pathetic attempt to change the conversation right after Trump was found guilty of rape to Hunter Biden? The House clearly has no evidence on the Biden's. They want to look to see if they can find any, but they have nothing. 20 LLC's? WOW! They made $1 million dollars in 20 years? WOW!!!!

When Jared Kushner was recently given $2 billion dollars from the Saudi's? And you want to bring up Biden LLC's and comb through them to see if just one Chinese person purchased anything from them? When Trump had the Chinese staying at Trump Hotel in Washington? Gimme a break.
It seems like for a year now, all Republicans are doing is listening. You can't talk because when you do you lose elections.

Are you pro life? Cost you the midterms
Pro Gun? Gonna cost you 2024
Global warming denier who's out of touch?
Trump didn't try to rig the election?
It wasn't an insurrection?
How can you defend Clarence Thomas?
Vaccines and masks worked. Most of the people who died were unvaccinated.
Defending cops who murder blacks?
Your sheriffs and politicians caught on tape saying they miss the days they could lynch black people?
Trump rape case

And then the pathetic attempt to change the conversation right after Trump was found guilty of rape to Hunter Biden? The House clearly has no evidence on the Biden's. They want to look to see if they can find any, but they have nothing. 20 LLC's? WOW! They made $1 million dollars in 20 years? WOW!!!!

When Jared Kushner was recently given $2 billion dollars from the Saudi's? And you want to bring up Biden LLC's and comb through them to see if just one Chinese person purchased anything from them? When Trump had the Chinese staying at Trump Hotel in Washington? Gimme a break.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Darn those liberals that were asked.

How can it be us liberal whites who are more racist than conservative whites?

Among whites, those who are more educated, as well as those who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, are particularly likely to see advantages to being white.

To me it shows we have empathy towards minorities. And it says that white conservatives are lying. Either to us or themselves when they claim to be color blind. I suspect they are lying to us. They know they are more racist than us. It's like when they try to suggest they are the party of Lincoln or Civil Rights. Yet today they don't want to celebrate MLK and they worship democrats like Robert E Lee.
White liberals live among white conservatives so it's laughable for white conservatives here to try and suggest they aren't the racists among us. Come on guys. Are you trying to fool blacks here cause you ain't fooling us. Don't forget we spend Thanksgiving with you white racist conservatives. And we soooo look forward to those inappropriate dinner conversations with you insurrectionists.
This is obvious if you just open your eyes...the left uses race as a sword and a shield. They attack anyone who disagrees with them by calling them racists......when their policies fail, they call the people calling out those policies racist....

They use race to keep blacks from leaving the democrat party, accusing the republicans of the very things that the democrats are actually doing....

They claim to be studying Whites who are LESS BIASED. The assumption is that White liberals are not biased against Black people, while their research shows exactly the opposite as we shall see. The researchers are liberal, know that liberals are good, and therefore liberals are not the biased ones. Conservatives, who behave the same with both Whites and minorities, are the genuinely biased ones.

In other words, Democrats talk down to Black and Hispanic people, while Republicans do not.

Republicans treat their audiences of whatever race the same, and with the same basic respect for their intelligence and ability to reason.

Hmmm. Who is “less biased?”

What about in work settings? Perhaps liberal politicians treat minorities as if they were children, but the average liberal treats their Black colleagues just the same as their White colleagues?

Nope, they too assume that Blacks are stupid.

Hmm. Patronizing? Why would anybody assume that treating people as if they are stupid and incompetent is patronizing?
Do you see what they are doing here? Liberals treat minorities as if they are clumsy children because they want to be liked. They are just super nice people, that’s all.

Conservatives, those meanies, treat everybody the same, proving that they hate minorities and are a bunch of White supremacists. If they were truly good people they would treat Black people like children, as liberals do. Or something.

Public has negative views of the country’s racial progress; more than half say Trump has made race relations worse​

most U.S. adults say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact on the position of black people in American society today. More than four-in-ten say the country hasn’t made enough progress toward racial equality, and there is some skepticism, particularly among blacks, that black people will ever have equal rights with whites

In addition, roughly two-thirds say it’s become more common for people to express racist views since Trump became president.

Americans see disadvantages for blacks and Hispanics in the U.S. A majority of all adults (56%) say being black hurts people’s ability to get ahead at least a little, and 51% say the same about being Hispanic. In contrast, 59% say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead.

Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are more likely than whites to say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead at least a little. Among whites, those who are more educated, as well as those who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, are particularly likely to see advantages to being white.

That means us educated liberals see and admit that us whites have privileges in this country. Republicans try to deny it.

