Liberals are more racist than conservatives....Yale university study....

It sounds right to me. Lots of black people know being black in America is a negative not a positive. Even with affirmative action. Lots of companies out there don't do aa. It was interesting to point out some blacks think it matters a lot, some think it matters a little. More educated blacks and whites think it matters a lot. Probably because we aren't stupid white ignorant racist goobers. We can wrap our brains around things like CRT and BLM without being fooled by white racists that these movements are the racists. They are pushing for equality and clearly with people like you running America, we haven't gotten there yet.
Of course it sounds right to you. It conforms to all the leftwing prejudices. That's how we know it's horseshit.
Wait a minute. You guys say Obama didn't do shit for black people. He did everything he could to stay race neutral. Remember he said "that could have been my son" and you guys lost your shit?

Trump said there were good people on both sides at a kkklan rally. Proud boys stand down and stand by. Trump is a white nationalist.

He didn't do anything to stay race neutral....he flamed the fires of race hate because race relations were at historic highs until he became President...that is a fact.

No.....Trump did not say that, you lying piece of crap...............

You guys are vile...
Wow, could you imagine if your assessment was remotely true?

White Nationalists, Klansmen, bigots, and general assholes gravitate to the GOP like moths to a flame.

You're in the same party as all the slave owners. It's not an accident, huh?
It's Hot Air's assessment shit brains.

As long as blacks know their place and support Democrats, otherwise you're silent while white Democrat racists call them Uncle Toms and other racist names.

Democrat = racist. Now, 100 years ago, 200 years ago ...
As long as blacks know their place and support Democrats, otherwise you're silent while white Democrat racists call them Uncle Toms and other racist names.

Democrat = racist. Now, 100 years ago, 200 years ago ...
306>232...Blacks know their place; the White House.
Neither of us are the slightest bit racist, asshole.

Why do you think white people have more money than black people? Leave our kids more money when we die, etc? This all stems back to slavery dude. Your great great great grandpappy handed down white priviledge to your great great grandpappy and so on. We put them in ghettos and now you're saying it's completely their fault? Not your fault? You don't benefit from being white? Being black isn't a negative when looking for a job? Denying the truth is why you are an ignorant racist. Assuming the best person for the job is always white is racist.

Do you deny rich people have privilege over you? Of course you don't. So why can't you see that we have more than blacks and that gives us privilege? And white hiring managers give us privilege too.
306>232...Blacks know their place; the White House.

As long as they don't get uppity and question the Democrat party, then they're a bunch of Aunt Gemima's and Uncle Toms. The Democrat party is the party of racists and always was, you're home. You're in the party of the slave owners, and blacks are still your property, so you believe
Why do you think white people have more money than black people? Leave our kids more money when we die, etc? This all stems back to slavery dude. Your great great great grandpappy handed down white priviledge to your great great grandpappy and so on. We put them in ghettos and now you're saying it's completely their fault? Not your fault? You don't benefit from being white? Being black isn't a negative when looking for a job? Denying the truth is why you are an ignorant racist. Assuming the best person for the job is always white is racist.

Do you deny rich people have privilege over you? Of course you don't. So why can't you see that we have more than blacks and that gives us privilege? And white hiring managers give us privilege too. doesn't......tell that shit to Oprah, P.Diddy, or any of the millionaire and billionaire black entrepenuers.............slavery is the great excuse for allowing democrats to destroy black Americans today.....

I do not deny that rich blacks have privilege over me and I don't care...they made their way, they deserve what they have........

Sell your defeatist, democrat party racism to biden voters who will happily allow idiots like you ruin their lives and the lives of their children with your slavery means anything today crap....
Why do you think white people have more money than black people? Leave our kids more money when we die, etc? This all stems back to slavery dude. Your great great great grandpappy handed down white priviledge to your great great grandpappy and so on. We put them in ghettos and now you're saying it's completely their fault? Not your fault? You don't benefit from being white? Being black isn't a negative when looking for a job? Denying the truth is why you are an ignorant racist. Assuming the best person for the job is always white is racist.