Views of Trump’s handling of race relations are far more negative than views of how Obama handled the issue​

White Democrats (64%) are far more likely than white Republicans (15%) to say the country hasn’t gone far enough when it comes to giving black people equal rights with whites. About half of Republicans say it’s been about right, while a sizable minority (31%) says the country has gone too far in this regard.

Eight-in-ten white Democrats – vs. 40% of white Republicans – say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact on black people’s position in American society today. And when it comes to views about racial discrimination, 78% of white Democrats say the bigger problem is people not seeing it where it really does exist, while a similar share of white Republicans say people seeing racial discrimination where it really does not exist is the bigger problem.

This is very interesting I don't want to cut and paste everything. Read this it's good

Blacks, whites differ in assessments of why it may be harder for black people to get ahead​

Majorities of black and white adults say blacks are treated less fairly than whites in dealing with police and by the criminal justice system​

Majorities of blacks, Hispanics and Asians say they have experienced discrimination because of their race or ethnicity​


Public has negative views of the country’s racial progress; more than half say Trump has made race relations worse​

most U.S. adults say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact on the position of black people in American society today. More than four-in-ten say the country hasn’t made enough progress toward racial equality, and there is some skepticism, particularly among blacks, that black people will ever have equal rights with whites

In addition, roughly two-thirds say it’s become more common for people to express racist views since Trump became president.

Americans see disadvantages for blacks and Hispanics in the U.S. A majority of all adults (56%) say being black hurts people’s ability to get ahead at least a little, and 51% say the same about being Hispanic. In contrast, 59% say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead.

Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are more likely than whites to say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead at least a little. Among whites, those who are more educated, as well as those who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, are particularly likely to see advantages to being white.

That means us educated liberals see and admit that us whites have privileges in this country. Republicans try to deny it.

Views of Trump’s handling of race relations are far more negative than views of how Obama handled the issue​

White Democrats (64%) are far more likely than white Republicans (15%) to say the country hasn’t gone far enough when it comes to giving black people equal rights with whites. About half of Republicans say it’s been about right, while a sizable minority (31%) says the country has gone too far in this regard.

Eight-in-ten white Democrats – vs. 40% of white Republicans – say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact on black people’s position in American society today. And when it comes to views about racial discrimination, 78% of white Democrats say the bigger problem is people not seeing it where it really does exist, while a similar share of white Republicans say people seeing racial discrimination where it really does not exist is the bigger problem.

This is very interesting I don't want to cut and paste everything. Read this it's good

Blacks, whites differ in assessments of why it may be harder for black people to get ahead​

Majorities of black and white adults say blacks are treated less fairly than whites in dealing with police and by the criminal justice system​

Majorities of blacks, Hispanics and Asians say they have experienced discrimination because of their race or ethnicity​

Race relations were bastly better until obama took office and took a sledge hammer to it.....he knew that blacks and whotes getting along is the wnd of the democrat party

Public has negative views of the country’s racial progress; more than half say Trump has made race relations worse​

most U.S. adults say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact on the position of black people in American society today. More than four-in-ten say the country hasn’t made enough progress toward racial equality, and there is some skepticism, particularly among blacks, that black people will ever have equal rights with whites

In addition, roughly two-thirds say it’s become more common for people to express racist views since Trump became president.

Americans see disadvantages for blacks and Hispanics in the U.S. A majority of all adults (56%) say being black hurts people’s ability to get ahead at least a little, and 51% say the same about being Hispanic. In contrast, 59% say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead.

Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are more likely than whites to say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead at least a little. Among whites, those who are more educated, as well as those who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, are particularly likely to see advantages to being white.

That means us educated liberals see and admit that us whites have privileges in this country. Republicans try to deny it.

Views of Trump’s handling of race relations are far more negative than views of how Obama handled the issue​

White Democrats (64%) are far more likely than white Republicans (15%) to say the country hasn’t gone far enough when it comes to giving black people equal rights with whites. About half of Republicans say it’s been about right, while a sizable minority (31%) says the country has gone too far in this regard.

Eight-in-ten white Democrats – vs. 40% of white Republicans – say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact on black people’s position in American society today. And when it comes to views about racial discrimination, 78% of white Democrats say the bigger problem is people not seeing it where it really does exist, while a similar share of white Republicans say people seeing racial discrimination where it really does not exist is the bigger problem.

This is very interesting I don't want to cut and paste everything. Read this it's good

Blacks, whites differ in assessments of why it may be harder for black people to get ahead​

Majorities of black and white adults say blacks are treated less fairly than whites in dealing with police and by the criminal justice system​

Majorities of blacks, Hispanics and Asians say they have experienced discrimination because of their race or ethnicity​

The only legacy of slavery that destroys black Americans is their continued voting for the party of slavery... the democrat party...the democrat party is destroying blacks in this country and until they see it, blacks are going to continue to suffer and watch their children trapped in generational crime and poverty...

The democrat party is the problem...
Race relations were bastly better until obama took office and took a sledge hammer to it.....he knew that blacks and whotes getting along is the wnd of the democrat party

Wait a minute. You guys say Obama didn't do shit for black people. He did everything he could to stay race neutral. Remember he said "that could have been my son" and you guys lost your shit?

Trump said there were good people on both sides at a kkklan rally. Proud boys stand down and stand by. Trump is a white nationalist.
The only legacy of slavery that destroys black Americans is their continued voting for the party of slavery... the democrat party...the democrat party is destroying blacks in this country and until they see it, blacks are going to continue to suffer and watch their children trapped in generational crime and poverty...

The democrat party is the problem...

Yes, this is how Republicans tend to respond. Actually, you're just spewing a political line that black people do not buy. That it's the Democrats who are holding blacks down. HA! Because we help poor people? Don't forget we know your history on denying poor single black moms welfare when you didn't deny poor single white women.

Are we also keeping poor whites who get welfare down? They have the same problems poor blacks have only they have the benefit of being white in America. Which almost everyone admits, in America, is a positive when looking for a job. And most people realize being black is bad. You denying it makes you the racist idiot. They've done studies. Sent in exact resumes, one from Sarah Jones and one from Tamika Jones. Sarah always got the job.

Anyways, the article is interesting. What percent believe race plays a major factor, how many believe it plays a minor factor and how many believe it plays no role at all. Very few idiots like you who say race doesn't help or hurt either side. Liars.

Yes we know you don't like the Democrats or us liberals. Yes we know you think we are the problem. But we aren't. It's you racist closed minded greedy white American conservative republicans. White Devils. Luckily even a lot of people in your party understand the truth. Like I'm sure Ben Carson would say race plays a small part in becoming successful in America. Certainly he wouldn't say it plays no role right?

Public has negative views of the country’s racial progress; more than half say Trump has made race relations worse​

most U.S. adults say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact on the position of black people in American society today. More than four-in-ten say the country hasn’t made enough progress toward racial equality, and there is some skepticism, particularly among blacks, that black people will ever have equal rights with whites

In addition, roughly two-thirds say it’s become more common for people to express racist views since Trump became president.

Americans see disadvantages for blacks and Hispanics in the U.S. A majority of all adults (56%) say being black hurts people’s ability to get ahead at least a little, and 51% say the same about being Hispanic. In contrast, 59% say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead.

Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are more likely than whites to say being white helps people’s ability to get ahead at least a little. Among whites, those who are more educated, as well as those who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, are particularly likely to see advantages to being white.

That means us educated liberals see and admit that us whites have privileges in this country. Republicans try to deny it.

Views of Trump’s handling of race relations are far more negative than views of how Obama handled the issue​

White Democrats (64%) are far more likely than white Republicans (15%) to say the country hasn’t gone far enough when it comes to giving black people equal rights with whites. About half of Republicans say it’s been about right, while a sizable minority (31%) says the country has gone too far in this regard.

Eight-in-ten white Democrats – vs. 40% of white Republicans – say the legacy of slavery continues to have an impact on black people’s position in American society today. And when it comes to views about racial discrimination, 78% of white Democrats say the bigger problem is people not seeing it where it really does exist, while a similar share of white Republicans say people seeing racial discrimination where it really does not exist is the bigger problem.

This is very interesting I don't want to cut and paste everything. Read this it's good

Blacks, whites differ in assessments of why it may be harder for black people to get ahead​

Majorities of black and white adults say blacks are treated less fairly than whites in dealing with police and by the criminal justice system​

Majorities of blacks, Hispanics and Asians say they have experienced discrimination because of their race or ethnicity​

What a load of horseshit.
What a load of horseshit.

It sounds right to me. Lots of black people know being black in America is a negative not a positive. Even with affirmative action. Lots of companies out there don't do aa. It was interesting to point out some blacks think it matters a lot, some think it matters a little. More educated blacks and whites think it matters a lot. Probably because we aren't stupid white ignorant racist goobers. We can wrap our brains around things like CRT and BLM without being fooled by white racists that these movements are the racists. They are pushing for equality and clearly with people like you running America, we haven't gotten there yet.

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