Do you deny rich people have privilege over you? Of course you don't. So why can't you see that we have more than blacks and that gives us privilege? And white hiring managers give us privilege too.
Apparently you believe there's some logic in that pile of garbage.
As long as they don't get uppity and question the Democrat party, then they're a bunch of Aunt Gemima's and Uncle Toms. The Democrat party is the party of racists and always was, you're home. You're in the party of the slave owners, and blacks are still your property, so you believe
Say hi to Mr. Roark for me. doesn't......tell that shit to Oprah, P.Diddy, or any of the millionaire and billionaire black entrepenuers.............slavery is the great excuse for allowing democrats to destroy black Americans today.....

I do not deny that rich blacks have privilege over me and I don't care...they made their way, they deserve what they have........

Sell your defeatist, democrat party racism to biden voters who will happily allow idiots like you ruin their lives and the lives of their children with your slavery means anything today crap....
What would I ask Oprah or those other black billionaires? What do you think they would say?

Of the nearly 3,000 billionaires in the world, only 14 are Black. That’s fewer than 1 percent. Of those 14, only two are women. Eight are Americans.

And sorry but we don't measure how our county is doing or ask Billionaires what's fair or right. Do you think billionaires should rule? Do you think what they think should be made law? Of course you do. You're a brainwashed house slave.

And being a billionaire today isn't that big of a deal like it used to be. Also, most of these black billionaires have 1 or 5 billion dollars where the real wealthy white people have 900 billion.

It's like saying "look how much Lebron James makes" not realizing he works for an owner who makes 10x what he makes.

Like I said, most people at least admit being black hurts a little and being white helps a little. You won't even admit that? You're in the very small minority goober. doesn't......tell that shit to Oprah, P.Diddy, or any of the millionaire and billionaire black entrepenuers.............slavery is the great excuse for allowing democrats to destroy black Americans today.....

I do not deny that rich blacks have privilege over me and I don't care...they made their way, they deserve what they have........

Sell your defeatist, democrat party racism to biden voters who will happily allow idiots like you ruin their lives and the lives of their children with your slavery means anything today crap....
No one said blacks can't make it in America. It's just harder for them than it is you white boy.
This is obvious if you just open your eyes...the left uses race as a sword and a shield. They attack anyone who disagrees with them by calling them racists......when their policies fail, they call the people calling out those policies racist....

They use race to keep blacks from leaving the democrat party, accusing the republicans of the very things that the democrats are actually doing....

They claim to be studying Whites who are LESS BIASED. The assumption is that White liberals are not biased against Black people, while their research shows exactly the opposite as we shall see. The researchers are liberal, know that liberals are good, and therefore liberals are not the biased ones. Conservatives, who behave the same with both Whites and minorities, are the genuinely biased ones.

In other words, Democrats talk down to Black and Hispanic people, while Republicans do not.

Republicans treat their audiences of whatever race the same, and with the same basic respect for their intelligence and ability to reason.

Hmmm. Who is “less biased?”

What about in work settings? Perhaps liberal politicians treat minorities as if they were children, but the average liberal treats their Black colleagues just the same as their White colleagues?

Nope, they too assume that Blacks are stupid.

Hmm. Patronizing? Why would anybody assume that treating people as if they are stupid and incompetent is patronizing?
Do you see what they are doing here? Liberals treat minorities as if they are clumsy children because they want to be liked. They are just super nice people, that’s all.

Conservatives, those meanies, treat everybody the same, proving that they hate minorities and are a bunch of White supremacists. If they were truly good people they would treat Black people like children, as liberals do. Or something.

Quick question.

How many black members of Congress are Republicans, and how many are Democrats?

Hint: Black Americans 117th Congress
Quick question.

How many black members of Congress are Republicans, and how many are Democrats?

Hint: Black Americans 117th Congress

Doesn't matter....that black americans belong to the party of slavery and racism is a reflection on them and the education system....which is controlled by the democrat party......

The democrat party controls the cities where young black men die in the 10s of thousands every single year....where black children can't read, write or do math....where generational poverty and crime are the norm.....and they continue to vote for democrats.....that reflects on them and their judgment.....

Republicans offer them an escape.....they offer them education, freedom, and a chance for a future....if they refuse that, to belong to the party that owned their ancestors....that really is bad for them..
No one said blacks can't make it in America. It's just harder for them than it is you white boy.

Only because they vote and belong to the democrat party.... a party with the vested interest in keeping them poor, uneducated and trapped....

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